OK so after some searching I haven't found anyone with this exact issue.
Mostly I see new lifers not getting the rewards on brand new (lvl 1) toons, and apparently they made a undocumented change where you have to be certain level depending on faction (5,10, etc).
My issue here, is I am a gold sub, passed 300 days not long ago.
My Fed toons get the 300 day 4% skill bonus, the "Dauntless" title, and I did get the extra toon slot.
However my KDF toons are all still on 200 day 3% skill bonus, but they did all get the title.
All the toons in question are level 50. So I am not talking about brand new level 1 toons.

I submitted a ticket but don't expect to hear anything for a while (if ever??).
At any rate, just wondering if anyone else has this particular version of this bug.