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Are We Ever Going to See an Improved/More Responsive UI?



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    amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Also, the whole BOFF seating deselect bug has cropped up again since LoR was introduced too.
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
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    freedumb4evafreedumb4eva Member Posts: 269
    edited October 2013
    There needs to be a proper queueing system for activating abilities, if this is entirely by design.

    I should not, as a captain, have to say to my bridge officer, activate tactical team, emergency power to shields *nothing* emergency power to shields *nothing* *tactical team activates* emergency power to shields *ept:s activates*

    This is frustrating, annoying, and takes away at least 50% of my enjoyment in the gameplay experience.

    If this was designed to combat single button activation of multiple abilities, then it has accomplished that goal. However, it has also created a problem where trying to activate abilities in clutch situations becomes tedious. Buffing up for a spike damage run is also tedious and takes nearly three times longer than it should.

    If it worked, for instance.... as such:

    *click tactical team* *click emergency power to shields* *click attack pattern alpha*
    after 1s tactical team activates, after 2s emergency power to shields activates, after 3s attack pattern alpha activates.

    I would be fine with this!!!

    Instead we have (this is click or key press it does not matter:)

    *click tactical team* *click emergency power to shields* *click attack pattern alpha*
    after 1s tactical team activates, emergency power to shields blinks and goes white again *nothing happens,* attack pattern alpha doesn't even register. *click emergency power to shields again* *click attack pattern alpha* after 1s emergency power to shields activates, attack pattern alpha blinks and goes white *nothing happens.*

    This is just absurd given that quite a few games have ability queueing systems for these situations.

    How many people are even working on this game? I hate to sound like a jerk, but I mean it's been like this for years without improvement. Meanwhile, they have attacked ways to make profits from many different angles. Improve the product!!!

    I have been around during the time when people could activate multiple abilities with a single button press. On this issue I would just like to state that those people who understood the macro system well enough to accomplish this task, (which is NOT difficult, but could be made easier with proper improvement by the dev team,) should be allowed to keep their advantage over other players. I have played many games where KNOWING how to accomplish this sort of thing is tantamount to achieving an advantage in combat. Players who have this knowledge deserve an advantage because the knowledge is not some sort of hack or third party program, it is knowledge of playing the game!

    Does any dev honestly think that this type of implementation to the UI/ability activation has saved the game from ruin or caused less players to leave the game and instead have more players join in playing the game? Is this the case in any way? Wouldn't a more responsive UI and rewarding players who understood the macro system be better for keeping players/making the game more fun for veterans? IMO the benefit of a more responsive UI outweighs any detriment that players would have by activating multiple abilities more quickly.

    Instead of being able to buff for a damage spike run with a single button press, I have to tediously press several buttons, which wastes time on the buff which I first activate. Now on a 15s buff I get maybe 10s of actual usage because I have to wait so long to activate a buff sequence. I still get fully buffed and dish out all of that damage, but what I gain is a hefty amount of frustration while doing so.

    Is this added frustration worth the extra few seconds to activate a buff sequence? I don't understand the logic here.
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    makburemakbure Member Posts: 422 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    eisenw0lf wrote: »
    This. I remember a dev stating a while ago that this is intended to stop people from nonstop hammering buttons, especially in regard to those players who use keybinds and have everything on their spacebar. I don't like it either but Cryptic apparently thinks that this delay supports 'balance' :rolleyes:

    People who have macro keyboards, myself included, will write macros to hammer the said keys for them, so all they have to do is manage a few select situational abilities and fly the ship. Most of the abilities in space and on ground are basic buffs that is wack-a-mole, hit it when it's up. I have a macro doing all this for me.

    The idea that should be adopted is to redesign the abilities - and the combat system if need be - so it eliminates the need for such a macro.
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    captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    eisenw0lf wrote: »
    This. I remember a dev stating a while ago that this is intended to stop people from nonstop hammering buttons, especially in regard to those players who use keybinds and have everything on their spacebar. I don't like it either but Cryptic apparently thinks that this delay supports 'balance' :rolleyes:
    If so then that dev and whoever made the decision was wrong.

    This doesn't support balance at all, it supports abilities that you need misfiring when you need them.

    But... you know... Dinosaurs with Lasers! That's what they care about... not gameplay experience.

    What's wrong with Dinosaurs with lasers? That would be like imagining that the Voth would abandon Earth and not take the zoo with them or any livestock or genetic samples.

    And a genetically engineered and cybernetically augmented T-Rex would be a great field weapon if you could domesticate and control it.
    hachans wrote: »
    It's by design and not lag, and I can see why you find it frustrating but once I learned how it works I improved my style quite a lot.

    What you need to know is that each power has an activation time. This is the time from when you click the button to when the power activates. The activation time is very different from power to power, some engage almost instantly while some takes longer. This applies to both space and ground.

    What you also need to understand is that you can queue up to two different powers. If I activate boarding party I can click emergency power to shields and as soon as the activation timer is done on BP the EPtS will activate. However, if you hit another power in the meantime, it will replace EPtS in the queue.

    Learning how this system works is especially important in ground combat!

    I've only just started to really exploit this, but it's actually gotten tripped up by the misfires in the clutch.

    I think Freedumb4eva has it right.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
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