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Romulan Mission - The Best Defense shuttle combat phase

archonphoenixarchonphoenix Member Posts: 4 Arc User
edited July 2013 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
So, I just finished dropping about 45 minutes soloing the second half of this quest involving defending the colony against walkers and Elachi attack craft in my shuttle. The first time I did this on my previous Romulan toon, it wasn't bad... but apparently now NONE of your support defenders even spawn. At all.

This is in my opinion, one of the most unique quests in the game... a real similar feel to the Imperials invading Hoth in Star Wars. It's set up to be purely epic, but with this bug and in execution the quest turns into a nightmare of having to kamikaze dive bomb walkers to do any real damage before the 20+ elachi shuttles tear you a part and then adopting a 'run for your life' strategy of hiding and picking them off one at a time to finish the quest... because you have zero support, the attacking craft can apparently rip approx 75% of your hull with full shields, they clutter around your spawn and entirely negate any stealthing advantage.

At any rate. I'm aware of the seemingly game-wide bug on occasion where your away team will not spawn with you, and maybe this falls under that umbrella. Usually I just shrug it off, but the amount of time I just spent to complete one half of this quest coupled with what I feel should actually be a HIGHLIGHT of the Romulan questline left me wanting to voice my displeasure. So there it is.
Post edited by archonphoenix on


  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I did this the other day on a new romulan and it seemed fine to me.

    After a while you'll see a pop up on the left of your screen (like when a boff says something) notifying you new allies have arrived. I'm not sure if it's time based and they show up after a certain amount of time has passed, or if they show up when the group you have with you is almost all dead.

    They spawn in the middle of the map where you start. When you see the pop up that new ones have arrived, click the 'Follow Me' command on the right of the screen and they will get to you shortly. Sometimes they seem to not respond and just sit there and you need to get close to them and use the follow command. (it may be that you a little too far away)
  • archonphoenixarchonphoenix Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I did this the other day on a new romulan and it seemed fine to me.

    After a while you'll see a pop up on the left of your screen (like when a boff says something) notifying you new allies have arrived. I'm not sure if it's time based and they show up after a certain amount of time has passed, or if they show up when the group you have with you is almost all dead.

    They spawn in the middle of the map where you start. When you see the pop up that new ones have arrived, click the 'Follow Me' command on the right of the screen and they will get to you shortly. Sometimes they seem to not respond and just sit there and you need to get close to them and use the follow command. (it may be that you a little too far away)

    Yeah the commands where there the entire time, and clicking on them the screen acknowledged the order, however no allied ships ever spawned. Not once.

    It's fairly easy to notice when you are the ONLY focus of all those ships. You explode, they stop attacking anything, you respawn and they are ontop of you before the respawn cut scene even finishes, you pull up the full map and there are zero allied craft anywhere on it.

    Like I said, maybe it falls under the 'sometimes allies will spawn, sometimes not' bug that effects random patrol missions, either way its pretty irritating.
  • theroyalfamilytheroyalfamily Member Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I can confirm this bug - happened to me just now, twice. The beginning of the mission it worked as it should, but then the allies stopped spawning, while the enemy shuttles didn't.

    And to add to it, when I restarted, the allied shuttle wings spawned as normal (I saw them fly around me), but when the enemy spawned they just disappeared. When I naturally died, as I respawned there were magically a bunch of enemy Elachi shuttles at the center of the map, even though a few seconds before the group that killed me was just sitting at least 15K away.

    I restarted again, and the same thing happened.

    I would just skip it, but for some reason Cryptic decided to put the rebreathers as mission rewards, instead of putting them in crates at the beginning of the mission where they are needed like every other equipment like that, or putting them in the replicator.
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