Going directly for a tier 5 shipyard with my single person fleet. Yes, it will take forever, I know the limitations of what I am doing. My question is this - if I ONLY complete 'Reinforce Local Systems' for 1000exp 250 times in a row without upgrading the facilities, will that give me the required exp points to directly build the tier 5 shipyard at that point? Because I am led to believe that if I upgrade the starbase even once then the relatively cheap project will go away and be unavailable to me, right?
I believe you are correct on not being required to upgrade the starbase itself, but you will still have to upgrade the shipyard at each tier or it won't let you continue to add the project. Also, once you do the (required) upgrade, the project gets more expensive. There is no way around it.
But I am not required to upgrade the starbase as well, thus the cheap project remains available to continue doing?
No, the projects are based off of your tier of each area. You HAVE to build the next upgrade each time you hit a new tier, and you will HAVE to do more expensive projects when you get to those higher tiers.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Great! I have no real need of a starbase, yet. But I want my tier 5 fleet ship, so i'm going for the shipyard first. My toon is well stocked from previous fleets, sadly none of them had a tier 5 shipyard.
And you're going to get to a tier V shipyard faster yourself than by joining an active fleet that is trying for one? Not gonna happen. I'm sorry, but if that is your only reasoning for making this choice, you made the wrong one.
You want a T5 ship and dont have a T5 shipyard? Just get the FSM's and everything you need and 10 million EC's extra. In Zone chat say "WTB T5 shipyard invite, paying 10 million EC for the provision and invite.". pay inviter 10 million EC, accept fleet invite, buy your ship, Say thank you, leave the fleet you were just invited to. Not hard to do and is far cheaper and faster than trying to build a fleet up to T5 yourself, Also makes it easier having a T5 ship for you to level your solo fleet and hopefully when you get there the new T5 ships are far far better.
Join Date: Nobody cares.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
or you can just get one for free by asking via the "public service" chat channel. Some fleets allow access to their eng and sci bases too, for weapons, shields, etc. http://stopublicservice.net/rules
Fleet Admiral Rosso, Starfleet Tactical, Rogue Leader
Proud to lead the Rogue Squadron of Starfleet
I suppose that if I just wanted a ship that there are ways to get one. But after several years playing already, and having done just about everything else there is to do besides make my own fleet, it seems like a fruitful exercise to do so. I suppose that I got tired of pumping funds into fleets that, in my opinion, were wasting time and resources building things that I was not particularly interested in, namely re-provisioning stores that I don't buy from. All this time playing and never having access to a tier 5 shipyard, it is a shiny bauble that I must have. And at this point, putting real world money into my own pet project, I have been completing a project each day, eventually for 250 days, I figure I can get a shipyard in less than a year. And don't you want to know too if just a tier 5 shipyard can be built that fast by a solo player? And am I wrong in assuming that a tier 5 shipyard will attract lots of people who will then help build the rest of the facilities? I don't really need a starbase exterior to access the starbase interior since I can just fly to the fleet holdings system in Eta Eridanii. So I can still have the ship vendor of a starbase without actually having to build one. And ESD shipyards can also supply fleet ships. So I kinda see a starbase exterior as un-needed.
I suppose that I got tired of pumping funds into fleets that, in my opinion, were wasting time and resources building things that I was not particularly interested in, namely re-provisioning stores that I don't buy from.
Amen, tried to explain that no one really need buffs and assets, i finaly gave up. (And i was a bit ... unhappy... about certain decisions, that fleet has lost one top contributor).
Now i have my own KDF Base too, but my final goal is "just" the tier IV Shipyard.
I have been completing a project each day, eventually for 250 days, I figure I can get a shipyard in less than a year.
And don't you want to know too if just a tier 5 shipyard can be built that fast by a solo player? And am I wrong in assuming that a tier 5 shipyard will attract lots of people who will then help build the rest of the facilities? I don't really need a starbase exterior to access the starbase interior since I can just fly to the fleet holdings system in Eta Eridanii. So I can still have the ship vendor of a starbase without actually having to build one. And ESD shipyards can also supply fleet ships. So I kinda see a starbase exterior as un-needed.
Really expensive are just the upgrades, with defera you need ~ 1-2 hours of play with 3-4 chars and you will be able to fill the regular tier 4 assingments on a daily basis.
I suggest you build the first interior, just because of the loads of "military" doffs you need, and as the single contributor you will have enough fleetcredits to buy them from the DOFF store on the base.
Beta, LTA, CE, Multiple preorder Versions, all Addon Packs except AoY, nearly all KDF/Rom and ~50% of all Fedships, over 25 LockboxShips, Endurer of Atari's "Year of Hell", but...
...I suggest you build the first interior, just because of the loads of "military" doffs you need...
As I say, I can fly to the federation fleet system in the Eta Eridanii sector block and there is a starbase exterior that I can dock with to gain access to my starbase interior. A starbase exterior is NOT needed to access starbase vendors. I have fleet map invite ability, I can dock, the facilities are present but not functional until I build them. On the inside, some of the vendors are present and available, and some of the vendors are present yet unavailable for use until the starbase exterior is upgraded - True. However, I need not complete the 'Practice Tactical Exercises' project that calls for 12 tactical/security officers, and instead work on the 'Reinforce Local Systems' project that requires only 3 tactical/security officers. Both give 1000 experience.
I just have concerns that building even 1 tier of starbase exterior will, at worst make my projects more expensive to complete, and at best slow me down in my progress. I would like to minimize my delays. I also run all 4 of the recruitment vendors at starfleet academy.
However, I need not complete the 'Practice Tactical Exercises' project that calls for 12 tactical/security officers, and instead work on the 'Reinforce Local Systems' project that requires only 3 tactical/security officers. Both give 1000 experience.
I just have concerns that building even 1 tier of starbase exterior will, at worst make my projects more expensive to complete, and at best slow me down in my progress. I would like to minimize my delays. I also run all 4 of the recruitment vendors at starfleet academy.
I had the tier 3/4/5 projects (tactical exercises) with 130/180 and 255 white military DOFFs in mind, and i highly doubt that the recruitment tasks from the academy are enough to fill the tier 2 on a regular basis (60 military doffs).
And for tier 0... do both assingments (tactical exercises & reinforce...if you think that you have the dilithium, but you will need it later, and by need it later i mean LOTS of it , >3.3 million for just the shipyards), but tier 1 and thereafter reinforce will only grant 500 military XP.
Beta, LTA, CE, Multiple preorder Versions, all Addon Packs except AoY, nearly all KDF/Rom and ~50% of all Fedships, over 25 LockboxShips, Endurer of Atari's "Year of Hell", but...
If you wanted to get the minimum dilithium needed to max out your starbase and embassy (currently 29,079,750 + 4,000,000 for limited time projects = 33,079,750 dilithium) and currently zen is selling at 104 dil/zen that'd require you to purchase 318,075 zen (and since there are 100 zen for $1.00 USD), this would cost $3,180.75. A considerable sum, made much easier if in a large fleet (split 25-ways it'd be $127 per person, or 500-ways it'd be just $6.37 per person). Keep in mind exchange rates do vary all the time, with historical values ranging between ~396 dil/zen (495 dil/CP) when the exchange went live in December 2011 to around 84 dil/zen in January 2013).
If you didn't want to use zen to get the dilithium, 33 million dilithium would take a single character 4135 days at maximum refining limit, or about 11.3 years. By then, of course, there'd be a host of new holdings that'd be added. Even the special limited time projects at 200,000 dilithium every 2 weeks take 25 days of maximum refining to obtain.
So, the shipyard being a fourth of the cost of the whole package, I am looking at about $800 to $900 over the course of a few months?
If the costs on this wiki page are correct, you only need 3,164,400 dilithium for the 5 shipyard upgrades, not 1/4 the costs involved for the entire starbase...
I know you said you weren't interested, but on the off chance you do want to get the starbase exterior tiers you would be entitled to, you'd get Tier I after the first shipyard and Tier II after the fourth. Those two tiers need 280,800 more Dilithium...
This is a "grand total" of 3,445,200 Dil, if exchanged at the then-mentioned 104 dil per, you'd need 33,127 zen, at 100 zen = $1, this is ~$332. Much better than the $800+ you're "expecting"...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
This is a "grand total" of 3,445,200 Dil, if exchanged at the then-mentioned 104 dil per, you'd need 33,127 zen, at 100 zen = $1, this is ~$332. Much better than the $800+ you're "expecting"...
And there you have it folks, your very own tier 5 shipyard for a mere $300. That IS great news. Thanx for that math.
EDIT: If you buy $50 of Zen directly from Perfect World 'Charge Zen' Visa/MasterCard you get 5,000 +300 free, $100 gets 10,000 +600 free. Just sayin...
Have to consider duty officers in that, too, though. 27,000 doffs just from tier 4 to 5 if you go the 1000 xp project route. I've done the math on it before after trying to brute force my own fleet's starbase during a stall, and the boxes come up short in that range.
And while I suppose that's easy to make up about 30k fleet credits with a bit of side grind if time isn't an object, I also know what happened to the other people who spent huge sums of money and unreasonable amounts of time grinding dozens of mulitboxed alts to do what you're doing.
I hate to bring you bad news, but here are some things to consider.
1) You must upgrade the shipyard at each tier. Only by completing the upgrade does the next set of military projects unlock.
2) After tier 1 shipyard, only "practical tactical exercises" give 1000 XP. The other ones, like Reinforce Local Systems only grant 500 XP.
3) All projects require the same amount of fleet marks at each tier. So the more number of projects you need to run, the more fleet marks you will need to grind. Fleet marks will be the bane of your existence at higher tiers. Unlike dilithium or doffs, you cannot 'buy' fleet marks.
Ultimately, it's a 'pick your poison' situation. If you choose Practical tactical exercises, you'll need to buy 180 doffs for every project at tier 4. If you choose Reinforce local systems, you'll need to grind twice as many marks as well as 72K dil per project at T4.
Come join the 44th Fleet.
This is not bad news at all. There is a finite cost to what I want to do, and this is the process of determining what that is. I am not deterred by the numbers involved. I am a LTS so I am already in this game for the long haul, why not have a bit of fun doing it this way?
Seems like it would be more beneficial to more people to join a smaller fleet that's at the T3/T4 level and dump resources into it. Of course, there's a certain level of trust required in that. Or join a fleet that has Shipyard V already, wait out their probationary period for access, and enjoy spending your money on other stuff.
Fleet marks will be the bane of your existence at higher tiers.
I am figuring on around 200k fleet marks for the shipyard alone - my math is not exact, and if I can do between 500 and 1000 fleet marks a day, with over 250 days of cooldown timers, I figure I can just about keep up.
Seems like it would be more beneficial to more people...
The good of the many outweighs...ya, that logic works great in theory, but people are people...so there are a bajillion small fleets that don't merge for various reasons. My reasons are the best, I am mentally disabled and am just unable to deal with mundanes for extended periods. They mistake my clarity of speech for sanity and become disenchanted with me when their allusions are shattered. I tell people up front, but they still make the fatal mistake of forgetting, and then assuming that I am sane and making bad decisions. For me, as for a great many others, it is just best if I do my own fleet.
I am figuring on around 200k fleet marks for the shipyard alone - my math is not exact, and if I can do between 500 and 1000 fleet marks a day, with over 250 days of cooldown timers, I figure I can just about keep up.
The good of the many outweighs...ya, that logic works great in theory, but people are people...so there are a bajillion small fleets that don't merge for various reasons. My reasons are the best, I am mentally disabled and am just unable to deal with mundanes for extended periods. They mistake my clarity of speech for sanity and become disenchanted with me when their allusions are shattered. I tell people up front, but they still make the fatal mistake of forgetting, and then assuming that I am sane and making bad decisions. For me, as for a great many others, it is just best if I do my own fleet.
If I were you I would add in some extra time to whatever your goal is that way when something pops up and you cant do it you wont be like "damn a day behind" . Say like 300 days for you to complete or a year. Which will go by quicker than you think.
Days to complete ~239-275 (minimum) assuming unable to run project while upgrade is on cooldown. 239 if you run everything back to back, 20 hours instead of 24 hours which is 275.
FM needed 249,720 minimum
Expertise needed 16,090,000
Dilithium needed 3,214,400
Fleet Credits needed 26,631,750 (assuming used for Doffs at 750 each, does not include the FC gained from contributions)
Fleet Credits earned 23,545,370 (Gross, does not take out the cost of Doffs)
EC needed 189,978,530 for commodities, etc. Assume vendor price (non-ferengi, and non-embassy vendor as you're not building an embassy)
It is certainly do-able, and I have considered starting a fleet starbase myself also. But also keep in mind, you say you have loads of FC right now, the numbers above would require >3M FC already in hand, and also once you get to this point T5 shipyard, you don't have any provisions to buy a ship. Of course, easily corrected by running 1 or 2 provision projects (preferably at T1 for lowest cost).
That's my 2 cents. I think it's do-able - slow, expensive, and time consuming, but do-able. And this also does not take into account it you are required to upgrade the starbase once available.
That's my 2 cents. I think it's do-able - slow, expensive, and time consuming, but do-able.
I *WANT* a tier 5 fleet ship. This effort will get me one. After the big push is done, many others will be willing to upgrade a facility 1 tier for access to the shipyard - and then they are off back to their own fleet. I of course will continue to help with my facilities upgrades, but I can basically relax at that point and enjoy other parts of the game. A years investment now will gain me many more years enjoyment later, is my logic. I got a Lifetime Subscription, my own fleet seems to go hand-n-hand with that. Even if I am the only member of the fleet at some times.
Ok, it is a bit hard on the wrists, but I can complete two 180 mark projects, two 210 mark projects, and two 420 mark projects in a single day all by myself. If no more life gets in my way I think that I can have the tier 1 shipyard in 3 days.
By the time you get to T3, you'll truly understand what "hard on your wrists" is when you slit them to end the pain. Building an entire base practically on your own is no picnic. By the end, that price tag you're quoting now isn't even sufficient to get ONE round of daily projects running. And the DOFFS! SEVERAL HUNDRED A DAY!
It gets worse. You have been warned. Remember, that by the time you get to T4...you're less than halfway there timewise, and maybe about 20% of the way there costwise.
It will be cheaper to get an invite to a fleet and buy the ship. The amount of resources you will be wasting on getting your personal SB to T5 could have bought you 10+ T5 Fleet ships.
If you are doing this for a tier 5 ship, your resources would be much better spend buying it from another fleet. Our current going rate is about 5 mil ec or 35k dilithium. Compare that to the year or more and billions of ec and millions of dilithium and you are just wasting tine and money. Alternatively if you are by yourself you can join a tier 5 fleet and do what they require to get access. The only restriction we have is a month probationary period, although some fleets require you to amass a few thousand fleet credits, these are pocket change compared to the sheer amount of resources and time you are talking about. To keep this in perspective, there are only a handful of fleets that have tier 5 facilities and most of them are either full (500 toon cap) or close to that number with alt fleets for spare toons. This system was designed to take a few years for 20 man fleets, by yourself this is essentially going to take up your whole life, or it will never be done.
my 2 Ec
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Harden up Princess Looking for an Oceanic fleet? Check out our website: www.ausmonauts.com
...your resources would be much better spend buying it from another fleet. Our current going rate is about 5 mil ec or 35k dilithium...
I love replies like this. It tells me that it will ultimately be worth it if people are trying to persuade me to buy from their tier 5 shipyard. But I am only building the shipyard, the other fleet facilities will come later - built by people who want in to my tier 5 shipyard. Yes, the whole package is extremely expensive and time consuming and almost impossible for a single player - but I am ONLY building the shipyard to tier 5. And honestly, if nobody helps me build the rest, then that is ok too.
I have made a deal with a friend to supply him with a laptop capable of playing STO in exchange for his joining my fleet. Ya, his grind will be insignificant compared to mine. I am a strong player, I Can Grind. But the end result of all facilities being built is not really the important factor here. I know that if I fail at this that I can just hunt down a tier 5 fleet and offer them a bajillion resources and they will let me in for a while. The main goal is the effort of just the shipyard - to see how long it takes me to do it. And when all is said and done, it will be MINE, not somebody else's that I have use of, but MINE!
A question to those who have their own tier 5 shipyard - how does it feel to be an owner compared to a renter? Now that you have it, looking back, do you still say to yourself that it was worth the effort, or do you think that you should have given up and just joined some other fleet that already had it?
ie. once you hit t1 shipyard ability to upgrade it, you have to in order to continue
But I am not required to upgrade the starbase as well, thus the cheap project remains available to continue doing?
No, the projects are based off of your tier of each area. You HAVE to build the next upgrade each time you hit a new tier, and you will HAVE to do more expensive projects when you get to those higher tiers.
Great! I have no real need of a starbase, yet. But I want my tier 5 fleet ship, so i'm going for the shipyard first. My toon is well stocked from previous fleets, sadly none of them had a tier 5 shipyard.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
Proud to lead the Rogue Squadron of Starfleet
I suppose that if I just wanted a ship that there are ways to get one. But after several years playing already, and having done just about everything else there is to do besides make my own fleet, it seems like a fruitful exercise to do so. I suppose that I got tired of pumping funds into fleets that, in my opinion, were wasting time and resources building things that I was not particularly interested in, namely re-provisioning stores that I don't buy from. All this time playing and never having access to a tier 5 shipyard, it is a shiny bauble that I must have. And at this point, putting real world money into my own pet project, I have been completing a project each day, eventually for 250 days, I figure I can get a shipyard in less than a year. And don't you want to know too if just a tier 5 shipyard can be built that fast by a solo player? And am I wrong in assuming that a tier 5 shipyard will attract lots of people who will then help build the rest of the facilities? I don't really need a starbase exterior to access the starbase interior since I can just fly to the fleet holdings system in Eta Eridanii. So I can still have the ship vendor of a starbase without actually having to build one. And ESD shipyards can also supply fleet ships. So I kinda see a starbase exterior as un-needed.
Amen, tried to explain that no one really need buffs and assets, i finaly gave up. (And i was a bit ... unhappy... about certain decisions, that fleet has lost one top contributor).
Now i have my own KDF Base too, but my final goal is "just" the tier IV Shipyard.
Really expensive are just the upgrades, with defera you need ~ 1-2 hours of play with 3-4 chars and you will be able to fill the regular tier 4 assingments on a daily basis.
I suggest you build the first interior, just because of the loads of "military" doffs you need, and as the single contributor you will have enough fleetcredits to buy them from the DOFF store on the base.
I use EC to buy fleet credit bonuses and I use fleet credits to buy fleet mark bonuses.
Ya, I expect to drop a few dimes on this venture.
As I say, I can fly to the federation fleet system in the Eta Eridanii sector block and there is a starbase exterior that I can dock with to gain access to my starbase interior. A starbase exterior is NOT needed to access starbase vendors. I have fleet map invite ability, I can dock, the facilities are present but not functional until I build them. On the inside, some of the vendors are present and available, and some of the vendors are present yet unavailable for use until the starbase exterior is upgraded - True. However, I need not complete the 'Practice Tactical Exercises' project that calls for 12 tactical/security officers, and instead work on the 'Reinforce Local Systems' project that requires only 3 tactical/security officers. Both give 1000 experience.
I just have concerns that building even 1 tier of starbase exterior will, at worst make my projects more expensive to complete, and at best slow me down in my progress. I would like to minimize my delays. I also run all 4 of the recruitment vendors at starfleet academy.
I refer you to my first reply in this post. I have oodles of fleet credits.
I meant the starbase provision stuff and science/tech/military buffs.
The fleet mark bonuses are a MUST for small/one man fleets.
I had the tier 3/4/5 projects (tactical exercises) with 130/180 and 255 white military DOFFs in mind, and i highly doubt that the recruitment tasks from the academy are enough to fill the tier 2 on a regular basis (60 military doffs).
And for tier 0... do both assingments (tactical exercises & reinforce...if you think that you have the dilithium, but you will need it later, and by need it later i mean LOTS of it , >3.3 million for just the shipyards), but tier 1 and thereafter reinforce will only grant 500 military XP.
This thread has a wealth of information on this topic, abet no specific breakdown on individual facilities completion costs...
My most concern lies within this reply, as it is the path most close to what I will be taking...
So, the shipyard being a fourth of the cost of the whole package, I am looking at about $800 to $900 over the course of a few months?
I know you said you weren't interested, but on the off chance you do want to get the starbase exterior tiers you would be entitled to, you'd get Tier I after the first shipyard and Tier II after the fourth. Those two tiers need 280,800 more Dilithium...
This is a "grand total" of 3,445,200 Dil, if exchanged at the then-mentioned 104 dil per, you'd need 33,127 zen, at 100 zen = $1, this is ~$332. Much better than the $800+ you're "expecting"...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
And there you have it folks, your very own tier 5 shipyard for a mere $300. That IS great news. Thanx for that math.
EDIT: If you buy $50 of Zen directly from Perfect World 'Charge Zen' Visa/MasterCard you get 5,000 +300 free, $100 gets 10,000 +600 free. Just sayin...
And while I suppose that's easy to make up about 30k fleet credits with a bit of side grind if time isn't an object, I also know what happened to the other people who spent huge sums of money and unreasonable amounts of time grinding dozens of mulitboxed alts to do what you're doing.
Buying from the exchange, at a high of 30k per, that would be 810mil ec. At a low of 18k per would be 486mil ec.
1) You must upgrade the shipyard at each tier. Only by completing the upgrade does the next set of military projects unlock.
2) After tier 1 shipyard, only "practical tactical exercises" give 1000 XP. The other ones, like Reinforce Local Systems only grant 500 XP.
3) All projects require the same amount of fleet marks at each tier. So the more number of projects you need to run, the more fleet marks you will need to grind. Fleet marks will be the bane of your existence at higher tiers. Unlike dilithium or doffs, you cannot 'buy' fleet marks.
Ultimately, it's a 'pick your poison' situation. If you choose Practical tactical exercises, you'll need to buy 180 doffs for every project at tier 4. If you choose Reinforce local systems, you'll need to grind twice as many marks as well as 72K dil per project at T4.
Come join the 44th Fleet.
This is not bad news at all. There is a finite cost to what I want to do, and this is the process of determining what that is. I am not deterred by the numbers involved. I am a LTS so I am already in this game for the long haul, why not have a bit of fun doing it this way?
I am figuring on around 200k fleet marks for the shipyard alone - my math is not exact, and if I can do between 500 and 1000 fleet marks a day, with over 250 days of cooldown timers, I figure I can just about keep up.
The good of the many outweighs...ya, that logic works great in theory, but people are people...so there are a bajillion small fleets that don't merge for various reasons. My reasons are the best, I am mentally disabled and am just unable to deal with mundanes for extended periods. They mistake my clarity of speech for sanity and become disenchanted with me when their allusions are shattered. I tell people up front, but they still make the fatal mistake of forgetting, and then assuming that I am sane and making bad decisions. For me, as for a great many others, it is just best if I do my own fleet.
If I were you I would add in some extra time to whatever your goal is that way when something pops up and you cant do it you wont be like "damn a day behind" . Say like 300 days for you to complete or a year. Which will go by quicker than you think.
Days to complete ~239-275 (minimum) assuming unable to run project while upgrade is on cooldown. 239 if you run everything back to back, 20 hours instead of 24 hours which is 275.
FM needed 249,720 minimum
Expertise needed 16,090,000
Dilithium needed 3,214,400
Fleet Credits needed 26,631,750 (assuming used for Doffs at 750 each, does not include the FC gained from contributions)
Fleet Credits earned 23,545,370 (Gross, does not take out the cost of Doffs)
EC needed 189,978,530 for commodities, etc. Assume vendor price (non-ferengi, and non-embassy vendor as you're not building an embassy)
It is certainly do-able, and I have considered starting a fleet starbase myself also. But also keep in mind, you say you have loads of FC right now, the numbers above would require >3M FC already in hand, and also once you get to this point T5 shipyard, you don't have any provisions to buy a ship. Of course, easily corrected by running 1 or 2 provision projects (preferably at T1 for lowest cost).
That's my 2 cents. I think it's do-able - slow, expensive, and time consuming, but do-able. And this also does not take into account it you are required to upgrade the starbase once available.
I *WANT* a tier 5 fleet ship. This effort will get me one. After the big push is done, many others will be willing to upgrade a facility 1 tier for access to the shipyard - and then they are off back to their own fleet. I of course will continue to help with my facilities upgrades, but I can basically relax at that point and enjoy other parts of the game. A years investment now will gain me many more years enjoyment later, is my logic. I got a Lifetime Subscription, my own fleet seems to go hand-n-hand with that. Even if I am the only member of the fleet at some times.
Ok, it is a bit hard on the wrists, but I can complete two 180 mark projects, two 210 mark projects, and two 420 mark projects in a single day all by myself. If no more life gets in my way I think that I can have the tier 1 shipyard in 3 days.
It gets worse. You have been warned. Remember, that by the time you get to T4...you're less than halfway there timewise, and maybe about 20% of the way there costwise.
my 2 Ec
Harden up Princess
Looking for an Oceanic fleet? Check out our website:
I love replies like this. It tells me that it will ultimately be worth it if people are trying to persuade me to buy from their tier 5 shipyard. But I am only building the shipyard, the other fleet facilities will come later - built by people who want in to my tier 5 shipyard. Yes, the whole package is extremely expensive and time consuming and almost impossible for a single player - but I am ONLY building the shipyard to tier 5. And honestly, if nobody helps me build the rest, then that is ok too.
I have made a deal with a friend to supply him with a laptop capable of playing STO in exchange for his joining my fleet. Ya, his grind will be insignificant compared to mine. I am a strong player, I Can Grind. But the end result of all facilities being built is not really the important factor here. I know that if I fail at this that I can just hunt down a tier 5 fleet and offer them a bajillion resources and they will let me in for a while. The main goal is the effort of just the shipyard - to see how long it takes me to do it. And when all is said and done, it will be MINE, not somebody else's that I have use of, but MINE!
A question to those who have their own tier 5 shipyard - how does it feel to be an owner compared to a renter? Now that you have it, looking back, do you still say to yourself that it was worth the effort, or do you think that you should have given up and just joined some other fleet that already had it?