Shocking how inexperienced and ill-equipped the users are in the public elite channel. Just had a match start where the match maker stated: " How do you run CSE? I haven't done this one that much."
They didn't know what pattern meant, and didn't understand how to defend the kang at all.
Please people, gtfo of eSTF match macking if you don't know what you are doing.
Covenant of the Phoenix - Fed | Covenant of the Phoenix - KDF
What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. Bertrand Russell
Amen! the one of the things i hate most is earning marks and rewards for players who have no clue what there doing or AFk players.
For me when im playing elite stf's i want to complete it in time especually the optionals to earn more marks.
But most of the time i cant get made at those kind of players, because i remember when i was new to STO and had no clue what to do in the elite stf's. Sometimes i try to let them what there doing wrong and correct them.
They shouldnt be playing elites anyways if they dont have good or right equipment, and low dps.
For the newbies reading this, plz stay out the elites and play normal ones if you cant handle it or never played them be4! Thank you!:)
"This is Admiral BumBleBush!...Captain of the R.R.W. Prometheus!...I order you lower your shields and weapons or ill be forced to fire upon you!!!"
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "This is Fleet Commander BumBle!..
Vice Admiral of the U.S.S. Prometheus!..
I order you to lower your shields and weapons or ill be forced to fire upon you!!!"
Shocking how inexperienced and ill-equipped the users are in the public elite channel. Just had a match start where the match maker stated: " How do you run CSE? I haven't done this one that much."
They didn't know what pattern meant, and didn't understand how to defend the kang at all.
Please people, gtfo of eSTF match macking if you don't know what you are doing.
The first person that you should call "idiot" is see there is a private channel called EliteStf , that place is home of experienced Elite Stf players who play only over private Stf queues where you can get optionals with every run.
Everyone in this game was a newbie/noob at some point , public Stf is place where most of players learn about tactic and gameplay of Stf missions.
So all this whining about bad public Stf players is pointless and unnecessarily :cool:.
I especially like how you told everyone exactly what you think of newbies and then followed up by posting your fleet invite as your sig banner.
Ironic, isn't it?
EDIT: Before I go. That "mature gaming community" thing in that link in your sig. Is that a rating? Or a wish? Because if you're going to use a phrase like "gtfo" in these forums as a way to sneak past the Really Bad Words Filter, then what does this say about the quality of people in your fleet? After all, if you're gonna represent then maybe you should do so in a manner which more accurately reflects the high standards and quality people in your STO fleet.
Picking on the newbies and cussin' without really cussin' and then not using a spell checker. Reckon I'll take a pass on that there invite.
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
The first person that you should call "idiot" is see there is a private channel called EliteStf , that place is home of experienced Elite Stf players who play only over private Stf queues where you can get optionals with every run.
Everyone in this game was a newbie/noob at some point , public Stf is place where most of players learn about tactic and gameplay of Stf missions.
So all this whining about bad public Stf players is pointless and unnecessarily :cool:.
I had to lauph a little at this, EliteSTF channel is nothing but a joke. Was in the channel for sometime, yes most of the matches go without a hook but even like Pubelitestf, there are numerous people in the channel that have no concept of what there doing from ISE to HSE.
Ill still use publicelite for all my elite runs because 99% of the time I get quality people, not to mention the moderation of that "elitestf" channel is beyond a farce.
everyone jumps straight to elite cause it gives more loot..
if the devs made it so you have to complete x amount of normal stfs before you get the right to join an elite one we wouldnt have this problem.
and now when the nukara in the pve queue that one has became impossible to pug.
i tried the int about 5 times, out of those 5 times 3 of them someone spawned behind the lift so we were a man down.. 1 of them someone ran in and started the mission before everyone was inside.
and the last one someone kept turning off and on their ev suit right before he died, he eventually was too late and did die..
the ext one is a bit easier, but you still get the idiots that just run around and dont do anything, or sit afk.
[12:35] Vessel Two of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 225232 (271723) Plasma Damage to you with Plasma Lance.
[12:44] Vessel One of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 1019527 (1157678) Kinetic Damage to you with Plasma Energy Bolt Explosion.
Looking through the thread on here, there are a group of people who run the PubElitestf channel that are purposely bad mouthing this channel with misinformation, in order to sway users to use their inferior channel.
This thread is for about the EliteSTF channel, not another channel. Purposely posting about a different subject then what is listed for the thread discussion is thread hi-jacking, and is a reportable offense.
and 3 minutes after that made this thread to release his rage all over the place :rolleyes:
And attitudes like those displayed by many posters in here are why I don't run STFs. At all.
That's part of what drove me away from WoW - the attitude that you had to know how to run an instance before you ever set foot in there, as if there were some way to learn how to do it first. The problem there was, after a while those instances were the only way to advance in the game - you couldn't run some of the required lairs solo, and nobody wanted to teach anyone how it was done.
Here, at least, I don't have to do that TRIBBLE. I can play my own way, and if I have to make a few mistakes to learn how it's done, I can make them. I can even try to share my mistakes with others in the forums, in case they're interested in learning from
(Protip as exemplar: Don't put DHCs on a D'Deridex. You'll hate yourself if you do. Yes, they put out amazing damage - but they have a 45-degree arc of fire, and a D'D steers like a drunken elephant. There's no way to keep the faster targets in your arc long enough for the DHCs to make a difference. Save them for your next ship.)
Nowadays I never pug eSTFs. I'm always running them with my fleet, and most of the folks doing eSTF runs in my fleet are pretty good at 'em. If we have a newbie coming along, we give him/her the rundown on how things are supposed to work, etc.
I learned by asking the team to have some patience with me if I **** up, following advice from the others, etc.
Ummm! you must not have read my entire post, cuz i did say i do try to help the newbies and correct them if there doing something wrong. And new STO players should not start off by playing elites to begin with cuz the there just harder in general.
And i learned by learning from my mistakes and taking advise from experienced players, its just common sense on how to learn what to do in Elite.
"This is Admiral BumBleBush!...Captain of the U.S.S. Prometheus!...I order you to lower your shields and weapons or ill be forced to fire upon you!!!"
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "This is Fleet Commander BumBle!..
Vice Admiral of the U.S.S. Prometheus!..
I order you to lower your shields and weapons or ill be forced to fire upon you!!!"
And attitudes like those displayed by many posters in here are why I don't run STFs. At all.
That's part of what drove me away from WoW - the attitude that you had to know how to run an instance before you ever set foot in there, as if there were some way to learn how to do it first. The problem there was, after a while those instances were the only way to advance in the game - you couldn't run some of the required lairs solo, and nobody wanted to teach anyone how it was done.
Here, at least, I don't have to do that TRIBBLE. I can play my own way, and if I have to make a few mistakes to learn how it's done, I can make them. I can even try to share my mistakes with others in the forums, in case they're interested in learning from
(Protip as exemplar: Don't put DHCs on a D'Deridex. You'll hate yourself if you do. Yes, they put out amazing damage - but they have a 45-degree arc of fire, and a D'D steers like a drunken elephant. There's no way to keep the faster targets in your arc long enough for the DHCs to make a difference. Save them for your next ship.)
There are walkthroughs for the Khitomer space and Cure space STFs on the wiki (Infected is so straightforward outside the '10% rule', there's almost no point in having a walkthrough, but there should be one). There's lots of helpful information on said wiki. The problem is that people don't bother to conduct basic research. Granted, the game should have more in-game information about a lot of things. . .but it doesn't. The wiki is basically the 'strategy guide' for STO, and anyone not familiar with it should GET familiar with it. Either that, or seek out a patient, helpful fleet that answers questions and trains you.
The problem is that people don't bother to conduct basic research. Granted, the game should have more in-game information about a lot of things. . .but it doesn't. The wiki is basically the 'strategy guide' for STO, and anyone not familiar with it should GET familiar with it. Either that, or seek out a patient, helpful fleet that answers questions and trains you.
I'm sorry....but if there's a part of the game that actually REQUIRES research other than just playing and making, then learning from, mistakes....I don't want anything to do with it.
Why should I have to read some dissertation on a mission just to PLAY the mission? Kinda defeats the meaning of the word PLAY, don'tcha think? That's what I don't get about a lot of today's's not play anymore. It's all SRS BSNS.
There are walkthroughs for the Khitomer space and Cure space STFs on the wiki (Infected is so straightforward outside the '10% rule', there's almost no point in having a walkthrough, but there should be one). There's lots of helpful information on said wiki. The problem is that people don't bother to conduct basic research. Granted, the game should have more in-game information about a lot of things. . .but it doesn't. The wiki is basically the 'strategy guide' for STO, and anyone not familiar with it should GET familiar with it. Either that, or seek out a patient, helpful fleet that answers questions and trains you.
I can chime on this one...
Yes there are some noobs on channel.... as there are on ALL channels including ESTF, but they are in the minority... 90% of games go off without a hitch... how do i know this? cause if games didnt go smooth we wouldnt have a 4k strong channel, and with such a large sub base we'd have a hellova lot more people raging on channel if every 2nd game went to hell...
sooooo OP you're a little off the mark... you had a bad game... such is life... move on, plenty more fish in the sea.
we do encourage new guys to have training in fleet before coming on channel to avoid getting yelled at or to at least read the guides on our channel info to have some idea what people are talking about, or if they dont know what they're at to ask on channel.
this DOES NOT MEAN we're here to teach new guys STF's, although some people will, in general dont come on channel without knowing the optionals, it is one of the channel rules and guys reported to be constantly failing optionals will be striked and muted simple as...
anyways like i said they are in MINORITY thank god...
you see there is a private channel called EliteStf , that place is home of experienced Elite Stf players who play only over private Stf queues where you can get optionals with every run.
Everyone in this game was a newbie/noob at some point , public Stf is place where most of players learn about tactic and gameplay of Stf missions.
this i have to giggle at actually... since its the common consenus that the quality of groups in ESTF has dropped dramatically as they have managed to kick and TRIBBLE off the majority of the quality player base which has now migrated to PESTF.
I've seen the OP's other post on ESTF's channel info,
now theres another giggle... so now you're blaming PESTF on the lack of quality on another channel... this gets better and better!
fact of the matter is i feel the OP might be something to do ESTF.... a disgruntled ex channel op perhaps trying to win favour for his job back... as i know the channel is struggling at the moment, and in fact has fired 90% of its admin team having ran the channel into the ground. which is sad to see i actually liked ESTF.
i see this as nothing more then the dying breaths of a once great channel. although if a new admin team comes in i wish them all the best and see no reason both channels cant exist as they have until now, we each do stuff a little differently, and once quality games are running everyone's happy...
I use PESTF a lot. Most of the matches are perfectly fine (optional achieved with plenty of time to spare), some are very good (CSE with 9-11 min on the clock), a small few are bad (no optional). The bad ones are so few I just dont even say anything, just go do something else for a while.
Yes there are some noobs on channel.... as there are on ALL channels including ESTF, but they are in the minority... 90% of games go off without a hitch... how do i know this?
actually there are more nOOblets in EliteSTF than in the Public one (Im not talking about number ,Im talking about the ratio noob per capita :rolleyes: ) .Almost all pvpers I know use the public channel when they ahve to grind dilithium.Also all good people in EliteSTF were kicked and now use the public channel yea Elite should be renamed into nOObSTF
i completely forgot about that... all my days of spamming OPVP with PESTF ads paid off, actually have to thank OPVP for being cool and supporting the channel in the early days.... you loveable auld trolls you! =D
Shocking how inexperienced and ill-equipped the users are in the public elite channel. Just had a match start where the match maker stated: "How do you run CSE? I haven't done this one that much."
They didn't know what pattern meant, and didn't understand how to defend the kang at all.
Yeah Cure Space is n00b-infested because they think guarding the Kang is all that's required and its as easy on normal.
I don't do Cure Elite anymore because it almost always ends in the Kang's n00b defenders failing hard.
Do yourself a favour and just run Cure on least you'll get Dil out of it.
NO to ARC RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
actually there are more nOOblets in EliteSTF than in the Public one (Im not talking about number ,Im talking about the ratio noob per capita :rolleyes: ) .Almost all pvpers I know use the public channel when they ahve to grind dilithium.Also all good people in EliteSTF were kicked and now use the public channel yea Elite should be renamed into nOObSTF
Yep and most don't even look back, who's lauphing now
I can't decide. Am I an idiot that populates PESTF, or an elite player that was kicked from ESTF?
STO Forum member since before February 2010. STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
I'm sorry....but if there's a part of the game that actually REQUIRES research other than just playing and making, then learning from, mistakes....I don't want anything to do with it.
Why should I have to read some dissertation on a mission just to PLAY the mission? Kinda defeats the meaning of the word PLAY, don'tcha think? That's what I don't get about a lot of today's's not play anymore. It's all SRS BSNS.
Oh, you can make and learn from your mistakes. . .just don't complain when people who know what they're doing start yelling at you for making basic errors or having a TRIBBLE-poor build.
The lesson here is this: Learn fast. Really fast. Players don't like having eSTFs ruined by 'noobs' because there's a 1 hour cooldown. Call it 'SRS BSNS' all you want, it's the truth. Some instances shouldn't even be attempted unless you know you can pull your weight (Hive Onslaught, etc).
On top of that, people should open their eyes and notice the words 'ELITE' in the queues. That alone should suggest this: "Hmm, if I can do reasonably well in Normals, I should improve my abilities until I do REALLY well before taking it to the next level." Sadly, this doesn't occur to everyone.
I have used both Elite STF and Public Elite STF, both are ok, neither really better then the other, lots of the same faces, and both sides have the occasional newb who probably should have read the guides online and practiced on normal before doing private elite stf. I accidently left ESTF a few months ago and felt it wasn't worth the trouble trying to get reinvited, public is almost the same.
An even better channel is DPS-5000, invite only but you need to have your DPS tested. I mostly try to use this now. Last match I was in I was doing 11k DPS the whole match with most of the group 8-10k, was like 10 min left on opt almost. Use this one if you can.
its the devs fault..
if the devs made it so you have to complete x amount of normal stfs before you get the right to join an elite one we wouldnt have this problem.
Given you can sit AFK in a Normal STF an d still get completion credit; I don't see what that would do. Also, as mind-numbingly easy Elite STFs are to begin with - just because you spammed your way through 5 Normal STFs STILL doesn't mean you'd be prepped for an Elite.
The best thing you could do? If someone actually asks, "Hey, how do we run this?" --- Answer them and tell them the basics. If they ask, it may mean they're interested in learning (more than say, someone who just zones in, and either sits at the zone in point; and just starts shooting anything and everything without rhyme or reason.
And like a couple posters have already mentioned: There was a time when NO ONE knew what they were doing; or (gasp) had run a few Normals, heard Elites were different; and had to ask a question like the one the OP is mentioning. Anyone who says "Not me, I knew everything my first time; and performed flawlessly is either:
a) Lying
b) Was with a group (Fleet or otherwise) willing to 'show the newbies the ropes' without passing judgment on what their current in game skill set or weapons loadout was.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
For me when im playing elite stf's i want to complete it in time especually the optionals to earn more marks.
But most of the time i cant get made at those kind of players, because i remember when i was new to STO and had no clue what to do in the elite stf's. Sometimes i try to let them what there doing wrong and correct them.
They shouldnt be playing elites anyways if they dont have good or right equipment, and low dps.
For the newbies reading this, plz stay out the elites and play normal ones if you cant handle it or never played them be4! Thank you!:)
"This is Admiral BumBleBush!...Captain of the R.R.W. Prometheus!...I order you lower your shields and weapons or ill be forced to fire upon you!!!"
"This is Fleet Commander BumBle!..
Vice Admiral of the U.S.S. Prometheus!..
I order you to lower your shields and weapons or ill be forced to fire upon you!!!"
The first person that you should call "idiot" is see there is a private channel called EliteStf , that place is home of experienced Elite Stf players who play only over private Stf queues where you can get optionals with every run.
Everyone in this game was a newbie/noob at some point , public Stf is place where most of players learn about tactic and gameplay of Stf missions.
So all this whining about bad public Stf players is pointless and unnecessarily :cool:.
Ironic, isn't it?
EDIT: Before I go. That "mature gaming community" thing in that link in your sig. Is that a rating? Or a wish? Because if you're going to use a phrase like "gtfo" in these forums as a way to sneak past the Really Bad Words Filter, then what does this say about the quality of people in your fleet? After all, if you're gonna represent then maybe you should do so in a manner which more accurately reflects the high standards and quality people in your STO fleet.
Picking on the newbies and cussin' without really cussin' and then not using a spell checker. Reckon I'll take a pass on that there invite.
I had to lauph a little at this, EliteSTF channel is nothing but a joke. Was in the channel for sometime, yes most of the matches go without a hook but even like Pubelitestf, there are numerous people in the channel that have no concept of what there doing from ISE to HSE.
Ill still use publicelite for all my elite runs because 99% of the time I get quality people, not to mention the moderation of that "elitestf" channel is beyond a farce.
everyone jumps straight to elite cause it gives more loot..
if the devs made it so you have to complete x amount of normal stfs before you get the right to join an elite one we wouldnt have this problem.
and now when the nukara in the pve queue that one has became impossible to pug.
i tried the int about 5 times, out of those 5 times 3 of them someone spawned behind the lift so we were a man down.. 1 of them someone ran in and started the mission before everyone was inside.
and the last one someone kept turning off and on their ev suit right before he died, he eventually was too late and did die..
the ext one is a bit easier, but you still get the idiots that just run around and dont do anything, or sit afk.
[12:44] Vessel One of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 1019527 (1157678) Kinetic Damage to you with Plasma Energy Bolt Explosion.
Then how will they ever learn?
How did you learn?
I learned by asking the team to have some patience with me if I **** up, following advice from the others, etc.
youtube for the win
system Lord Baal is dead
and 3 minutes after that made this thread to release his rage all over the place :rolleyes:
That's part of what drove me away from WoW - the attitude that you had to know how to run an instance before you ever set foot in there, as if there were some way to learn how to do it first. The problem there was, after a while those instances were the only way to advance in the game - you couldn't run some of the required lairs solo, and nobody wanted to teach anyone how it was done.
Here, at least, I don't have to do that TRIBBLE. I can play my own way, and if I have to make a few mistakes to learn how it's done, I can make them. I can even try to share my mistakes with others in the forums, in case they're interested in learning from
(Protip as exemplar: Don't put DHCs on a D'Deridex. You'll hate yourself if you do. Yes, they put out amazing damage - but they have a 45-degree arc of fire, and a D'D steers like a drunken elephant. There's no way to keep the faster targets in your arc long enough for the DHCs to make a difference. Save them for your next ship.)
Ummm! you must not have read my entire post, cuz i did say i do try to help the newbies and correct them if there doing something wrong. And new STO players should not start off by playing elites to begin with cuz the there just harder in general.
And i learned by learning from my mistakes and taking advise from experienced players, its just common sense on how to learn what to do in Elite.
"This is Admiral BumBleBush!...Captain of the U.S.S. Prometheus!...I order you to lower your shields and weapons or ill be forced to fire upon you!!!"
"This is Fleet Commander BumBle!..
Vice Admiral of the U.S.S. Prometheus!..
I order you to lower your shields and weapons or ill be forced to fire upon you!!!"
There are walkthroughs for the Khitomer space and Cure space STFs on the wiki (Infected is so straightforward outside the '10% rule', there's almost no point in having a walkthrough, but there should be one). There's lots of helpful information on said wiki. The problem is that people don't bother to conduct basic research. Granted, the game should have more in-game information about a lot of things. . .but it doesn't. The wiki is basically the 'strategy guide' for STO, and anyone not familiar with it should GET familiar with it. Either that, or seek out a patient, helpful fleet that answers questions and trains you.
I'm sorry....but if there's a part of the game that actually REQUIRES research other than just playing and making, then learning from, mistakes....I don't want anything to do with it.
Why should I have to read some dissertation on a mission just to PLAY the mission? Kinda defeats the meaning of the word PLAY, don'tcha think? That's what I don't get about a lot of today's's not play anymore. It's all SRS BSNS.
Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
Im not surprised.. seems like the mentality from that channel, no offence, just posting what I see.
I can chime on this one...
Yes there are some noobs on channel.... as there are on ALL channels including ESTF, but they are in the minority... 90% of games go off without a hitch... how do i know this? cause if games didnt go smooth we wouldnt have a 4k strong channel, and with such a large sub base we'd have a hellova lot more people raging on channel if every 2nd game went to hell...
sooooo OP you're a little off the mark... you had a bad game... such is life... move on, plenty more fish in the sea.
we do encourage new guys to have training in fleet before coming on channel to avoid getting yelled at or to at least read the guides on our channel info to have some idea what people are talking about, or if they dont know what they're at to ask on channel.
this DOES NOT MEAN we're here to teach new guys STF's, although some people will, in general dont come on channel without knowing the optionals, it is one of the channel rules and guys reported to be constantly failing optionals will be striked and muted simple as...
anyways like i said they are in MINORITY thank god...
this i have to giggle at actually... since its the common consenus that the quality of groups in ESTF has dropped dramatically as they have managed to kick and TRIBBLE off the majority of the quality player base which has now migrated to PESTF.
I've seen the OP's other post on ESTF's channel info,
now theres another giggle... so now you're blaming PESTF on the lack of quality on another channel... this gets better and better!
fact of the matter is i feel the OP might be something to do ESTF.... a disgruntled ex channel op perhaps trying to win favour for his job back... as i know the channel is struggling at the moment, and in fact has fired 90% of its admin team having ran the channel into the ground. which is sad to see i actually liked ESTF.
i see this as nothing more then the dying breaths of a once great channel. although if a new admin team comes in i wish them all the best and see no reason both channels cant exist as they have until now, we each do stuff a little differently, and once quality games are running everyone's happy...
anyways my two cents, see you all on channel!
/channel_join PublicEliteSTF
PublicEliteSTF Channel Info:
I can say i have completed eSTF optionals >99% on PESTF so, the OP is just bored out of his mind to make up this misrepresentative post lol
Interested in Role Playing? Join the 12th Fleet Science division!
actually there are more nOOblets in EliteSTF than in the Public one (Im not talking about number ,Im talking about the ratio noob per capita :rolleyes: ) .Almost all pvpers I know use the public channel when they ahve to grind dilithium.Also all good people in EliteSTF were kicked and now use the public channel yea Elite should be renamed into nOObSTF
/channel_join PublicEliteSTF
PublicEliteSTF Channel Info:
Yeah Cure Space is n00b-infested because they think guarding the Kang is all that's required and its as easy on normal.
I don't do Cure Elite anymore because it almost always ends in the Kang's n00b defenders failing hard.
Do yourself a favour and just run Cure on least you'll get Dil out of it.
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
Have yet to get the ground optionals though.
1) Stop complaining.
2) Learn to carry.
Impossible to do on ground missions. If you have nothing but idiots who don't listen it does not matter how good you are the mission will not go well.
Yep and most don't even look back, who's lauphing now
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
Oh, you can make and learn from your mistakes. . .just don't complain when people who know what they're doing start yelling at you for making basic errors or having a TRIBBLE-poor build.
The lesson here is this: Learn fast. Really fast. Players don't like having eSTFs ruined by 'noobs' because there's a 1 hour cooldown. Call it 'SRS BSNS' all you want, it's the truth. Some instances shouldn't even be attempted unless you know you can pull your weight (Hive Onslaught, etc).
On top of that, people should open their eyes and notice the words 'ELITE' in the queues. That alone should suggest this: "Hmm, if I can do reasonably well in Normals, I should improve my abilities until I do REALLY well before taking it to the next level." Sadly, this doesn't occur to everyone.
An even better channel is DPS-5000, invite only but you need to have your DPS tested. I mostly try to use this now. Last match I was in I was doing 11k DPS the whole match with most of the group 8-10k, was like 10 min left on opt almost. Use this one if you can.
Given you can sit AFK in a Normal STF an d still get completion credit; I don't see what that would do. Also, as mind-numbingly easy Elite STFs are to begin with - just because you spammed your way through 5 Normal STFs STILL doesn't mean you'd be prepped for an Elite.
The best thing you could do? If someone actually asks, "Hey, how do we run this?" --- Answer them and tell them the basics. If they ask, it may mean they're interested in learning (more than say, someone who just zones in, and either sits at the zone in point; and just starts shooting anything and everything without rhyme or reason.
And like a couple posters have already mentioned: There was a time when NO ONE knew what they were doing; or (gasp) had run a few Normals, heard Elites were different; and had to ask a question like the one the OP is mentioning. Anyone who says "Not me, I knew everything my first time; and performed flawlessly is either:
a) Lying
b) Was with a group (Fleet or otherwise) willing to 'show the newbies the ropes' without passing judgment on what their current in game skill set or weapons loadout was.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."