So, is anyone else just killing time until 2015 when Star Citizen comes out? I've often wondered why STO has completely abandoned all aspects of immersion on this game - but Star Citizen has it in spades.
If anyone's not seen the pitch - go watch it!
system Lord Baal is dead
I think most people have figured out that is just a euphemism for the game we all wish we were playing now. It doesn't necessarily have to be Star Citizen.
STO and Star Citizen are so very different in their design goals that I'm not expecting much of an impact for STO. EVE might see a little impact since it's closer, but I'm not going to predict the demise of a game based on another game this is years away from release.
If the game you wish you were playing exists, then you should be playing it. If the game you wish you were playing doesn't exist, it's probably won't be Star Citizen either.
Well I'm going to have to disagree with you there. From listening to countless hours of Chris Roberts talking about his vision, watching early alpha videos and reading the forums - I can tell you that without a doubt this is the game I've been waiting for since I first started gaming in the early 90s.
Kirk's Protege.
Do you have any idea how often similar quotes have come up for games *before* they were released? If you've been gaming since the early 90s, you really have no excuse for not knowing that you can't judge a game from videos and developer 'vision.'
^---- This.
Seriously. I'm going to give a single example of this: "Daikatana".
Don't get your hopes up. Developers like to talk a big game until it actually comes time to start producing. And then the compromises have to start being made....
I was a huge fan of Wing Commander and Freelancer series.
I don't need to see it or play it to know it's going to be brilliant - it's being made by Chris Roberts.
Just in the same way as if I heard an interview with Quentin Tarantino tomorrow about a new script he just started writing on for a film to air in 2015, where he gave me the main outline for the plot and his vision for it - I would know that I was going to really enjoy it and it was going to be good. Simply because everything he's ever done in the past has been good, and I've liked everything he's ever made and he's a genius in his chosen art form.
Kirk's Protege.
If this were a traditional publisher-funded game I would probably agree with you, but given it's going direct to market in several small modules being fed to the community who have funded it for feedback and alterations - I'm allowed to get my hopes up. I get my hands on the first module next month, this is far from a traditional game.
Kirk's Protege.
*triple checks it*
I'm pretty sure this isn't the Star Citizen forum...
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Kirk's Protege.
Q: If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid.
that is my to reply to any one say that about eveonline
system Lord Baal is dead
Yes, Yes, you're a man's man's man of a man in the computer world. Congratulations
When you lose something that is worth 3 or 4 months worth of salary, then that is more than just a little bloody nose. I suppose the equivalent would be losing a Tier 4 or Tier 5 Starbase here. Although, why anyone would spend $9000 on a bunch of pixels is beyond most of us.
sound like who ever lost there ship was some where they did not need to be or was not ready for and like this game all ship stuff can be got with ingame money ISK and buying isk or ships from sites can get you banned so how can this ship cost 9000$?
system Lord Baal is dead
This. It'll likely end up a major flop anyway. Most games hyped as much as that has been are.
What they claim and what they deliver are going to be two very different things. They always are
Freelancer is still around, there are active mods for it. I wont advertise anything on STO's forums, google if you're interested in seeing how this stuff actually works. Its not for everybody. STO is much less stressful, at the expense of immersive dynamic combat.
apart from STO, go and check out Firefall. It has some qualities.
It looks very interesting, and I will give it a go, but just because a game looks good does not mean it will be great, or even your cup of tea.
Eve, when you see it advertised, looks amazing but its only of the most polarizing games around. some people hate it. as good as star citizen looks, you might also hate it and then what has the 2-3 year wait been for?
the reason why flop games are that are because of really two reasons, developer inexperiance, which isn't a factor here and publisher meddling, which is also not a factor since it's not beholden to a publisher, gamers fronted the money.
SC has been completely crowd funded, which is something even CR didn't foresee, he was going for a 50/50 split between crowd funding and private backers, the amount of money that has flowed in for this is something more like 85 crowd funded and only 15 percent private backers.
TO the nay sayers, The game WILL come out, it is not vapor ware or in development hell.
The game will also be as close to CR's vision as he has been trying to create since he started. CR's career is atypical of most game devs, CR has been learning both game development AND cinimatography, and understanding how project management works for both. Every game he has made has been an incremental improvement of understanding towards his overall vision, he considers every game he has made to be failing to reach that vision, even though Wing Commander, Privateer, Starlancer, Freelancer have all been successful and popular in their own right, CR considers them as "not living up to what I had hoped."
SC however, CR says that this will be his attempt to finally realize that vision or at least get damned close.
So EVEN if SC doesn't turn out exactly what CR is picturing in his head, it WILL be successful and more successful then all his other successful games.
TO put it in perspective, if all of those games we know and love are "failures" in CR's eyes, and he is saying this is going to be a "Success" then how awesome will this be in comparison.
In the end, saying SC will be a failure when there hasn't even been any new gameplay footage is reaching at best.
But from what I have seen from the podcasts of just animation demos, the attention to detail will be on a level we have not seen before.
Woah, woah, woah. Wait a moment. All the ships in Freelancer are piloted by one person. In Star Trek you have a tactical officer, a helmsman, a chief engineer, a science or operations officer and a computer that can perform tactical maneuvers by itself. A combat system like freelancer would not make STO more immersive.
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
Not really, STO's ships are still just one person. It's "multiple people" in description alone. If you had the EXACT same system but changed it so that they were skill loadouts for just your one character instead of BOFFs; you'd have the exact same results and it'd be descriptively far more true to what's really going on in STO's space combat.
In the end it's still just one person.
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Wow, you're totally bought the developers' line, haven't you? All the problems with games are the evil evil publishers. I'm sure the developers never ever had a problem with blowing through their budget and showing up at the deadline with a half-finished game. And I'm sure that the wonderful developers would never TRIBBLE over gamers that crowdfunded them by pulling the same garbage that they do on publishers.
Oh, snap!! Double Fine's Broken Age is out of money.
You don't get my point. In Star Trek there was as far as I remember exactly one time that they aimed manually. Forcing someone to aim manually in a Star Trek game, where he is supposed to command a ship with a computer and a tactical officer, who would do that for him, would not improve immersion but break it. When the game was released you could only set two weapons to autofire. And lots of people complained about not being able to tell their tactical officer to frickin' keep firing on a target.
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
And saying it will be a success without seeing any footage isn't?
Bleed Green and Gold
STO, or rather the playerbase of STO, desperately needs for some form of competition. Some casual or semicasual space game with ground elements would work well enough. Maybe with some form of competition Cryptic would get around to do something besides grinds, but then they preferred to abandon Champions Online and leave it in maintenance mode than to try to compete with DCUO....