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Priority One Podcast Chats w/ the Devs - Submit Your Question!



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    kapla1755kapla1755 Member Posts: 1,249
    edited July 2013
    A couple of questions:

    1.) When the Account bank was first released it was stated there would be additional slots available to be earned or unlocked in the future. Currently max size for account bank is 60 slots for LTS will there be a way to upgrade that to say 100+ slots? It comes in very handy when buying reputation commodities in bulk and allowing your characters to grab the items at their leisure.

    2.) Could a Duty Officer storage area be added to the account bank with purchasable upgrade space be added (say up to 400 spaces)? This might solve part of the problem of opening the doff packs but running out of space to store those which are not needed at the moment for Fleet projects?

    3.) Is a T5 retrofit version of the T2 Qaw'Dun Bird-of-prey going to be available or at least the option to use the skin on the B'Rel retrofit perhaps?

    4.) Will the Mek'leth ,"Sword of the Raptor Star" and "Nausicaan Energy Lance" be added in-game as a mission reward or as a C-store weapons pack, they should be able to use the current sword animations we have.

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    padr1nhopadr1nho Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Here's a fair question, "When will we receive our lost mail items back? Can you provide eta on this fix?"
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    darthgranicdarthgranic Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Is it ever gonna be 2410?

    Serious questions

    How much of the summer event will be kept after its over? This new Risa is way better than the old. I would like to see them keep it and but keep some of the things unique to summer event ex. outfits, corvette, horga'hn.

    Will they consider adding more mini games/fun dailies, poker, jet skis, more sites like boat that sails into the bay mention in ENT:Two Day & Two Nights.

    Will Cryptic quit making new race every year and expand and give more depth to what we have now?
    The canon and non-canon wikis have some great material to help make this possible. People are loving Risa because you are giving more depth to it.

    More voice overs? It doesn't have to be a celebrity voice either. Just give some voices and lip motions.
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    stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    For months prior to the release of the dilithium mine DStahl repeatedly went on the record stating that fleet holding costs would be reduced, and the mine would be the primary avenue through which this reduction would occur.

    Fast forward to the mine we currently have that takes more resources to build than it can currently save any fleet. How exactly is increasing the costs across the board in any way reducing the resource burden on fleets?
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    beerxhyperbeerxhyper Member Posts: 676 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    are u ever gonna add more free ships for klingons and romulans cause we are lacking in free ships cuse we got enough cstore ships but need free ones for customization and such.

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    stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    When dilithium was introduced, we were told it was supposed to be a universal representation of a player's time in-game. Now with the word of yet another rep system coming in, with more than likely yet another unique currency, we're at a point where players have to juggle even more currencies than they did before the dilithium conversion.

    At what point will Cryptic stop drowning the playerbase with currencies that force players to play niche content instead of allowing players to spend their time in-game on what they actually enjoy?
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    lykumlykum Member Posts: 382
    edited July 2013
    The new combat pets for Scimitar are great. Will we see a buff to Fed and KDF combat pets to match their awesomeness?
    Lyndon Brewer: 20% chance to capture enemy ship for 60 seconds on successful use of boarding party.

    cause sometimes its party time!
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    seannewboyseannewboy Member Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    quadzi wrote: »
    My bridge is currently crewed by entirely White-Quality bridge officers that have been with me since launch and I don't have the heart to airlock them. I have plenty of Blue & Purple quality officers waiting to replace them, but I would like to show more loyalty to them than we see these days in "Corporate America". Are we ever going to have a way to improve the quality of our Bridge Officers?

    That sounds like a great opportunity for doff mission. Fail and the boff is injured, success and the white becomes green, crit success and blue/purple. Traits dont change just go up in quality.
    New home of the Romulan Republic.
    I have an idea for what Season 11 should be; Season 11: The Big Bug Fix.
    I have not been able to read my bug tickets in over a year, not even the tickets about not being able to see my tickets.
    I find the drama of your signature proof of your immaturity, this means you, DR whiners.
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    erraberrab Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    My Big question would have to do with the recently released Scimitar Three Pack.

    Why do all three versions of the Scimitar come with a Commander Tactical station instead of one having a Commander Science and Engineering Station?

    A follow up to the above question would be:

    And what kind of message do you think that moves like this send to Science and Engineering Captains?
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    starfish1701starfish1701 Member Posts: 782 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    If you have them all in the room together, here is a quick fire question for each person in the room:

    A lot of really great new maps have been added to the game recently, so, can each of you:

    "Say which is your favorite STO location, and why you like it."
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    cptskeeterukcptskeeteruk Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Ask em about azura and the silly cap on marks u get from it. I.e you can only max 30 during bonus and about 24 i think out of bonus event. "Regardless" of if you do well i.e a bunch of scimitars and 4s and 3s during a match.

    Ask about that and possibility of removing the cap or raising it to something more realistic from a "good" run of the event and the correct amount of points you should possibly be able to receive from it.
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    athourstathourst Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Are there any plans on adding a 2409 Mirror Terran Uniform, and also the Terran salute emote?
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    kekvinkekvin Member Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Are there any plans to add ships from other games? like the Archillies from ST: Dominion wars or the FBB (Yomatto) and FCV (Arkroyal) from SFC?

    Will we see more TMP Inspired Ships?
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    millacanomillacano Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Will there be more clothing options for all races soon or will we have to wait quite a while for this ?
    "I don't care What Spock said Han shot first"
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    lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    padr1nho wrote: »
    Here's a fair question, "When will we receive our lost mail items back? Can you provide eta on this fix?"

    SOoooo Close,

    To expand on this question (PLEASE get a dev on tape !!!)

    Have new attachment limits been imposed on player mail accounts ?
    What other mail system changes have been implemented since LoR launch ?
    Are any more changes going to made of the mail system in the near future ?
    Are the Exchange item returns or Exchange item sale award losses connected with the current mail system problems ?
    Are repairing the current mail system problems high on the priority list of bugs to be addressed ?
    When can we expect the mail system to be functional again ?
    When can we expect return of our missing attachments ?
    Why have the devs been so secretive about the changes they're making to the mail system ?
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
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    alfamegaalfamega Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    will we get an option to change the race of the character along the race specific traits?
    will the veteran ship get fleet-grade stats and console layout?
    will the reputation system someday become less cumbersome for twinks?
    will the older ships overhauled to be on par with recent ships?
    will we get phaser based hybrid weapons?
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    zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    i've burned through the Romulan Content within a month after LoR launch, now i'm bored and burned out with the Reputation and Fleetbase-Grind Endgame Systems and half the Endgame-Maps are bugged so bad i don't even WANT to play them anymore.

    The Risa Event was entertaining for a few hours, but lost it's appeal pretty fast for me.
    (JetPacks are fun, now do something with them that is real gameplay... Space Suits + Jetpacks + PvP over DS9... come on, do SOMETHING with it!)

    Anyway... i'm bored and maybe a little burned out on the grind, so what does STO have for me to look forward too? ...this or next Season.

    Any answers including DOffs, Weekly Featured Episode Series, Foundry or even PvP are acceptable.
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    bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Easy Questions

    - Will we ever see new bridge officer abilities?

    - Will crew mechanics ever be fixed or redesigned so they have a larger impact and no longer heavily penalize ships with large crews? If devs are unsure of what I mean tell 'em to start a thread I'm sure it will be filled to the brim in a day with information.

    Moderate Questions

    - Are there any plans to lower the gap between players with really good ship builds and those with average builds? Also I am not referring to gear but instead to the massive performance advantage a player with tribal/system knowledge gains over the less informed standard player.

    - Can you comment on the lack of consistency and parity within the game systems and mechanics. Examples include their only being one ultra rare kit for each career as none were added with dilithium mine, to plasma being the obvious energy type for beams thanks to romulan beam array having 0 drain and the embassy science consoles which beam boats tend to have more of and ending with a serious lack of boff space trait options if your not romulan. Maaaaany more such examples exist.

    Hard Ball Question

    - Cryptic has continued to release many items for Zen that appeal directly to the PvP crowd and the Doffing crowd in the form of lockboxes and the new doff packs. Yet hardly no new content or developer attention has been given to those groups aside from those that originally cost Zen. Will we ever see new doff chains added (like those in the cardassian sectors) or new PvP content that is not contained within a lockbox or doff pack?
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    xlocutusofborgxxlocutusofborgx Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Romulan STF Gear, this was discussed by dstahl not to long ago that is eather on the plans to do list or possibly something he just hasn't seen yet. Whats the ETA of it arriving for romulan players to have for the special task force missions currently and for the futre, or even yet, any new information/pictures of the new set.
    R E S I S T A N C E - I S - F U T I L E
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    catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    -Will the Embassy bridge officers ever be customizable?
    -Will we be seeing more variety of Embassy bridge officer traits? Currently the male and females tend to have different traits, most noticeable with the tactical officers.
    - Will Defari, Vorta, or Cardassian Bridge officers ever be available?
    -The Zen store borg officer is unique, and cannot have its profession (Tactical, Science, Engineering) or its gender chosen, the same is true of the Lobi store borg. The Aenar and Caitian/Feresen bridge officers come in all three professions, all genders, and can be bought multiple times. Why so many restrictions?
    -Will we ever have a playable Constellation class?
    -The Romulans get access to a lot of Federation and KDF content-Bridge officers, Duty officers, ships etc. Will the KDF or Federation be getting access to any Romulan content?
    -Any plans to make more shuttle-centric content?
    -Any plans to give the non-Diplomacy/Marauding commendation categories rewards on par with the Diplomacy/Marauding category? Diplomacy Marauding gives a transwarp option, a uniform option (for federation) a free purple quality duty officer, and access to a single cross-faction bridge officer. Other categories only give the officer, despite the fact that many of them are more difficult to hit rank 4 in than diplomacy/marauding.
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    zdfx19zdfx19 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Do you have any concept drawings (or better materials) you could share regarding the upcoming Romulan Flagship as a teaser?
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    startrekronstartrekron Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Any chance of seeing the Dilithium cap increased?

    Any possibility of adding more room in fleet banks or adding additional tabs?

    We've seen the Name the Next Enterprise contest, any plans for a similar promotion for Voyager or the Defiant?

    Any Chance of keeping the Risa Special event map?
    "Live Long and Prosper but always carry a fully charged phaser, just in case!". Arrr'ow

    Co-Leader of Serenity's Grasp
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    sharksinspacesharksinspace Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    If and when the new free ships come out for the Romulans to add variety at lower levels will we get the option to trade the ones we have for the new ones on tier basis or will we have to buy them separately on top of the ones we have?
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    theanothernametheanothername Member Posts: 1,508 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    My question to the whole team (but DStahl is probably the only one allowed to answer this):

    Why does Cryptic frown so much on acknowledging and/or fixing certain bugs. The departmentheads/Boff stations on the bridge are for example really in-your-face bugs which came with LoR and have been encountered by probably every player now.

    Is Cryptic not aware that the amount of unattended, not even spoken of (by cryptic), bugs might have a negative impact on some players spending motivation? Not out of spite, but out of the "what if it too comes with a bug that will not get fixed" thought. And its not a rare thing to wait one or two days after a new release to see bug reports of a new item.
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    scififan78scififan78 Member Posts: 1,383 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    A question about Romulan Republic ships:

    Any chance we can please see Reman versions of the RR ships? Reman skins on the Romulan ships are nice and all but, how about some more authentic (as much as possible) Reman designs?
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    nyxadrillnyxadrill Member Posts: 1,242 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    A general question to the devs on the Character Select screen.

    I love this, I think it looks excellent. It already shows what fleet a particular character is in and where that character is currently "parked".

    My question is could it also show the characters current amount of EC, Dilithium (Refined and Unrefined) and GPL?

    I'd find that immensely useful information, especially when I'm short on Dilithium on one toon and need to raid another :P.
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    szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Has there been any further discussions/developments about allowing your first officer to fly a reserve ship you have sitting around? (either calling them in combat or as an extended duty officer/gateway thing)

    Any chance we'll see extended applications of floaters/jetpacks in the future? (like what happened with EV suits?)

    (On a side note: just "Szeron" is fine. A bit like Sharon, but with a 'Zee' instead of 'Sh'. I noticed and felt bad for the.. letter-spaghetti last time. lol.)
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    pennylongpennylong Member Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Are there any plans to add more endgame content in the near future and does the team have a specific direction to take endgame?
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    burstdragon323burstdragon323 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    A long time ago, the game was balanced.

    Cruisers had decent power along with tankiness. The skill revamp took most of their power when beams were changed.

    Escorts were glass cannons that hit hard, but could not take sustained damage for very long. Now, they can take far more damage than they could.

    But these changes pale in comparison to the grave, gross, miscarriage of justice done to the science community.

    Pre-Revamp, we had a nice balance of damage, healing, and support/crowd control.

    The revamp changed this.

    Exotic damage was reclassified as kinetic damage. This should have NEVER HAPPENED. Kinetic is the MOST RESISTED type of damage, with most ships running over 30-40% resist.

    Repel: Every time I ask, a dev says that tech limitations in the engine prevent improvements to repel. This makes skills like Gravity Well less effective, as the average captain has at least two powers to escape, as the GW cant hold them anymore without consoles and or chroniton torpedoes.

    Drain Builds: Your solution? Make everyone resistant.

    My question for the Star Trek Online Developers is this:

    Do you have any plans to address these grievances? Or will you just watch as science play rots and festers until it falls off completely, like a dry scab?
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    skonnskonn Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just one to-the-point question:

    When will the Romulan uniform palettes match? On the TOS uniform, the top color pallet doesn't match the sash.

    Thank you
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