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Special Deal on Entertainment Provisions bug

mosul33mosul33 Member Posts: 836 Arc User
edited October 2013 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
Dunno if this its a known issue, but did a search for this and also looked on the bugs and doff subforums but didnt find any so i am posting here since its a bug.
On my Romulan fed allied char i never see the very rare Special Deal on Entertainment Provisions doff mission wich rewards on crit a hologram doff. To be onest i never looked for it untill a got tier 4 in Trade so i can get the purple one, but i dont think i saw the others (rare, uncommon and common) aswell. Got 104k trade commendation points, even went to the npc to update it, even got a purple doff from the free choice, yet i never see it, and i did check it if its in a sector with another fed toon and its there. The fed toons can see it but my fed romulan cant :(
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  • callumphcallumph Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    My Romulan (KDF-allied) has never seen the "Special Deal on Entertainment Provisions" mission, even though I've been specifically looking for it for weeks. So I guess it's either a Romulan-flavoured bug, or we're both just very unlucky.
  • internetonsetaddinternetonsetadd Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Neither my KDF Rom nor my Fed Rom (trade T4) can see any Special Deal missions. I confirm that they're present using the doffjobs spreadsheet (or my vanilla KDF/Fed toons), but the Roms aren't seeing them. I look forward to a fix in three years.
  • iceeaglexiceeaglex Member Posts: 375 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Same here. My fed-rom can't see (at least very rare entertainment). He is lvl 4 trade.

    My Fed did the mission, i changed to my rom, and it didn't exist.

    Seems the roms can't get it.
  • eurialoeurialo Member Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Neither my KDF Rom nor my Fed Rom (trade T4) can see any Special Deal missions. I confirm that they're present using the doffjobs spreadsheet (or my vanilla KDF/Fed toons), but the Roms aren't seeing them. I look forward to a fix in three years.

    strange... I play it often with my two kdf toons.

    Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
  • iceeaglexiceeaglex Member Posts: 375 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Are they ROM-kdf or straight KDF?
    Because no one else here with ROM-TRIBBLE can see the missions.

    Straight FED and KDF are fine.
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