So I've noticed for a while now that when I fire my DHCs and turrets on my fleet avenger(using 4 DHCs and 3 turrets) sometimes they all stop fireing and when I look at my weapons slots when that happens I see there's like a 7-15 sec cooldown on all of my cannons which prevents me from shooting untill the cooldown wears off.
Now I've also noticed that this bugg mostly occours when I'm playing Starbase 24 and shooting hoards of klingon ships.
Does anybody know why this happens? This has never happened on my escort.
I have seen this happen but it was just for like about 3 to 5 sec atleast but they need to check just incase.
But the way i have seen it is that each cannon shoots once each but sometime when you dont have any tac boff abbilty on after the 3 shots there would be a delay then they would be another 3 shots from the cannons.
"Hordes of klingon ships" brings to mind boarding parties, have you tried tactical team against it?
Stasis beam from the cruisers also comes to mind.
I think hevach is correct. Boarding Parties can add time to weapon cooldowns, and in Starbase 24, there are a lot of Negh'Vars there to spam Boarding Party.
But the way i have seen it is that each cannon shoots once each but sometime when you dont have any tac boff abbilty on after the 3 shots there would be a delay then they would be another 3 shots from the cannons.
Not too sure if it was helpful but i tryed.
Stasis beam from the cruisers also comes to mind.
I think hevach is correct. Boarding Parties can add time to weapon cooldowns, and in Starbase 24, there are a lot of Negh'Vars there to spam Boarding Party.