Close enough that most people wont notice. At least it's not the popeye legs we have on Holodeck now.
Some differences are hard to notice unless you compare screenshots. I do think the tight-pants calves are noticeably thinner than the others though. I think they should make the thigh and calve thickness on all leg models the same. Perhaps, there is a technical reason why they can't do this.
The perfect solution would probably be that they add us two new sliders for thighs and calves and put the default value (like when a existing costume doesn't have em) on what we have on holodeck now. That way no existing costume should change at all and those few clothing parts were the legs look wrong we could adjust a bit. However, considering how the leg looked at their first attempt to adjust that I guess thats not possible.
I still think the whole change is unnecessary. Changing the leg to make it look better in non-tos skirts and making it look more fat in tos skirts at the same time is a rather crappy decision imo.
I welcome these changes to the character models on tribble. These models are more natural and less cartoonish than holodeck ones. A few glitches are present though such as the lower values of the head sliders. The side of the thighs should also be reduced since they look disproportionate at this time.
There is no reason to believe that this is the final version so I imagine changes will be made.
I always thought it was weird that lower leg was so much fatter than knee and equal to upper leg. That never made any sense to me, so in that way this is an improvement.
With all due respect though, that character with max breast size looks cartoonish to me either way.
I always thought it was weird that lower leg was so much fatter than knee and equal to upper leg. That never made any sense to me, so in that way this is an improvement.
It's an improvement either way, especially for the normal skirt model.
Yep, it is an improvement no question. It also means they're somewhat listening to our feedback. Although changes come slower than we wish they do change for the better most of the time.
Hello friends. Thank you for your continued feedback. We are listening and the proportion changes were an unintentional side effect of other work. And...apologies that the revert was not complete. the *next* patch (or two!) your toons should be back to their familiar selves - except for slightly thinner calves as requested here and internally .
PS - glad you enjoyed the texture improvements!
Ugh, IMO the newer models were better looking despite some minor clipping...
So we're going back to stick figures online ?!?
I have an unrelated question. There are three sliders named "Spad Height", "Spad Width", and "Spad Depth" in the "Body" tab for male characters and boffs. Females don't have these sliders. Some people have suggested in previous threads that "spad" stands for "shoulder pad".
The purpose of this post is to illustrate a problem with the hands: they appear thicker on Tribble than they do on Holodeck. I'm not sure whether the problem is due to the new hand textures or whether it is one of the unintentional body proportion changes. Also, the hands on Tribble appear thicker from the front and back than from the sides. The problem is illustrated by the screenshots below, which were taken after the 10/3 patch to Tribble and before any subsequent patch.
Some differences are hard to notice unless you compare screenshots. I do think the tight-pants calves are noticeably thinner than the others though. I think they should make the thigh and calve thickness on all leg models the same. Perhaps, there is a technical reason why they can't do this.
Officially Nerfed In Early 2410
I still think the whole change is unnecessary. Changing the leg to make it look better in non-tos skirts and making it look more fat in tos skirts at the same time is a rather crappy decision imo.
This change is necessary especially for the TOS Romulan set.
Officially Nerfed In Early 2410
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Officially Nerfed In Early 2410
I always thought it was weird that lower leg was so much fatter than knee and equal to upper leg. That never made any sense to me, so in that way this is an improvement.
With all due respect though, that character with max breast size looks cartoonish to me either way.
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It's an improvement either way, especially for the normal skirt model.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
On the contrary it's a safety/survival trait. In case of a mission on an oceanic planet, she'll use them as extra bouyancy.:D
Officially Nerfed In Early 2410
Ugh, IMO the newer models were better looking despite some minor clipping...
So we're going back to stick figures online ?!?
As far as I can tell, these sliders don't affect anything. Does anyone know what they are for? Do they apply to only some species or outfits?
Vulcan female
Front: Holodeck, Tribble
Back: Holodeck, Tribble
Left: Holodeck, Tribble
Right: Holodeck, Tribble
Alien male
Front: Holodeck, Tribble
Back: Holodeck, Tribble
Left: Holodeck, Tribble
Right: Holodeck, Tribble