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RIP Risa



  • cgta1967cgta1967 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    That is what occurred after Aug25th nerfing of the Tour of the Universe/Galaxy.

    Stay classy Cryptic. ;)

    nerf?...exploit?...meh what's the difference between friends right ?....:cool:
    ---- FIRE EVERYTHING ! ----
  • bradchristopher1bradchristopher1 Member Posts: 307
    edited September 2013
    cgta1967 wrote: »
    nerf?...exploit?...meh what's the difference between friends right ?....:cool:

    what are u talking about, risa was never nerfed or identified as an exploit. And the tour still works, between friends right? :cool:
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Way to miss the point.

    Risa was a fun and nicely realized social map, something we don't have enough of in this game. Now that all the content has been stripped out, it's just a pretty but empty map. I think that's a shame.

    Risa was a great place to meet and relax with other players, and it had a nice immersive RP element to it that's a great thing to have in an MMO. What's your beef with someone wanting more things to do and more ways to have fun in the game, especially in areas that are lacking such as social non-combat zones? I like blowing stuff up as much as anyone, but it's nice to have other things to do as well.

    Then go RP you don't need the event to RP just a map, and it's there you can dance with emotes, and fly around with floaters or rent if you don't have them.

    They left it there for RP to relax, and they are not even there, they are on droznana.
  • lindalefflindaleff Member Posts: 3,734 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    As is, this new map is nothing more than a fancy version of an already abandoned planet. That was where Cryptic made the mistake in the first place, making a shiny map without any real reason to ever venture there. New Romulus has those Rommypigs you can raise to Elder, and of course the Embassy. If not for that, then not many reasons to ever go there either. So, Risa needs to at least retain raising birds and whatever other events were there, and maybe even make the place have something to do with fleet holdings. It may be the one and only reason to ever go to Risa anymore, but at least it IS giving a reason to go there.

    Take Bajor for another example. The place is beautiful to say the least, and the city is rich with merchants and a handy Bank/Exchange on the same terminals. But the story missions are the only reason to ever go there. Even the roleplayers never go there anymore. And if even the roleplayers don't do there, then that says something very major about how much the place needs be be revamped, expanded, and vastly improved.

    And then you also have Andoria. The place is not nothing more than a waste of server space. You have this giant map that is perfect for cats who like to climb, but no one else ever bothers to waste their time in going there. No missions involve going there. The map itself has no events or tasks. It is 100% a waste.

    I know the Risa map was fully intended to be an event map, but you have to look at it in terms of the Winter Event. At the end of that even, the map GOES AWAY. Seeing as how Cryptic has elected to make this map stay, they really do need to give that map a reason for staying. Otherwise, all they are doing is wasting precious server space that would be better used elsewhere.
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