I'm not completely sure if it is a bug but it's better to be safe than sorry so...
Does anyone else had their EC... reduced?
I went from 800.000-900.000 EC to not much more than 75.000 EC this morning
I mean, I bought some stuff this morning at around 2-3 o'clock (CET).
But I am pretty sure that I haven't blown out around
800.000 EC, that wouldn't even have been possible with the limited Inventory Space as I was only buying Battlefield Supplies (Large Shield Charges etc.)...
Would be nice if someone could look into it
Oh and btw. it would be nice to have some sort of... List were you could see your last 10 Transactions (be it EC, Dil or Zen).
Have a nice day!
ELITE STF SPEED RECORDS (time on optional remaining):
S07: KASE: 12:54 | CSE: 13:20 | ISE: 12:38 All held personally, my POV
LOR: KASE: 13:19 | CSE: 13:47 | ISE: 13:34 None held personally, other player's POV
S08: coming soon
Just the Standard Vendor UI with no particular Sorting...