my Kestrel Runabout has no singularity meter
i found an pretty old thread via google about the singularity meter disappearing and tried all the suggestions in there multiple times but nothing seemed to help.
yes i've tried resetting, defaulting loading, saving, moving everything around in the UI switching to and from different ships etc, etc. i didn't just hit "hide" by accident and its not lurking behind some other ui element. i have been very thorough.
it's just not there any more on a Kestrel.
i also found mention of the Kestrel singularity meter "not working properly" in another old thread but it was a bit vague tbh.
i've tested all my other singularity ships and the meter works fine on those...but with the Kestrel it's just gone...which is more than a little galling as i just bought some stuff to pimp it a little including a fancy singularity to buff Quantum Absorption and the shields

i know it worked fiine at one point because for one thing i was using it during levelling my Romulan...and Quantum Absorption came in mighty handy at times...
...and my stand by ride (a Delta Flyer with Reman shields) for some reason now shows ugly textures errors where the normally grey borg-ish "circuitry" parts of the ships skin show up as completely black "empty texture" like errors (maybe some kind of transparency problem ?) when the Reman shields are in effect...
please Cryptic help me pimp my ride

these are the only two i have and they are both bugged now

PS any chance we might see a "blue" plasma beam sometime ? how about some new shuttle weapons ? just a suggestion...
So from what I've seen, this is primarily a bug with displaying the UI element...