Click one button and you can't play with that character until next spring. That's right, i didnt think i was possible but it could be. Well where is that bug you ask, well here's a screenshot. Press it at your own risk.I've been waiting for someone at pwe support to fix my character so i can play with it again. Everytime i log in with that character i get "normal login" and "Safe Login" buttons, both crash the game with Fatal Error box.
And if anyone at cryptic or pwe can help, Reference number is: 130918-000354
If that helps.
I haven't checked since the summer event ended if KDF with rank 4 marauding can still go to risa, but I know for sure any KDF with less than rank 4 marauding can't get there anymore.
From the sounds of things I don't think reinstalling the game is gonna fix it (and it will make things worse because you'll have to install that ARC TRIBBLE first, unless you have an older copy of the installation files).
Most likely requires a GM to manually move your character for you.