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Pet Docking Issue solved?

darkphoxydarkphoxy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited August 2013 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
I found that my advanced romulan drones won't dock like everyone else.

Then I learned if I back up so that they are closer to the back of my ship they Dock just fine!

So I think the issue is they aren't getting close enough to dock with the ship.


FYI, the ship I use is the Scimitar if that helps.
Post edited by darkphoxy on


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    welshantwelshant Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    i have found this issue my self with my ARDS some times they fail to dock on recall or just 1 ship docks and i tryed with the scorpion ships aswell same issue with them.

    Edit: i tryed what darkphoxy said about backing up to the drones and they both docks but they cant dock by them self like they are ment to without me needing to reverse to them and i'm using my Scimitar
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