Hello all,
I have played STO for a year then recently returned for a couple of months.
I love the additional content/improvements since I left, and have bought a lifetime membership since my return, but I find this game has the REALLY needs to improve the bugs and UI to polish it up.
I understand creating more ships and lockboxes earns you $$$ and thats the main prority for a company like yours, but these bugs (some still existing since the first year I played!!) are really annoying and frustrate the overall experience of STO. That said, I hope you take the time to address these to make existing players happier as well as attract new ones. I'm not about to start a bug report for each of these items and seperate the post, my hope is that someone from PWE sees this and passes this along for re-evaluation. Any constructive opinions and comments are welcome, anything else, take somewhere else. Thanks for reading.
1. Server not responding and slow loading
Zoning sometimes responds with server not responding or that the counter to the right
side of the picture slowly counts from 1 ... 2.... 3.... for like 30 seconds or more.
This is constant, this happens on zone maps, ship bridges, etc, regardless of time of
day. I severely doubt its anything on my end as it happens like clockwork especially
with playing with other players, they confirm it happens at the same time to them.
1. Buffs
Buffs on ship above ship icon with shields - most buffs have no description
ie. I will make up a fake buffname, Super Kinetic Channeling, WTH does it do?
Buffs on characters and players need a better tooltip (or even one!!) description on
what it does, perhaps even a more complex right click - Info window. The majority of the buffs do not show more info than the name, especially the ones part of set bonuses. The only feasible way is to find info is research it on the internet (sto wikia etc)
2. New Ships Clearing Hotkeys annoyance
Acquiring a new ship clears existing ships hotkeys, way to save? how about the server
saves it? I'm forced to have to take screenshots of my bridge officers, hotkeys of my multiple ships on multiple characters then have to pop the screenshot up when this happens. This is counterproductive if you want more sales in ships etc. :P
3. Ship Shields, More info required!
Mouse over of main ship target icon in the middle shows hull, how about more info like
shield current/max numbers?
4. Quest log helper autopilot plot course bug
Plotting autopilot in zones via Quest log helper - a lot of system quests spin you
through to wrong destinations, someone should go through the list of destinations one by
one to polish this up, especially for new players that are not yet frustrated to hell
with the bugs.
5. Clearing of bridge officers bug
This is seemingly random but happen to a lot of people. The clearing of the bridge
officer assignments for a ship, this can happen when zoning, or starting / finishing
a PVE queued mission (ie. infected conduit borg mission). Sometimes clicking on the
pull down menu of an assigned slot forces the server to reset them, but not always.
The huge problem with this is sometimes you start a mission and already in the heat
of battle, with nothing slotted in your hotkeys because your slots are emptied.
HUGE inconvenience.
6. Course Plotting Interference on Area Map
On the Area map, when you try to click a system to plot a course to it with your current
mission, the mission name sometimes (most of time) overlays over top of the system and
prevents you from plotting a course to it. You are able to plot it if you move a few
pixels over but its annoying.
Mail System
1. Mailing Duty Officers
Could it be possible to be able to double click the duty officer from your window and
have it automatically attach as an attachment rather than have to drag and drop each
one? Or even items to double click in general if the mail system window is open?
2. Mail - # of attachments
Possible to increase the amount of items from 5 to more per mail?
3. Mail Deletion - Damn you delete button!
Mails with attachments NEED to grey out the DELETE button so you don't accidentally
delete the items trying to clear your mails (ie. the exchange spam). You may ask, but
wait, there's a confirmation to ask if you want it or not!
Yes, true, however, even with it, it is not foolproof, I'd like for you to be tired and
trying to pick up a highly valuable item in between a bunch of junk emails you want to
delete, games should be designed with mistakes like these in mind and to take
preventative measures. I'm sorry, you aren't perfect either. :P
4. Mail 'returned items' duplicate mails
Mail from Exchange 'returned items' sends two mails, one that includes the original item
and one that reminds you again without an attachment.
user Interface
1. Inspecting other ships & players
Inspecting Other ships and players including equipped gear - ships most of time aren't
even accurate descriptions, I've seen where I try to inspect someone and it shows
the wrong ship, sometimes shows a bit of stats, sometimes not. This is highly odd.
More information about ones ship and players, what they are equipped with would be
valuable. This even introduces bragging rights too.
2. Combatlog toggling
/combatlog 1 switch for UI needs to stay on or off permanently if turned on.
I love to have it on, but having to turn it on every time I load the game is a nuisance.
3. Friend / Fleet member logging in and out status info
Friends logging in and out should have the character name as well as the account name.
4. Commodities
When donating or buying commodities through fleet and NPC need a max and min button so you don't have to use the slider to min max all the time.
5. Bonus Experience Boost bar
Skill point bonuses bar at the top needs to be able to be resized, if I added a 25000 skill
point boost, I need to be able to see how much is left, even mouse over doesn't explain
anything other than what the points do. I also do not need to see "25..." instead of a
real number because you can't adjust it properly. So you're left clueless, is it 2500 or 25000?
6. Duty Officer Department heads
Department Head assignments sometimes clear / reassign with wrong officers if you have
more than one.
7. Duty Officer filtering consitency
The placement of Status, Specialization, Quality, Type, Species is different between the tabs of Roster, Active Space/Ground, Plan Assignment etc.
8. Duty Officer Filtering bug?
Filtering of the Duty Officers for multiple traits to isolate down a certain batch if
you have a lot needs some work. Its strange, I start a filter with 1 trait, lets say to
include Resolve. Then I select to include Telekinesis, it seems to shorten my list, but
still displays officers that do not possess this trait. Perhaps its OR logic rather than AND, but if I select Resolve AND Telekinesis do I not want filtered results to show only the duty officers that possess both? Or at least provide players the option to have AND or EITHER OR?
9. Duty Officer Filtering Results count
Filtered results need a count of what is being displayed at the bottom, ie. 10 officers
displayed in search results. This is helpful in determining how many of a certain
criteria you have.
10. Duty Officer Plan Assignment Nuisance
When selecting an officer to meet the requirement "Any Officer" for any given
assignment, it lists all available duty officers but does not provide the Arrow to
expand/contract the Tactical Officer category. Which is the first category it is
supposed to list.
11. Portrait Shields / Health #'s
When your name and portrait displays in a ground area, it would be nice to see your
numbers on always instead of having to mouse over. I tried combinations of turning on
and off in Options and could not find it. (?) Same for Target.
12. Commodities window for buying
Various commodities are low on stack size limits, how about making lock boxes, and
consumable devices like shields, batteries, weapon, aux stack more than 20?
13. Donating duty officers in fleet window
Able to make it so you can click on the name area to turn on the check box
instead of having to click the checkbox stricly to toggle?
14. Fleet window project info bug
Random clearing of display of current projects in Fleet tab. Everything is blank. If you zone it works again. Hassle.
Exchange System
1. Exchange needs a Clear search criteria button.
2. Switching between Buy and Sell tabs
Exchange needs to remember the last type clicked on the Buy tab when you move to and
from the Sell tab, ie. if I want to sell an Energy Weapons officer to under cut someone,
enter the quality at the top, move to Duty Officers - Tactical and select he subcategory
Energy Weapons Officer, i find my price to beat, move to the Sell tab, place it for
sale, move back to the buy tab and it automatically defects to the subcategory at the
top of the Duty Officers - Tactical list, which is conn Officer because it is listed
before Energy Weapons Officer. Annoying.
3. When putting in search words in the "Search for name" field, you need to have a
"contains" or "exact match" option. A lot of times, items have their special effects
listed in wrong orders so searching for something like [Acc], or [CrtD] or[Dmg] with items with multiple effects filters out items you actually want because it is looking for an exact match.
4. Only show usable items 'off'
I often toggle between off and on status because I find sometimes it filters
out even if I am able to use this. (ie. times I search for dual heavy cannons and
it filters it out even though my ship can equip it!) If someone searches for
a set of items and the only show usable items is off, there should be something to
signify items in the results list that it is unusable. ie. Let it have a different
background colour or such.
Phew. Sorry for the long post.