Say what you will about PWE and the Zen economy; at least the ships available there generally (1) cost the equivalent of $25 or so at most to purchase, and then, once purchased, (2) are not unique to a toon and (3) can be endlessly respawned when destroyed.
EVE Online ships, particularly one called the Revenant?
(1) Much, much more; (2) and (3) Not so much.
Imagine spending years devoting your time and your finances to acquiring an impressive video game spaceship, one of the biggest and most valuable the gaming world has ever seen.
Now imagine all of that work being destroyed in minutes.
One player of the long-running online game EVE Online experienced that horror Sunday, when an ambush destroyed his supercarrier valued at a whopping $9,000.
Edit: Perusing the comments on that page, it's left unclear whether the ship's erstwhile owner actually paid the ISK equivalent of $9,000 to build it.
Realistic as you can make it though. Still, buyer beware. It was not worth even $1 dollar ... it's just code.
...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
- Anne Bredon
Is this a ship that you can not respawn when it is defeated? So there are three special ships and when one ship is destroyed in battle, the sourcecode is deleted?
"There are three things to remember about being a starship captain:
keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship, and never abandon a member of your crew."
- Kathryn Janeway
As far as I can tell, in EVE each ship is a unique object and does not respawn once destroyed.
Supposedly there were only three of these Revenants in existence before the ambush; now there are only two. That doesn't mean the gamemasters won't eventually "build" another one to replace it, or more in the future. Indeed, at $9,000 a pop, why wouldn't they?
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Buying a ship that expensive in eve and using it is like showing off your new toy on the school playground with all the teachers around back in the alleyway having a cigerette. It's getting ether taken or broken.
What's my position?
That people should know what they're screaming about!
(paraphrased from "The Newsroom)
If I remember correctly, at least with very expensive ships even the maximum insurance won't cover complete replacement.
Frankly, if the player spent real money then he took a very big risk and deserves little pity. Especially due to the rarity of the ship itself. Corps would be gunning (literally) to have the status of killing one of these.
My character Tsin'xing
I kinda feel bad for the guy. Of course, there is the fact of what I said above.
Congratulations Eve your the worse most vile MMO and I wish you'd never bought White Wolf which was a great company.
Thankfully Onxy Path has taken over for the actual product creation on White Wolf, but I still hate that the Parent company of Eve Online owns the rights to make the World of Darkness MMO.
Well, keep in mind you can't actually buy these ships for cash.
The cash value being put on things you see stolen or destroyed in news articles about EVE are based on a system of indirect currency purchase they use to control currency sellers:
You can buy game time codes for money at the normal subscription rate. These can be sold for in-game money (ISK), which can then be used to buy stuff.
While it's theoretically possible to spend thousands of dollars to get the best ships, that actually happening is rare (though not completely unheard of), particularly for people in large corps. In most cases, ships are paid for via in-game means.
For example, a few years back there was an incident that keeps showing up in articles on gaming websites. A spy managed to clean out a corp's coffers and hangars, including dozens of massive ships. The victim corp didn't spend any real money past their subscription fees to accumulate any of that stuff, but the fact that at the going rate of game time they were worth nearly half a million dollars never gets left out of articles on the incident.
So most of the time when you see EVE articles about thousands or tens of thousands of dollars being stolen or destroyed, there's rarely actually money involved. It's usually just hundreds if not thousands of hours of hard work, sometimes by hundreds of people in the case of corp sabotage.
I'm not exactly sure that's better, but it sounds a lot less sad when you say it out loud.
you CAN'T buy ships with money.Also eve is one of the best games ever made ,it may be bad for you because you need rules to protect your sheets .In eve there are no rules ,you have to use your brain to prevent what happened there (which btw cant happen unless you dont know what you are doing that case you cant have that type of ship).
This isn't always necessarily true. There are plenty of stories about a group of cloaked jammer ships flying right up to a new player without him being aware and preventing him from running. A new player is hardly going to be able to put up a fight against hardened PvPers that use gang-up tactics, even if he "knows what he's doing."
I played EVE a long time ago, and while I never really did any PvP stuff (only flew through low-sec when there was no other options, never fought other players, etc.) I lost 2 ships. One I lost due to a power/network outage, the automatic warp out wasn't fast enough to prevent the loss, the other I lost to 4 players in battleships using faction ammo and weapons, jamming tech, etc. I had about half a second to react before my ship was entirely shut down, there is no countering that alone. And it is specifically because of the permanent loss of resources that I stopped playing EVE. I don't like spending hours, or even days, amassing the resources to purchase and outfit a ship, just to lose it all due to some unfortunate circumstances.
The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
that would be a true f2p.Probably it will happen when the game will have more content or the economy will be more complex.At the moment everything is bound and the market is more or less for keys.
already posted that idea a year ago.I even said to sell subs on steam because I like to use steam wallet more than I like to play with my bank account and credit card info (although both are probably joke material for nsa emploies lol )
In Rift (after f2p) they do something different.You can sell packs of REX (like zen in sto) on the market for ingame money.People can use that to buy subs as 3 days (for weekends) ,15 days or a month.The vet rewards are not for how long you paid a sub but for how much money you spent in game (even if you bought that currency for ingame money).
Null has been so resentful of miners over the years that I am finding it amusing how the wallets are playing out in the current CFC / TEST and rest of the universe war. How long before they have to kiss the miner's tush now with PLEX funds drying up (CCP is loving the income right now) and no free mining territory...
I know thats one of the features eve players like about it, but i do wonder how many potential customers they miss out on because of it.
Simulation and realism is good and nice, but not in that form.
I'm sure the older Eve players will remember when the first Titan was constructed, along with the massive effort it took on the part of the corp that did it. Then the alt-spy incidents that lead to more than one of these huge investments being lost.
The only real flaw in EVE is not that you have permanent loss of ships (that is realistic and gives the game an edge that makes the player care about risking their ship), but that in that same environment to permit alts. In such high-stakes environments, giving players a way to act against the spirit of the game and -not- risk their own accomplishments is what allows such things without equal penalties.
This player who lost their ship knew the environment he/she was taking that ship into, and what the likely result would be, so they had to also accept that they would lose the ship at some point. This is why such huge investments require huge protection (like a sizable fleet of your own as escort...not a ship to be taking out without -lots- of protection), especially in a game where player groups force server crashes in order to gain an advantage in battle.
yes but people know that and can work everything taking that in consideration.Yes its the law of the jungle in space and is the most free of rules mmo on the market.Its not for everyone for sure ,its hard if you are new and dont know anyone in game but it sure is not WoW mmo type :rolleyes:
lol if people would do this in sto cryptic would probably call the cops and send people to Oprah show to cry about the evil people who crashed the poor server
1. Ships can get lost forever
2. no Lifetime to buy
3. dont make me as mutch fun as STO does even with its to mutch Bugs in the last years
Subscribed For: 4 years 5 months 20 days at 26.10.2014
But on the other hand, I have to admire the other players for planning and staging this. That must have taken alot of effort and coordination to do. I wish I could see the ambush.
But the ability to loose your ship for good is why I would never try to get the best of the best. Heck, I'd be hesitant to leave the system if I'd built up a good ship. By all means have some kind of penalty for blowing up, like your ship doesnt perform as well until you get back to base, but loosing it for good is a bit harsh.
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