The Elachi escorts have some major hull strength going on. I'm pretty sure it wasn't like this when LoR first released, but I might be wrong.
For example, in the mission where you fight 3 waves of Elachi while defending the station (right after the photonic station) I fought several battleships and escorts. With the enemy ship's shields down, a battle ship would be nearly dead from a single volley HYTII with level appropriate quantum torpedoes, whereas the escort would maybe lose 1/3 health. This was noted several times against each of the multitude of escorts to fight in this map. Even with triple crits the Escorts were not as significantly damaged as the battleships were.
Also, playing an early mission against Hirogen escorts, I noticed their hull's seemed to take alot more punishment than they used to, but I didn't have a battleship to compare to directly.
I might be imagining it with the Hirogen, but the Elachi for sure have some seriously strong hulls on their escorts.
Is that intended? Generally escorts are more squishy so it felt like something was askew.