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Season 8 Dev Blog #10



  • xiaoping88xiaoping88 Member Posts: 1,493 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    captaind3 wrote: »
    Curious enough this is not logical. I haven't gone on Tribble as I hate spoilers, but a civilization that could actually harness Omega would have no need to build a Dyson's sphere, which has a primary objective of harnessing all the power of a star. Unless they needed a star to stabilize Omega, though Voyager proved that's not a necessity. But Omega molecules produce way more power than stars do.

    Well no, there is an exception, if they needed it for the living space. But in that case they really wouldn't need to have a galaxy spanning empire. A single Dyson's Sphere could provide living space for the entire Federation hundreds of times over.

    If Cryptic has decided to make this Iconian or one of their subject races then it's really illogical. The Iconian civilization was stopped dead in its tracks when somebody firebombed their home world. That's canon. It doesn't make sense for them to have their capitol that vulnerable when they have access to Dyson's Sphere technology. Nobody is fire bombing a Carbon Neutronium Dyson's Sphere with any hope of defeating it.

    Just let the story progress. Maybe there is more about the Iconians then we thought.
    I surely could come up with explanations for the stuff you mentioned. Maybe far fetched explanations, but explanations nonetheless. It's Star Trek. You can explain almost everything if you try to.

    Maybe the Dyson Sphere really has another function then just providing living space.
    Maybe the Iconians are a transdimensional Empire and what we know as Iconia and Iconian space was only a beach head into this universe, and they used the builders of that Dyson Sphere to set up a second beach head there - one that isn't as vulnerable as a simple planet. Maybe the Sphere was already there when the Iconians gave them Omega to power... something of an Iconian design.
    Maybe, maybe, maybe.

    What if they are thinking in really great spans of time and 200 000 years between their attemps to conquer the Milkey Way and (by extension) the cosmos isn't a big deal for them? Or they aren't thinking linear at all, like the Prophets.

    Might be a cosmicist thing. They might think different. I surely would appreciate if they live up to the eldritch horror they were sometimes hinted to be.
    Reality is an illusion.
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  • goku5030goku5030 Member Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    blitzy4 wrote: »
    It's not that much of an upgrade; and extra Eng console and some hull and shields.

    Don't shoot his joy down rofl... he likes it let him enjoy his moments its the first fleet ship for Atox :D...
  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    captaind3 wrote: »
    Curious enough this is not logical. I haven't gone on Tribble as I hate spoilers, but a civilization that could actually harness Omega would have no need to build a Dyson's sphere, which has a primary objective of harnessing all the power of a star. Unless they needed a star to stabilize Omega, though Voyager proved that's not a necessity. But Omega molecules produce way more power than stars do.

    Well no, there is an exception, if they needed it for the living space. But in that case they really wouldn't need to have a galaxy spanning empire. A single Dyson's Sphere could provide living space for the entire Federation hundreds of times over.

    It's possible they're not using the sphere to stabilize the Omega molecules for power generation, but for research, due to their relationship with the conditions at the instant of the big bang. If that were the case, the sphere would have come first, built for space and power generation, and the omega molecules created at some point later, taking advantage of the sphere's immense energy surplus to attempt what simply isn't safe to do on a planet.

    It's also possible that at some point after constructing the sphere, its inhabitants set about on a project with energy demands that exceeded their star's output and required an even greater energy source. It's conceivable they had already been pursuing this goal when they built the sphere, using it as a safe stepping stone to an Omega power source. However, considering the sphere really seems to have been built for general comfort of living I don't think it was simply a means to an end, but an end itself.
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    hevach wrote: »
    It's possible they're not using the sphere to stabilize the Omega molecules for power generation, but for research, due to their relationship with the conditions at the instant of the big bang. If that were the case, the sphere would have come first, built for space and power generation, and the omega molecules created at some point later, taking advantage of the sphere's immense energy surplus to attempt what simply isn't safe to do on a planet.

    It's also possible that at some point after constructing the sphere, its inhabitants set about on a project with energy demands that exceeded their star's output and required an even greater energy source. It's conceivable they had already been pursuing this goal when they built the sphere, using it as a safe stepping stone to an Omega power source. However, considering the sphere really seems to have been built for general comfort of living I don't think it was simply a means to an end, but an end itself.

    It could be the Iconians built the Dyson Sphere after the destruction of Iconia, and have maintained it, and see no reason to abandon it (effectively, it now serves as their species homeworld in a LARGE sense.) :eek:;)

    It's also pretty clear the [Redacted] item in contention is one (or more) large, space-based Iconian Gateways that allow starships to travel back and forth to the Delta Quadrant (and the Sphere) pretty much instantaneously.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • xiaoping88xiaoping88 Member Posts: 1,493 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Don't know where to put it, but: I WANT that new loading screen as a wallpaper asap! Brandon? :rolleyes:
    Reality is an illusion.
    The universe is a hologram.
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  • gorngonzollagorngonzolla Member Posts: 172 Cryptic Developer
    edited October 2013
    The Mk12 consoles are T3 (and there aren't lower marks available)

    This isn't entirely true. It is true that the Spire only has Mk12 tactical consoles, but it should be noted that there are critical severity consoles at T2 and critical hit consoles at T3.
    Q: Will it be possible to beam to the Ground Adventure Zone and/or Space Adventure Zone from within our Fleet Spire Holding?

    At the time of writing this, you'll be able to beam from the Spire to the Allied Sphere Space Adventure Zone and you'll be able to transport from two of the Space Adventure Zones (Allied and Contested) to the Battle Zone.
    Is there gonna be any dilithium to Earn in this sphere?

    These names getting ridiculous lol. Soon we'll get Elite Fleet Ar'Kif Advanced Heavy Tactical Prototype Escort Carrier Warbird Retrofit

    Don't forget about the Elite Fleet Ar'Kif Advanced Heavy {REDACTED} Tactical Prototype Escort Carrier Warbird Retrofit {REDACTED}

    ...that's a joke by the way :P Have we taken the {REDACTED} thing too far? (SPOILERS: NO.)
    Quick question: will the...

    -Fleet Peghqu? Heavy Destroyer* (KDF Only)
    -Fleet Chimera Heavy Destroyer* (Starfleet Only)
    -Fleet Daeinos Heavy Destroyer* (Romulan Republic Only)
    -Fleet Kar'fi Battle Carrier (KDF Only)
    -Fleet Caitian Atrox Carrier (Starfleet Only)
    -Fleet Ar'Kif Tactical Carrier Warbird Retrofit (Romulan Republic Only)

    ...receive a Fleet Ship Module discount for purchasing the non-Fleet version from the C-Store?

    Correct! The Veteran Heavy Destroyers have a 1 fleet module cost. While the Fleet Kar'fi, Atrox and Ar'kif will receive the standard fleet module discount if you own the C-store Tier 5 version.
    So are we not allowed to say that the redacted is just the obelisk carrier?

    I don't know what you're talking about...

    Phil "Gorngonzolla" Zeleski
  • mwhitakermwhitaker Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    This thread is superb. I now know why the Spanish word for editor is "refactor", the Sphere REAKS of Halo's Shield World's, such as Requiem, and hey look. Some more people agreeing that it COULD be Iconian. We DONT have a solid answer as the who bult the behemoth, but it's clear that they were one of the most advanced civilizations in the galaxy, since they built successfully such a collosal structure with stable Omega-harness nodes. I think the aesthetics are going to help lead to some of a better idea as to where this Sphere came from.
    "The Borg - party-poopers of the galaxy" ~ The Doctor
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Girgon you should have said {SPOILERS: Redacted} instead of no.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • gorngonzollagorngonzolla Member Posts: 172 Cryptic Developer
    edited October 2013
    westx211 wrote: »
    Girgon you should have said {SPOILERS: Redacted} instead of no.

    I think I need to hire someone to make my forum jokes for me...
  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I think I need to hire someone to make my forum jokes for me...

    You shouldve said you were going to give a major spoiler and just as your about to give the spoiler REDACTED :D
  • brigadooombrigadooom Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Have we taken the {REDACTED} thing too far? (SPOILERS: {REDACTED}.)

    That makes much more sense now!
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    xiaoping88 wrote: »
    Just let the story progress. Maybe there is more about the Iconians then we thought.
    I surely could come up with explanations for the stuff you mentioned. Maybe far fetched explanations, but explanations nonetheless. It's Star Trek. You can explain almost everything if you try to.

    Maybe the Dyson Sphere really has another function then just providing living space.
    Maybe the Iconians are a transdimensional Empire and what we know as Iconia and Iconian space was only a beach head into this universe, and they used the builders of that Dyson Sphere to set up a second beach head there - one that isn't as vulnerable as a simple planet. Maybe the Sphere was already there when the Iconians gave them Omega to power... something of an Iconian design.
    Maybe, maybe, maybe.

    What if they are thinking in really great spans of time and 200 000 years between their attemps to conquer the Milkey Way and (by extension) the cosmos isn't a big deal for them? Or they aren't thinking linear at all, like the Prophets.

    Might be a cosmicist thing. They might think different. I surely would appreciate if they live up to the eldritch horror they were sometimes hinted to be.
    I hear you. Though I prefer them being mortal thank you. I hate dealing with Omnipotents. You heard me, stay off my ship Q. All of you.

    I thought the transdimensional empire thing was Tholian territory (and idea which I adore by the way, why conquer more space when you can just use the same space across dimensions). But it also sounds a little sphere builderish. The idea that the Iconians came across the people who built these things afterwards is plausible, though I ask you, who's more advanced, someone that can use Omega molecules, or someone who can build with Carbon Neutronium on a Dyson's Shell scale? This thing would laugh off a Doomsday Machine.

    That said the Iconians having a different way of thinking would work. I'm always wondering why now? Is it just because Hakeev called them back with the Hobus Supernova? Were they actually off conquering some other dimension and didn't realize that their empire collapsed? No that's not it we saw them evacuating. What was their relationship with the TKon? We know that the Iconians were galaxy spanning. The TKon existed about 600,000 years ago while the Iconians "ended" 200,000 years ago.

    The TKon are able to move entire star systems, and use planets as outposts (which I assume means that whole planets were their equivalent of starbases.) Now if they weren't allies then the fact that the TKon star going supernova may indicate that the Iconians did it a'la Hobus. If they were contemporaries then perhaps they were allies. Lastly if the TKon preceded the Iconians wholly, then perhaps their advanced transportation technology is in fact the basis by which the Iconians developed their own gateways.

    It could be the Iconians built the Dyson Sphere after the destruction of Iconia, and have maintained it, and see no reason to abandon it (effectively, it now serves as their species homeworld in a LARGE sense.) :eek:;)

    It's also pretty clear the [Redacted] item in contention is one (or more) large, space-based Iconian Gateways that allow starships to travel back and forth to the Delta Quadrant (and the Sphere) pretty much instantaneously.
    But there still aren't Iconians in the sphere, it's been hijacked by us and the Voth.

    And clearly the B]REDACTED[/B is some sort of Iconian Gateway. Or maybe a reverse engineered conduit ;).

    I'm fascinated that we're also getting a transwarp transporter too though.

    I wanna see the forums continue to refer to it as the {REDACTED} even after we know what it is.
    mwhitaker wrote: »
    This thread is superb. I now know why the Spanish word for editor is "refactor", the Sphere REAKS of Halo's Shield World's, such as Requiem, and hey look. Some more people agreeing that it COULD be Iconian. We DONT have a solid answer as the who bult the behemoth, but it's clear that they were one of the most advanced civilizations in the galaxy, since they built successfully such a collosal structure with stable Omega-harness nodes. I think the aesthetics are going to help lead to some of a better idea as to where this Sphere came from.

    Obviously. Even the Voth are after this tech. The Dyson's Sphere civilization is easily in contention for top technological dog in the Milky Way. Even the kelvans don't come close. The fact that the Borg haven't assimilated this thing is obvious testimony.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    captaind3 wrote: »
    I hear you. Though I prefer them being mortal thank you. I hate dealing with Omnipotents. You heard me, stay off my ship Q. All of you.

    I thought the transdimensional empire thing was Tholian territory (and idea which I adore by the way, why conquer more space when you can just use the same space across dimensions). But it also sounds a little sphere builderish. The idea that the Iconians came across the people who built these things afterwards is plausible, though I ask you, who's more advanced, someone that can use Omega molecules, or someone who can build with Carbon Neutronium on a Dyson's Shell scale? This thing would laugh off a Doomsday Machine.

    That said the Iconians having a different way of thinking would work. I'm always wondering why now? Is it just because Hakeev called them back with the Hobus Supernova? Were they actually off conquering some other dimension and didn't realize that their empire collapsed? No that's not it we saw them evacuating. What was their relationship with the TKon? We know that the Iconians were galaxy spanning. The TKon existed about 600,000 years ago while the Iconians "ended" 200,000 years ago.

    The TKon are able to move entire star systems, and use planets as outposts (which I assume means that whole planets were their equivalent of starbases.) Now if they weren't allies then the fact that the TKon star going supernova may indicate that the Iconians did it a'la Hobus. If they were contemporaries then perhaps they were allies. Lastly if the TKon preceded the Iconians wholly, then perhaps their advanced transportation technology is in fact the basis by which the Iconians developed their own gateways.
    Yes, I am very curious to see how Cryptic has done this plot. This sort of thing definitely reminds me of the T'Kon all right. And yeah, it is very suspicious that Hobus and the T'Kon disaster are the same thing.... Coincidence? not likely.

    And for even more fun speculation fuel: The [redacted] that you fight in the ground adventure zone are NOT Voth!
    My character Tsin'xing
  • xiaoping88xiaoping88 Member Posts: 1,493 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    @ captaind3:

    Fair points, all of them. And good questions.

    Concerning who is/was more advanced, the Dyson Sphere Builders or the Iconians: as mentioned earlier, there are hints on Tribble (it seems!) indicating that the builders revered the Iconians as their Gods.

    But maybe they had degenerated by then. Because... if the people who built the Sphere would see the Iconians as Gods even at the height of their own power, one could ask... how are we supposed to fight the Iconians? And why do they need to play us against each other?

    Yeah, maybe they really do think differently. But we should have at least a fighting chance. People powerful enough to make Dyson Sphere architects consider them Gods sound a bit toooooooo powerful.
    Reality is an illusion.
    The universe is a hologram.
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  • mikeward1701mikeward1701 Member Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Wow this thread's got more ████████ than an NSA report.

    Brandon, you need to add the [ spoiler ] tag to the forums lol.
    Fleet Admiral Ward
    Commander, Starfleet Corps of Engineers • 7th Fleet
    Commanding Officer, U.S.S. HEART OF OAK • NX-1759-B • Odyssey class Star Cruiser ( Lexington Tactical Configuration)
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  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Yes, I am very curious to see how Cryptic has done this plot. This sort of thing definitely reminds me of the T'Kon all right. And yeah, it is very suspicious that Hobus and the T'Kon disaster are the same thing.... Coincidence? not likely.

    And for even more fun speculation fuel: The [redacted] that you fight in the ground adventure zone are NOT Voth!

    Not the Voth...not the Elachi? Then????

    Ahhhh...the games afoot eh?
    xiaoping88 wrote: »
    @ captaind3:

    Fair points, all of them. And good questions.

    Concerning who is/was more advanced, the Dyson Sphere Builders or the Iconians: as mentioned earlier, there are hints on Tribble (it seems!) indicating that the builders revered the Iconians as their Gods.

    But maybe they had degenerated by then. Because... if the people who built the Sphere would see the Iconians as Gods even at the height of their own power, one could ask... how are we supposed to fight the Iconians? And why do they need to play us against each other?

    Yeah, maybe they really do think differently. But we should have at least a fighting chance. People powerful enough to make Dyson Sphere architects consider them Gods sound a bit toooooooo powerful.

    EXACTLY! You see, you and me, we're here (eye to eye motion). If the Iconians are any more than a century ahead of us we're gonna get curbstomped. Heck they're already a concern, look what they did to Sela. That was a Scimitar class Warbird that snatched up like a newborn bird from the nest.

    I guess it could be that the Iconians want intel or want to know who would make good slaves. Or that they have a technological edge, but have pitiful numbers, which would also explain why they're operating through the Elachi.

    But we may be over worrying. After all divinity has been played with in this universe. The Founders are "gods" but they're combat-able. Maybe successful brain washing. I'm getting hungry for all of this [REDACTED] [REDACTED] information. Eight days and counting people and the games begin.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I think I need to hire someone to make my forum jokes for me...

    I have a very fair hourly rate.
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • blitzy4blitzy4 Member Posts: 839 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    goku5030 wrote: »
    Don't shoot his joy down rofl... he likes it let him enjoy his moments its the first fleet ship for Atox :D...

    I like mine too, but for a fleet module, I dunno if its worth it. My old one works fine.
    "..and like children playing after sunset, we were surrounded by darkness." -Ruri Hoshino

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    captaind3 wrote: »

    Not the Voth...not the Elachi? Then????

    Ahhhh...the games afoot eh?
    Don't get me wrong, MOST of the enemies are Voth, most...
    My character Tsin'xing
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