made sure it was NOT highlighted and still nothing, and also tried just putting new ones on top cudnt even move them from skill menu. a clear all skills from trays click on is what we need lol
Branflakes bud, how is it that the borked exchange listings ( yes, they're still screwed up ) and the fact that consumables somehow dissapear from my hot bar in space when i use them and must be unequipped and reequipped before they can be reslotted arent known issues?
I mean my aux to bat ships are absolutely hamstringed with this battery bug and the quartermasters that cost me 50 dollars worth of game currency are absolutely worthless.
I mean id understand (i guess) if they werent fixed yet but they didnt even make the known issues list?
one more week. 'n i'm out. lol.
not a big issue lol give them time to sort everything out, bet after the week if they dont fix it u will still play itlol
made sure it was NOT highlighted and still nothing, and also tried just putting new ones on top cudnt even move them from skill menu. a clear all skills from trays click on is what we need lol
not a big issue lol give them time to sort everything out, bet after the week if they dont fix it u will still play itlol
Brandon =/\=