I'd be curious to hear what you think of the T'Varo vs the Norgh.
_________________________________________________ [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth] [Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk] [D'Mented][D'Licious]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
I just can't watch PVP videos. Don't care what the ships are, don't care what music ppl play over them to make them more interesting I just find them too tedious v.v
It's like watching tennis. UUGGHHH!!!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] @Aquitaine985 Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre. 2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
Also during the downtime, you could write some text for people to read instead of making them wade thorugh a bunch of low-resolution videos. Rewinding, trying to find what abiliteis were active, what were the weapons fireed, oh look a video of cats *click*
Also during the downtime, you could write some text for people to read instead of making them wade thorugh a bunch of low-resolution videos. Rewinding, trying to find what abiliteis were active, what were the weapons fireed, oh look a video of cats *click*
Perhaps a suggestion for video makers to use keybinds that enlarge buff icons on the target/themselves would be more appropriate.
I just can't watch PVP videos. Don't care what the ships are, don't care what music ppl play over them to make them more interesting I just find them too tedious v.v
It's like watching tennis. UUGGHHH!!!
Half the videos on that site are PVE. Yah I know. But there it is. The pvp ones shouldn't be tedious. If there's more than 20 seconds between explosions something wrong.
All the videos are recording at the highests settings in the game on a banging graphics card and rendered in 1080. So if there's any issue not being able to read the text or see the abilities I don't know what to say. Maybe be sure you don't have youtube set to auto. If you have a slightly slow connection they won't give you the HD, you'll have to select it yourself.
Oh and here. Here's a comment left by one of Starfleet Dentals and Supermans Fanbois.
You're one arrogant douche-bag, aren't ya?
Really? I mean that may all be true but still. That's a bit of the pot calling the kettle black.
Oh and I'm not saying this is a Starfleet Dental MEMBER. Just a fanboi. You can check his channel here.
Another beautiful top 10, always fun to watch. Been hitting C&H a lot more recently, keep hoping to run into you and die spectacularly in one of your vids, alas, we must be in differing time zones.
Keep on filming, you ol' arrogant d-bag, (j/k ofc) and I'll keep enjoying the explosions of others :-)
My guess is "hope" keeps people not playing but posting on the forums. For others, its a path of sad realization and closure. Grieving takes time. The worst "haters" here love the game, or did at some point.
Another beautiful top 10, always fun to watch. Been hitting C&H a lot more recently, keep hoping to run into you and die spectacularly in one of your vids, alas, we must be in differing time zones.
Keep on filming, you ol' arrogant d-bag, (j/k ofc) and I'll keep enjoying the explosions of others :-)
I just can't watch PVP videos. Don't care what the ships are, don't care what music ppl play over them to make them more interesting I just find them too tedious v.v
It's like watching tennis. UUGGHHH!!!
you have been watching vids that are not properly produced then, like thissler's are.
Whaha, just saw your top-10 awesomeness . If you ever ever ever see me flying around, at least warn me you're there :P will find it an honour to be blown up by you haha .
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
Whaha, just saw your top-10 awesomeness . If you ever ever ever see me flying around, at least warn me you're there :P will find it an honour to be blown up by you haha .
I will ABSOLUTELY do so.
Keep in mind a couple things, anyone that does NOT see the humor in this.
Everyone blows up. Not everyone blows up because I shot them. Sometimes other people shoot them!! and then they blow up.
There are MANY videos on my channel about how NOT to blow up and examples of players doing things correctly. Those are up there as resources for newer players.
But...I may be wrong on this. You guys tell me. Anyone want to watch a video of
"The ten times I tried to kill this guy and failed!"
Cause I can make that video. Witticisms and all. Let me know.
EDIT: As long as I have DDIS to shoot at that is. Some of you other guys aren't as sturdy.
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
Still haven't tried the Norgh yet since I never liked the shape of the wings, looks better with the Ningtao skin, the vid makes me want to give it a try sometime. If only there was a way to use the Ningtao skin without the bottom wings, oh well it will do I guess.
Still haven't tried the Norgh yet since I never liked the shape of the wings, looks better with the Ningtao skin, the vid makes me want to give it a try sometime. If only there was a way to use the Ningtao skin without the bottom wings, oh well it will do I guess.
If you get a bit drunk and squish your eyes all up she looks GREAT in the bottom. And the top as well!
You won't BELIEVE how handy that "life hack" will be now that you know it.
Still haven't tried the Norgh yet since I never liked the shape of the wings, looks better with the Ningtao skin, the vid makes me want to give it a try sometime. If only there was a way to use the Ningtao skin without the bottom wings, oh well it will do I guess.
It's worth it for the extra flexibility that 3rd LTC slot gives you. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I want to do with it. . .
the look of the norgh has grown on me a lot, the quad wing is what looks ugly to me. i'll proboly get eye rolls, but its a great AtB ship! currently im running a TBR3 troll bird out of one, and i can have a LTC tac so i still can have TT, CRF and APO, and an LTC eng so i can have EPtS3. the COM station is sci so i can have the TBR3, 2 sci heals and PH, and lastly ET1, EPtE with the 2 copies of AtB. having 3 LTC level skills with infinite customization is truly a treat. its one of the few reasons to log into a kdf over your rom
the look of the norgh has grown on me a lot, the quad wing is what looks ugly to me. i'll proboly get eye rolls, but its a great AtB ship! currently im running a TBR3 troll bird out of one, and i can have a LTC tac so i still can have TT, CRF and APO, and an LTC eng so i can have EPtS3. the COM station is sci so i can have the TBR3, 2 sci heals and PH, and lastly ET1, EPtE with the 2 copies of AtB. having 3 LTC level skills with infinite customization is truly a treat. its one of the few reasons to log into a kdf over your rom
Well if any of you guys can come up with a decent build for this ship, something I can score some kills with, let me know.
My guess is "hope" keeps people not playing but posting on the forums. For others, its a path of sad realization and closure. Grieving takes time. The worst "haters" here love the game, or did at some point.
the look of the norgh has grown on me a lot, the quad wing is what looks ugly to me. i'll proboly get eye rolls, but its a great AtB ship! currently im running a TBR3 troll bird out of one, and i can have a LTC tac so i still can have TT, CRF and APO, and an LTC eng so i can have EPtS3. the COM station is sci so i can have the TBR3, 2 sci heals and PH, and lastly ET1, EPtE with the 2 copies of AtB. having 3 LTC level skills with infinite customization is truly a treat. its one of the few reasons to log into a kdf over your rom
A2B with Cmdr sci is very fun, I do it on a Vesta sometimes, looks even more fun on the norgh with more universals.
Not a great build, mind you, but it's one I've found to be somewhat useful with all the shield-resists out there, is to fill one of the LTC slots with an Engineer rocking DEM.
My build (Boff skills) for a Fleet Norgh...and yeah, I know it kind of sucks.
I run an all-energy config with this setup mostly because I shorted the Torpedo skills on the toon, and I run the Assimilated set because I got it back before Season 7 and I'm too lazy to grind REP for other setpieces. for Cap'n'splode I usually carry a 20 pack of weapons batteries since the pull off BO is so high.
WEapons: I'm a cheaparse, so I bought Polarons while they were undervalued and I could get the consoles cheap, I run 1 DBB and 3 DHC front, 2 turrets rear. I run the Plas Leech on this because..well...it helps with my power problems.
Funny enough, while I don't (usually) get the kills, the guy on my wing does after I make a pass, assuming he's paying attention or someone's calling shots on our team. I suppose if I were to lay out the EC, I could convert to an Antiproton setup, but like I said, I'm a cheaparse and I already paid in to get the hull...and I'm just kind of...used to the equipment I have now-the Assimilated 3P gives me a free tractor beam, (admittedly with a really LONG cooldown) but since I'm not in the business of buying Duty Officers in bulk to get purples, and since most PUG games I can usually find a 'buddy' who has the heavy-punch guns to wingman for...
but anyway, it's a pretty bog-standard layout otherwise- practically handbook hilbert for the engie and sci spaces (minus the old Assimilated console and Plas Leech), and single-energy-type for the tac spaces.
I expect Lymuv or Timezarg could do better layouts while asleep, but then, I don't MIND not getting the kills as long as someone on the team IS, and as long as they're doing so because I did the preliminary work for them-the DEM helps soften up the target, it would probably work better in a Disruptor or Antiproton layout.
There are, of course, huge gaps in capabilities here-no Crowd control or area-of-effect skills, the energy type's sub-optimal, since I shorted torpedo skills I don't carry the usual 'big hammer' quantums, and I think my engie-in-a-Tor'Kaht actually gets better damage numbers (including burst), but the turnrate's good, and most shield-tanks hate me in a match unless they're rocking the right version of Res.
To be honest, I'm not even running anything special on my Fleet Norgh, aside from figuring out what to use that 3rd LTC slot for. Two copies of TT1, CRF1, BO3, HY3, APO3. EPtS1, RSP1. HE1, TB2, and currently FBP (though I think I'm gonna switch to experimenting with something else as the FPB doesn't do enough on my current spec). I could get a little more innovative and wild-card, but that would require a respec on my part first. . .since I'm specc'd for maximizing damage and criticals.
I'm really squishy, as well. . .seriously, I could have TT1 and EPtS1 up, and a buff alphastrike from an escort carves chunks out of my shields because I'm not running energy-resisting shields. I haven't even hit Tier 5 Omega yet, so I'm just running Mk XI KHG shields and deflector, with a Mk XI Omega engine. It's not an optimized build, but it gets kills as long as I time it right and approach the target right.
One thing, amongst many things I suppose, that I get a bunch of flak for is saying to not fly a BOP like an escort.
You get 20 seconds out of cloak, vulnerable, before cloak comes back up. So all you need to do is figure out what abilities maximize your chances to be able to hit that cloak as soon as it is available.
I spent a looooong time in a heavy BOP with only Mk X gear. Then when the rep system came out I got fully into MK XI KHG. And about 2 weeks ago I got MK XII. Don't worry on the gear. Except for 3 Piece KHG. BOP, gooooood to have that 3 piece.
Anyway it is what you do during those 20 seconds that determines what happens to you. Here, watch this!
I'd be curious to hear what you think of the T'Varo vs the Norgh.
[Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
[Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
It's like watching tennis. UUGGHHH!!!
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
It's always interesting to see other pvper's videos on yt, you can learn a lot
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
Perhaps a suggestion for video makers to use keybinds that enlarge buff icons on the target/themselves would be more appropriate.
Half the videos on that site are PVE. Yah I know. But there it is. The pvp ones shouldn't be tedious. If there's more than 20 seconds between explosions something wrong.
All the videos are recording at the highests settings in the game on a banging graphics card and rendered in 1080. So if there's any issue not being able to read the text or see the abilities I don't know what to say. Maybe be sure you don't have youtube set to auto. If you have a slightly slow connection they won't give you the HD, you'll have to select it yourself.
Oh and here. Here's a comment left by one of Starfleet Dentals and Supermans Fanbois.
You're one arrogant douche-bag, aren't ya?
Really? I mean that may all be true but still. That's a bit of the pot calling the kettle black.
Oh and I'm not saying this is a Starfleet Dental MEMBER. Just a fanboi. You can check his channel here.
And if he was IN that video, I'd guess it was the Scimmy. All that guy did was cry.
That name would be Lymuv Endorsed and Marmot Approved!
Keep on filming, you ol' arrogant d-bag, (j/k ofc) and I'll keep enjoying the explosions of others :-)
I wish MORE people thought just like you!!!
you have been watching vids that are not properly produced then, like thissler's are.
another great one btw!
Whaha, just saw your top-10 awesomeness
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
I will ABSOLUTELY do so.
Keep in mind a couple things, anyone that does NOT see the humor in this.
Everyone blows up. Not everyone blows up because I shot them. Sometimes other people shoot them!! and then they blow up.
There are MANY videos on my channel about how NOT to blow up and examples of players doing things correctly. Those are up there as resources for newer players.
But...I may be wrong on this. You guys tell me. Anyone want to watch a video of
"The ten times I tried to kill this guy and failed!"
Cause I can make that video. Witticisms and all. Let me know.
EDIT: As long as I have DDIS to shoot at that is. Some of you other guys aren't as sturdy.
see the excuse generator vid :cool:
(character formally known as kayla)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JL1Z7SbfX7U The start of the video. I thought it was cute.
For some reason it seems broken. Hmmmm.....well give it a try. There's some angry hippo pouncing going on there.
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
I would love to Battle along side you again in the future
If you get a bit drunk and squish your eyes all up she looks GREAT in the bottom. And the top as well!
You won't BELIEVE how handy that "life hack" will be now that you know it.
It's worth it for the extra flexibility that 3rd LTC slot gives you. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I want to do with it. . .
Well if any of you guys can come up with a decent build for this ship, something I can score some kills with, let me know.
Hell post it here, let EVERYONE know!!
Edit: Yah I couldn't help myself.
Sorry I didn't pop tho - I'll try harder next time
I did! Fruitopia for everyone!
A2B with Cmdr sci is very fun, I do it on a Vesta sometimes, looks even more fun on the norgh with more universals.
To be honest, I'm not even running anything special on my Fleet Norgh, aside from figuring out what to use that 3rd LTC slot for. Two copies of TT1, CRF1, BO3, HY3, APO3. EPtS1, RSP1. HE1, TB2, and currently FBP (though I think I'm gonna switch to experimenting with something else as the FPB doesn't do enough on my current spec). I could get a little more innovative and wild-card, but that would require a respec on my part first. . .since I'm specc'd for maximizing damage and criticals.
I'm really squishy, as well. . .seriously, I could have TT1 and EPtS1 up, and a buff alphastrike from an escort carves chunks out of my shields because I'm not running energy-resisting shields. I haven't even hit Tier 5 Omega yet, so I'm just running Mk XI KHG shields and deflector, with a Mk XI Omega engine. It's not an optimized build, but it gets kills as long as I time it right and approach the target right.
You get 20 seconds out of cloak, vulnerable, before cloak comes back up. So all you need to do is figure out what abilities maximize your chances to be able to hit that cloak as soon as it is available.
I spent a looooong time in a heavy BOP with only Mk X gear. Then when the rep system came out I got fully into MK XI KHG. And about 2 weeks ago I got MK XII. Don't worry on the gear. Except for 3 Piece KHG. BOP, gooooood to have that 3 piece.
Anyway it is what you do during those 20 seconds that determines what happens to you. Here, watch this!
Sort of explains my practices.