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AFK Penalty?



  • simeion1simeion1 Member Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Here is the problem. The AFK penalty is not public and in my opinion it should not be. But I an guess there are a few triggers.

    1. Not moving off of spawn in a certain amount of time.
    2. Not having ten percent of total damage done.
    3. Hitting a side of the map and not getting rid of the warning.
    4. Healing, this could offset option 2 to help heal boats and tanks

    Some you did tripped the AFK penalty now was it justified maybe not, but I would rather have the system in place rather than not having one. There might even be bugs that has to be fixed or conditions tuned in.

    Here is anther option and I don't think this is really anyone that would post in the forums. Most players don't know each other and we have no idea that any of us might be a consistent AFKer. Then we make a post because now we have to work at it. Like I said most likely this is not any of you because forum posters are usually are serious players.
  • sohtohsohtoh Member Posts: 620 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    methos71 wrote: »
    So Mr. Johnny Law, using your ridiculous analogy, you mind telling me why I was given a ticket for speeding, when I wasn't speeding?

    It's a fool who blindly obeys authority, without question, when they've been falsely penalized for an infraction they never committed to begin with.

    You wouldn't by chance be from Cuba or North Korea? They've a tendency to incarcerate and punish there without rhyme nor reason after all. The old Soviet Union, in crafting that 'ol 20th century authoritarian communist mold, during their October Revolution of 1917, made it a priority to "kill all the lawyers", so they could get away with not having to tell people why they might have been shipped off to a gulag in Siberia.

    I was neither going AFK nor was I leeching. Hence I shouldn't have been penalized, which is why I've been droning on and on about this broken AFK Penalty system.

    I'm sorry, Methos, but you are not be very constructive here. The screenshot you posted only shows that you were in the mission, not the level of your involvement. As suggested, a video or combat log would provide much better evidence. Now while this could prove difficult to obtain, as you would have to get flagged AFK without really trying; it really is the best method.

    Not every rule, regulation, or law is clearly defined for a reason. If they were, perpetrators would find ways to circumvent them. It already happens here in the United States with some tax laws. Another good example is former President Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky affair. It was quite obvious he was guilty, but because his legal team demanded that the court narrowly define what sexual relations meant, he was able to get away with perjury. And that isn't an analogy, just an example.

    In your own statement, you said it is a fool who blindly obeys without question. Would it not be foolish for Cryptic/PWE to just accept your word? The "I didn't do it" defense never has held up without evidence or witnesses.
    "I'm not big on telepaths myself. I'm not big on guns either. But if everyone else has them, I want to make sure I can get my hands on the biggest one I can."
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I don't think the OP is an AFKer. I've encountered him in an STF before. He wasn't AFK...he was just bad. As he described, he got teamed with a rampage crew that stomped everything flat, likely before he could get in much participation. This was reported when the penalty got snuck into Azure, and people who fired shots, but not often enough for the game's tastes, because Azure has both shooting and non-shooting activities, got dinged. This is why Azure is no longer included on the list. The OP is essentially being dinged as AFK for sucking, which is unfair.

    Unfortunately, at the extreme ends of the spectrum, it is nigh-impossible for the system to distinguish between a player who is intentionally leeching, and a player who is simply awful. What's worse, even if you aren't awful, if you're flying something like a healboat, and your function is rendered superfluous, you won't get to do any damage because you're a healboat, and you won't get to heal anyone because no one needed it. You will then get dinged as AFK.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    IMO, if it needs fixed, then it should get fixed.

    Removed completely? No way.

    Sounds to me that the best thing to do (if you're queuing) is to run the combat log. That's the kind of evidence the Devs need to make corrections in the system.
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  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    um, no. The rules are posted, the rules say that if you go AFK or leech you will be punished, they don't need to say how the rules are enforced. If you are speeding on the highway and get caught in a speed trap, you can't say, "I'm sorry officer, but I didn't see any signs saying this was a speed trap." Yes they are required to tell you it is illegal to speed, but they don't have to warn you where they are going to be watching for speeders. The exact criteria are kept secret to keep people from finding ways around the rules. If they posted signs pointing out speed traps, then the police wouldn't catch any speeders because people will just slow down around the speed traps.

    Actually, the "exact criteria", are in no way hidden in your example. The criteria would be "speed in excess of x", where x is the current speed limit for that stretch of road.

    However, I too, have been "caught by real life", and had to go AFK for about 3-5 minutes in an STF, on two separate occasions, yet I did NOT get nailed by this penalty, unlike the original poster did. One, I came back to find out I was blown up (so that may have triggered the "you're doing something", but the other, I had parked in CSE, and before leaving, had been destroying probes, and came back to see it was still shooting at that same probe (sue me, my MU Vo'Quv is weak on direct fire....). But on neither occasion did I get any kind of penalty, other than maybe, dropping a bit in whatever rank scheme the STF final drop measurement uses to assign rewards. (And of course, while I was gone, any loot drops whizzed by without me even hitting any of the buttons, so I don't know what I even missed, lol)
    And before someone says, "Well, you left you SHOULD get penalized", like some have already posted, I'd love for you to be playing AD&D (traditional style), have to run to the bathroom, or answer the door, and come back to find the DM tore up your character sheet, and told you "Well, sorry, you died because some orc jumped out of nowhere, and yet your character stood their like a fool and let him kill you, and you're going to have to wait til next game session, to make a new character" (aka leecher/afk penalty). Or the game you were playing, and paused, while you attended to whatever, unpaused, made you lose, and then wiped out your save game, thus forcing you to start ALL OVER in that game.
    Leechers ARE a blight on this game, and need to be stopped. But having to attend to real life for a few minutes, well, RL happens, and I don't know about anyone else, BUT I don't think that someone should get screwed for missing 3-5 minutes of a mission, even in a team environment.
    But overall, I can excuse someone who's out for a few minutes, and then comes back and picks back up and helps. The ones I can't stand, are the ones who contribute so little (like maybe they kill one thing at most, and then run away for the rest of the match, yet hit need on all drops) or contribute nothing at all, yet again, leech. Also the one's I really despise, are the ones who do these things, yet are screaming "NOOB! YOU'RE ALL NOOBS!" like they're some sort of god. Bad enough they're leeching, but I have to put up with an insane attitude on top of that is just really disgusting.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
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  • confedinblueconfedinblue Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I think the best solution to AFK would be to allow friendly fire. You see a player ship sitting around doing nothing--you should be allowed to blow it up.

    I hadn't really noticed anyone going AFK (been too busy blowing things up) , but last night I when played Azure neb, I noticed one ship that I kept passing sitting around doing nothing. Made me want to blow it up. I hope it got the AFK penalty.

    methos71 might have gotten the penalty due to a bug in the system. That's where providing logs and/or video of the event to the support team would be important--it would give them something to figure out what went wrong and get it fixed.

    The rules are clear--no AFK. What isn't so clear is exactly what defines AFK? Is it not touching the keyboard for 30 seconds? or what?

    Is protecting us from leachers and cheats the reason for not telling us? Doubtful--anyone determined to cheat like that will figure it out and figure out how to beat it--then we'd be left with the cheats knowing how to beat the system while the rest of us are left wondering why we're getting hit with the penalty while the cheats aren't. It's more likely that Cryptic simply didn't think about giving a clear definition--an oversight, perhaps.

    And siding with methos71, if you were away from your keyboard to answer a phone call--then you deserved the penalty, no matter how important that call was. It's just a part of life, and if the same happened to me, I'd just shrug my shoulders and move on--it's only for 2 hours, anyhow, and it's not as if PvE and PvP are the only things in the game.

    I believe methos71 probably got a false positive--getting dinged despite not being AFK, but it could very well be due to a bug in the software, or perhaps the definition for AFK is slightly too strict (maybe for 30 seconds, while his ship was travelling to the next destination, his hands were off the keyboard). But as I stated above--that's where providing video and/or logs of the event would help resolve the issue--instead of just griping about it.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The issue is even if you contributed which we are assuming made you eligible for the loot reward, it only takes a few short mins (roughly 3-5) for the game to mark you as afk if it defines you are in its definition inactive. As it marks you as afk it will apparently imply the punishment as such.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • leescottyleescotty Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    It's the same thing every time a new rep project comes out you get the afk'ers, it happened so many times while I was running the azure neb that I grew to expect only 3 or 4 people actually doing something and not just sitting there the whole time.
    I think they should extend the afk ban further and if you get marked aft 5 times you are then banned from all public pve queues for a week so while you will still be able to do private pve queues people would soon find out who the true aft crowd is and not join them and if they continue to go afk in public queues they will forever be on a ban for doing so leaving only the real players to actually play and enjoy themselfs
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    People just needing on loot seem to get around the system by needing items.

    Maybe it should measure damage dealt, healing dealt?
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    azniadeet wrote: »
    I was just running the mirror event, and jumped to grab a phone call as the mission started. Yes, I was AFK for a few minutes, but I came back and finished the mission. I definitely contributed to the team- if just a little late.

    The rest of the team has to carry on while you are away. In elite ground STFs, going away for even a few minutes impedes the rest of the team, possibly stopping all progress, maybe even missing the objective. Especially if you have to carry a few inexperienced players.

    In all the threads regarding the AFK discussion problem, I never saw it mentioned that there should be levels of AFK and lesser penalties as such. Not even once. Every post was resolute, DO SOMETHING.

    So now they have. Live and learn I say.

    If you have to go AFK during a teamed mission due to legitimate real life concerns, leave the mission. Do your teammates a favor and let them get a ready replacement. The game obviously has no way of making exceptions once you go AFK.

    And why should it? I can imagine that some unscrupulous players might exploit that too, by going AFK for a good portion of the mission only to return for whatever the game considers the bare minimum of active participation.
    I also agree that we shouldn't get disclosure on the details for this exact reason.

  • captainpugwash1captainpugwash1 Member Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Im not sure how it works but the server has crashed on me a few times and i have had to log back in from windows which takes a while but i have not had a 2 hour ban,,,,yet,,,?????
  • mynamesthedoctormynamesthedoctor Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    That may be by design as not to punish people who have the game legitimately crash on them during gameplay, through no intention of their own. Why should they be punished for something beyond their control? :) Just a guess, but that may be the devs thinking on situations like the one you described.
  • qthephysicistqthephysicist Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I came in here looking for what this afk ban was and found this thread. in my case, my net went down right when i had entered an stf and so i was logged off the game. when i came back, i had this 2-hour penalty. I guess the game doesn't know the difference between a total disconnect and being afk?:mad:
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I came in here looking for what this afk ban was and found this thread. in my case, my net went down right when i had entered an stf and so i was logged off the game. when i came back, i had this 2-hour penalty. I guess the game doesn't know the difference between a total disconnect and being afk?:mad:

    Okay, that's genuinely something to report as a bug. Usually when I see someone DC in an STF the game lets them back in.
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  • torsten1009torsten1009 Member Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited December 2013

    is the AFK-penalty working as intended? Yesterday somebody wrote (translated to english):
    I just did an STF with some beginners/noobs, now I've got 2 hours cooldown on everything. How is that possible?

    Those beginners/noobs did about 20k DPS each, the person that asked the question above was doing about 900 DPS.

    I think the AFK-penalty-script got him and wanted to see "a little bit more" from him. That's almost like the epic autoban-script fail.

    Can you imagine the trolling that could happen on public queues now? Simply get a team of 3 or 4 people with some skills and DPS, shoot everything before the "PUG" comes into range - you are done, the low-DPS from the public queue gets the afk-penalty.

    I know, people have asked to give them a little challenge again, but did you need to give them the ability to temporarily ban people from PvE-Queues? Does every "Noob"/beginner/PUG has to learn to deal damage now?
    If Star Trek Online was an Open-Source (GPL) Game, we would have a low-grind fork.
  • czertik123czertik123 Member Posts: 1,122 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    well, i think it is COMPLETLY fair. It realy depends on dps disparity (well if in 5 man team you do less than 5% of dps..then it is surely something wrong with YOU - anyone know exact numbers?)
    And this afk penalty IIRC is only on ELITE missions, so you dont want to risk to get afk penalty ? even if you actively particiape from 1s ? dont run elite missions, only normal ones, here you dont find "dps specialists" so chance for afk penalty is absolutely 0.
    even in elite with my universal ship i sometimes get to 3rd place...with my "TRIBBLE pride" setup, very weak compared to "full dps single damage specialits". Well i least i tried to get here full mk11 modules/wepons and using comon sense in setup.
  • ruminate00ruminate00 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    If you're only doing 900 DPS, why are you in elite STFs?
    And how does 20k DPS equal beginner/noob, but 900 DPS doesn't?
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    900 DPS, that's less than my carrier pets. I don't want noobs to have AFK penalty while they are playing, but seriously, 900 DPS is barely more than AFK.
    Just set 100weapon level, any kind of green MK XI weapons, autofire, and you'll probably have more than 900DPS. I don't know how you can have such a low DPS at lvl50, other than not shooting/using very low gear.
  • jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I would have thought even someone in a new ship with all white standard gear and the barest knowledge of BOff powers could do more than 900dps.

    It's... like that player is trying on purpose to suck hard, like he/she expects the game to just blow a hot load of rewards down his/her throat for doing the best job at sucking he/she can.
  • syndonaisyndonai Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Its all lies, really. The AFK'ers are just whinging because they're trying to find a way around the new system.

    Peacekeeper High Command
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  • john98837john98837 Member Posts: 761 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    See now its tempting for me to grab 3 other 20k+ guys and start running the public queues just to see what will happen. No must be good, must be good.
  • rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    syndonai wrote: »
    Its all lies, really. The AFK'ers are just whinging because they're trying to find a way around the new system.

    This ^

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  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Based on the OP (Post #50 after thread merge), it sounds to me like the one he quoted got exactly what he deserved.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
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  • fraghul2000fraghul2000 Member Posts: 1,590 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Well, not convinced it always worked. Just come out of an instance of The Breach where some idiot in an obelisk sat pretty much the whole mission out.

    I've had something like that happen to me, too. AFKer in ISE, never fired a single shot, didn't do anything other than roll "need" on items. I then met the same guy, with the same ship in "Storming the Spire (elite)" about 15 minutes later.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I think I more or less predicted this when the AFK penalty was still in the works. The STO forums would have threads exactly like this where people would complain about "false positives" that simply weren't.

    There's no incentive to tell the public that you were -- in fact, AFKing during a mission.

    You have everything to lose and nothing to gain by doing so.

    If you go onto the forums and say you weren't AFKing but were hit with a "false positive", then you at least make a gamble that players will support you based on "Cryptic bad!" if nothing else.

    Fortunately, there seem to be a lot more players who are not so gullible. Everything seems to point that the system is working relatively fine at the very least -- it's certainly not doing any more harm than before the AFK penalty was implemented.

    What are the odds that people are getting hit with false positives vs. people actually trying to exploit the system, getting caught, and lying about it?
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Read my signature in yellow OP, and tell that to the complainer!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • esthariusestharius Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I have a feeling it is damge dealt/taken. I was running Mirror event just a bit ago and when I did my usual thing and broke from the fleet to upload the virus to each of the satellites before sneaking in from behind to hit the MU fleet from behind is when the message popped up. I wonder if this mechanic needs to be revisited because while it's only an optional objective I was still completing an objective.
  • ruminate00ruminate00 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    estharius wrote: »
    I have a feeling it is damge dealt/taken. I was running Mirror event just a bit ago and when I did my usual thing and broke from the fleet to upload the virus to each of the satellites before sneaking in from behind to hit the MU fleet from behind is when the message popped up. I wonder if this mechanic needs to be revisited because while it's only an optional objective I was still completing an objective.

    Events that have the afk penalty, as per the patch notes:

    Atmosphere Assault
    Breaking the Planet
    Colony Invasion
    Crystalline Cataclysm
    Defend Rh'ihho Station
    Federation Fleet Alert
    Federation Starbase Blockade
    Federation Starbase Incursion
    Gorn Minefield
    Hive Onslaught
    Infected: The Conduit
    Infected: Manus
    Into the Hive
    Khitomer in Stasis
    Khitomer Vortex
    Klingon Scout Force
    Mine Trap
    No Win Scenario
    Nukara Prime
    Starbase 24
    Starbase Fleet Defense
    The Big Dig
    The Cure Applied
    The Cure Found
    The Vault: Ensnared
    Vault Shuttle Event

    Events that do not have the afk penalty:

    Azure Nebula Rescue
    Mirror Invasion
    Elachi Alert
    The Breach
    Storming the Spire
  • ruminate00ruminate00 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Hm - missed that 'The Breach' doesn't have it. Pretty stupid considering what a long, laborious, mission it is.

    Yea, well, now you know why theres so many afkers in that mission. :(
  • shizashane#4465 shizashane Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Its not all dps I stay by and healed the starbase the entire game during a fleet defense. no afk. I did how ever experience some heavy lag one time and was torn between leaving the game and getting a penalty or trying to work through it. so I tried to stay and fight but the lag pushed me away and I received an afk. It could of been the players or not IDK for the most part it seems to be working as intended but has a few flaws.
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