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Caitian Atrox suggestions

ibievacua19ibievacua19 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
edited October 2013 in Federation Discussion
Now, I saved up for this carrier by doing a lot of surveys, which was a pain. But I've really grown fond of the ship. My toon is an engineer, and I've got an inbuilt love of defense (Blastoise>others) so that's how I build her, but I wanted some community feedback from others who know the game better than I do.

I've only been playing about 6 months, I don't PvP, but I'm always after better ways to do things.

As of now, I have the Atrox with the 3 piece Borg XII set (I know it's not the best, but I like regen, and I have a bit of a Borg fetish). I run 3x Nanite disruptors in the front, and 2x Elachi disruptor turrets, and the Borg cutting beam in the back. As for fighters I do either the Advanced Delta Fliers (I like the durability and the tachyon beam is nice) or the Adv. Scorpion fighters.

I know the Atrox is universally reviled as one of the worst carriers, but it was really my only option as a fed captain with no access to Lobi, but I still think it works.

I'd love to hear from other carrier pilots who can make constructive suggestions. If I've left out pertinent information, please let me know, and I'll gladly provide it. Basically I'm asking how I can make this ship better at what she does.

/e salute
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  • caasicamcaasicam Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I normally don't play carriers, though I can tell you this:

    Don't use the Elachi turrets. The proc on the Elachi weapons is dependent on the weapon's base damage to be effective. For example, an Elachi dual beam bank buffed up with Beam: Overloaded procs, the proc makes it so that the damage done by that one DBB goes through the shields and ignored resistance, thus making it pretty potent. However, if the Elachi proc activates on a turret, then you only have that one turret's damage going through shields, which isn't too great.

    Use any other disruptor type instead, doesn't matter what it is, because the other disruptor procs are a separate ability and not linked to the weapon that proc's damage.
  • telbasta7386telbasta7386 Member Posts: 761 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I love my atrox, and stomp on anyone that talks bad about it =P

    She's a very tough ship, too, great for tanking and support. I run 3 tetryon dual beam banks on the front, and two tetryon turrets plus a cutting beam rear. Aegis set over Borg, I prefer the resistance build up and bonus shield power. I typically just use advanced stalkers to keep with the theme - my character is a caitian, after all.

    Then again, the ship is set up almost purely for the crystalline cataclysm alert, and always takes first place there.
  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The problem with the atrox is the serious lack of tactical abilities, and running aux2bat is not going to do many favors at all.

    Seriously, this boff layout is terrible...it's as if the designer wasn't aware of what career's had for abilities

    Here's a build for ya man...
    1marion, 1 warp core engineer, 1 grav scientist that causes aftershock gravity wells. 2 of your choice but I'd recommend damage control doffs

    Elite scorpions are one of the best you get them from t5romulan.

    The s bing grace is the extra hangar, but that boff layout is such a pain
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • mscowboymscowboy Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Here is my Atrox PVE build, which I also use with an Engineer:


    3x projectile doffs, 1x TT conn officer, 1x shield drain Tractor Beam doff

    keep your aux at max with remainder in shields, point yourself at a target, and sit there until it dies. Treat the ship as a siege engine rather than a starship. With full power to healing powers, you'll be able to go head to head with gates and tac cubes while just sitting there, not even utilizing your defense stat. With elite scorpions its very easy to do 10k+ DPS in an STF, and laugh at people who don't know how to set up non-tactical ships. While you're at it, laugh at people who think the Atrox isn't tanky too.

    Also, if you like the build of the guy above me, dump nukara console, switch plasmonic to eng, use 4x PLA consoles (not HuH) for proper plasma damage on a sci heavy ship, and use a transporter doff so you can clear assimilate ship with TSS, since it doesn't have TT.
  • atalossataloss Member Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I understand how you feel about the Atrox. It took me forever to get enough EC to buy the JHDC. Ironiclly, I used my Vesta and Atrox to do farming missions.

    With that being said,...

    1. My only toon is a Engineer. I understand it's a Science ship, but if they had a 5th universal slot, I would take mine out of retirement. Because it's healing abilities (engineer wise) isn't good enough for a ship that can take a pounding.

    2. Because of the two science BOFF, it does help me heal my carrier pets shields a lot. Since I rely on them to boost my DSP, I try to keep my Scorpion Fighters (device slot), Advanced Pergruim fighters and Advanced Delta Flyers alive long enough for 5 stars. Yes it may be pet spamming sometimes, but it works for when I need to go on the offensive.

    3. With my 3/3 weapon slot, I've tried every possible weapon this game has to offer (expect the Borg and Adorian). So far what works the most for me is Plasma OR Phased Tetryon weapons. I've also (before some "special person" decided to buy them out and spike the price) have put the Hargh'peng torpedo in my device slot for extra DPS spike.

    I used the ship for PVE and only did PVP once in a while. I am grateful for my Atrox because it was the next step up from my Vesta (one hangar). Flying the Atrox helped me learn how to manage 3 hangars (if you count my device slot scorpion fighters which I had to hunt down on the battle field to heal them. Cryptic please allow them to have their own carrier command since they are being launched). It also helped me learn how to adjust to flying a carrier. Anyone who's ever flown the vesta and then went to a JHDC will know how challenging it is. It's like driving a Ferrari to work and then getting into a school bus and driving that around all day.
    One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    An atrox is one of many ships that spend most of the time in my hanger doing very little. But I do recommend setting it up as a spam-trox.

    12 elite scorpions each chucking out 12 heavey plasma torpedo's and your own ship pumping out a stedy stream of hyper plasma torpedoes with torpedo doffs is an intimidating thing. Throw in some tractor and plasma mines and your putting out a huge number of deployables.

    An additional benefit of the spam-trox is that you really have no need what so ever for energy weapon damage, so you can pump all your weapons power into science.
  • vavlelvavlel Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013

    I made a drain Athrox on a budget that works alright.
  • atalossataloss Member Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    here's my build (thought it's probably covered in dust somewhere). It has the Jem'Hadar space set and ironiclly, that space set really helps keep my ships crew regenerate faster.

    One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    A couple things with the Atrox.

    1. Do not try to turn this ship into a DPS Carrier. I think alot of people dabbling into Carriers and hop onto the Atrox have this mindset that it must be a battlewagon of doom swirling with scythes of death. And only come out disappointed. The Lt TAC station and 2 TAC Consoles should clue people in on what this ship is not good at, but it still happens.

    2. Atrox is very good on support. In between the good ENG station and very SCI heavy stations, it's quite good in helping your team out, either with heals/repairs or setting targets up with your SCI skills.

    3. A well setup Atrox, even in PVP, is a damn tough nut to crack. The stats in ENG & SCI BOFF stations, alongside the Console slots, enables this quite easily.

    4. Hangar Units: Depends on what you want to do.
    - CC? Advanced Danubes / Yellowstones (Elite). The Tractor Beams are useful in fixing targets, Yellowstones will have Eject Warp Plasma, but do not rely on those. AI is kind of dumb in applying EWP.

    - DPS? Either Adv or Elite Peregrines, Elite Scorpions (Romulan Rep).

    - Support? The Shield Units are available. Use them on yourself or have them take care of a teammate in keeping their shield healthy.

    5. If you can, get the "Wing Commander" trait, which can be found from the Exchange. It basically levels up your hangar units much more quickly. With higher levels, they perform better. Very good in getting the robust shuttles like Danubes even tougher, very crucial in levelling up your replacement fighters so they perform better. Fighters are very quick to die, and the sooner you replace them and bring their levels up, the better.
  • davidwforddavidwford Member Posts: 1,836 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The problem with all of the Altrox bashers are that they are trying to make a support ship something it's not. It is NOT an escort, and anyone who complains about its DPS and turn rate is flying the wrong ship. It was never meant to be a major damage punisher. It was always meant to be in more of a support role than even the Klingon Carrier for which its stats were taken, but with the consoles and BOFF slots swapped around.

    My advice: Ignore those Negative Nancy's and only pay attention to those who do have feedback other than "don't fly it-ever".
  • khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Go Maximum Drain with the Atrox, and hopefully you're an Engineer. That helps alleviate the power issues the Atrox has, and allows you to take advantage of all those Sci slots.

    Between TR3, rotating ES2, polaron procs, TargSubX, yellowstones, you'll have the target postrated before you no matter how many insulators they reasonably would slot.

    "Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.

    Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!

    Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
  • unboundinfernounboundinferno Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    A Borg-inspired Atrox? Well, this is what comes to mind for me:

    The Borg set, all 3 parts. That is important in this.
    Elite Fleet Hyper-Charged Warp Core, [Coil] [A->E] [WCap] [AMP] [SSS]
    Omega Torpedo, Romulan Hyper-Plasma, Dual Beam Bank fore
    2x Turrets rear and Kinetic Cutting Beam aft

    One Fleet RCS +AllRes, Zero-Point and Assimilated Console in Engineering
    4x Fleet Particle Generators +Threat +Plas proc
    2x Energy Weap[on boosts (depends if you want Atrox Tetryon style or Borg Plasma really, but I'd argue Disruptors honestly)

    Tac Team I, Torp High-Yield II
    EP>Weapons I, Aux2Damp, EP>Shields III
    Hazard Emit I, Tractor Beam II, Transfer Shield III, Gravity Well III
    Hazard Emit I, Tractor Beam Repulsors I, Transfer Shield III

    Weapons 50
    Shields 50
    Engines 25
    Aux 75

    2x Con Officers (recharge)
    2x Damage Control (EP>Sub recharges)
    Gravametric Scientist (Aftershock Grav Wells or recharge, your pick)

    Skills in Particle Gen, Grav Gen, Flow Capacitors along with weapon specializations for Energy and projectile along with Threat gen.

    Acting mainly as a support, tanking the damage away from the team and containing enemies to death by plasma deathballs and warp core breaches with excessive spamming of Grav Wells. Use of Tractors for containment and abusing the Particle Gen boosts for the Assimilated Tractor of death with the Kenetic beam - that thing will hurt like hell.

    TBR is a defensive perk as I've found good timed use in PvE can save you from all sorts of trouble. Aux2Damp is used for Hull resistance and ability to turn the Atrox to get the firing arcs in line - however it could be replaced with either Aux2SIF heal or RSP for the shields.

    The two Damage Control DOFFs doesn't make it perfect defensively, but it should let the EP Subsystem cycle frequently enough to keep the two EP subsystems damn near global. The main idea is to have the Shields III and something else I to keep at least three power systems above 75 for the AMP boost to amplify damage - helps if you have good Battery skill on that. I'd lean on Weapons to irk damage out, but Aux could be good to boost those higher, or Engines for mobility - however little reason to double Shields with a pair of TSS to back it up under Tac Team at global. Shields should remain healthy enough most of the time.

    Side perk; Assimilated/Kinetic/Omega set bonus defensive and weapons along with the Romulan's 2-part for Plasma damage making the torpedoes and plasma burns decent enough I think to be worth it.

    Only catch as a tank in this: be willing to run out of weapons range. The life is in the shields, those go your in trouble - however thanks to two HE running it should remove Borg Neutralizers enough that it shouldn't be an issue outside Tetryon Beam spam to really overcome TT and TSS healing with EPS. that, and I don't see it as a PvP plan. Probably wouldn't fare well out there.
  • ibievacua19ibievacua19 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2013

    Thank you for what was probably the most useful post in here so far - and thanks for actually understanding what I was going for with the Borgy Atrox. Thanks for the excellent suggestions. :)
  • kiriseekirisee Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Can't really help much (since i got rid of it for a Vesta)...but used to run an Atrox that could TRIBBLE off the whole map...and draw all aggro....and tank it out...and kill the npc's after i did it...its not the best carrier...but not bad...imo...the ship...like most others can be made to fly well..just depends on what your looking to do.
    "If everyone used Macs, we'd be working on how to get to Alpha Centauri rather than how to get to Mars."
  • atalossataloss Member Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    davidwford wrote: »
    The problem with all of the Altrox bashers are that they are trying to make a support ship something it's not. It is NOT an escort, and anyone who complains about its DPS and turn rate is flying the wrong ship. It was never meant to be a major damage punisher. It was always meant to be in more of a support role than even the Klingon Carrier for which its stats were taken, but with the consoles and BOFF slots swapped around.

    My advice: Ignore those Negative Nancy's and only pay attention to those who do have feedback other than "don't fly it-ever".

    I can agree with you. I can admit I used to fly the Atrox like my vesta, and always got blown up. I didn't realize that I was using the carrier wrong until I earned enough stupid lobi for a Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier. After 5 STF's in the JHDC, I realized this was the tactical carrier I wanted the Atrox to be. Thus, I've been flying the Atrox the wrong way.

    I'm posting this because whomever I played the STF with (they had a Romulan space set on their Atrox and the other one had a Jem'Hadar Space set), they fly their Atrox's to perfection. I couldn't help but admire them, they stayed at the edge of the weapons range and went to town on the borg ships/spheres and cubes. I always flew my Atrox right up front like it was my vesta (which is a Tactical/Science ship hybrid).

    Sorry for the rant,... my point is once you learn how to fly the Atrox (or in my case see how it's totally different from a JHDC) you can see it does fill a very special purpose. During the STF the Two Atrox's were healing the other 3 of us (my JHDC, and two escorts) while keeping themselves alive. That was an amazing sight, it really is a support carrier, not a tactical carrier like the JHDC or Kar'Fi Battle Carrier.
    One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
  • unboundinfernounboundinferno Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Thank you for what was probably the most useful post in here so far - and thanks for actually understanding what I was going for with the Borgy Atrox. Thanks for the excellent suggestions. :)

    Decided to actually check and see what came of that suggestion - glad I was of some help.

    Alot of it is trial and error. All the suggestions in the world doesn't really compare to the real runs with it, you may find other tricks or something else that ought to be slightly different for it to work. But I hope it works out well for you.
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