The new Romulan Security officers need to be removed, they are beyond overpowered. Right now the security officers add +100% damage to ambush with up to 3 stacks for a total maximum of 450% more damage. This damage is then divided by 9 and dealt over 9 seconds as physical damage, which means it completely bypasses shields. Also, this damage buff can stack with any other tactical buffs. Target Optics (+50%), Strike Team (+40%), Battle Strategies (25%), Power Cells (+45%). As a result, it is possible for a single attack to deal 570% damage over 9 seconds with 100% shield bypass. And if an exploit attack is used that is 770% damage over 9 seconds.
Now consider the fact that the split beam rifle is a high rate of fire long ranged weapon (35 Meters) that deals 140 damage unbuffed. Fully buffed the weapon will deal 770 damage over 9 seconds (85.5 shield bypassing damage/second). If the player is exposed then they will be dealt 1078 damage over 9 seconds (120 shield bypassing damage/second). If the player critically hits then they will be dealt 910 damage over 9 seconds (101 shield bypassing damage/second). If the player critically hits AND the target is exposed then they will be dealt 1190 damage over 9 seconds (132 shield bypassing damage/second). If the tactical player uses their debuffs damage resistance won't even be a factor in this at all. And keep in mind it is very easy for a tactical officer to get 60% critical chance. Combine that with the fact that the split beam hits up to three targets and you have a very high chance of instant killing 2-3 people in 4-5 seconds. The maximum health a player can have without science buffs is 670.
Tactical officers had no problem killing players before this. There was no reason to create a duty officer that allows tactical officers to DoT the entire opposing team to death. There is no class in the game with even a chance of surviving a critical hit or an expose hit from one of these ambushes unless they get thrown the ability's one counter, Battle Strategies. Under tactical initiative these ambush attacks can be repeated every 13 seconds. All the tactical officer has to do is roll into the line of fire, drop the attack, and hide behind cover (takes about 2.5 seconds to perform). At least one of his targets will die 90% of the time.
These duty officers have turned an ability that took skill to get kills with into a fire and forget free kill button. Plasma grenades are even worse. When a plasma grenade is thrown under the duty officer ambush, it retains the ambush changes. The spawned plasma fire has a stackable ambush buffed DoT, converting the plasma DoT into a stacking (up to 15 times) physical damage field of about 25 physical damage a second. That's 3375 damage over 9 seconds to anything that stands in the plasma fire for longer than 3 seconds. A fire and forget grenade can kill a player 5 times over.
All I can say is the duty officer needs to go. It's overpowered and anyone using it can see that it is overpowered. There should never have been a duty officer that buffs ambush. Ambush has always been the most powerful buff in the game by far. It doesn't need toning down, the duty officer just needs to be flat out replaced.
He is overpowered in PvPyes but no one has made a statement yet about the other two DoFFs.
If my weapon dont work the OP DoFF is useless.
It can be survived and it dont work all the time. I seen a player bring up 3 med nanite monitors .. This give a endless health regen.
As much everyone has complained about this DoFF and all the other DoFFs before it giving unbalanced gameplay in PvP make the DoFFs ..ALL the DoFFs , unuseable so no one can aomplain about them. Someone puts in a lot of work to create them. So if they cant be used in PvP no one can complain about it.
The new Romulan Security officers need to be removed, they are beyond overpowered. Right now the security officers add +100% damage to ambush with up to 3 stacks for a total maximum of 450% more damage. This damage is then divided by 9 and dealt over 9 seconds as physical damage, which means it completely bypasses shields. Also, this damage buff can stack with any other tactical buffs. Target Optics (+50%), Strike Team (+40%), Battle Strategies (25%), Power Cells (+45%). As a result, it is possible for a single attack to deal 570% damage over 9 seconds with 100% shield bypass. And if an exploit attack is used that is 770% damage over 9 seconds.
Now consider the fact that the split beam rifle is a high rate of fire long ranged weapon (35 Meters) that deals 140 damage unbuffed. Fully buffed the weapon will deal 770 damage over 9 seconds (85.5 shield bypassing damage/second). If the player is exposed then they will be dealt 1078 damage over 9 seconds (120 shield bypassing damage/second). If the player critically hits then they will be dealt 910 damage over 9 seconds (101 shield bypassing damage/second). If the player critically hits AND the target is exposed then they will be dealt 1190 damage over 9 seconds (132 shield bypassing damage/second). If the tactical player uses their debuffs damage resistance won't even be a factor in this at all. And keep in mind it is very easy for a tactical officer to get 60% critical chance. Combine that with the fact that the split beam hits up to three targets and you have a very high chance of instant killing 2-3 people in 4-5 seconds. The maximum health a player can have without science buffs is 670.
Tactical officers had no problem killing players before this. There was no reason to create a duty officer that allows tactical officers to DoT the entire opposing team to death. There is no class in the game with even a chance of surviving a critical hit or an expose hit from one of these ambushes unless they get thrown the ability's one counter, Battle Strategies. Under tactical initiative these ambush attacks can be repeated every 13 seconds. All the tactical officer has to do is roll into the line of fire, drop the attack, and hide behind cover (takes about 2.5 seconds to perform). At least one of his targets will die 90% of the time.
These duty officers have turned an ability that took skill to get kills with into a fire and forget free kill button. Plasma grenades are even worse. When a plasma grenade is thrown under the duty officer ambush, it retains the ambush changes. The spawned plasma fire has a stackable ambush buffed DoT, converting the plasma DoT into a stacking (up to 15 times) physical damage field of about 25 physical damage a second. That's 3375 damage over 9 seconds to anything that stands in the plasma fire for longer than 3 seconds. A fire and forget grenade can kill a player 5 times over.
All I can say is the duty officer needs to go. It's overpowered and anyone using it can see that it is overpowered. There should never have been a duty officer that buffs ambush. Ambush has always been the most powerful buff in the game by far. It doesn't need toning down, the duty officer just needs to be flat out replaced.
Im sure you can ask the other guy playing ground pvp to not use the doff. Dont worry about anyone else, they will beam out when they have realized they have selected the wrong map.
He is overpowered in PvPyes but no one has made a statement yet about the other two DoFFs.
If my weapon dont work the OP DoFF is useless.
It can be survived and it dont work all the time. I seen a player bring up 3 med nanite monitors .. This give a endless health regen.
As much everyone has complained about this DoFF and all the other DoFFs before it giving unbalanced gameplay in PvP make the DoFFs ..ALL the DoFFs , unuseable so no one can aomplain about them. Someone puts in a lot of work to create them. So if they cant be used in PvP no one can complain about it.
I am starting to think you are a newb to ground pvp. the majority of tacts are aware of weapons malfunction and therefore in those matches save their power cell to clear said weapons malfunction and continue on with the attack. Trust me none of the new engy doffs are overpowered at all and simply bring engy balance up a little bit.
In any case the engy with limited perception can't see the omega cloaked target as he fires of that secondary attack at long range and therefore can't weapons malfunction you in the first place. And if said engy wanted to use the shattered harmonics set just to be able to see me he would be dead after one tick due to no damage resist.
I am starting to think you are a newb to ground pvp. the majority of tacts are aware of weapons malfunction and therefore in those matches save their power cell to clear said weapons malfunction and continue on with the attack. Trust me none of the new engy doffs are overpowered at all and simply bring engy balance up a little bit.
In any case the engy with limited perception can't see the omega cloaked target as he fires of that secondary attack at long range and therefore can't weapons malfunction you in the first place. And if said engy wanted to use the shattered harmonics set just to be able to see me he would be dead after one tick due to no damage resist.
Also, don't forget the fact that because, even if an engy is focused on shield tanking, he's still guaranteed to die because the DOFF goes right through shields pretty much, so no matter how high his resists are, within a couple ticks, he is guaranteed to be dead.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
From past experience I can tell you what is going to happen with these doffs. THEY WILL NOT BE REMOVED OR CHANGED. This is as bad as the snb doff fiasco that plagued space as soon as Halor made them plentiful. They underwent 2 nerfs and finally had a 15 second immunity added into them before they were supposedly balanced. But the base concept and how they work never changed.
That being said these ambush doffs need to be nerfed so hard that it will force a choice on the tactical players part on how he wants his ambush to operate. Does he want to give up that 15 seconds of full on damage for a target that is tanky and hides behind cover. The only good thing about these doffs is that the ambush is gone after the one attack is released.
The problem is that one attack is a 99 percent sure fire kill. The dot damage numbers will have to be nerfed to such a point that even another tactical captain can't die from taking a fully buffed one shot with these. That's the only way to bring these into balance. You have to remember these problems are occurring from just one tact firing one shot. What happens when I keep firing and keep attacking even without ambush my others buffs still do lots of damage.
Also a person can couple the stasis pistol with this attack. Decloak stasis you wait about 8 seconds of the 10 second stasis field hit them with a lunge or pulsewave 2 attack run away and watch them helplessly tick away to death. Bort if you eventually see Kollins and I's video and are reading all this you need to nerf these things damage by a good 90 percent just to balance them out. No doff should be a guaranteed kill. That is for the skilled player to accomplish.
So, after doing this testing myself, I have determined that it is literally impossible to compete with the doffs. lol.
So, first, I took my tac which is built to put out an immense amount of damage, even more so than the normal tac... but sucks at absorbing pretty much any form of incoming damage. Anyways, I put purple DoT doffs on him and put him up against 3 different players: 2 scis, and an engy.
All three resulted in instant death within the 1st or 3rd tick...
Then I took my sci and I decided to try it to the best of my ability to tank this damage... I actually managed to tank for 5 ticks but.... I used the distortion field at the start to cut incoming energy damage.. which then in return reduced the physical damage to my health from the DoT. Plus I super buffed my sci's health at the start and was using the new sci doff... I burned through my hypo and all of my heals to survive... plus mind drain. I was also crouched during this test and have very high dodge.... and on top of all of that I made sure that I had medical vanguard up so that my shields could tank some of the energy damage for me at the start... over all again reducing the amount of incoming physical damage from the DoT. The result of course was still fatal.
I just did it for fun of course, as I knew the outcome would be that the doffs would kill. I am proud though, that I was able to tank 5 ticks... but of course in a team pvp these options wouldn't be available to me to tank as the distortion field would probably be used up.. most of my heals would be on my team, and well... you get the point.
"Working as intended"... 1 year later they "fix" it.
Obviously the Dev's never spend their time either in ground pvp or space pvp, i bet they would remove that boff or change if one of them decides to play ground pvp just to get 1 shot killed by a cloaked player with a plusewave assault type weapon a bunch of times.
Somebody try it with a cloaked Reman using Mind Drain. It doesnt reveal, so maybe possible to just sit in a corner and throw the spell, and let the ambush DOFFs do the work without ever getting found...
Leave them as they are. I'm sick of the current cuddly Care Bear state of things in the game and everything being nerfed to match it...
I am going to go ahead and say you know jack ish about ground pvp and what these doffs do to it by your statement. Learn how things work or keep your mouth shut cupcake
I don't play ground, and I can't really say specifically that X is or is not overpowered.
On the other hand items and powers should at least be reviewed regularly to see if they are over or under performing.
While there is no clear direct example, and space =/= ground mechanics at all (lower comparative HP values, differences in cross healing or taking cover, etc).
What if an APA DOFF existed that changed APA from +50% damage to +400% damage but all damage is dealt direct to hull and over 9s?
That certainly sounds potentially problematic to me.
I don't play ground, and I can't really say specifically that X is or is not overpowered.
On the other hand items and powers should at least be reviewed regularly to see if they are over or under performing.
While there is no clear direct example, and space =/= ground mechanics at all (lower comparative HP values, differences in cross healing or taking cover, etc).
What if an APA DOFF existed that changed APA from +50% damage to +400% damage but all damage is dealt direct to hull and over 9s?
That certainly sounds potentially problematic to me.
One big difference between attack pattern alpha and ambush is that ambush has a 13 second cooldown under tactical initiative (1 minute without it). Which means unlike APA, this ability can be reused over and over and over in a very short period of time. A more accurate example would be a Beam Overload III with +300% more damage, ignores shields, and is dealt as a DoT over 9 seconds. In addition, all attacks dealt during the beam overload fire cycle also get the same treatment, DoT dealt over 9 seconds while ignoring shields.
One big difference between attack pattern alpha and ambush is that ambush has a 13 second cooldown under tactical initiative (1 minute without it). Which means unlike APA, this ability can be reused over and over and over in a very short period of time. A more accurate example would be a Beam Overload III with +300% more damage, ignores shields, and is dealt as a DoT over 9 seconds. In addition, all attacks dealt during the beam overload fire cycle also get the same treatment, DoT dealt over 9 seconds while ignoring shields.
I wasn't sure what was the better analogy, I had thought maybe BO but wasn't sure if a pure damage boost was better. Thanks for clarifying.
I understood what you meant, but just to clarify for anyone reading:
BO III = +850% damage to your next beam attack
BO III + Hypothetical doff = +3,400% damage to your next beam attack - over 9s, and completely bypassing shields going direct to hull.
Since it's coming across as physical damage does it get buffed yet again by Motion Accelerator from the embassy kit? Because that would mean you could buff it with everything, energy dmg buffs, all dmg buffs, and physical dmg buffs.
_______________ CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that? Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
Since it's coming across as physical damage does it get buffed yet again by Motion Accelerator from the embassy kit? Because that would mean you could buff it with everything, energy dmg buffs, all dmg buffs, and physical dmg buffs.
I actually had that same question the other day when I asked someone to test it on me. They didn't know, and I am still curious.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
A couple things - looks like there's definitely a weird edge case with this Doff and Plasma Grenade - Something about the way it's calculating damage or attaching stacks of damage is off. I'm looking into this. Also, in all cases, the DoT is double-dipping off of damage buffs, which I will also fix - since its damage is based off of the (post-multiplication) damage of your initial attack, there's no justification for the DoT to then get multiplied by your bonuses as well.
Finally, there's the question of how to counter it when it's used on you. Since it's physical damage, I'm going to tag it so that Biofilter Sweep removes the DoT, but I'm also considering allowing the DoT to be removed by an amount of healing received somewhere between one and two health bars. This gives the doff some counterplay in PvP, allowing the target to react to the ability being used on them.
Jeff "Adjudicator Hawk" Hamilton
Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
I would first like to say that it is nice to see an official response to this concern. I do thou have questions. If it can be cleared by "an amount of healing" does this mean hypo, adrenal booster? Just looking for clarification there. I would like to see each class at least have a way to clear it, the zeno kit is not a widely used kit in pvp.
I would first like to say that it is nice to see an official response to this concern. I do thou have questions. If it can be cleared by "an amount of healing" does this mean hypo, adrenal booster? Just looking for clarification there. I would like to see each class at least have a way to clear it, the zeno kit is not a widely used kit in pvp.
Hypos would count towards dispelling it, but probably wouldn't do enough healing on their own to dispel it in one shot. I'm still not 100% sure if I'm going to add the healing dispel to it, but it seems like it would be fun in PvP.
Jeff "Adjudicator Hawk" Hamilton
Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
If my weapon dont work the OP DoFF is useless.
It can be survived and it dont work all the time. I seen a player bring up 3 med nanite monitors .. This give a endless health regen.
As much everyone has complained about this DoFF and all the other DoFFs before it giving unbalanced gameplay in PvP make the DoFFs ..ALL the DoFFs , unuseable so no one can aomplain about them. Someone puts in a lot of work to create them. So if they cant be used in PvP no one can complain about it.
Me too. /10char
Im sure you can ask the other guy playing ground pvp to not use the doff. Dont worry about anyone else, they will beam out when they have realized they have selected the wrong map.
Cubeageddon - You are the last hope. Find it in the Foundry!
The Space Race - An alternate to PVP - In Foundry Now!
I am starting to think you are a newb to ground pvp. the majority of tacts are aware of weapons malfunction and therefore in those matches save their power cell to clear said weapons malfunction and continue on with the attack. Trust me none of the new engy doffs are overpowered at all and simply bring engy balance up a little bit.
In any case the engy with limited perception can't see the omega cloaked target as he fires of that secondary attack at long range and therefore can't weapons malfunction you in the first place.
Also, don't forget the fact that because, even if an engy is focused on shield tanking, he's still guaranteed to die because the DOFF goes right through shields pretty much, so no matter how high his resists are, within a couple ticks, he is guaranteed to be dead.
That being said these ambush doffs need to be nerfed so hard that it will force a choice on the tactical players part on how he wants his ambush to operate. Does he want to give up that 15 seconds of full on damage for a target that is tanky and hides behind cover. The only good thing about these doffs is that the ambush is gone after the one attack is released.
The problem is that one attack is a 99 percent sure fire kill. The dot damage numbers will have to be nerfed to such a point that even another tactical captain can't die from taking a fully buffed one shot with these. That's the only way to bring these into balance. You have to remember these problems are occurring from just one tact firing one shot. What happens when I keep firing and keep attacking even without ambush my others buffs still do lots of damage.
Also a person can couple the stasis pistol with this attack. Decloak stasis you wait about 8 seconds of the 10 second stasis field hit them with a lunge or pulsewave 2 attack run away and watch them helplessly tick away to death. Bort if you eventually see Kollins and I's video and are reading all this you need to nerf these things damage by a good 90 percent just to balance them out. No doff should be a guaranteed kill. That is for the skilled player to accomplish.
So, first, I took my tac which is built to put out an immense amount of damage, even more so than the normal tac... but sucks at absorbing pretty much any form of incoming damage. Anyways, I put purple DoT doffs on him and put him up against 3 different players: 2 scis, and an engy.
All three resulted in instant death within the 1st or 3rd tick...
Then I took my sci and I decided to try it to the best of my ability to tank this damage... I actually managed to tank for 5 ticks but.... I used the distortion field at the start to cut incoming energy damage.. which then in return reduced the physical damage to my health from the DoT. Plus I super buffed my sci's health at the start and was using the new sci doff... I burned through my hypo and all of my heals to survive... plus mind drain. I was also crouched during this test and have very high dodge.... and on top of all of that I made sure that I had medical vanguard up so that my shields could tank some of the energy damage for me at the start... over all again reducing the amount of incoming physical damage from the DoT. The result of course was still fatal.
I just did it for fun of course, as I knew the outcome would be that the doffs would kill. I am proud though, that I was able to tank 5 ticks... but of course in a team pvp these options wouldn't be available to me to tank as the distortion field would probably be used up.. most of my heals would be on my team, and well... you get the point.
"Working as intended"... 1 year later they "fix" it.
Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
I am going to go ahead and say you know jack ish about ground pvp and what these doffs do to it by your statement. Learn how things work or keep your mouth shut cupcake
I will keep lol ground in mind when you roll with your fs premade stomp a pug team and act like god in zone chat!
No, they should be nerfed just to TRIBBLE you off.
I have to agree.
I don't play ground, and I can't really say specifically that X is or is not overpowered.
On the other hand items and powers should at least be reviewed regularly to see if they are over or under performing.
While there is no clear direct example, and space =/= ground mechanics at all (lower comparative HP values, differences in cross healing or taking cover, etc).
What if an APA DOFF existed that changed APA from +50% damage to +400% damage but all damage is dealt direct to hull and over 9s?
That certainly sounds potentially problematic to me.
One big difference between attack pattern alpha and ambush is that ambush has a 13 second cooldown under tactical initiative (1 minute without it). Which means unlike APA, this ability can be reused over and over and over in a very short period of time. A more accurate example would be a Beam Overload III with +300% more damage, ignores shields, and is dealt as a DoT over 9 seconds. In addition, all attacks dealt during the beam overload fire cycle also get the same treatment, DoT dealt over 9 seconds while ignoring shields.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
I wasn't sure what was the better analogy, I had thought maybe BO but wasn't sure if a pure damage boost was better. Thanks for clarifying.
I understood what you meant, but just to clarify for anyone reading:
BO III = +850% damage to your next beam attack
BO III + Hypothetical doff = +3,400% damage to your next beam attack - over 9s, and completely bypassing shields going direct to hull.
CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
I actually had that same question the other day when I asked someone to test it on me. They didn't know, and I am still curious.
A couple things - looks like there's definitely a weird edge case with this Doff and Plasma Grenade - Something about the way it's calculating damage or attaching stacks of damage is off. I'm looking into this. Also, in all cases, the DoT is double-dipping off of damage buffs, which I will also fix - since its damage is based off of the (post-multiplication) damage of your initial attack, there's no justification for the DoT to then get multiplied by your bonuses as well.
Finally, there's the question of how to counter it when it's used on you. Since it's physical damage, I'm going to tag it so that Biofilter Sweep removes the DoT, but I'm also considering allowing the DoT to be removed by an amount of healing received somewhere between one and two health bars. This gives the doff some counterplay in PvP, allowing the target to react to the ability being used on them.
Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
Hypos would count towards dispelling it, but probably wouldn't do enough healing on their own to dispel it in one shot. I'm still not 100% sure if I'm going to add the healing dispel to it, but it seems like it would be fun in PvP.
Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
VT will clear it along with Biofiliter Sweep.
Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
So now tacts and sci's have an instant clear to these it looks like engy's might be the odd man out!
You're Welcome my child!