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And then there were none. A horizon thread

thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
edited October 2013 in PvP Gameplay
So what's left?

Or maybe a better question, who is left?

The fact that this game is here for entertainment has been forgotten about in our community I believe. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for being passionate about things you enjoy in life... But... Something is missing from my fellow trek pvp'rs.


The amount of tension in the community is staggering to me right now. All due to not accepting changes in the game. Opinions turn into flat out beliefs which leads to division. Instead of just having ideas, which turn into discussion.

There just aren't that many of us left. Hell. There really never were many of us to start with. Yet... From the get go we knew this game was never about the pvp. New players see this too. And most see it as a side project at best.

How about just playing the game? As is. No arguments about OP consoles or lock box ships.
Or the way powers perform.

You all know that their really is no level playing field in any aspect of life right? Not even in the entertainment we chose. It's like people still buying DC comics even tho there are Marvel ones you havnt read yet. You know it's not fair. Not fair to give your money to DC or deprive your brain from Marvel content it hasn't digested.

Accept the game and keep churning along. Or move along. Quit all this childish back and forth. The game will never be fair. And putting so much passion into a futile effort to try and tell the STO gods it isn't is just going to frustrate you even more. And cause you to damage relationships with others who disagree with your viewpoint.

If we don't accept this...

There will be none.

Have fun kill bad guys

-thrusters on full-
Post edited by thishorizon on


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    montezuma72302montezuma72302 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Well said. Well said, indeed.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The game will never be fair.

    I believe it has room for compromise. For it to be more fair in a certain area while being the madness that exists in another. Not sure why both can't exist.
    And putting so much passion into a futile effort to try and tell the STO gods it isn't is just going to frustrate you even more.

    Don't see it as futile.
    And cause you to damage relationships with others who disagree with your viewpoint.

    Heh, TRIBBLE 'em. ;)
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    macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited September 2013
    So what's left?

    Or maybe a better question, who is left?

    The fact that this game is here for entertainment has been forgotten about in our community I believe. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for being passionate about things you enjoy in life... But... Something is missing from my fellow trek pvp'rs.


    The amount of tension in the community is staggering to me right now. All due to not accepting changes in the game. Opinions turn into flat out beliefs which leads to division. Instead of just having ideas, which turn into discussion.

    There just aren't that many of us left. Hell. There really never were many of us to start with. Yet... From the get go we knew this game was never about the pvp. New players see this too. And most see it as a side project at best.

    How about just playing the game? As is. No arguments about OP consoles or lock box ships.
    Or the way powers perform.

    You all know that their really is no level playing field in any aspect of life right? Not even in the entertainment we chose. It's like people still buying DC comics even tho there are Marvel ones you havnt read yet. You know it's not fair. Not fair to give your money to DC or deprive your brain from Marvel content it hasn't digested.

    Accept the game and keep churning along. Or move along. Quit all this childish back and forth. The game will never be fair. And putting so much passion into a futile effort to try and tell the STO gods it isn't is just going to frustrate you even more. And cause you to damage relationships with others who disagree with your viewpoint.

    If we don't accept this...

    There will be none.

    Have fun kill bad guys

    -thrusters on full-

    In other words you paid for your advantage and are not willing to have a fair fight.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
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    mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The amount of tension in the community is staggering to me right now. All due to not accepting changes in the game. Opinions turn into flat out beliefs which leads to division. Instead of just having ideas, which turn into discussion.

    Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering, and that is a path to the dark side.

    Anywho, I do agree with you quite a bit Horizon. When I've made my 'Tipping Point' threads, I have really made them because I wanted to generate discussion starting from a more neutral standpoint, at least in those threads.

    While I do believe that sometimes we do allow ourselves to get overzealous about things, I also don't think that we should have a 'sit down and take it' attitude either. I mean, look at how easy and dare I say, stock, PvE is, because so many people DON'T want it to change. They WANT easy-mode (not all of them, I know, but a large amount).

    Part of this I think stems from the 3 years of well...barely getting any attention. They've put effort and work into pretty much every single other aspect of the game except PvP. The Ker'rat changes awhile back were nice, but that's been it for pure PvP-stuff.

    Now, I do think that folks do accept things and adapt pretty well for the most part. I mean, there's problems of course, but I think we go with the flow more than we think. Honestly, 99% of the new stuff they release in terms of rep gear, fleet junk, lockbox stuff, is generally tested, looked at, then most likely ignored forever.

    Take Nukara rep, but put aside rep passives for a moment, just stick to the gear. Does ANYBODY use any of that stuff? The only item that caused any ruckus, so far as I know, was the Nukara Web Mines, and that is pretty much it. It's usually that '1%' that always causes problems in terms of balancing.

    The biggest point I will agree on though is the tension that seems to have been building up. You can nearly cut it with a holographic knife. In fact...


    It's kinda fitting, huh?
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
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    scurry5scurry5 Member Posts: 1,554 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I tend to agree, but I often forget, because it's so frustrating to see people seemingly intent on dragging things down, in whatever way possible. I can't even say that some are just mistaken and do have good intentions - because so many have shown otherwise.

    And yes, the tension is building - more and more trolling, maliciousness etc. It's honestly no wonder no one comes in.

    I'm honestly not even sure why I hang out on the forums. Given the amount of poison I've read, it's like I'm some addict constantly coming back for a fix. Really, considering most of my outrage about cheesiness can be traced back to some forum interaction, I need to stop.

    No one knows what to do anymore. It's just too confusing. Hell, whatever I say, I'll get attacked anyway.
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    selmak107selmak107 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    PvP is great until people get vindictive. Which they inevitably do when they've been dogpiled by the whole enemy fleet at once. From there on out a match can be as ugly and pointless as any street brawl, even if it started out as a for-fun battle.

    It's fine. I know that I'm not missing anything cool or interesting on that side of the gameplay, and I don't have to go nuts over every damn new console or piece of equipment, because chances are I'll never need or want to use them. It's a win for me, a lose for anyone that wanted to draw more players into PvP.
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    bpharmabpharma Member Posts: 2,022
    edited September 2013
    Gotta agree in many ways with the OP. Look at the Crystalline entity event and how much rage that has generated. It has one simple fix and that is to not shoot the mirror ships but no, people don't want to change, to learn, to adapt.

    I have a thread on tactical buffs being sepearted from engineering and science abilities and it's very divided between those wanting to preserve the very imbalanced status quo and those wanting to give something else a shot.

    Interestingly enough, I might start a thread on this, who said PvP had to be just fighting against the other team? Why do we automatically think PvE should become more like PvP without thinking maybe PvP should become more like PvE?

    You know I might just make that thread when I find enough fire extinguishers...

    It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
    A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.

    Has damage got out of control?
    This is the last thing I will post.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    It's the internet. It's text. Outside of somebody being specific about their tone, there's no tone. We bring the tone to it when we read it. It might not be as bad as it looks.
    bpharma wrote: »
    It has one simple fix and that is to not shoot the mirror ships

    By the way, that's not quite true. You don't have to shoot them to aggro them. Tholians could aggro them, be laying everything into them, you use EPtS1...you've got aggro. They're borked - been mentioned by the devs. Who have also said it's best to focus on the Entity and ignore them...which might work for various groups, but other groups will get slaughtered. Between the tractors, phaser proc spam, shockwaves, and all the rest - it's just too much for some of the groups out there. Some folks out there pop at the drop of a hat.

    Simple fix is just to have everybody warp if they show during the first two stages. Doesn't matter during the third stage, because most groups can finish off the Entity while ignoring them. With the stages being random, it's entirely possible never to see them while doing it. Wham, bam, done...
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    lterlter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    A bunch of adult people 'fighting' each others with virtual space ships... How anyone would possibly take it seriously? This game is a serious as Mario Kart, full of cheese objects as throwable bananas or invincibility stars that could give you an instant win :mad:

    Yeah, there are huge gaps I'm forgetting here. But not point complaining about them *in general therms* when what PVP would need to make it better is dev support and overhaul. In the meantime welcome to the jungle...
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    thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
    edited September 2013
    Since launch we've seen many things.

    None of them have been a focus on solid pvp.

    I love trek. I love you guys. And hell, most of the players a lot of members in my fleet would call the opposition, I am friends with.

    No I didn't pay for a thing really. Outside of my sub. I met the grind for it all.

    But guys ive never seen our feedback go anywhere. And I've seen so many friendships ruined because of gear, powers, and ships.

    Seems silly to me.

    Have fun kill bad guys
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    l30p4rdl30p4rd Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    You forget it is a game, a fantasy land, not real, made up. So why cant it be balanced ? The fun factor soon diminishes for lots of people when you reach end game and realise there is only PvP left. As soon as you realise this and take your first steps into PvP you either get burnt or slightly singed due to massive imbalance.

    You then learn what is needed to survive and start the grind, you complete the grind and become competitive. You then realise that no matter what you say or do there is a core of PvP players who just want to ruin your day for their fun. You go to the forums to start debate about it and the same core of players troll you.

    Until balance is brought to end game then things will remain much the same with only the option to get worse !

    To say balance is impossible is naive to say the least !
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    thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
    edited September 2013
    Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is the definition on insanity I believe.

    To think the game after almost half a decade is going to be balanced for pvp, yes, I believe that is naive.

    But don't let that keep you from trying by all means. You can still have fun in the game. You just have to accept the unbalanced nature of the environment.
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    bpharmabpharma Member Posts: 2,022
    edited September 2013
    Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is the definition on insanity I believe.

    To think the game after almost half a decade is going to be balanced for pvp, yes, I believe that is naive.

    But don't let that keep you from trying by all means. You can still have fun in the game. You just have to accept the unbalanced nature of the environment.

    I must admit I do feel like quitting the game. Only things left for me is to deck out all my ships and doff on all characters. That and start PvP but I've already discussed reasons why I won't in other threads.

    I would love to jazz things up in other ships, try strange new combinations which might be viable at elite difficulty but at the end of the day PvE is killing ships for the most part and the ships/captains with the most tactical abilities will always come out on top with everything else relegated to taking 2-3 times longer, possibly failing with a bad team.

    So with that in mind what do you do? PvP? QQ? Become a very casual player?

    I like this game and at the core there's a nugget of gold which keeps a lot of players from leaving but at what point do you think it's not worth my time?

    It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
    A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.

    Has damage got out of control?
    This is the last thing I will post.
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    thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
    edited September 2013
    When your time spent on the game isn't fun anymore man.

    I see a lot of people not having fun in the game doing pvp, and a few out there making it not fun.

    I see a lot of people posting on the forums, and their words are not selected by people having fun.

    It is a game after all. Most of us have real lives with jobs and school and loved ones. Our entertainment should at least be fun and challenging.
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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I see a lot of people posting on the forums, and their words are not selected by people having fun.

    Hey good buddy.

    Have you seen these patch notes from 9.27 on Redshirt?

    Graviton Pulse Generator
    • Innate Resistances to Slow (like those provided by the skill Inertial Dampers) now reduce the Duration of this debuff, instead of the Magnitude.
    • The benefit this ability gains from the Graviton Generators skill has been reduced by half.

    "Obsession is a word used by the weak to describe the dedicated."

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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Our entertainment should at least be fun and challenging.

    Those two words.


    Fun means different things to different folks. There are even folks out there that have fun by ruining the potential fun of other folks. I normally mock the Hell out of folks that play Barbie & Ken Star Trek Adventures, but honestly - for the past three days, I've spent more time dorking around with the costumes for my 9 toons and their BOFFs than I have doing any PvP.

    STO goes to great lengths to try to accommodate the different ways in which a player might have fun. Unfortunately again though, that can oft be at the expense of the fun of other players...whether one's talking AFKers/Leechers or folks spamming garbage in social zones.


    Different things present different levels of challenge to different players. Personally, I think Cryptic has set the bar too low - they could have introduced lower levels of challenge instead of lowering the normal level of challenge. But still, that's just my opinion.

    Sometimes, making something more challenging is up to the player though. Face it, if one is geared to the tooth and complaining that things are too easy...why don't they undergear, eh? Why don't they try to make it more challenging?

    Many folks are used to some form of progression that just doesn't exist in STO. It's not there, we can complain that it's not there - or - we can go back and make it more challenging for ourselves.

    Honestly, it's not only about different levels of challenge in the end - but also how one defines challenge. So it can get complicated...
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    thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
    edited September 2013
    Seems like a positive change ulti.
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    thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
    edited September 2013
    I like you virus. Always thoughtful and humble.

    But a lot of folks here like to place blame on the game or others as to why they are not having fun.

    You could always play something else. I'm just saying. After so long of things not being balanced. So much frustrations thrown out there man.

    And as for challenging. Pvp is the only challenge we have.

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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Meh, I'm not a very nice person. More of a realist (delusional, but a realist) than idealist...it's not a case of wanting everybody to have fun so they can have fun for fun's sake. I want them to have fun, so STO can thrive...and thus, I can have fun. If folks aren't having fun and STO doesn't thrive...shuts down...well, then I can't have fun. It's longsighted selfishness rather than shortsighted selfishness, but it's still selfishness in the end.
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    mozohamozoha Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Hate to admit, I am having fun again.
    Took time off from pvp to bring my rep up, horde coin and dilithium, try to kit my ships, rank my romulan, now doing it more and more again. Losing more than I am winning, but when you pug, there is a huge range of performance....sometimes I rock and sometimes I roll.
    Public ques have been dropping me into some 3 on 3 and that slows the pace down a bit, which is better than omg vaped in no time flat.
    All that being said, it goes without saying that Cryptic is missing the boat on this aspect of the game. Which makes me sad and mad.
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    bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Meh, I'm not a very nice person. More of a realist (delusional, but a realist) than idealist...it's not a case of wanting everybody to have fun so they can have fun for fun's sake. I want them to have fun, so STO can thrive...and thus, I can have fun. If folks aren't having fun and STO doesn't thrive...shuts down...well, then I can't have fun. It's longsighted selfishness rather than shortsighted selfishness, but it's still selfishness in the end.

    Enlightened self interest. It is the basis of all human interaction.
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    masterkeychnk5masterkeychnk5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Indeed the game will never be fair Horizon, not to those that do not like lockbox ships and pay2win toys, or those that do not like to Rep up and invest the time to do boring PvE.

    Thats that, its fact. My opinion isn't interesting either so that was the only thing I wanted to contribute :)
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not Snakie, MT is!
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    thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
    edited September 2013
    Your input is always valued. And on point.

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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Meh, I'm not a very nice person. More of a realist (delusional, but a realist) than idealist...it's not a case of wanting everybody to have fun so they can have fun for fun's sake. I want them to have fun, so STO can thrive...and thus, I can have fun. If folks aren't having fun and STO doesn't thrive...shuts down...well, then I can't have fun. It's longsighted selfishness rather than shortsighted selfishness, but it's still selfishness in the end.

    Just have fun.

    All games die eventually.

    Spending most of your time worried about the masses not having fun leading to STOs decline only deprives you of your own enjoyment of the game.

    Actually you've said what I'm saying to you, enjoy the game for what it is. ;)


    Honestly I believe that if someone is involved in a hobby, career, relationship etc., that once the negative things you have to say outnumber the positive things by a solid amount - it's time to move on.
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    macronius wrote: »
    In other words you paid for your advantage and are not willing to have a fair fight.

    I believe this to be a widely unfair assesment of Horizon.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    mdwgardiner1701mdwgardiner1701 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I was on TS today and minimax was reminding me how green I am.

    As a F2P turned LTS turned PvPer I would agree with this. Compared to the veterans I am certainly a noob. I PvP whenever I am on, in one way or another. I would consider myself "new blood" in pvp, something that is really needed. Why don't people come to PvP? There are many reasons. Not the pugstomping, broken stuff and so on.

    These new players need to be nurtured. Go into a pug and see a player who is trying? Help him out, don't just "gg" and leave the game. Help these people out. There are stacks of good players waiting to become PvPers but they lack the friends, guidance and sense of community to really want to do it.

    Playing with a group of friends is the best thing about this game. There are many players out there who are interested in trying PvP but lack an entry point. If it were not for a few people I met along the way I would have no idea what OPvP was nor any idea of certain game mechanics. Most of these people PM'ed me after a game and gave me advice after they had monstered me in a game, e.g. "APB3 is not so effective in PvP as it is in STFs". Thus starts a relationship with a person that will help you get better, until one day you surpass them.

    It's only going to work if the community reach out to people. Today's noob is tomorrow's MT.
    Inner Circle / Special Circumstances
    Gardiner, Suval, Thran
    Korvak, Raketh, Xedar, Zidow
    Decis, Vesok
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    mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    All games die eventually.

    Nah, WoW won't ever die. Blizzard sold their collective-souls to the gaming-devil a long time ago for that very reason.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »
    Nah, WoW won't ever die. Blizzard sold their collective-souls to the gaming-devil a long time ago for that very reason.

    Not all deaths require the servers to shut down.

    The original Everquest is still online, but from a certain perspective that game is basically dead.
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