I don't know if this is the right section to post this, but you do have to get to tier 5 Romulan Reputation to trigger this mission.
I am on New Romulus doing the mission in the underground ruins. When I get to the last section where I have to defeat the Tholian Captain (after shutting down the power plant) he keeps jumping over the railing into the lava area below. I can still see a red enemy dot where he is, but I cannot target him or jump down there. This has happened repeatedly and I am unable to complete the underground ruins mission and get to where I can signal D'Tan because of this.
I need to do this mission to complete the Romulan reputation, but this glitch it making it impossible.
Has anyone else had this problem?
I sent in a support ticket, but the last ticket I sent in about another problem I am having has gone unanswered for over a month now. I don't have much confidence in the Cryptic support team and wanted to know if this is happening to others.
Whomever at Cryptic thought it'd be a good mission design to surround Tholian Captains with multiple Commanders, please don't make any more missions.
Now I have to wait for a 20-hour timer to expire so I can re-do mountain pass because it let me finish without letting me submit the recording at the end, leaving that on my mission list.
I would think they made it so the rewards are in line with the difficulty, to me it was fine for the 35k unrefined dilithium and 750 Romulan marks.
I did have the same problem as the OP however when I left and then went back in it didn't happen again.
Players can't jump over the railings in that area, would it really be so hard to make so the Tholians can't go over them also? Seems like a simple fix to a glitch that is effecting multiple players.
Was it the Tholian Captain?
My solution was "simple". I committed "suicide" by taking off the suit. After respawning, the tholian Captain magically appeared near me.
Why the hell do the people who make the game, not cryptic, know that this and many other things are well 'efed up?? for such a brilliant & great game as this is, it's the little & minute imperfections that really suck. SORT IT OUT PEOPLE, SERIOUSLY?
You should send all your member email surveys asking them if things are ok when u have new content so u can fix things as soon as.
However.......This problem isn't isolated to that mission at all. I have seen it recently when I was going through various episodes in the game just to have them completed.
Based on my observations I'll explain what is happening and what may be causing it.
On my science captain I have an Exothermic Induction Field kit module which causes an AOE effect on the ground. Instead of walking away from it and/or going around it to avoid the AOE, enemies will jump sky high (and I mean SKY HIGH) to go OVER it. If there is a high ceiling they will hit their head on it. Sometimes they land behind my character sometimes they jump away from my character and sometimes they are constantly jumping back and forth over the AOE.
The same thing happened when using a plasma grenade on my tactical captain.
I don't know when this happened but it has been like this for at least a month.
Somehow the AI on NPCs broke for avoiding ground AOE effects and instead of avoiding the area they launch themselves over it. Depending on where you are and how they jump the NPCs can go through the barriers of the environment out of reach, get stuck in ceilings, walls, etc. This is game breaking because if it happens to enemies you have to kill to complete your objective you can't reach them and have to start all over, as is the case with some of you posting here.
Edit: It may also happen when using certain debuff abilities that have an AOE effect, such as Tricorder Scan.
I agree. And i pointed this millions of times. This game is awesome from the outside, but from the inside.. it is a complete mess. I am tired to see little fails everywhere, to the point i dont enjoy the game like when i was newbie. But you should be aware, people dont give a fxxx about this fails everywhere, hell they dont even care about the most important bugs on the game, so dont expect they asking for a better polished game. That will never happen. Cryptic will keep focusing efforts on just making fast new stuff, and thats it. Since they know players dont care at all about the "quality" of the game, they are more than good to go and keep doing what they done until now, nothing except releasing new broken and glitched stuff.
My main concern are the ships. I see so many little fails and lack of details in them that makes me wonder if the designers are monkeys or wat. I dont get it. For example, why the hell they keep designing ship models without even deflector spots, or not even thinking on the functionallity of the ship, or not paying attention on some textures or some graphic effects (when warping, when switching modes, etc), or not even paying attention to the engine effects in some ships. The Bortasqu looks awful with those big thrusters and that little engine effect in the middle of it.. stupid.
And this is just an example, as i said, so many fails everywhere that it makes me think that people actually never played good mmorpgs, or videogames in general or they are just 8 years old kids that they play this game for their first time in their lives.