Anything about Recluse Carrier Captains not being able to get the Advanced/Elite Tholian Weavers? It says that I need a Recluse to buy these pets, but I have one as my active ship.
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
Anything about Recluse Carrier Captains not being able to get the Advanced/Elite Tholian Weavers? It says that I need a Recluse to buy these pets, but I have one as my active ship.
Which character of yours is experiencing this issue? I'd like to pass it along to our Engineers to use as a test case. If you could send it along via a forum PM, that would be awesome. Thanks!
It doesn't wobble as much as it did before. There was a real danger of it tipping over.
Basically they shoved an old phone book under one corner and propped the other up with beer-cans.
And next week the duct tape they ordered comes in so they can finally finish with all these stability issues when they make the racks a permanent fixture on the wall.
Which character of yours is experiencing this issue? I'd like to pass it along to our Engineers to use as a test case. If you could send it along via a forum PM, that would be awesome. Thanks!
Brandon =/\=
I know someone that has two Jemmy HECs and on neither character can she get Dil Jemmy fighters. It says she needs to have the HEC or Dread, even though she has the Jemmy HEC as her readied ship. I understand Scimitar players are facing similar issues in getting their specialty drone pet.
Romulan Veteran Uniform feedback: On a Romulan female character, using the Seductive stance
Clipping occurs on the collar on the Upper Veteran Admiral costume piece. Verices would need to be moved not to have the undershirt show through.
Clipping often occurs regarding the triangular buckle that's in the lower back. It would need to be pushed back a bit more to not suffer that animation clipping. Furthermore, it already has a rather unappealing floaty quality to it to which I'd suggest to just remove it - it doesn't look good.
The Republic Formal Skirt will clip through the upper Veteran Admiral jacket costume piece. Bits of the skirt peek out, and the jacket likely needs vertices moved to 'englobe' those regions.
The Republic Formal Pants have some major clipping going on with the Romulan Veteran boots.
Since the tail fin isn't deployed, you probably don't want a green tail to come from it.
Tactical Mode
The tail fin is not deployed here either, but we still see a green warp trail come from it. Probably shouldn't be there.
Warp Mode
The warp trail emerges from the top-aft corner of the fin, rather than where the warp field grid is. You probably need to have the warp trail appear only when in warp stance/sector space, and have it trail out from the glowy green part of the tail fin.
General: Warp Out animation critique
This has been a problem for some time: we have two warp out animation. One gives a view of the ship from its right flank, and is generally okay.
The second, though, drops down under the belly of the ship and generally just gives us a very restrained view of its ventral underside before it darts away.
This second warp animation is one I really don't like, because it shows much less of the ship - even big ones like the Odyssey - and doesn't let us look at cool things like transformations before warping out from, say, Veteran ships like the Daeinos?
Also... For Romulan female characters, since Romulan men look fine...
Please do something those Dual Pauldron Pads so that the cloth parts don't look so damned wide. Those have been looking wrong ever since you changed the scale of the 'cloth loops' since the Romulan TNG costume went on live. It was fine before you changed it, and now it looks silly. Please fix them by putting them back to the way they were.
the sector space mode on the rom vet ship with the 3rd extra nacelle fin sticking up is a modest but nice touch. i still dont get why the impulse engine flips to this much more aggressive looking vents wile in sector space. shouldn't that be for the tactical mode or something?
and the kdf vet ship at long last correctly transforms in sector space! dev time was spent on something kdf!
I was wondering if there is any plan for the items that were added to the Lobi store on Holo when the Tal Shiar Lock Box came out will ever be added to Tribble?
Which character of yours is experiencing this issue? I'd like to pass it along to our Engineers to use as a test case. If you could send it along via a forum PM, that would be awesome. Thanks!
Brandon =/\=
I have the same issue, some fleetmates also...very common bug from what i understand
I have the same issue, some fleetmates also...very common bug from what i understand
He asked for character name, probably @handle as well to be PMed to him. Just saying "me too" without any info about which characters is not going to help them locate the problem.
Is there a reason why after todays patch on Holodeck I can buy 100 Lrg shield charges, Lrg Hypos, Major regens, But can only purchase 20 Large Power cells at a time.
I can purchase 100 Medium Power cells, but since they are not used for projects what is the point.
Is there a reason why after todays patch on Holodeck I can buy 100 Lrg shield charges, Lrg Hypos, Major regens, But can only purchase 20 Large Power cells at a time.
I can purchase 100 Medium Power cells, but since they are not used for projects what is the point.
Sounds like someone pointed it at the wrong item.
On a seperate note, who decided that it was a good idea to relabel all of the KDF transwarp locations for the faction that contols the destination sector? Because I can tell you it was a seriously boneheaded move. Now instead of having a transwarp labeled "Beta Ursae Sector" its labeled "Cardassian Space". Guess what? There are 3 sector blocks in Cardassian space, assuming that I know what color/symbol marks Cardassian space. Instead of knowing I'm going to end up in Beta Ursae I could end up in any of 3 sectors blocks. This is a fairly pointless move that gives us LESS information about what our abilites do.
One of the locations is labeled "Romulan Space", I don't actually know where that one takes me as I have never bothered to use it but Romulan space now covers around 5 blocks, so I will NEVER bother to use that one now as I don't know where its going to drop me and it will probably just be faster to fly to where I'm going.
And I sure hope you are not a new player that does not know the lore of Star Trek, including what all the symbols are used for the various races are. You will end up using all of the transwarps and being forced to write down what sector they lead to instead of just having the transwarps labeled for the sector block to are for.
:eek::D tenchar
Excellent! Hopefully my bustier bridge officers won't have to be so embarrassed by wearing these anymore.
More seriously, raising the breast slider 60% and higher created clipping through the upper piece of the Veteran Admiral costume.
There also was clipping around the collar noticeable in two places, especially when using the Seductive stance.
Also, the Republic dress skirt and pants had some pretty nasty clipping going on with the jacket and/or the Veteran boots.
And during the running animation cycle, the triangle buckle in the lower back tends to clip through the jacket as well.
I look forward to seeing how the adjustments turned out.
But you're right. The pants have no business being classified as skirts. Heck, weren't they even called skirts? o.O
It doesn't mention wether it will actually improve stability
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
It doesn't wobble as much as it did before. There was a real danger of it tipping over.
Basically they shoved an old phone book under one corner and propped the other up with beer-cans.
*shh* There is always the Chance for a roleback so ain't mock 'em.
Or something else gets broken in the process.
Which character of yours is experiencing this issue? I'd like to pass it along to our Engineers to use as a test case. If you could send it along via a forum PM, that would be awesome. Thanks!
Brandon =/\=
And next week the duct tape they ordered comes in so they can finally finish with all these stability issues when they make the racks a permanent fixture on the wall.
Its not really our fault, there's only one size after all, you know, where the little tab is all the way to the right?
I know someone that has two Jemmy HECs and on neither character can she get Dil Jemmy fighters. It says she needs to have the HEC or Dread, even though she has the Jemmy HEC as her readied ship. I understand Scimitar players are facing similar issues in getting their specialty drone pet.
On a Romulan female character, using the Seductive stance
Daeinos Transformation Feedback:
Regenerative Mode
Tactical Mode
Warp Mode
General: Warp Out animation critique
This has been a problem for some time: we have two warp out animation. One gives a view of the ship from its right flank, and is generally okay.
The second, though, drops down under the belly of the ship and generally just gives us a very restrained view of its ventral underside before it darts away.
For Romulan female characters, since Romulan men look fine...
and the kdf vet ship at long last correctly transforms in sector space! dev time was spent on something kdf!
When are they ever going to fix the clipping issue with the TNG combadges on well-endowed women?!
Thank you!:D
Lol, get a breast reduction. In Star Trek, I'm sure it's an outpatient procedure!!!!:D:cool:
butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
Temperance Brennan, "A building"
I have the same issue, some fleetmates also...very common bug from what i understand
He asked for character name, probably @handle as well to be PMed to him. Just saying "me too" without any info about which characters is not going to help them locate the problem.
I can purchase 100 Medium Power cells, but since they are not used for projects what is the point.
While that would be easy enough, it fails to directly address the fact that the art department fails at geometry!
Sounds like someone pointed it at the wrong item.
On a seperate note, who decided that it was a good idea to relabel all of the KDF transwarp locations for the faction that contols the destination sector? Because I can tell you it was a seriously boneheaded move. Now instead of having a transwarp labeled "Beta Ursae Sector" its labeled "Cardassian Space". Guess what? There are 3 sector blocks in Cardassian space, assuming that I know what color/symbol marks Cardassian space. Instead of knowing I'm going to end up in Beta Ursae I could end up in any of 3 sectors blocks. This is a fairly pointless move that gives us LESS information about what our abilites do.
One of the locations is labeled "Romulan Space", I don't actually know where that one takes me as I have never bothered to use it but Romulan space now covers around 5 blocks, so I will NEVER bother to use that one now as I don't know where its going to drop me and it will probably just be faster to fly to where I'm going.
And I sure hope you are not a new player that does not know the lore of Star Trek, including what all the symbols are used for the various races are. You will end up using all of the transwarps and being forced to write down what sector they lead to instead of just having the transwarps labeled for the sector block to are for.
What about clipping issues with the scarfs and Worf sash?