Fleet B'rel can not use B'Rotlh template, i have them both. Now why B'Rotlh template named
D'Gavama ??? May be this is causing problem ?
Also my B'Rotlh BoP missing
Fleet material so looks like those 2 BoPs dont even connect to each other.
Please FIX it
Fleet Hoh'Sus missing Veteran material.
2010 is my join date.
... and any options for customization (are there any i'm not aware of?) + broken warp-out-screens (it just flies a short way on impulse while you hear the warp-sound).
it's ugly as hell, plz tell me that there's another costume ...
However they postponed at least a year and a half and they decided to release it on a new lower tier ship instead (God knows why)
I think its not intended for the B'roth to be an alternative version for the Brel anymore, unfortunately.
But correct me if I'm wrong, can you confirm the B'roth variant DOES work on the normal B'rel Retrofit?
Yes it works on normal C-Store B'rel, just not on Fleet one.
Wow in that case, total bug.
I was thinking of getting it for my Fleet B'rel sometime but I didnt know it could even be applied.
So just curious as to where it says it can be applied for the b'rel as well tho, i mean i couldnt find it in the description in the zen store, but perhaps im blind, or cryptic slacked on another department as well.
Well I wont until Cryptic fixes it
Seriously, last Ask Cryptic they said they will look into it. Now with the free KDF ship giveaway the skin STILL doesnt work with the Fleet B'rel...
GG Cryptic.