Hi Captains!
I am organizing an in-game (Holodeck) Community "Crystalline Cataclysm" Event for this coming Thursday.
Our special Crystalline Entity event will also be starting on this day, so I hope you join us on your main or alt character(s) to earn your daily Shard!
The first timeslot will be at 8pm BST/ noon PDT/ 3pm EDT. (Click
here to view in your timezone)
The second timeslot will be at 5pm PDT/ 8pm EDT/ 1am BST. (Click
here to view in your timezone)
Let's plan to meet in orbit of Deep Space Nine. From there, we'll queue up for "Crystalline Cataclysm".
Feel free to attend with a max-level character of any faction. We'll try and do a few runs within the hour, if you'd also like to attend on alt characters.
Please join the REDALERT channel to see any communication/ instructions from myself. You can join REDALERT by typing this command into your chat bar: /channel_join REDALERT
If you can't make it Thursday, I would like to try and do these often, and on different days/ times. Feel free to post constructive feedback in here with ideas, including if you would like to see this expanded to other types of events (Social, PvP, PvE, STFs, Foundry, Events etc.).
I hope to see many of you on Thursday!
Brandon =/\=
Please remember to attend on Thursday or there will be consequences! All the best, love Tryulis
Vice Admiral Dir Sonatra, I.R.W. Kholairlha, Scimitar Class Warbird
Vice Admiral Oshin S'ree, USS Steamrunner, Steamrunner Class
Kobayashi Crew.
Kobayashi Crew.
Second this.
Please a later PDT timeslot. I feel like I ask this everytime.
I thought the last event you did was later, but when I went to log in, I realized it said "6pm PDT" when I thought it said "9pm PDT". I think I read the EDT time instead.
One hour later isn't always enough.
I realized why I missed that time. You flip the times when you post the first and second timeslots. PDT is listed second in the first timeslot, but first in the second. Very confusing.
It seems like the entire west coast US who work 8-5 or 9-6 jobs are excluded from this regularly. Although I take lunch at noon, so I'll see if I can log in then.
I have worked some weekends in the past and ran an event or 2 then, so I will definitely try and coordinate that in the future when I'm working on a weekend.
I apologize for the confusion. The first timeslot is the BST run, so it's listed first, and the second timeslot is the PDT/EDT run, so that is why those are placed in the order they are. You can always click on the "(Click here to view in your timezone)" link to check the exact time for the city you are in.
Brandon =/\=
That is basically my crux. Being a 2nd shifter I am NEVER available for these things. Oh well. I generally manage CCE enough anyway.
Brandon =/\=
If you come on an alt that also hasn't already earned it for the day
Brandon =/\=
The redonkulous new tykens with this new gravametric DOFF may be worth trying STO again, if only for this event. Makes me glad I didn't respec my grav build.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Nope, join us if you're in-game for the second timeslot. It's available from the regular PvE queue.
You may have ran and completed it before the event started this morning. As of 10AM PDT, you'll be rewarded with one shard for a successful completion of "Crystalline Cataclysm" every 20 hours.
Brandon =/\=
Look, we have 10 captains in there. Trying to get through a wall of over 400 mirror universe ships to even get TO the entity is BS. You know it, I know it and everyone that eventually dropped out of the event knows it. We couldn't even get TO the entity let alone damage it. After 15 deaths in a STEALHED veteran's reward tactical ship, I managed to get it down to 67% health, but I was the ONLY ship there that could even get to it. And we were being hit as soon as we re-spawned. the mirror universe ships were a complete wall.
Bad, bad, bad event there folks.
Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories. Thomas Jefferson (et al)
Brandon =/\=
Going to run the Elite?
Yep! PUGed it several times earlier using my personal account (I need Shards!); had no issue completing it
Brandon =/\=
Brandon =/\=