Ok please don't hate me but I liked all the star trek series, each in different ways. Ds9 is my fave and I really like sisko.
I also really liked the 2 jj treks and really enjoyed them, am I a bad person? I was ambivalent bout generations, loved first contact, was ok bout insurrection but quite enjoyed nemises. I will however defend to my last breath that Wrath of Kahn is the best of em all, and loath the final frontier.
Im looking forward to the new season to see how they do it, and quite like the new avenger.
Ive read bout the t5 original series connie debate but I love the t 2 connie a lot more, as there is no chance of a t 5 version of it is it silly to say id happily pay for a skin to put on any cruiser to make it look like a connie.
Yes to more Klingon stuff
Don't care bout the galaxy as it does nothing for me
Power creep is pretty normal in an mmo to generate cash for devs
Like the amount of alien ships around as its nice variation
Why cat I run around in my pants like other mmos? love to see that implemented
How DARE you not hate all the things you are supposed to hate. Tolerance and acceptance have NO place in star trek.
In reality, I've found things to enjoy in all the Star Trek incarnations. There are things to dislike about all of the incarnations as well, but one of the things I learned from Star Trek is to look for the positives and even Star Trek 5 had a few good scenes.
I actually don't 100% agree with some of your personal tastes (although DS9 is becoming my fav Star Trek as I get older), but the great thing about individuality is that we can each have our own tastes and learn to appreciate the viewpoint of others, at least until the borg finally assimilate all of us.
What do you mean, you can't run around in your pants? Have you ever visited a tailor?
Even Orion women can do it. Unless the uniform selection for female Orions is drastically restricted in game from what you can do with it in the Foundry, it is perfectly possible to have an Orion wearing actual clothes. But most gamers are male so they choose to put them in lingerie.
I took a swing at that in "Bait and Switch" with an Orion lady who's a petty officer in Starfleet Intelligence. First time you meet her, she calls the outfit she's in ridiculous. Second time, she's in Starfleet uniform and starts complaining that when she's in Orion gear there's nowhere to hide a concealed weapon and that she's always afraid she's going to have a wardrobe malfunction.
EDIT: Unless you're British and by "pants" you mean "underwear", in which case forget I said anything.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Im a scot so I mean underwear lol I love doin that in mmos, specially turnin up for a group mission in me pants lol.
I actually really like this game, will that make you all hate me?
I also really liked janeway too
I thought Scots liked to feel the breeze up their kilts a bit, so no pants .
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
YOU HAVE AN OPINION THAT IS DIFFERENT THAN MINE?! I will not debate with you logically about it because my mentality dictates that you are now a lesser being than I am! I will resort to personal insults against you and continue to force my opinion, which is right and absolute, on others!
Kirk is my favorite captain. Data is my favorite character. Enterprise is my favorite series. Wrath of Khan and First Contact were the best movies. JJ Abrams made the next generation of fans. Star Trek Online is amazing. George Lucas is a Trekkie. Star Trek is better than Star Wars!
Actually, I'm with you on the Avenger. It reminds me of an old Nelson Class battleship, not gonna win any beauty contests....but it's built for fighting and is very good at it.
Criticism, while never agreeable, is necessary. It is like pain in the body. It brings attention to an unhealthy state of things---Winston Churchill
I actually like the way the Avenger looks, although only with the upswept pylons. It's like a blocker, beefier Connie/Oddy hybrid.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
I actually like the way the Avenger looks, although only with the upswept pylons. It's like a blocker, beefier Connie/Oddy hybrid.
Agreed. :cool:
I caved and spent some left over zen on a fleet version, and the swept up pylons is the look I went with. Not only does it grow on you, it actually looks kinda nice from certian angles.
Criticism, while never agreeable, is necessary. It is like pain in the body. It brings attention to an unhealthy state of things---Winston Churchill
So its ok I thought riker was a bit of an TRIBBLE an doc crusher was better that Diana??? Obviously doc crusher mourning for the newly airlocked wesly was better than dianna lol
As to pants I shall sit here in my own pants instead and my partner is givin me funny looks :eek:
I love everything to do with Trek. Except for the Ferengi, they need wiping out as fast as possible. Starting with that irritating idiot Quark and finishing with orbital bombing Ferenginar into molten slag.
Monkey see, Monkey do. Monkey flings Feathered Monkey poo...
Was also thinking that if theyre revampin the fed intro they could do like the klingon one with a death. Have wes crusher lying dead while Picard and Ryker doma sly high five in the background. Could also have data doin a moonwalk an geordie doin a fist bump that wes aint so clever now lol
My favorite is Voyager, TNG is ok, I never watched Enterprise and as mentioned i hate DS9. It was mostly the actors and how they delivered their lines. The main offender for me was the guy who played Sisko...the way he spoke didnt seem natural. I also hated how they stuck Worf in there partway through. There are a few other minor things with the rest of the cast. As far as story goes i hate how all of the sudden it was Dominion this, Dominion that or Gowron this and Gowron that (his bug eyes didnt help imo). Next thing you know Dominion is threatening the entire federation and Sisko the over actor has to take charge.
With the JJ movies it was ok but i rate it below all the other ST movies and only actually saw the first one JJST. For this one i also disliked how they protrayed the characters. Kirk munching on an apple during the Kobayashi Maru doing his best to be non chalant (this earned a big eye roll from me). Then there is emo-Spock and Uhura the hug machine (though she only does it once :P). What irritated me the most is that Kirk was a Cadet like many others who had to fight the bad guys. But at the end of the movie he gets command of his own starship? (this earned an ever bigger eye roll from me).
I didnt bother watching JJ ST 2 cause i disliked the first one so much, but i came close to buying it. I was walking through Walmart yesterday and i saw it on the shelf. I looked at the cover and what did i see? Kirks face in the middle, Spock right, Uhura left, Shaun of the dead far right in the back, and McCoy far left in the back, and Chekov is...Chekov is...in the movie i guess. My first though is, WTH is Uhura doing up in front of McCoy? did McCoy and Kirk have a big fight before the pic and thats why he is in the back? does Uhura hug more people in this movie then she does in JJST1? did she give Chekov the hug of death? am i over thinking this too much? I did actually think that maybe i was overthinking it, but then i started thinking about how there is a scene with a young Carol Marcus in her underwear. Which a lot of critics and reviewers thought was gratuitous. So putting Zoe Saldana up front probably wasn't an accident.
Was also thinking that if theyre revampin the fed intro they could do like the klingon one with a death. Have wes crusher lying dead while Picard and Ryker doma sly high five in the background. Could also have data doin a moonwalk an geordie doin a fist bump that wes aint so clever now lol
um... we dont go back to the 2360's for the tutorial, none of those characters are serving on the same ship anymore, so WHY would that make any sense?
In reality, I've found things to enjoy in all the Star Trek incarnations. There are things to dislike about all of the incarnations as well, but one of the things I learned from Star Trek is to look for the positives and even Star Trek 5 had a few good scenes.
I actually don't 100% agree with some of your personal tastes (although DS9 is becoming my fav Star Trek as I get older), but the great thing about individuality is that we can each have our own tastes and learn to appreciate the viewpoint of others, at least until the borg finally assimilate all of us.
You can if you play a KDF male Orion.
Even Orion women can do it. Unless the uniform selection for female Orions is drastically restricted in game from what you can do with it in the Foundry, it is perfectly possible to have an Orion wearing actual clothes. But most gamers are male so they choose to put them in lingerie.
I took a swing at that in "Bait and Switch" with an Orion lady who's a petty officer in Starfleet Intelligence. First time you meet her, she calls the outfit she's in ridiculous. Second time, she's in Starfleet uniform and starts complaining that when she's in Orion gear there's nowhere to hide a concealed weapon and that she's always afraid she's going to have a wardrobe malfunction.
EDIT: Unless you're British and by "pants" you mean "underwear", in which case forget I said anything.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
I actually really like this game, will that make you all hate me?
I also really liked janeway too
I thought Scots liked to feel the breeze up their kilts a bit, so no pants
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Same here. Creepy actually...
I support the Star Trek Battles channel.
If it wasn't such a refreshing idea than the usual "DOOM", and " Nerf this - Buff that" threads, I would be disgusted.:D
Oh yeah, and Star Trek V sucked.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
Agreed. :cool:
I caved and spent some left over zen on a fleet version, and the swept up pylons is the look I went with. Not only does it grow on you, it actually looks kinda nice from certian angles.
As to pants I shall sit here in my own pants instead and my partner is givin me funny looks :eek:
My favorite is Voyager, TNG is ok, I never watched Enterprise and as mentioned i hate DS9. It was mostly the actors and how they delivered their lines. The main offender for me was the guy who played Sisko...the way he spoke didnt seem natural. I also hated how they stuck Worf in there partway through. There are a few other minor things with the rest of the cast. As far as story goes i hate how all of the sudden it was Dominion this, Dominion that or Gowron this and Gowron that (his bug eyes didnt help imo). Next thing you know Dominion is threatening the entire federation and Sisko the over actor has to take charge.
With the JJ movies it was ok but i rate it below all the other ST movies and only actually saw the first one JJST. For this one i also disliked how they protrayed the characters. Kirk munching on an apple during the Kobayashi Maru doing his best to be non chalant (this earned a big eye roll from me). Then there is emo-Spock and Uhura the hug machine (though she only does it once :P). What irritated me the most is that Kirk was a Cadet like many others who had to fight the bad guys. But at the end of the movie he gets command of his own starship? (this earned an ever bigger eye roll from me).
I didnt bother watching JJ ST 2 cause i disliked the first one so much, but i came close to buying it. I was walking through Walmart yesterday and i saw it on the shelf. I looked at the cover and what did i see? Kirks face in the middle, Spock right, Uhura left, Shaun of the dead far right in the back, and McCoy far left in the back, and Chekov is...Chekov is...in the movie i guess. My first though is, WTH is Uhura doing up in front of McCoy? did McCoy and Kirk have a big fight before the pic and thats why he is in the back? does Uhura hug more people in this movie then she does in JJST1? did she give Chekov the hug of death? am i over thinking this too much? I did actually think that maybe i was overthinking it, but then i started thinking about how there is a scene with a young Carol Marcus in her underwear. Which a lot of critics and reviewers thought was gratuitous. So putting Zoe Saldana up front probably wasn't an accident.
Sorry, Starfleet has put laws into motion that ban any starfleet personell from showing their chest in public, no matter if they are on duty or not.
the KDF however, dont care much, hence halfnaked gorn and orions all over the place.
um... we dont go back to the 2360's for the tutorial, none of those characters are serving on the same ship anymore, so WHY would that make any sense?
Aside form your obvious hate of Wesley Crusher.
See, JJ trek isn't good... and neither is enterprise or voyager.... DS9 is bad too, and TNG is also bad... and so is TOS.
Of course, I just don't believe any of them and personally I've liked all things trek.