Are people interested in player-driven PVP leaderboards?
If it was necessary to combatlog every match (which means that you have to enter "/combatlog 1" each time you restart the STO client) and then automagically report aggregate match data, would you be willing to suffer through the inconvenience of having to start your combatlog once per gaming session and running an automated and stripped down version of a combatlog parser?
Here is a prototype:
Contact me, if you want to help test it.
But even more than that, I'd be willing to log and run an automated parser if the data was aggregated and used for informing balance passes. Instead of, I don't know, a gut feeling about which abilities are getting used.
Is there really enough of us to make any real leaderboard worthwhile? It's a great idea of course but there's too few of us.
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
Thanks mate we will try and take a look at it. Perhaps you could work with Livin on it?
For a moment there towards the end I couldn't stop thinking about this!!!
Would be great to get together on Saturday PBC TS and see if we can hash out a system that would allow for better scoring.
Thnx All
~The Eleventh Order~
11thOrder Youtube
Only real problem is /combatlog 1 but even that is easily fixed:
/bind Space "Combatlog 1 $$ GenSendMessage HUD_Root FireAll $$ +power_exec Distribute_Shields $$ +TrayExecByTray"
Although something like putting it on WASD etc would be better since it will start prematurely (From the spawnpoint) rather then right as you spacebar for the first time.
Not too hard to implement as some basic instruction Hilbert.
Anyway this makes nobody forget to enable it anymore, only huge combatlogs will be the end result so the necessity to split them up and eventually auto remove a few has got to be worked on.
ooo how could this be used for pve? if we think of a reason for that then maybe they can import it over to pvp like they said... but have yet to do.... ah never mind.
if i start pvp'ing again seriously ill give it a go.
Do you even Science Bro?
Can't wait to see how your tool measures up against the Leaderboards that were first in testing in S2 and have been refined by Mr. Tod since Season 6. I mean 2013 isn't over yet, so who knows maybe S9 and 2013 will come sooooooo soooooooooon(tm).
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
It would be nice for every update to see some sort of changelog
Yeah this is one iof the best tools yet that got released by public, awesome
How high does the scoring go ?
A back-of-the-enevelope calculation shows that if you have a perfect match, i.e. you do 100% of the damage in the entire match (not just your own team), perform all 15 kills yourself, do 100% of the healing, get perfect style and utility ratings and do 4.5k dps and 3k hps, then you will get 12 points for the match.
I'm currently in the process of reworking the utility and style ratings. Once that is done, maybe the formula will be sufficiently stable to give some more detailed explanations.
A big future project that I have not yet undertaken is the implementation of team-detection, so that I can better tell whether one was fighting against superior forces or merely shooting fish in a barrel and then use this to better rate a player's performance.
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
- Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
I particularly like the utility and style theories, as I understand them.
Extremely easy to use... well done bud...
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
Contact me in-game anytime, @kirkfollower24
That brings back memories. Clanbase used to run loads of Medal of Honour tourneys too.
There really needs to be a spectator option in PVP, don't give them the ability to talk in Zone or Local, but let them watch from the same viewpoints as actual players and maybe an option to just zoom about freely. It's been in MMO's for donkeys years.
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
I suggest to prevent abuse and warp out on matches you think will be bad for ya rating should somehow be prevented.
Hard to normaliZe this though..
But yeah i agree the list seems decently accurate so far. I love this program
Dammit hanks sci pwns my tac now xD
There is data that I can (and intend to) use to reduce the problem a bit. Currently the importance of individual matches for the overall score is given by taking averages with the match duration as weights. I could apply some kind of exponential function to further increase the importance of long matches over short ones; also I could give matches with many kills (close to 30 in total, thus indicating a balanced score) a higher weight in the averaging process; the same goes for matches with a high overall dps/hps score which then indicates that all players were good.
But a different averaging of the individual results doesn't fully solve the problem. While it makes longer/better matches more important, it still leaves the situation where a players decides to only participate in pugstomps - if every match is the same, the weights won't change anything. To do something against that, I could apply penalties for onesided matches, but that would also hurt players who are genuinely good and perform outstandingly even against good opponents and achieve decisive wins.
The last way out which requires much more data than I currently have and which is probably only possible for weekly/monthly lists is to only include matches which look as if they were balanced and simply discard everything else. But that could still punish players/groups who are simply significantly better than everyone else (think: the TSI-QEW 15-0 tournament matches would not have been rated because they were too onesided...).
You aren't using that as an example moreso as an excuse to gloat instead. I know I can tell despite what you are going to say next to bs us. Nobody here buys your bs anyway!
Oh nvm, i refrain from my earlier message