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Fleet stores stingyness



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    sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I Wonder, why do people (not all, ofc, but a lot) find it so difficult to donate 100K or even 200K? How about throwing in a million or two? It can't harm you. Its a game. No?
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    animusredwinganimusredwing Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    In Redwing (fed) Doq Tel Suvwis (kdf) we have a pay as you go policy

    Join up donate 20 k fleet credit on your @account and get to buy that much worth of goodies.

    We track total donations for all toons for fed and kdf bases.
    Every 100 k fleet credit you earn a ballot for our quarterly prize draw which usually includes 100-200 mil ec of prizes. Fleet modules, gear, ships, keys.

    By tracking @account donations our members play on both fed and kdf using our teamspeak and in game chat channel.

    Once an @account reaches a certain threshold for donations they are given permanent store access for all alts to both fleet stores. Until then stores are opened by pay as you go donations.

    Stores are only locked if a provision runs out completely. We then lock the store till we build up 200 provisions (8prov missions), then reopen for everyone.

    Works very well, we have over 15 of our 30 members with over 1 million fleet credits donated.

    Check us out at redwingfleet.com
    REDWING (fed), DOQ TEL SUVWI'S (kdf)
    All welcome, pm @animusrevertendi
    Join us on Teamspeak! Visit our Website!
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    the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I Wonder, why do people (not all, ofc, but a lot) find it so difficult to donate 100K or even 200K? How about throwing in a million or two? It can't harm you. Its a game. No?

    It is a game but when you have multiple alts and they're all donating you still should be considered for the total you've donated for example, my main which has been in the for a long time has donated 510k and I find it weird that people who make your same argument seem to think that this is somehow not enough that we should do more on our alts when our mains are the ones we play the most, thus the reason why they are called mains. smh
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    the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    jetwtf wrote: »
    My fleet has no rule about donation amounts. How to get permission to buy from provisioned stores is by time alone. takes 6 weeks to get the rank even if you donated nothing at all. Each alt requires 6 weeks in the fleet.

    I do not see the huge issue of each alt being required to donate 100k, it doesnt take long to donate that much and 100k in FC does not last long when gearing up 1 ship. building the provisions for 100k worth of FC use requires far more donations. It is better than 6 weeks time considering you can donate 100k worth in 1 day.

    But I've already donated 510k on my main, see where I'm heading with this, what does it matter if it's showing that my main did it or my alts when I've already put in enough for five alts under this requirement

    that's the whole problem. That's the point, who cares if it says in some log somewhere that Main1 donated 410k Alt1 donated 50k and Alt 2 donated 50k so long as it meets the requirements overall to be able to have access to the store.
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    doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    You know, a different question occurs to me: How do you expect to buy anything with no FC, anyway, given that you don't appear to have come from another fleet or anything? Your fleet does not seem like they specifically organize FC runs.
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    loverofwarsloverofwars Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    100k per character is a fair amount if your not even playing them why do you want access? to outfit a single ship in fleet gear costs over 100k to outfit your captain two weapons shield armor is over 100k fc 100k fc is 100k dilithium which is 5 provisions and doesn't even get a single starbase provision project rolling since it needs 200k dil for 10 weapons.

    And if you have 510k donated on your main you've been with your fleet for two years you are really slacking behind other members you should have millions donated some upgrades alone give more than 500k fc even getting to an upgrade stage of any holding costs a lot of fm items doffs dil more than a few mill fc in total by the sound of it you haven't helped much only used the provisions and donated what was needed to get what you wanted and that is it.

    I will suggest a few things do defera invasion zone good fleet marks easy mediums and hards some upgrades cost 15k fm help out a lot by going to defera whenever you can do some stfs get some dil and omega marks convert to dil refine fill projects up do a good enough job you may even get promoted use fleet chat try talking to others in the fleet bring them along a couple hours a night after work will be more then enough to donate to fleet do your rep have fun meet a few friends in sto team up go do something hang around chat even a few hours on the weekend will be more then enough to do quite alot have fun ingame :)
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    revlotrevlot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ...you've been with your fleet for two years...you should have millions donated...

    That really is the point here.
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    cheryl07cheryl07 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    First of all our fleet is not small it has topped the 400 which is the max that any fleet can allow.
    Second I would like to take the opportunity to say that We discussed this issue open chat on the Fleet and since no decision is made independently and one of our key Vice Admirals is on holidays. It was requested that you wait until we could get together and discuss this. Our Stores ARE open to Lt level. What you want is to be promoted OVER and ABOVE people who have worked hard to donate to the starbase, and embassy.
    You have attacked members in the Fleet, Facebook and NOW the forum. Because you can't get the answer you want.
    If you can't wait for the rest of the fleet then I apologize. As I told you on FB I will not be bullied into making a decision without discussing it with other VA.
    As it stands you have
    I FLEET VA who has donated 77,594 to the Fleet
    Your LT. has 34,240 with that and your other alt you should ONLY be at Fleet Capt level but because you were with us for so long we left your VA in tact.
    Any other toons you have AS I MYSELF has must work it's way up the ladder the same as anyone else in the fleet.
    As for a comment made about me being CLICKY - SUFFICE IT TO SAY I have a son who is a member of the fleet and no favoritism is made to him he is LT and has been for sometime as he doesn't donate to the fleet.
    Many of us have even Demoted our alts to make room for other members to have a chance. I apologize if you are not getting the answer you are looking for but you are no different than any other member in our "SMALL" Fleet.
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    ru4tedwardru4tedward Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    cheryl07 wrote: »
    ... one of our key Vice Admirals is on holidays.

    She means Fleet Admirals.
    cheryl07 wrote: »
    Our Stores ARE open to Lt level.

    She means Lt Commander level. We turned off access to Lt level because we DID get several people jointing the fleet with intentions of greifing and flitching. One waited almost 6 months before emptying the fleet bank of every ship shield, engine, deflector, etc (all the high priced objects)
    cheryl07 wrote: »
    I will not be bullied into making a decision without discussing it with other VA.

    Again, She means Fleet Admirals.
    cheryl07 wrote: »
    As it stands you have
    I FLEET VA who has donated 77,594 to the Fleet
    Your LT. has 34,240 with that and your other alt you should ONLY be at Fleet Capt level

    Again, he has 1 Fleet Admiral toon. You know, with the power to temporarily promote, then demote. Save a lot of people stress. *sigh*

    I agree the promotion levels on this fleet are a bit draconic right now, and this may open up the discussion about reducing them, but this thread is not making that discussion any easier. For the record, Promotion levels are currently 100k for Lt Comm, 300K for Commander, 500k for Capt, and 700k for Ft Capt, and 1M for Admiral. We currently have a full complement of Fleet Admirals, so promotion to that rank means a demotion for someone else. Fleet stores are open to LtC rank and above, Fleet bank access at all levels, though quantity of the goodies is limited at lower ranks.

    And as for us being stuck on Tier 4 for 2 years. That's TRIBBLE. I joined a year ago, and the fleet was mired in the bartender mission. Since I took over the Starbase about 9 months ago, there hasn't been a time when fleet credits could not be earned. We achieved Tier 4 about 2 months ago, embassy is on the tier 3 construction, Mines are about to go Tier 2. Provisions are healthy but not obscene (I like to hover at 200), and only the embassy has high numbers because of that stupid system where three have to be purchased at once (and our fleet doesn't seem to purchase a lot of consumables).

    We do have regular fleet actions, and the poster of this thread has been a regular member of them.

    FA Tedward/Ahnekha/P'Trell/Romanadvoratnalunda/Fa'Que
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    nagrom7nagrom7 Member Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    First let me just say how laughable people are getting about this. Bleeding the fleet dry? There is no limitation on the number of consoles, ground kits, fleet ships, weapons etc that one can buy with fleet marks and it certainly doesn't prevent others from buying their own from vendors.
    They are talking about provisions which are required to purchase from fleet stores. No provisions means no one in the fleet can buy any fleet stuff. The only way to get provisions is by doing starbase projects, but some fleets have to limit the use of provisions as they can't replenish them as fast as they are being used.
    Harden up Princess
    Looking for an Oceanic fleet? Check out our website:
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    revlotrevlot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    nagrom7 wrote: »
    They are talking about provisions which are required to purchase from fleet stores. No provisions means no one in the fleet can buy any fleet stuff. The only way to get provisions is by doing starbase projects, but some fleets have to limit the use of provisions as they can't replenish them as fast as they are being used.

    So they do NOT require their members to pre-provision the stores they wish to buy from? Seems simple, every body gets a turn to run a provision project, they have been gathering the resources they need before hand to auto-complete the project as soon as it is listed, and then when the timer is up they have access to all or some of what they just provisioned for themselves. DuH?
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    nagrom7nagrom7 Member Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    revlot wrote: »
    So they do NOT require their members to pre-provision the stores they wish to buy from? Seems simple, every body gets a turn to run a provision project, they have been gathering the resources they need before hand to auto-complete the project as soon as it is listed, and then when the timer is up they have access to all or some of what they just provisioned for themselves. DuH?

    It's not as simple as that and if you ever managed a fleet you would know that. You can't just limit resources to players, its all based on rank. Plus at higher tiers some of the resources required is a little harsh to force one person to contribute, to get the same number of provisions as everyone else.

    If you ran a fleet like that, your starbase would stall because you are waiting on people to get the resources for a specific project, rather than them dumping in what they have to other projects that might need it.
    Harden up Princess
    Looking for an Oceanic fleet? Check out our website:
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    revlotrevlot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    nagrom7 wrote: »
    ...rather than them dumping in what they have to other projects that might need it.

    So it is either grow or provision. Ya, tough choices there. Guess the big fleets gotta only grow one facility at a time so that slots are available to run provisions with. Kinda slows down the pace of growth tho, longer to get the better goodies. Suppose they could do a 'seasonal' thing - only provisioning during the spring summer, and growth during the fall winter. Still, I don't have a problem gathering all the resources I need before hand to auto complete a fleet project. Doesn't seem like a problem that experienced players would have, being unable to gather resources.
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    nagrom7nagrom7 Member Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    You get enough provisions by building the starbase, but limiting it to one person contributing at a time is just going to slow you down
    Harden up Princess
    Looking for an Oceanic fleet? Check out our website:
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    revlotrevlot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Eh, what do I care, I just built my own tier 1 shipyard and expect to have my own tier 5 shipyard by this time next year, in my one man fleet. Those maxed-out fleets can suffer under their own bureaucracy and never get anywhere, I've got my own thing going. And this one really is an internal matter, and the mods should have locked the thread by now, cause the pertinent persons are starting to get nasty to each other and personal internal fleet dirty laundry is being aired.
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    spencerb96spencerb96 Member Posts: 244 Media Corps
    edited August 2013
    100k is not much to ask, the last fleet that I was in, Section 8, had much higher requirements, 500k contributed + approval by promo officer to be able to access the fleet bank, and 1mil contributed + approval by promo officer to be able to access the fleet store. Though, even with those requirements, nobody was getting a promotion, as the promo officer refused to promote anyone. I was with them for a year, made my way up the chain and watched them make the requirements higher and higher and promotions happen less and less. Between that and the fleet leadership complaining about members constantly (for example: the fleet leader had sent me a msg just before I made my move and left the fleet, complaining that some members were saying they have a bunch of dil saved up in chat and weren't using it for the starbase, when we had no projects up anywhere that needed dil). Those issues were just for main toons, for alts in S8, well, even if you had 3x the requirement, the chance to get a promotion was 0%.

    Oh, and the 500k and 1mil promo requirements, they only counted contributions to the starbase, contributions to the embassy and dil mine were not taken into count for promos.

    Am glad I left that sinking ship and took as many of the remaining active players with me as I could.
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    revlotrevlot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    All these wimpy players - 'Oooh, 100k fleet credits are SO hard to get - poor me'. I'm less than 2 weeks at my new fleet and already got almost a mil LFC earned, and STILL have spare time to lurk in the forums. The LeaderBoard SHOULD be a competition, all fleet members should be trying to have the most contributed to the fleet. Seems like most players think that the fleet should supply them with endless goodies for free, when it is the players who should be supplying the fleet with endless resources. My opinion, they don't donate at least 100k a week then they get demoted, or if at lowest rank they get booted. Coddling the poor feebs will only make it harder for other fleets to maintain discipline cause word will spread that some fleets willingly disable themselves by encouraging players to treat the fleet like a public service that owes them everything, when it is really a private club with fees and dues that make the club a nice place to be when they are fulfilled.
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    spencerb96spencerb96 Member Posts: 244 Media Corps
    edited August 2013
    revlot wrote: »
    All these wimpy players - 'Oooh, 100k fleet credits are SO hard to get - poor me'. I'm less than 2 weeks at my new fleet and already got almost a mil LFC earned, and STILL have spare time to lurk in the forums. The LeaderBoard SHOULD be a competition, all fleet members should be trying to have the most contributed to the fleet. Seems like most players think that the fleet should supply them with endless goodies for free, when it is the players who should be supplying the fleet with endless resources. My opinion, they don't donate at least 100k a week then they get demoted, or if at lowest rank they get booted. Coddling the poor feebs will only make it harder for other fleets to maintain discipline cause word will spread that some fleets willingly disable themselves by encouraging players to treat the fleet like a public service that owes them everything, when it is really a private club with fees and dues that make the club a nice place to be when they are fulfilled.

    100k is hard for some to get, not everyone can get in and contribute to a project, especially in large fleets. The only reason you've gotten nearly a million fleet credits is because you have very few people in your fleet, so you have less competition. 100k a week is insane, there should be no requirement ever, if someone is in a fleet that does that, I strongly urge them to run and never turn back.

    This is a game, not a job, people should have access to whatever gear they want so that they can enjoy the game. They shouldn't have to worry about reaching a requirement each week. The only requirement there should be is simply be active, and interact with the fleet.

    I left Section 8 and many from that fleet followed me because of how restrictive everything was becoming there and how the fleet leader was acting, and with your comment there, you sound just like him.
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    ru4tedwardru4tedward Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The thing about all these requirements is... you have to spend Fleet Credits to buy anything from the fleet stores. If the starbase is managed properly, ie the provision levels are kept high enough that you won't run out before another provisioning mission can be run, then I don't see why there should be ANY prerequisites to buying from the fleet stores. If I want Elite Fleet Engines, I'll need 65k FC to get them (and some dil). That means I have to EARN the fleet credits, and the ONLY way to get them is donate to the missions.

    The provisioning missions do advance the fleet status. Granted you can get 1200 points on one kind of mission with no provisions and the provisioning missions only give that track 200 points, but you're still advancing the fleet, even if slower while keeping the provisions high. The only other kinds of missions are the construction projects, tier-ups, specials, and those waste-your-resources missions on the bottom. And those last ones at least give 5 points to each track. But if you don't turn them on, then the provisioning tracks are the only place to donate.

    The one thing I can see as a hitch is if someone from another fleet (like Section 8) decided they wanted to buy some elite equipment, but weren't allowed by their own fleet (or unable) and switched fleets, specifically to buy from the fleet stores, then went back. THAT would be a drain on resources because the fleet credits spent did not contribute to the provisioning.
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    n8pu#8193 n8pu Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I also am one that left section 8, I did not get kicked. My main toon had contributed almost 1.6M to the fleet, it and my one other fed toon had access to fleet stores but because it had not contributed enough, I had basically only had one that has access to the store. They expected you to be active and be 'chatty' to get promoted, so they said; if I'm in a mission I hardly see the chat box because I am paying attention to what is happening in that mission, so not much of a chance to be promoted there either. :(

    If you didn't log on within 7 days with ALL of your toon with out telling them you wouldn't be online for a while, that would get your toon that missed that kicked, it felt more like a job instead of a game; I have worked at my current job for over 39 years now and am getting close to retiring soon, SO I DON'T need another job. :mad:

    This is a game and that is how I intend to play it, if I don't get access to fleet stuff, well I guess I'll live that. But I don't see that happening in my new to me fleet, the game is beginning to be fun and enjoyable again, Thanks guys & gals for that. :D

    You can disagree with me and that is fine, you treat me like I am people and not a commodity and I will do what I can to help, but if you don't, then it is attitudes like that ruin the game for those in your fleet.
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    spencerb96spencerb96 Member Posts: 244 Media Corps
    edited August 2013
    ru4tedward wrote: »
    The one thing I can see as a hitch is if someone from another fleet (like Section 8) decided they wanted to buy some elite equipment, but weren't allowed by their own fleet (or unable) and switched fleets, specifically to buy from the fleet stores, then went back. THAT would be a drain on resources because the fleet credits spent did not contribute to the provisioning.

    Doing that in Section 8 would've meant that every toon you had in the fleet would be kicked and you would never be allowed to return to the fleet. The fleet leader expected full loyalty to the fleet. If you had any dil, don't say it in chat, he'd flip out on you and complain about you to the rest of the command staff.

    I got a message the night I left, that set in motion the events that happened, it was from the fleet leader, complaining about fleetmates saying that they had dil in chat, he was complaining that they weren't using it for the starbase, which we hadn't had a project that needed dil for it for months. Dil mine projects always filled instantly, and the Embassy had been complete for months.

    Here is that message. ( All names removed )

    And as for provisions, S8 had hundreds of each type of provision, before I left, I gave everyone in the fleet (200 members) access to the fleet store, even with everyone hitting it, the total amount of provisions barely got hit, maybe 10% of the total provisions. As for the S8 KDF fleet, there was no provisions, and the fleet leader hadn't logged on there for months, makes me wish that latest Tribble patch would've came out a few weeks ago.
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    linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Owning a fleet is not an easy task. When I owned a small fleet, I had a problem with balancing casual play with fleet progression. Since I wanted to please everyone, I didn't know how to keep them motivated. I knew they wanted space and ground gear; however, the casual nature of the fleet hindered progress. I attempted to move fleet members around, so I can put extremely motivated players on top. It didn't turn out as planned.

    What matters is that you learn from mistakes.

    New players and provision access was another issue. Veteran fleet members contributed a mess of resources, so they could unlock certain tiers. Once someone new comes into the fleet, the conundrum resides with protecting the fleet's progress. Good fleet owners want to give everyone access, but they also want to respect the work of others. Prior to unlocking the fleet duty officers, players spend millions of energy credits on their exchange counterparts. You can spend around two million ec on filling one duty officer requirement.

    Asking for a set contribution amount, prior to giving players fleet store access, is a completely understandable request. Since it can costs several million ec to complete one project, the contribution requirements should be practical. If someone has not contributed allot to the fleetbase, I think fleet owners should consider other methods of participation. Does a person get involved with events? Does a player put together events? Does the player help others? etc...

    While I was involved with another person's fleet, I tried to convince the fleet owner to soften his message. As a result of him posting monotone messages (messages of the day and emails), the fleet owner made everything feel like work. Fleet owners should be encouraging a wide variety of activities, so that people do not feel overly-obligated to contribute. Having everyone solely focusing on fleetbase, embassy, and dilithium mine construction projects conflicts with the idea of family. Once you build strong family bonds, the stress to complete fleet holdings slightly recedes.

    Fleet owners should revolve all their activities around family building. Even though some fleets may hit tier five in short order, the end goal means nothing without family.

    Even though its easy to write about solutions, the ability to put some of them in motion can be difficult.
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    revlotrevlot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It has recently been pointed out to me that there are different styles of play, and that not everybody is as strong a player as I am, and that there are different fleets to accommodate the vast plethora of play styles. Ok, I can be baffled by 'casual' players without needing to compare their contributions to mine, and understand that their troubles most likely stem from just not being in the right fleet for their play style.

    But what still gets me is that there are fleets with 400 alts in them. It just seems that with so many in a fleet that it becomes almost impossible to accomplish anything. Why do people need so many alts? Seems like you are shorting the fleet and yourself by spreading your limited time over doing the exact same actions for each of your alts, when you could be doing so much more with just a single toon? Seems like a double digit number like 50 or 75 actual humans would work lots better.
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    iceeaglexiceeaglex Member Posts: 375 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    revlot wrote: »
    All these wimpy players - 'Oooh, 100k fleet credits are SO hard to get - poor me'. I'm less than 2 weeks at my new fleet and already got almost a mil LFC earned, and STILL have spare time to lurk in the forums.

    This is why you are in a fleet by yourself.
    Not. Very. Bright.
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    spencerb96spencerb96 Member Posts: 244 Media Corps
    edited August 2013
    revlot wrote: »
    It has recently been pointed out to me that there are different styles of play, and that not everybody is as strong a player as I am, and that there are different fleets to accommodate the vast plethora of play styles. Ok, I can be baffled by 'casual' players without needing to compare their contributions to mine, and understand that their troubles most likely stem from just not being in the right fleet for their play style.

    But what still gets me is that there are fleets with 400 alts in them. It just seems that with so many in a fleet that it becomes almost impossible to accomplish anything. Why do people need so many alts? Seems like you are shorting the fleet and yourself by spreading your limited time over doing the exact same actions for each of your alts, when you could be doing so much more with just a single toon? Seems like a double digit number like 50 or 75 actual humans would work lots better.

    With an attitude like that, I see why you're in your own fleet. I would rather be in a dead fleet than be in one that had players with your attitude. I would truly love to see how "strong" of a player you are in game.
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    revlotrevlot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    iceeaglex wrote: »
    This is why you are in a fleet by yourself.
    Not. Very. Bright.
    spencerb96 wrote: »
    With an attitude like that, I see why you're in your own fleet. I would rather be in a dead fleet than be in one that had players with your attitude. I would truly love to see how "strong" of a player you are in game.

    Well, in all actuality, since you bring it up, I am Disabled since childhood with a Mental Disorder. I have spent most my life in a fleet by myself because others find it so hard to deal with me. I know who I am, and I have reached a measure of happiness in my life that does not rely on the approval of Mundanes. I would direct you to the recruitment posting for my solo fleet - I don't think I will find many who desire to join me.


    Honestly, I just do NOT understand some things, so I ask questions, and even then I do not understand. I am mentally disabled, my brain does not work right, I know this, now you do too. And?
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    ru4tedwardru4tedward Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    spencerb96 wrote: »
    Doing that in Section 8 would've meant that every toon you had in the fleet would be kicked and you would never be allowed to return to the fleet.

    Sorry, didn't mean to imply that you would, or have, tried this. I came up with the scenario, and Section 8 was the only other fleet mentioned where people were having a tough time with fleet stores. Section 8 aside, there are plenty of fleets that might even encourage people to try draining the stores of other fleets, or at least forgive them for "accidentally" hitting the [leave] button on the fleet roster page. ;)
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    the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    As a final ignorant gesture of this fleet (that I just finally left btw because apparently their loyalty is only to their cliq of friends and not anyone who's helped them get to where they are with a total donation of approx 600k fleet cred worth of resources and 2 years with them) yesterday they decided they'd be insulting and demote my final character in their fleet to captain (after 2 years of being with them and they actually thought I'd steal from them) is it any wonder why it's remained so small a fleet or that we had this problem with stingyness?

    Amazes me that people still suggest that I'm somehow the problem when they do things like this. smh
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    ficrficr Member Posts: 235 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    revlot wrote: »
    It has recently been pointed out to me that there are different styles of play, and that not everybody is as strong a player as I am, and that there are different fleets to accommodate the vast plethora of play styles.

    Correct. Everyone here has different goals. Some people's goals are to throw those party favors, some are role players, others DPS.
    revlot wrote: »
    But what still gets me is that there are fleets with 400 alts in them.

    Didn't you just acknowledge that people have different goals?
    revlot wrote: »
    It just seems that with so many in a fleet that it becomes almost impossible to accomplish anything.

    Once again, people have different goals. There's a fleet if you want to learn how to pvp. They are not there to get a T5 starbase etc. just to facilitate learning pvp. There's another fleet where people trade tactics on how to "use party favors etc". Accomplishments, I love this guys signature: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=11523241&postcount=31
    revlot wrote: »
    Why do people need so many alts? Seems like you are shorting the fleet and yourself by spreading your limited time over doing the exact same actions for each of your alts, when you could be doing so much more with just a single toon? Seems like a double digit number like 50 or 75 actual humans would work lots better.

    Why do I have more then 1 alt? Well I didn't want to limit myself to just FED. So I tried KDF, it's now my favorite. You may have hear about Legacy of Romulus...so that's 3 different experiences that you are limited yourself. Oh and also multiple that by 3 different classes Science, Engineering and Tactical. And on top of that you have race variations within FED and KDF.

    Ex-CoH players, Please add the chat channel "CoX STO"
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    martin1970giesenmartin1970giesen Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Just FYI to all those who keep saying I haven't helped the fleet out, I have contributed almost 350k across all my toons.

    As far as fleets that actually help their players I'll definitely check those out because this stingyness is the reason why my fleet hasn't grown. If you're not helping your players advance than you're not helping your players earn.

    350.000 and you are 2 years in the fleet (thats 7000 fm's).
    Our SB tier 4 needs every day 2622 FM's, dil.mine 1052 = 3674
    So you donated less then 2 days of FM's in 2 years.

    Im at 33 mil. in my fleet across multi-toons / accounts.
    Keybind: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=9355971&postcount=463
    Bone1970 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
    Bone Trader don't belief in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
    Bone2 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. KDF Eng.
    Warning: Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks.
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