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No reset in Ker'rat

tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
edited October 2013 in PvP Gameplay
Can you please allow Ker'rat to reset without making all the ships reset as well? You do this in other maps currently. So many good battles are interrupted by map reset.


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  • fonz71fonz71 Member Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    this would be a great thing^^ please make it happen!!

    n'vak is a perfect example of it being possible. :)

    thanks op for this post!!

    hf\kill bad guys
    Don't know why it says i'm an ARC user. i will never use that TRIBBLE Cryptic!
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited October 2013

    And I really do hope they bring back the red fed glitch. At least with that if the zones was full of feds I could swap to KDF side and have fun.

    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • ehrlehnehrlehn Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It would make for a better experience imho.

    Derrick - Fed Eng
  • fonz71fonz71 Member Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    voporak wrote: »

    And I really do hope they bring back the red fed glitch. At least with that if the zones was full of feds I could swap to KDF side and have fun.


    ^ this too please :D i miss voporak support ^^
    Don't know why it says i'm an ARC user. i will never use that TRIBBLE Cryptic!
  • tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Yes ^^ these days there are too many feds without glitching to opposiing side.

  • nagrom7nagrom7 Member Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It could be argued that the reset was a lot of what made Ker'rat, Ker'rat. With all the chaos of everyone resetting in the same place. Although these days since they fixed it, I wont be sad to see it go.
    Harden up Princess
    Looking for an Oceanic fleet? Check out our website:
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    tfomega wrote: »
    Can you please allow Ker'rat to reset without making all the ships reset as well? You do this in other maps currently. So many good battles are interrupted by map reset.


    Do you mean like the adventure zones? Would they have to recreate Ker'rat from scratch to do such a thing? Hrmmm...then again, somewhere down the line - making Ker'rat a Space PvP Persistent Battlezone where the random PvE doohickeys pop up here and there in the zone could be interesting, eh? Kind of like Nimbus...in Space...with PvP.
  • yy911yy911 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Please do this...
  • tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    nagrom7 wrote: »
    It could be argued that the reset was a lot of what made Ker'rat, Ker'rat. With all the chaos of everyone resetting in the same place. Although these days since they fixed it, I wont be sad to see it go.

    yes.. even with the broken spawn points, we'd all spawn next to each other and could continue the fight.. now, the map resets too frequently before we even find each other to fight the good fights!!!

  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Yeah the reset is annoying, but its one of my excuses to go after farmers because they are making the zone reset too fast and disrupting my battles so I'd rather have it stay, lol.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • nebulgamnezarnebulgamnezar Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    if its possible , why the dev never did that befor ! , so yes i suport the idea, many nice battle have been interupted !!!
    [System] Link has been on active duty for 415 days, 23 hours, 9 minutes, 16 seconds.
    [System] Zelda has been on active duty for 126 days, 11 hours, 51 minutes, 48 seconds.

    French Canadian
  • gstamo01gstamo01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Random respawn locations are good. Zone reset is bad. Ker'rat needs to be like N'Vak System, in that it doesn't respawn all players upon mission completion.

    They should also bring back the ability to switch instances, as that is no longer an issue.
    You know Cryptic has Jumped the Proverbial Shark when they introduced Tractor Pulling to Star Trek Online! :D
  • gornstaractor#7412 gornstaractor Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ME Tribble in very much support of this :D There is no place in sto to pvp openly without having to queue. But it is also much more though than this. Us Ker'ratians, as we call ourselves, find it to be a place of comradary between opponents, a place to make friends who can really help you be all you can be in STO. Let's make it a place to be remembered; let's make it a continuous pvp zone, with reset just happening without a load screen. Myself and many others couldn't imagine more for the pvp community. Thank you!
  • atlantraatlantra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I strongly support no reset in Ker'rat. Tired of getting warped killed and people getting saved by reset. Tired of typing then the reset happens. Come on Cryptic. N'vak is okay. Just make the spawns insanely random for Ker'rat. IE: under the cracked moon, or near the green planet.

    Let us have fun non-stop :(
    The dress is gold and white. Over 70% people says so. When viewed from a certain screen angle it appears blue and black. The dress displayed on amazon is a blue and black dress, but it's not the same dress in the picture. If you're seeing blue & black you're slightly colored blind. A normal upright screen = white and gold.
  • rck01rck01 Member Posts: 808 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I oppose removing the reset on the grounds it will undermine my whole PvP strategy. Right now it's all about pissing off as many opposing faction players a possible and then surviving until the reset saves my TRIBBLE. I then rinse/repeat.

    Without reset, I might actually have to stand and fight and...gasp...try to somehow prevail! Where's the fun in that? :(

    On a more serious note, I would *love* to be able to switch sides in order to balance the fight. Nothing more boring that flying around as part of an OP "fed ball" with minimal chance of drawing much fire or scoring solo kills.

  • freedumb4evafreedumb4eva Member Posts: 269
    edited October 2013
    Re-design Kerrat all together please.
  • stoutesstoutes Member Posts: 4,219 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    tfomega wrote: »
    Can you please allow Ker'rat to reset without making all the ships reset as well? You do this in other maps currently. So many good battles are interrupted by map reset.


    voporak wrote: »

    And I really do hope they bring back the red fed glitch. At least with that if the zones was full of feds I could swap to KDF side and have fun.


    I am Stoutes.

    And I agree with these messages.

    maxvitor wrote: »
    Nerf is OP, plz nerf
    That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.

    I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
  • ivantomdisplayivantomdisplay Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Totally agreed with all. Make Kerrat better!

    Humble Kerratians
    [10:49] [Combat (Self)] Your Proton Barrage deals 96581 (43411) Proton(Critical) to Seto.
    Poor soul didnt have time to log out.
  • lean18181818lean18181818 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'm against removing the reset map for the following reasons:

    --- What you people call "great battles", 95% in fact are battles in which the people are acting like cowards to "TRIBBLE off" (like the player rck01 said before) players that are trying to complete their daily missions to get their dilithium and get out of the map.

    So, by not reseting the map, will just make more harder for them to end their dailys...since the cowards will just continue to harass them without a break and a reset, preventing them from completing their missions.

    --- Imagine a situation where there is 15 federations versus 3 or 5 klingons (works for both sides...15 kdf versus 3 fed). Without the map reset, the 3 or 5 klingons that are trying to do their missions there, they could not complete their missions, since most (either fed or kdf) would prevent the minority from get their goals. Do you think that this "great battle" is fair or is cowardice?

    Well, since everybody can see that the situation will get worse for the minority and will allow the majority to be more coward and harass more people without no reason, then i'm against removing the reset map, since there is NO GOOD reason on doing this...

    If you guys wanna make great battles, try to talk between you guys (if the cowards at least know how to talk...) to arrange a place, a pvp zone or whatever...instead of changing a system that is working to prevent abuses and is allowing YOU guys to complete your dailys.

    I support pvp and i like pvp too, i think that STO needs urgently a new approach and a rewrite of the pvp system (since its almost the same, without no changes, since from the beginning, years ago...). But when the changes bring only more cowards to a place that is already full of them...of course that me and alot of other players do not support...

    So please guys, try to create a topic to finnaly add more pvp content, a new pvp approach and a rewrite of the pvp system...instead of trying to fix a gap in a road (by road i mean pvp) that is too old and needs more love right now...
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    How about we move N'Vak to Eta Eridani and open it up to all factions. That way people who prefer the warpout reset (farmers) can go to one, and people who prefer the seamless reset (PvPers) can go to the other.

    Then there could also be faction specific versions in each faction's home sector block.
  • cryox1cryox1 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I totaly agree with the OP request.
    Please no more "saved by reset" survivals.
    Reset ruin one on ones over cracked planetoid.
    Reset ruin effective spawn camping massacres
    Reset waste your precious go down fighting time
    Not good:D
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    --- Imagine a situation where there is 15 federations versus 3 or 5 klingons (works for both sides...15 kdf versus 3 fed). Without the map reset, the 3 or 5 klingons that are trying to do their missions there, they could not complete their missions, since most (either fed or kdf) would prevent the minority from get their goals. Do you think that this "great battle" is fair or is cowardice?
    This is nonsense, since the mission completes at the conclusion of the countdown...regardless of what happens.
  • lean18181818lean18181818 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    How about we move N'Vak to Eta Eridani and open it up to all factions. That way people who prefer the warpout reset (farmers) can go to one, and people who prefer the seamless reset (PvPers) can go to the other.

    Then there could also be faction specific versions in each faction's home sector block.

    Nice man, the best idea that i've seen on this topic until now, its a way better then reset the map...since people that would enter in Ker'rat to pvp wouldnt do the mission (the daily dilithium mission would be moved to N'Vak instead of Ker'rat...) and the reset wouldnt happen.

    And that is what this forum needs, nice ideas to improve the pvp experience...not ideas that do not solve the problem.
  • lean18181818lean18181818 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    This is nonsense, since the mission completes at the conclusion of the countdown...regardless of what happens.

    The mission on Kerrat only completes when the players complete all the requirements for the mission...the 8 scan things plus the 4 destroy nanite things...then starts a 3 minute countdown (i think that is 3 min, dont remember exacly...) for the reset of the map.

    If the players just pvp instead of doing the requirements, the map stays forever until someone complete the requirements.

    And what i was trying to say is that with 15 ships against you alone (or against 3~4 others, and yeah, this happens everyday...), you could take hours (and hours) to complete just one mission, since without the reset of the map, the 15 ships will just stand there waiting to destroy you...the reset of the map forces them to reagroup, while give for the minority a chance to do quickly the mission.
  • tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited October 2013

    So please guys, try to create a topic to finnaly add more pvp content, a new pvp approach and a rewrite of the pvp system...instead of trying to fix a gap in a road (by road i mean pvp) that is too old and needs more love right now...

    seriously.. please scan the entire forums for requests for pvp content over the past 3.5+ years. Then come back here and support a map reset since they are more likely to edit existing maps (as proven a couple months ago) then they are to create new content.

    This request is based on historical patterned behavior by cryptic and therefore is more likely to be approved if enough people ask for it.

  • fonz71fonz71 Member Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'm against removing the reset map for the following reasons:


    1st.... LOL

    2nd.... sets target to lean181818

    Don't know why it says i'm an ARC user. i will never use that TRIBBLE Cryptic!
  • fonz71fonz71 Member Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Nice man, the best idea that i've seen on this topic until now, its a way better then reset the map...since people that would enter in Ker'rat to pvp wouldnt do the mission (the daily dilithium mission would be moved to N'Vak instead of Ker'rat...) and the reset wouldnt happen.

    And that is what this forum needs, nice ideas to improve the pvp experience...not ideas that do not solve the problem.

    you mean like your previous post? no wait nothing constructive there.
    Don't know why it says i'm an ARC user. i will never use that TRIBBLE Cryptic!
  • fonz71fonz71 Member Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    rck01 wrote: »
    I oppose removing the reset on the grounds it will undermine my whole PvP strategy. Right now it's all about pissing off as many opposing faction players a possible and then surviving until the reset saves my TRIBBLE. I then rinse/repeat.

    Without reset, I might actually have to stand and fight and...gasp...try to somehow prevail! Where's the fun in that?

    On a more serious note, I would *love* to be able to switch sides in order to balance the fight. Nothing more boring that flying around as part of an OP "fed ball" with minimal chance of drawing much fire or scoring solo kills.


    you made my afternoon with this post RCK!! :D
    Don't know why it says i'm an ARC user. i will never use that TRIBBLE Cryptic!
  • tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    PvErs get enough love from cryptic.. PvPers, as demonstrated by history, do not.

    This is a small request.. it's awful that PvPers have to beg for something so trivial as we don't get TRIBBLE otherwise.

  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'm against removing the reset map for the following reasons:

    --- What you people call "great battles", 95% in fact are battles in which the people are acting like cowards to "TRIBBLE off" (like the player rck01 said before) players that are trying to complete their daily missions to get their dilithium and get out of the map.

    So, by not reseting the map, will just make more harder for them to end their dailys...since the cowards will just continue to harass them without a break and a reset, preventing them from completing their missions.

    --- Imagine a situation where there is 15 federations versus 3 or 5 klingons (works for both sides...15 kdf versus 3 fed). Without the map reset, the 3 or 5 klingons that are trying to do their missions there, they could not complete their missions, since most (either fed or kdf) would prevent the minority from get their goals. Do you think that this "great battle" is fair or is cowardice?

    Well, since everybody can see that the situation will get worse for the minority and will allow the majority to be more coward and harass more people without no reason, then i'm against removing the reset map, since there is NO GOOD reason on doing this...

    If you guys wanna make great battles, try to talk between you guys (if the cowards at least know how to talk...) to arrange a place, a pvp zone or whatever...instead of changing a system that is working to prevent abuses and is allowing YOU guys to complete your dailys.

    I support pvp and i like pvp too, i think that STO needs urgently a new approach and a rewrite of the pvp system (since its almost the same, without no changes, since from the beginning, years ago...). But when the changes bring only more cowards to a place that is already full of them...of course that me and alot of other players do not support...

    So please guys, try to create a topic to finnaly add more pvp content, a new pvp approach and a rewrite of the pvp system...instead of trying to fix a gap in a road (by road i mean pvp) that is too old and needs more love right now...

    We have a saying... "Welcome to Kerrat."

    It's an open PvPvE zone. If you don't want to deal with the PvPers who are trying to stop you from completing your mission, go somewhere else. Oh, btw, two main KDF dailies are "get killed by feds" or "kill feds". Kerrat is unpredictable, get over it. Don't want the PvP part? Don't come into the PvP zone.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
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