The problem with that is that beams then cannot be used in an AoE fashion at all then (edit: while the doff is slotted).
What if I want BFAW3 for AoE and BFAW2 for focused single target fire?
It needs to be a boff ability...
new boff ability- never has happened
new doff- happens every few months.
lets be realistic here, there will never be a beam rapid fire boff skill, and slotting the doff to lock out the AoE is just part of the advantage/disadvantage relationship of balance.
Though I too must wonder if a single target Faw does not already exist in Beam Overload?
You mean something like this?
(An older idea of mine.)
What if all energy Weapon related BOFF powers (B:FAW, B:BO, C:SV, C:RF) would be availlable for all energy weapon types (Cannons and Beam Weapons)?
Since almost all new ships are capable to use DHCs i think Beam Weapons could use a bit love (or better said equality), not by increasing their damage potential, but to make them more useful/versatile.
It could work like this:
Beam Array: Overload --> Energy Weapon Overload
Effect: the same as before, just including cannon weapon types.
Pro: A high Damage alternative to Rapid Fire.
Problem: This could make Alpha strikes with DHCs extremely deadly.
but since this abnility would only affect one single weapon, the Damage output would be manageable.
Cannon: Rapid Fire --> Energy Weapon Rapid Fire
Effect: A faster fireing rate at one single target.
Pro: More options and a higher versality for Beam Weapon users. (a less risky way to focus fire on one single target, a higher chance to get a secondary weapons effect)
Con: none IMO
Beam Array: Fire at Will --> Energy Weapons: Fire at Will
Effect: Random targeting of everything in weapons range.
Pro: Cannon Weapons (especially turrets) could be used to clear spam -> more utility for cannon weapons.
Con: none AFAIK
Cannon: Scatter Volley --> Energy Weapons: Scatter Volley
Effect: A cone AOE attack.
Pro: Starfleet ships could broadside much better instead of brainlessly fireing at everything in range.
Problem: none that i know of.
So as far as i can see, there is only one problem which is BO in conjunction with cannon weapons, but i think with some tinkering it could be made workable.
Mostly beam Weapons would benefit the most from such a change, but i think that's ok, if you consider the high damage potential cannons have.
The point of all this is to give all ships more utility, especially Cruisers and Science ships.
In Star Trek, weapons are highly versatile in their use, especially Beam weapons. An many ocasions we have seen Beam weapons doing exactly the same thing like cannons can do in STO.
Maybe some experienced PvPers could evaluate this. (maybe it's complete nonsense, IDK)
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
why should beam users have to use a Doff to use a power /boff skill thats missing from beam weapon skills
Beam weapons need a beam rapid fire so beam users get the same crit chance cannon users get with crf
Beam overload is a useless skill in PvE it does so little damage compared to scatter volley
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
lets be realistic here, there will never be a beam rapid fire boff skill, and slotting the doff to lock out the AoE is just part of the advantage/disadvantage relationship of balance.
cannon overload exists already on the andorian ship, thats been addressed as much as it ever will.
Ok, question for the 3yr + vets I guess when if ever was the last time a new bridge officer skill was added to the game, I honestly don't recall any but I only started playing when the game first went F2P like season 5 irrc.
but like DDIS said new doffs come out at least every 3-4 months with the latest lockbox/doff pack as long as you can get out of red alert for 10-20 secs you could switch out the doff to have your AOE faw back but I kinda like the idea personally.
Ok, question for the 3yr + vets I guess when if ever was the last time a new bridge officer skill was added to the game, I honestly don't recall any but I only started playing when the game first went F2P like season 5 irrc.
but like DDIS said new doffs come out at least every 3-4 months with the latest lockbox/doff pack as long as you can get out of red alert for 10-20 secs you could switch out the doff to have your AOE faw back but I kinda like the idea personally.
Pretty sure there have never been any new Boff abilities; we get fancy console powers instead. I suppose we could maybe get one of those that would do the job; like a fire mode selector console or something.
Doesn't mean it never will.
TBH I'm expecting the PvP revamp to be the catalyst to address this and many other problems
imo the romulan ship singularity abilities are essentially new boff abilities anyway, they're just tied to the ship instead of a boff. There's doffs to buff them and everything.
and slotting the doff to lock out the AoE is just part of the advantage/disadvantage relationship of balance.
So if cannons could get 'cannon overload' but at the expense of CSV or 'cannon fire at will' but at the expense of CRF, would that be ok?
imo Stripping away main weapons AoE just for beams isn't an acceptable trade off. Locking out one for the other doesn't improve the situation.
By the looks of it you agree the Boff route is the better solution? You didn't disagree with my statement. You're just after the path of least resistance to get it in asap/at all?
I'd rather see it put in properly as a boff ability or not at all. Having to sacrifice a doff/console/something slot to get a firing mode is just moving the disadvantage from not having a particular skill to loosing doff/console opportunity. Just moves the unbalance to a different system.
Pretty sure there have never been any new Boff abilities; we get fancy console powers instead. I suppose we could maybe get one of those that would do the job; like a fire mode selector console or something.
A console would be even worse imo hehe. Console slots are highly prized as is. Though I do like the idea of being able to switch between the two modes. Maybe the FAW boff ability could unlock a switcher you can put in tray to alter firing mode? That'd be rather neat imo. Certainly would give cruisers/sci ships with only an ensign or Lt tac some more flexibility. And would possibly make beamscorts more viable with BO + Beam rapid fire whilst still retaining AoE ability.
Easy there tiger...that's a terrible idea...
FAW is meant for large groups, its a PvE skill primarily.
That being said, in a 1 on 1 fight FAW will act exactly as you wish (and is slightly more powerful then BO) in a 1 on 1 situation..
Giving FAW a DOFF for solo targeting is amogst the worst ideas I've ever heard.
But can use FAW vs 1 target, if its just you an the enemy
BO3 is the beam skill meant for PvP ...but it can also doubles as a decent PvE skill.
I just think its a really bad idea. Sorry. just my opinon.
I will note, to all the BO haters...(for PvP)
BO does more damage, albeit, you must time your strike, look for an open shield facing.
Slap a tractor on the target ship, and watch your Crit hit reach 15k easily ! (Yes it goes much higher, I've reached 25k many times) I average 5k-25k
depends on distance, shield strength, target speed.
If you know how to use BO, it is the more potent option.
FaW, does add extra procs, drains less power. Although, a weapons battery will mitigate any drain from a BO strike...simple.
Use with APB, and TT...its deadly.
There's nothing wrong with beam skills, just learn to use your skill effectively.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
-in pvp you cant choose to only have 1 target in range when you would like to
-cannon overload would be overpowered, a DHC has highest per shot damage, escorts wouldn't need beams at all then, BO would have no reason to exist, the andorian ship already has this as one of its gimicks, etc...
-using BO on a beam boat will net you less dps then not using BO
we are currently looking into a possible new mechanic for Cruisers and Science Vessels, as well as new Bridge Officer power options for all professions.
Not to mention BO can miss, if BFAW missed more of it will hit.... Against one target its great but having just one target no matter how you fly isn't always an option...
Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
I Still think you want the best of both worlds, which is not practical, or fair for that matter.
At one point you will have to settle on the skill that has more advantage to your build.
It sucks but thats life..
While we are asking for everything and the kitchen sink;
I'd like a FBP that would take all incoming damage (from multiple enemies) and spit it at only one target dealing a multiplier per enemy firing on you.
EX: 4 enemies shooting at you.... 4x FBP DMG to your primary highlighted target
Unfortunatly, there is a downside to every skill.
Who would use BO, if FaW could target a single really.
Not to mention BO can miss, if BFAW missed more of it will hit.... Against one target its great but having just one target no matter how you fly isn't always an option...
I Still think you want the best of both worlds, which is not practical, or fair for that matter.
At one point you will have to settle on the skill that has more advantage to your build.
It sucks but thats life..
While we are asking for everything and the kitchen sink;
I'd like a FBP that would take all incoming damage (from multiple enemies) and spit it at only one target dealing a multiplier per enemy firing on you.
EX: 4 enemies shooting at you.... 4x FBP DMG to your primary highlighted target
Unfortunatly, there is a downside to every skill.
Who would use BO, if FaW could target a single really.
After all, it wouldn't be Beam Fire at Will if it could target a single enemy. It'll be Beam Fire at My Will.
Who would use BO, if FaW could target a single really.
The same sort of person who would use Torpedo High Yield despite having Cannon Rapid Fire. One is for delivering a short burst of spike damage, the other is for a somewhat more long term increase in DPS.
Well i belive that if facing just one opponent that's what you get, FAW still works but focused on one target, with firing more rapidly.
I think this more going back to beam v cannon argument really and how they work in game.
With cannons its win win if using scatter volley or rapid fire, as even if some miss your hitting target/s and DHC have a critD upscale effect just for being DHC.
With Beam FAW gets damage passed around and with Beam overload its a win lose.
Maybe some doffs allowing beams to work a little more like cannons isn't a bad idea.
Perhaps dual beam banks could get the same upscale effect as DHC? Maybe even as +20 rather than just 10.
I Still think you want the best of both worlds, which is not practical, or fair for that matter.
At one point you will have to settle on the skill that has more advantage to your build.
It sucks but thats life..
kind of hard to have it both ways when you cant swap doffs wile in combat. FAW isn't some perfect i win button, not even close. im still doing more damage with cannons and CRF.
this is getting dull. at the cost of a hugely impotent active roster slot, beams can have the same functionality cannons have for free. get perspective, this is not scandalous.
Who would use BO, if FaW could target a single really.
theres no downside to skills, they all do something positve for you. the only skill that takes wile it gives is AtB, and since doffs were released that ballanced itself out fairly well.
Oddly, that's akin to the ability I suggested for the Tactical console on my Bird of Prey 3-pack request/proposal. You, sir, are a genius... having beaten me to the suggestion by 3 days. :P
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
Since there are only two beam weapon types (arrays and DBB) but four cannon types (turrets, single, DC and DHCs) i think it's obvious which weapon type Cryptic favours.
I think the best sollution would be to keep everything as it is and give us the option to change the looks of space weapons to either look like a cannon or a beam.
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
new boff ability- never has happened
new doff- happens every few months.
lets be realistic here, there will never be a beam rapid fire boff skill, and slotting the doff to lock out the AoE is just part of the advantage/disadvantage relationship of balance.
cannon overload exists already on the andorian ship, thats been addressed as much as it ever will.
You mean something like this?
(An older idea of mine.)
What if all energy Weapon related BOFF powers (B:FAW, B:BO, C:SV, C:RF) would be availlable for all energy weapon types (Cannons and Beam Weapons)?
Since almost all new ships are capable to use DHCs i think Beam Weapons could use a bit love (or better said equality), not by increasing their damage potential, but to make them more useful/versatile.
It could work like this:
Effect: the same as before, just including cannon weapon types.
Pro: A high Damage alternative to Rapid Fire.
Problem: This could make Alpha strikes with DHCs extremely deadly.
but since this abnility would only affect one single weapon, the Damage output would be manageable.
Effect: A faster fireing rate at one single target.
Pro: More options and a higher versality for Beam Weapon users.
(a less risky way to focus fire on one single target, a higher chance to get a secondary weapons effect)
Con: none IMO
Effect: Random targeting of everything in weapons range.
Pro: Cannon Weapons (especially turrets) could be used to clear spam -> more utility for cannon weapons.
Con: none AFAIK
Effect: A cone AOE attack.
Pro: Starfleet ships could broadside much better instead of brainlessly fireing at everything in range.
Problem: none that i know of.
So as far as i can see, there is only one problem which is BO in conjunction with cannon weapons, but i think with some tinkering it could be made workable.
Mostly beam Weapons would benefit the most from such a change, but i think that's ok, if you consider the high damage potential cannons have.
The point of all this is to give all ships more utility, especially Cruisers and Science ships.
In Star Trek, weapons are highly versatile in their use, especially Beam weapons. An many ocasions we have seen Beam weapons doing exactly the same thing like cannons can do in STO.
Maybe some experienced PvPers could evaluate this.
(maybe it's complete nonsense, IDK)
Beam weapons need a beam rapid fire so beam users get the same crit chance cannon users get with crf
Beam overload is a useless skill in PvE it does so little damage compared to scatter volley
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Ok, question for the 3yr + vets I guess when if ever was the last time a new bridge officer skill was added to the game, I honestly don't recall any but I only started playing when the game first went F2P like season 5 irrc.
but like DDIS said new doffs come out at least every 3-4 months with the latest lockbox/doff pack as long as you can get out of red alert for 10-20 secs you could switch out the doff to have your AOE faw back but I kinda like the idea personally.
Pretty sure there have never been any new Boff abilities; we get fancy console powers instead. I suppose we could maybe get one of those that would do the job; like a fire mode selector console or something.
I've never read/heard a dev say new boff abilities will never happen. Until that day comes, anything's possible. Doesn't mean it never will.
TBH I'm expecting the PvP revamp to be the catalyst to address this and many other problems
imo the romulan ship singularity abilities are essentially new boff abilities anyway, they're just tied to the ship instead of a boff. There's doffs to buff them and everything.
So if cannons could get 'cannon overload' but at the expense of CSV or 'cannon fire at will' but at the expense of CRF, would that be ok?
imo Stripping away main weapons AoE just for beams isn't an acceptable trade off. Locking out one for the other doesn't improve the situation.
By the looks of it you agree the Boff route is the better solution? You didn't disagree with my statement. You're just after the path of least resistance to get it in asap/at all?
I'd rather see it put in properly as a boff ability or not at all. Having to sacrifice a doff/console/something slot to get a firing mode is just moving the disadvantage from not having a particular skill to loosing doff/console opportunity. Just moves the unbalance to a different system.
A console would be even worse imo hehe. Console slots are highly prized as is. Though I do like the idea of being able to switch between the two modes. Maybe the FAW boff ability could unlock a switcher you can put in tray to alter firing mode? That'd be rather neat imo. Certainly would give cruisers/sci ships with only an ensign or Lt tac some more flexibility. And would possibly make beamscorts more viable with BO + Beam rapid fire whilst still retaining AoE ability.
FAW is meant for large groups, its a PvE skill primarily.
That being said, in a 1 on 1 fight FAW will act exactly as you wish (and is slightly more powerful then BO) in a 1 on 1 situation..
Giving FAW a DOFF for solo targeting is amogst the worst ideas I've ever heard.
But can use FAW vs 1 target, if its just you an the enemy
BO3 is the beam skill meant for PvP ...but it can also doubles as a decent PvE skill.
I just think its a really bad idea. Sorry. just my opinon.
BO does more damage, albeit, you must time your strike, look for an open shield facing.
Slap a tractor on the target ship, and watch your Crit hit reach 15k easily ! (Yes it goes much higher, I've reached 25k many times) I average 5k-25k
depends on distance, shield strength, target speed.
If you know how to use BO, it is the more potent option.
FaW, does add extra procs, drains less power. Although, a weapons battery will mitigate any drain from a BO strike...simple.
Use with APB, and TT...its deadly.
There's nothing wrong with beam skills, just learn to use your skill effectively.
A Doff that has a chance to allow Beam Overload to NOT drain weapon power.
There you go. Problem solved.
FED: Royal Federation Mounted Starfleet: SB3, TAC3, ENG3, SCI3, Win, Int, DOff(T/E/S/B)
KDF: Parliamentary Klingon Empire: SB2, TAC2, ENG2, SCI2, Win, DOff(T)
Interested in joining? Please send a PM to @Tahna_Los.
That's what Marion is for.
Excellent !! this I love
Who is marion ?
Im guessing a Doff ?
What does she do ?
Agreed, brilliant idea. However, would have to be a low chance IMO (1%-5%?).
If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah
And can only equip one of them is a sound idea.
Sounds good.
Problem solved, I'll just leave this here...
If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah
Marion Frances Dulmur: Systems Engineer (Can equip up to 3)
When activating Directed Energy Modulation, adds 200 weapon power drain resistance for 8 seconds.
Stacking more will add more resistance, but does NOT increase the length of it.
-in pvp you cant choose to only have 1 target in range when you would like to
-cannon overload would be overpowered, a DHC has highest per shot damage, escorts wouldn't need beams at all then, BO would have no reason to exist, the andorian ship already has this as one of its gimicks, etc...
-using BO on a beam boat will net you less dps then not using BO
I'm holding out hope for what Gecko has implied above.
New boff powers ftw.
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
trait religious
Upgrades Beam Fire at Will to Beam Fire Thy Will Be Done
At one point you will have to settle on the skill that has more advantage to your build.
It sucks but thats life..
While we are asking for everything and the kitchen sink;
I'd like a FBP that would take all incoming damage (from multiple enemies) and spit it at only one target dealing a multiplier per enemy firing on you.
EX: 4 enemies shooting at you.... 4x FBP DMG to your primary highlighted target
Unfortunatly, there is a downside to every skill.
Who would use BO, if FaW could target a single really.
After all, it wouldn't be Beam Fire at Will if it could target a single enemy. It'll be Beam Fire at My Will.
The same sort of person who would use Torpedo High Yield despite having Cannon Rapid Fire. One is for delivering a short burst of spike damage, the other is for a somewhat more long term increase in DPS.
Well i belive that if facing just one opponent that's what you get, FAW still works but focused on one target, with firing more rapidly.
I think this more going back to beam v cannon argument really and how they work in game.
With cannons its win win if using scatter volley or rapid fire, as even if some miss your hitting target/s and DHC have a critD upscale effect just for being DHC.
With Beam FAW gets damage passed around and with Beam overload its a win lose.
Maybe some doffs allowing beams to work a little more like cannons isn't a bad idea.
Perhaps dual beam banks could get the same upscale effect as DHC? Maybe even as +20 rather than just 10.
kind of hard to have it both ways when you cant swap doffs wile in combat. FAW isn't some perfect i win button, not even close. im still doing more damage with cannons and CRF.
this is getting dull. at the cost of a hugely impotent active roster slot, beams can have the same functionality cannons have for free. get perspective, this is not scandalous.
theres no downside to skills, they all do something positve for you. the only skill that takes wile it gives is AtB, and since doffs were released that ballanced itself out fairly well.
who would still use BO? every escort in pvp.
pvp is a 5v5. its not realistic to ever expect a good 1v1 opportunity.
I think the best sollution would be to keep everything as it is and give us the option to change the looks of space weapons to either look like a cannon or a beam.