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To all the uber-captains out there......



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    hip63hip63 Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just a quick comment:

    This is an awesomely great thread!!!!

    hip63 :P
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    hip63hip63 Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ok another quick but more useful to the thread that just a simple "hey cool" comment.

    A tip for the free breen stuff for a cheap and effective torpedo boat:

    Ok, so yeah run the missions to get the Breen Space set but the missions for the rapid trans torp launcher and the trans cluster mine launcher, run those twice and pick up two of each.

    Go to exchange and then get the two of the best trans booster consoles you can afford (they are usually very cheap).

    On yer ship put the space set on it and the consoles. put one rapid trans torp launcher and one trans cluster mine launcher to the front and the other set to the rear. BOFF accordingly. Fill out the rest of the weapon slots with energy weapons of yer choice.

    You'll be firing torps and clusters out of both ends! Enjoy the fireworks!

    Not sure how good it would be in PvP but it works freakin' awesome in PvE!

    hip63 :P
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    hip63hip63 Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sonnikku wrote: »
    How do you guys get a field generator on the cheap? I'm seeing these "cheap" builds here that seem to be overlooking how just a single, basic mk x field generator is millions of credits. :eek:

    you get a blue xi for under 12000 dil on the dil store

    hip63 :P
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    thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,541 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    nccmark wrote: »
    This thread makes me want to have my Fleet arrange an STF where we all use only free level 40 or el cheapo mirror ships with Mk XI or lower equipment. No JH, Temporal, Fleet, etc ships allowed...
    Fleet I used to be in did a private PvP this way one Friday night. We all were flying the just released Temporal Ambassador ships. Ambys and Kamarags. Ambys are very nice ships overall. The Kamarag is like a K't'Inga on PED's. IMV, the K'mag is one of those overlooked KDF cruiser jewels which players race past in pursuit of the supposedly sexier Z Store ships. Both require some skill and a bit of luck to perform at optimum. But the satisfaction of doing so far outweighs any perceived deficiencies in either. We started at about 8 PM CST and the thing was still going strong when I fell asleep over my 'puter at 1 AM CST. I think at one time we had enough people so either side had about half again as many players as there were slots available. People would run a match and then sit out so someone else would have a turn. After a while people from some of our allied fleets showed up and saw what we were doing. They then asked the best question ever in the history of STO.

    "Hey, guys? Can we play too?"

    And isn't this one of the reasons we all play this game anyway?
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
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    mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    A cool idea is to use A ship with the layout it comes with right out of the box, use whatever empty stuff you want (consoles, devices, Boffs, etc), but the layout it has already stays the same.
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    coldbeer72coldbeer72 Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    hip63 wrote: »
    Just a quick comment:

    This is an awesomely great thread!!!!

    hip63 :P

    Cheers mate, was hoping for a good response, but didn't expect so many to pass on their 'pearls of wisdom', just hope its helping those that need it.

    One more for myself, as am looking to do something outside my usual setup, and thought it might be relavent for others too.
    Whats the general consensus on some of the lock box consoles? Had a look last night, and while not "cheap" as such they are definately achievable price wise for newbies.
    Was thinking of trying out isometric charge and vent theta radiation just for giggles, and am of two minds on the bio-neural and plasmonic leach.
    Opinions on the above, and other ones that may be considered worthwhile.....

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    jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Plasmonic Leech is excellent as long as you're not using the MACO shield. Isometric Charge is very nice as well. Haven't tried out the others, but it sounds like Vent Theta could be decent while bio-neural is underwhelming due to limited damage and long cooldown.
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    coldbeer72coldbeer72 Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Plasmonic Leech is excellent as long as you're not using the MACO shield. Isometric Charge is very nice as well. Haven't tried out the others, but it sounds like Vent Theta could be decent while bio-neural is underwhelming due to limited damage and long cooldown.

    Why is running the MACO shield a problem with the leech, as the toon I was going to try it on has them?

    Also for everyone information, just started a second one of these threads in the academy(didn't know where else to put it), but for ground setups, so if you have any pearls of wisdom in that dept, please share them.;)
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    jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    coldbeer72 wrote: »
    Why is running the MACO shield a problem with the leech, as the toon I was going to try it on has them?

    The MACO and Plasmonic Leech are both stacking power boost procs, and they cancel each other out (so you could have a full stack from Leech and get one MACO proc and have it all go away). I wouldn't say that makes them terrible to use together, or that it means that you shouldn't use Leech if you use the MACO shield, but it does make Leech somewhat less of a boost.
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