I've had several times where I have zoned into a CE or STF from the ESD interior only to find most of my tray abilities are missing and my bridge officers are not assigned...
I'm thinking they are magically getting un-assigned on the ground somehow after logging into the game / re-logging in a new toon...maybe patch gremlins or something...
New one today, all of my action bars were scrambled upon entering CE elite not just boff skills but everything was randomly replaced with skills I do not use like reroute power to rear shields or call suliban cell ship. These random kicks to the nuts just makes the game more work than fun. How can I recommend a game to my friends with so many bugs? How can the game grow or even survive without positive word of mouth from the players?
New one today, all of my action bars were scrambled upon entering CE elite not just boff skills but everything was randomly replaced with skills I do not use like reroute power to rear shields or call suliban cell ship. These random kicks to the nuts just makes the game more work than fun. How can I recommend a game to my friends with so many bugs? How can the game grow or even survive without positive word of mouth from the players?