Hi all
I have been having these 2 issues recently:
1. I have a nice tidy organized abilities tray (3 rows), but every time I load into a new map, it fills the empty spaces in the tray with some BOFF abilities, making it organized. I have "Lock Tray" selected but it still does it.
2. This only happens about 2 times a week but when signing in, my BOFFs are unassigned to their stations and I have to put them all in again. (This one doesn't bother me so much, but it's a little annoying when they become unassigned for no reason)
=/\= Tea, Earl Grey, hot =/\=
I found these issues to be related to lag somehow (same as with getting random boffs on your bridge; although that seems to be largely fixed now, thank gawd).
I also found out that 'empty' stations rarely truly are. Go to 'U' menu -> Main ship -> Stations, and use pulldown menu on, say, Ensign tact station for shuttle (from below your stations listed for your main ship). You'll notice your main ship's station boffs all miraculously snap back in again!
Tray getting messed up is not so easily circumvented, though. Same thing happens when you switch consoles (or put same console in different slot). The game then decides to be 'clever' and fill up some spots for you on the tray. Well... don't! Good for noobs, maybe; but wish there were an option to disable it.
Worked for me, Hope it helps.
As for 2. I have no idea, sorry.
=/\= Tea, Earl Grey, hot =/\=
I also found out that 'empty' stations rarely truly are. Go to 'U' menu -> Main ship -> Stations, and use pulldown menu on, say, Ensign tact station for shuttle (from below your stations listed for your main ship). You'll notice your main ship's station boffs all miraculously snap back in again!
Tray getting messed up is not so easily circumvented, though. Same thing happens when you switch consoles (or put same console in different slot). The game then decides to be 'clever' and fill up some spots for you on the tray. Well... don't!