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Reasons why canon ships should be made more relevant.



  • rustiswordzrustiswordz Member Posts: 824 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Further more.

    What needs to be done is to give us advanced versions that are viable. Like that Galaxy variant with the fancy skin. But give us proper consoles and competitive abilities to go with it. Then if we want to use the old skin so be it.

    The Armitage is a good example, nice modern skin, good consoles and abilities, yet we can still use the old skin if we wish.
    Monkey see, Monkey do. Monkey flings Feathered Monkey poo... :D
  • cptlankfordcptlankford Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I was thinking about this issue further since my last post and I think I have come up with a way to solve the issue. Create Odyssey style variants of all starship classes, or at least most of them. Yes this would clutter up a few things but that is what people want most I think. I hear tons of complaints across the forums about "...this ship needs this..." and "... that ship isn't viable for my planned build..." etc. I don't think it would be that much trouble to duplicate various ships and assign different BOFF and console layouts to said duplicates.

    Also each ship I feel should have at least one universal BOFF station but that's just my opinion...

    Many ships would be a heck of a lot more useful with more build options available instead of trying to shoehorn players into builds that suite the general idea of the ship in the dev's eyes.

    Oh and personally... the avenger is a garbage scow... :p
  • johnnymo1johnnymo1 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    While I agree that classic ships are going to be old at this point in the timeline, they are also a major reason a lot of players have joined the game. Many ships have been the top of the line in their time. When the Enterprise was refitted for the first movie, it could have been classified as a battleship. It was even referred to as a battleship in the adaptation of the movie to the book. The Defiant class is definitely a battleship. One of the best ships in the game at the endgame level is the Excelsior class ship, The fleet version being arguably the best cruiser in the game.
    I would love to see my favorite ships stay as the ultimate endgame monster I can solo anything instant win ship, but its not going to happen. I would like to see some kind of re-fit system, where enhancements and improvements such as more hull points, more consoles, higher rank bridge officer slots, and more weapon slots. This would make the older ships still usable, but make a vice admiral have to use up some of their resources to do so.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    talonxv wrote: »
    Blue Geek has hit it on the head. Many of the earlier C-store ships are victims of power creep. It's just the way of the world.

    Describes this game rather well.....
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    Watched that a few times. Wish gaming developers would pay attention it.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited November 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »
    I have a suspicion that the Devs will be looking at some kind of ship upgrade system at some point. I further expect that there will be a limitation on which ships can be upgraded, and how.

    The ships they've built since the Odyssey seem to me to be "about right" and further power creep will be counter-productive.

    There are two things they could do to the older ships that would be reasonably effective without causing too many problems.

    First, adjust Bridge Officer stations to meet the current standards where appropriate.

    Second, address console layouts somehow.

    Rather than mucking around with adding console slots, I would propose the idea of "upgraded" consoles (or engines/cores/shields) that are tailored to specific ships and that address some of the shortcomings of that ship.

    For example...

    One of the major issues of the Galaxy class is poor turn rate and sluggish handling. Another issue is that they tend to feel "outgunned".

    So what if they had something like a "Galaxy Warp Core Mod" engineering console? It would reflect the kinds of modifications somebody like a Geordi LaForge would do to a ship over time to address her shortcomings.

    It could have a passive bonus to engine power, reduce the power drain of energy weapons (or phasers specifically), and include an active power that temporarily increased the turn rate.

    Or, as an alternative idea, they could introduce ship-themed sets where the set bonuses offset the normal shortcomings of the ship. For a Galaxy, it could be a three piece Deflector, Engine and Warp Core set.

    I am with blue. However, I don't believe the devs will actually make it happen. Their track record is pretty poor so far. I say enjoy what you have and have fun. PvP has long since become the domain of lockbox ships, consoles and premades. I play it still but it is nearly dead. PvE on the other hand is a joke and can be done in virtually any ship.

    Canon ships are never going to be fixed unless people stop buying the new and shiny wares.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OK to the point.

    Canon ships in this game are woefully underpowered and totally sidelined. I understand fully that Cryptic is a business, you need to keep the game relevant and fresh with new content and ideas. That's how you make money, that's how this game survives and is thriving.

    However why do you think many of us come here. That's right, the canon ships. I've never heard of the Avenger or the Obelisk or the Regent. I came hear because of the TV shows. Enterprise, Next Gen, TOS, Voyager, DS9 etc plus the movies.

    Well actually to play devils advocate, no they shouldn't be made better, and here's why.

    These ships are 30 years old by the time STO comes on. I understand the appeal, but realistically after 30 years most of the "canon" ships are getting a bit old, the technology they've been built with has been surpassed, and the only reason they're not in mothballs is simply because of the Klingon War and the Borg invasion.

    Lets be honest, the majority of the so-called "canon" ships were designed if not built before the Dominion War and the Borg Invasion. Those two major events alone would force starfleet to improve their technology base up, or die.
    Gal X: superphaser cooldown too long, half it, and make the phaser accx2.

    And you killed your arguement with this line right here. You were doing well, until you tried to say the Gal X was a canon ship, and not a one off ship that appeared in one episode in an alternate universe, and never, ever showed up again.

    You now pretty much just religated your post from a "everyone wants to play canon ships" to "Whaaa... make my Galaxy better" post we've got hundreds of already.
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited November 2013
    This argument is total bullox. The excelsior is 100+ years old and the D'kyr is even older. You have toons flying in constitution class ships ... even if it is only tier I and II.

    "Not quite. The Republic's an old ship -- I don't think she's left the Terran System in fifty years" - "Valiant" - DS9

    Cryptic pissed over canon without having the decency to call it rain.

    Now that they sold all the classic ships that they could it is time to bring on the lock box ships and twilight zone c-store vessels.

    ladymyajha wrote: »
    Well actually to play devils advocate, no they shouldn't be made better, and here's why.

    These ships are 30 years old by the time STO comes on. I understand the appeal, but realistically after 30 years most of the "canon" ships are getting a bit old, the technology they've been built with has been surpassed, and the only reason they're not in mothballs is simply because of the Klingon War and the Borg invasion.

    Lets be honest, the majority of the so-called "canon" ships were designed if not built before the Dominion War and the Borg Invasion. Those two major events alone would force starfleet to improve their technology base up, or die.

    And you killed your arguement with this line right here. You were doing well, until you tried to say the Gal X was a canon ship, and not a one off ship that appeared in one episode in an alternate universe, and never, ever showed up again.

    You now pretty much just religated your post from a "everyone wants to play canon ships" to "Whaaa... make my Galaxy better" post we've got hundreds of already.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • mirrorshatnermirrorshatner Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Canon ships should be more competitive and not outclassed by whatever the latest lockbox ship is.

    After all, they are spending whatever amount to use the Star Trek licence, and they recently doubled down on the licence by hiring Michael Dorn to reprise his Worf role. On top of Crosby and Nimoy.

    The fact is, you lease an IP licence, whether it Star Trek (or Star Wars, or anything else), it's counter-intuitive to relegate the heroes of the show to mediocre.

    In the show, the ship plays a starring role alongside Shatner/Stewart/Brooks/Mulgrew/Bakula. Having the iconic ships being ineffective/mediocre just doesn't align with having the use of the IP (Star Trek) licence.
  • aceseacese Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    As I recall Kirk's Enterprise was well over 20 years old when he took command. Including a refit it flew as the flagship of the fleet for another 20 years. I would not be surprised in less famous conny were the same plus another couple of decades on non front line duty.

    Aircraft or not a good example, not that there are still not many many 1960-70s Cessna still flying around today, ships are a better one but still not the same. It was not uncommon in Star Trek for ships to be used over a century.

    All that being said I think we have several ships that feel Trek, just the power creep issues have hindered them.
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited November 2013
    Canon ships should be more competitive and not outclassed by whatever the latest lockbox ship is.

    After all, they are spending whatever amount to use the Star Trek licence, and they recently doubled down on the licence by hiring Michael Dorn to reprise his Worf role. On top of Crosby and Nimoy.

    The fact is, you lease an IP licence, whether it Star Trek (or Star Wars, or anything else), it's counter-intuitive to relegate the heroes of the show to mediocre.

    In the show, the ship plays a starring role alongside Shatner/Stewart/Brooks/Mulgrew/Bakula. Having the iconic ships being ineffective/mediocre just doesn't align with having the use of the IP (Star Trek) licence.

    +1 Internet for this intelligent post. Too bad all the kiddies are busy dreaming of playing "dress up the dino" to actually listen.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • lordagamemnonb5lordagamemnonb5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    stf65 wrote: »
    The time line needs to be just as relevant as the ship. In this time line the canon ships are old. The galaxy class is nearly 50 years old and the intrepid and defiant nearly 40. Even the sovereign is 35 years old. They are not top tier ships any more as new technology has replaced them. No one would have watched tng and thought it made any sense if the movie constitution were still being used 70 years later by picard and his crew yet that is what everyone demands in this game.

    The problem with star trek is that its stagnated by some fans who cannot let go of what was popular 25 years ago. The universe is never going to move forward if you guys cannot let go of galaxy and defiants and tos constitutions and accept that things need to progress just like our real world progresses. You guys would not want to give up your iphone 5 for a 30 year old motorola dynatac 8000x so let go of this constant need to pretend you are still living in 1986, or 1966.

    The NX-class and Somraw Raptors are in the game; these render your argument invalid.
    How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
    Star Trek: The Original Grind
    Star Trek: The Next Grind
    Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
    Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
  • stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The NX-class and Somraw Raptors are in the game; these render your argument invalid.
    I cannot comment on the somraw as I am not that familiar with its canon history. The nx is specifically designated as a 'replica ship' with in the game canon. It is a new ship using 25th century technology built to look like the original ship. Even using 25th century technology the best the ship can achieve is tier 1.
  • stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    acese wrote: »
    As I recall Kirk's Enterprise was well over 20 years old when he took command. Including a refit it flew as the flagship of the fleet for another 20 years.
    Just as a matter of record, the first Enterprise to be called a flagship was the galaxy in tng. Prior to that there is no reference of any other enterprise being starfleet's flagship.

    I would also point out that by 2285, 12 years after the refit for tmp, the Enterprise is serving as an academy training vessel. We have no canon reference to tell us if it has been a training vessel for 1 year or 12; perhaps having been removed from active duty after v'ger.
  • tyrannyfighter22tyrannyfighter22 Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    stf65 wrote: »
    No one gives a TRIBBLE about how things work in the modern day aircraft. We have a clear progression in canon: nx, to constitution, to constitution refit, to excelsior, to ambassador, to galaxy, to sovereign. Intermixed in all of that is the intrepid, defiant, promethius, and all the rest. Picard was not flying around in a refit constitution in the 24th century. Even his crappy ship was a constellation class.

    You guys need to get over your fanboy fantasies and start dealing with the concept of this setting: the 25th century. Just as I would not have wanted to see any constitutions flying around in tng I don't want to see any flying around in sto. The game's era has progressed and the technology has progressed with it. It is a new setting with new ships. Stop screaming for all the old TRIBBLE to be as good, if not better, then the new stuff.

    Wow. Does it make you feel good about yourself to call people fanboys? This comment above literally destroys your credibility on ANYTHING. That was a jerk comment that was in no way helpful to the conversation. So you are such an authority on gaming and sto that you believe you can rudely tell people to "get over their fantasies"? You are aware that the entire star trek universe is made up right? Ill be sure to put you on ignore and or disregard everything you say on these forums in the future. No video game is going to make people get over the ships used in the shows. Until another show comes out that makes the newer ships more popular its not going to change. Again, who the hell are you to tell people what they should and shouldnt like?
  • stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Wow. Does it make you feel good about yourself to call people fanboys?
    Yes, when people beg and demand for things that have no reason to be in this game's time line it does make me feel good. And since fanboy is not a banned word I can use it freely, as do the dozens of other people who use it on the forum regularly.
  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The NX-class and Somraw Raptors are in the game; these render your argument invalid.

    The NX is a tier 1 ship, that's basically put in for the fanboys and fangirls of Enterprise. It is in no way competative and to bring this into par we may as well delve into the t5 Connie arguement, that does NOT need to be brought up here. It's certainly not relavent past your first 5 hours (if that) of game play.

    As to Raptors and Birds of Prey of the Klingon and Romulan Empires. The Kligons were, even in canon, known to use ships until they couldn't be used any more ie totally obliterated. The Romulans would put most of their old ships into reserve status and use them for things like Remans and other client races. So having old stye Birds of Prey and Raptors and such actually isn't relavent since Klingons and Romulans were known to hang on to ship designs long past when the Federation would have relegated them to scrap.

    So my original premise stands, if we're talking canon. The Federation "canon" ships would have been mostly relegated to inter-Federation space ferrying parts between starbases. Klingons and Romulans would still be using them, especially if the Romulans lost quite a bit of their fleet in the Hobus disaster.

    As to "Cryptic pissing over canon" this is true, and there's no out-of-canon reason to not update them, except most kiddies want new shiny ships.
  • aceseacese Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    stf65 wrote: »
    Just as a matter of record, the first Enterprise to be called a flagship was the galaxy in tng. Prior to that there is no reference of any other enterprise being starfleet's flagship.

    I would also point out that by 2285, 12 years after the refit for tmp, the Enterprise is serving as an academy training vessel. We have no canon reference to tell us if it has been a training vessel for 1 year or 12; perhaps having been removed from active duty after v'ger.

    I think you are correct, given the Lexington had commodore Wesley in command it would have been the flagship (at least for some point in time). Also given Kirk broke regs far too often for the brass back home they may have had issues with this...
  • stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    acese wrote: »
    I think you are correct, given the Lexington had commodore Wesley in command it would have been the flagship (at least for some point in time). Also given Kirk broke regs far too often for the brass back home they may have had issues with this...
    Prior to tng starfleet seems to follow the standard military concept of flagships: when a group of ships worked together one was designated the flagship and was in command of the armada. There were probably times when Kirk and the Enterprise were the flagship of any particular armada, as long as there were no officers of higher rank in the armada.

    With tng Gene seems to have changed the standard definition. In tng the Enterprise D was the flagship of the entire Federation: it functioned as a symbol for the Federation and what it stood for. But even as the flagship, and the hero ship, there seemed to be enough admirals flying around in starships in tng that some of those admiral's ships would have been the flagship were they in an armada with the Enterprise. The admiral giving Picard orders would not be taking orders from Picard were they in the same armada.
  • mirrorshatnermirrorshatner Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    stf65 wrote: »
    Prior to tng starfleet seems to follow the standard military concept of flagships: when a group of ships worked together one was designated the flagship and was in command of the armada. There were probably times when Kirk and the Enterprise were the flagship of any particular armada, as long as there were no officers of higher rank in the armada.

    With tng Gene seems to have changed the standard definition. In tng the Enterprise D was the flagship of the entire Federation: it functioned as a symbol for the Federation and what it stood for. But even as the flagship, and the hero ship, there seemed to be enough admirals flying around in starships in tng that some of those admiral's ships would have been the flagship were they in an armada with the Enterprise. The admiral giving Picard orders would not be taking orders from Picard were they in the same armada.

    The depiction in The Ultimate Computer indicates there were no permanent "flagships" at the time of TOS. All Constitution Class cruisers were identical and one was picked to be the guinea pig.
  • johnnymo1johnnymo1 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I think the entire flagship discussion revolves around the name of the ship more than anything. It didn't hurt that the Enterprise D was from the newest and most advanced ship class in the fleet. The Yamato, her sister ship was clearly launched before the Enterprise was. The lore behind the name of the ship must have played a part in the ship being named the flagship.
    The first 20 pages and foreword of the novelization of TMP written by Gene Roddenberry not only explained why Kirk was promoted, why Spock and McCoy left Starfleet, but why it was important to refit the Enterprise. Enterprise was the only one of the dozen Constitution class ships to finish its 5 year mission. It became a symbol of the success of Starfleet. Kirk was essentially forced to take the promotion so he would be safe, and serve as a symbol. It was similar to how the crew of the Memphis Belle was sent around the United States after they finished their tour over Germany in WWII, they were a success story and a recruiting tool. The Enterprise b had a lackluster service in the fleet, but the Enterprise C played a large role in the Klingon/Federation alliance. Add in the role Archer's Enterprise played in the birth of the Federation and you have the name and legacy to give the Enterprise D some added weight when sent into situations biased on name recognition.
  • mirrorshatnermirrorshatner Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    stf65 wrote: »
    I cannot comment on the somraw as I am not that familiar with its canon history. The nx is specifically designated as a 'replica ship' with in the game canon. It is a new ship using 25th century technology built to look like the original ship. Even using 25th century technology the best the ship can achieve is tier 1.

    So the simple logical solution is to launch new "Sovereign" and "Galaxy" replicas that have the technology of the Avenger. There's no way the size of the profile can't "fit" the technology.
  • sirboulevardsirboulevard Member Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Just gonna add my two cents in here.

    1) Some canon max level ships do need a boost, notably the Intrepid. That really can't be argued. On the other hand, several canon ships are absolutely great at max level. Fleet Sovereign and Ambassador are TNG and Lost Era ships that do great at max level.

    2) The Gal-X is already under going a bit of a revamp if you've been keeping up on the dev interviews (last I heard the Saucer Sep addition was being held up by the updated saucer seperation art because its clipping through the third nacelle). But it's never gonna be the best ship ever because...

    3) The Galaxy-class has a reputation for being a ship that was designed for peace time. Do you remember the Enterprise-D? It was a ship that carried civillians and children on a front line exploration expedition while having lots of creature comforts. I've heard more than one reviewer (and even a few of the writers!) criticized the Enterprise-D over having these features. The fact is the Galaxy is meant to protect it's civillian population, not be a warship. It was a ship designed to show off how peaceful the Federation was in an era where the Klingons were our friends, the Romulans leaving us alone and the Cardie border wars having been ended. Not two years into the Ent-D's life cycle and suddenly we meet the Borg, and a year and a half later, Wolf 359 made the Feddies completely change how they designed ships, starting by introducing the Defiant-class. The Galaxy was a ship made for showing ideals not for DPS.

    TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
  • stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So the simple logical solution is to launch new "Sovereign" and "Galaxy" replicas that have the technology of the Avenger. There's no way the size of the profile can't "fit" the technology.
    Why would you need to launch a sovereign replica? The fleet sovereign is already one of the best tacitcal cruisers in the game, on par with the excelsior and avenger.
  • gonjaagonjaa Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    stf65 wrote: »
    Why would you need to launch a sovereign replica? The fleet sovereign is already one of the best tacitcal cruisers in the game, on par with the excelsior and avenger.

    Agreed. I prefer the Sovy to the Avenger. I haven't flown an Exclesior to compare though
  • raahzielraahziel Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    PetaQ! I love my cannons! Its fun / challenging trying to keep my nose pointed at the hordes of honour-less dogs!
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    twg042370 wrote: »
    The TV ships are only better than the rest because they were manned by the heroes. Other ships of the class had a much higher rate of exploding.

    perhaps the factional ships need to give a Heroes buff per rank that gets better as one ranks up?
    Say, a bonus in hit points or damage or somesuch.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'm so waiting for the Fleet Galaxy-X which will be announced at the same time as the TNG bundle in Dev Blog 22. I'm absolutely sure of it. And it will have its Phaser Lance cd drastically reduced, get a Lt. commander universal and another tactical console slot. :D
  • aceseacese Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    stf65 wrote: »
    Prior to tng starfleet seems to follow the standard military concept of flagships: when a group of ships worked together one was designated the flagship and was in command of the armada. There were probably times when Kirk and the Enterprise were the flagship of any particular armada, as long as there were no officers of higher rank in the armada.

    With tng Gene seems to have changed the standard definition. In tng the Enterprise D was the flagship of the entire Federation: it functioned as a symbol for the Federation and what it stood for. But even as the flagship, and the hero ship, there seemed to be enough admirals flying around in starships in tng that some of those admiral's ships would have been the flagship were they in an armada with the Enterprise. The admiral giving Picard orders would not be taking orders from Picard were they in the same armada.

    Well during this era the got rid of the comadore rank or fleet captain rank as well. Much like the current navy battle groups have RAs in command now.

    I do agree that canon ships are why a lot of people play, and the power creep has hurt some of those. They need a little buff or perhaps they should not have appeared at T4 given the game end game structure?
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited November 2013
    Fans spend money

    Fans want there ships not something that doesnt even look like a star trek ship

    poor sales on these unstar trek ships might ring a bell in some heads

    Fans wont spend a lot of cash on something that has the stats of a flying junker

    bonk bonk bonk Hello McFly !!!!!!!!!!!

    make mk-2 versions of the classics and piut them on sale in the zen store


    Keep your revenue down trying to force feed ( stuff ) on us fans we clearly do not want

    While denying us what we do want

    End of Line
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
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