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Upcoming Changes to the 'Ask Cryptic' Feature



  • sunseahlsunseahl Member Posts: 827 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The main issues have been stated, restated, paraphrases and re-iterated so many times ones eyes could bleed rereading this thread.

    I know I don't speak with any real standing in the forum or STO community in general but I do have to ask not just DSthal or Brandon... but all of Cryptic in general....

    1. Why is Cryptic working on a second MMO when they couldn't even get STO out of P2P without the help of the Chinese?

    2. If the previous is answered with "There is another team that handles Neverwinter." Why do you have an entire second team devoted to the development of a new MMO when that team should be focused on relieving the stresses of other Cryptic members on getting STO set straight? (I mean really? You guys cant cannibalize members to do these things that "get pushed back" like Crafting and bug fixing or getting the Foundry out of beta?)

    3. What do the Chinese and "Marketing" have to do with you guys being ever so tight-lipd and tight-arsed about an entire WILLING community of testers actually TESTING your content so bugs CAN BE quashed? NDA... Industry standard issue seems like something applicable here.

    4. "Soon" You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
    ( Translation: ) In every Ask Cryptic someone will mention an issue or a ship construct you guys have had "in the works" for months, possibly years but this same tired response is all you guys ever seem to use. You either have the willingness to fix it, AND WORK ON IT, or you just don't give a damn about fixing it anymore.... Are you willing to fix these issues?

    Just a few questions I'm sure everyone here has thought at one point or another and forgotten about.
    Member of the "Disenchanted"
    We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
  • shumibogshumibog Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hello. I think with always new content,we must think also where to keep them. Some of us need more ship slots and bank slots etc. I am at max available (with zen), at this moment. Can we get more slots in ships, doff, boff, bank etc in the future content????
  • shaltorshaltor Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Bran -

    I find this post fascinating. This is how one might translate your question:

    "People have complained about our cars. Some people say they don't work, they don't go fast enough and are horrible on gas. In order to keep the spirit of our cars, what do you want our cars to do?!?!?"

    It seems that you answered your question in your own words. You stated that people feel a certain way about the "ask Cryptic" and you had a list. Armed with this knowledge, why don't you just fix Ask Cryptic??!?!?

    That would make a lot of sense...however, it they would have to actually answer and address real questions and issues, which they seem loathe to do.
  • jumpingjsjumpingjs Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    shumibog wrote: »
    Hello. I think with always new content,we must think also where to keep them. Some of us need more ship slots and bank slots etc. I am at max available (with zen), at this moment. Can we get more slots in ships, doff, boff, bank etc in the future content????

    Can't you just buy more Zen with real money then buy some slots or whatever takes to your fancy?
    Hopefully I'll come back from my break; this break is fun; I play intellectual games.

    I hope STO get's better ...
  • blagormblagorm Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    A Few Questions:

    Will We Ever See The Gorn Featured Episode?

    - Will Gorn Will Be Able To Fight WITH The Gorn?

    - Will Other Races Be Able To Aide The Gorn Despite?

    - Will This Lead To The Gorn Home World Finally Appearing

    *Its Swampy/Jungle - Named Gornar

    Will We See "J.J. Gorn"?

    +Female Gorn?

    +Look At The Video As Well For More Of An Idea

    What Is The Current Populations For Factions?

    Will We See More Costumes Besides "Spikes," More So Racial Costumes?

    +I.E. Some Gorn/JJ Gorn (Depending) That Most Liekly IN Leather and Leather/Metal (Depending)

    --- More So, Like The Holdch? With Chains, And Ragged Loincloth and Pants? Maybe Be Able TO be Big As Them As Well?

    +I.E. Basic Racial Things Races Should Have To Disinct Themself



    + Life Time Members Only?


    + (I Know It Can Fit Gorn, And Cats, So ALL Races Are Avaiable)

    + Z-Store?



    For Veterans... The VA Token Unlocks Ship For Character, So You Can Get IF You "Accidentally Discard"


    Gorn I.E. (hate Gorn? TOO BAD :D): Rock Throw, Bite, Gorn Pounce (Not Like Cat, But Like S'tasss in "Second Wave") AND A Relevant Sweeping Strikes That Relates To Gorn Strength and Power As The Normal NPCs Fight... Ones Without Weapons
    R'tolves Will Spread Thier Peace and Will Prevail Over the Hostiles Who Dare Hurt Such A Isolationist Consitutional Monarchy!
  • bpharmabpharma Member Posts: 2,022
    edited August 2013
    I like how you're looking to change and develop ask cryptic a bit more. I liked the idea of the survey and I think it would be a good tool to highlight areas the players themselves feel need improving. For example you could run one on which faction players feel has the least content and then you know where to distribute more resources to make it fun.

    Another thing I would like to see is common forum posts/topics being answered. Anyone who's spent a week looking at the forums can tell you off hand what regular topics come up. For those interested it's usually: Escorts are OP, cruisers feel underpowered and can't do damage, science abilities suck in PvE, this game is a DPSfest so why play anything but tactical. There are more but those are certainly some of the top ones I see.

    So yeah I like the surveys and think you should use them more. I'd like to see regular/recurring forum topics get a good spotlight on so deficiencies, targets, goals and expectations can be addressed by those who created the systems and balance it. Sort of like your pick a blog topic but more addressing aspects of the game and a cross almost to state of the game.

    It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
    A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.

    Has damage got out of control?
    This is the last thing I will post.
  • chris919ukchris919uk Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hi Devs/Branflakes.

    Ok given that the game still has certain graphical problems in terms of texture mismatches, messy alpha channels, colour related problems and even certain mesh errors and outfit clipping/rigging problems. All of which are completely understandable since I appreciate there is a limit to how much time you guys can do considering busy deadlines and project demands.

    Well would it be possible to open up some of the art assets to the community and ask willing members to address those issues for you?

    Many fans of this game would jump at the chance to help out and would be entirely voluntary work. Quite a few of us own the required programs for such a task so what would be the harm?

    Obviously any work done would have to be approved by the art/dev team and it would have to be done in such a way that people wouldn't have access to anything under wraps. I'm just talking about the stuff that is gradually being more and more postponed due to the dev teams other projects. Just a thought but its one way to fix the problems.

    Thanks for your time.:)
    "You have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon, taH pagh, taH be"
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Bring the AskCryptic back please.

    We need Dev/Player connections.

    Thank You!
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    As you all probably already know, I'm not really a ship enthusiast. I am perfectly happy with the ships I already have and will be for the foreseeable future. Do you have any blogs/upcoming events/items for people like me who prefer costumes, species and item sets over ships?
  • l9of20l9of20 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I have asked this SEVERAL times to you both in game and in email and NOT ONCE have I seen a reply. I have even asked this to several other Developers and other GMs like yourself, not ONCE have I seen or heard a reply. So I am going to try here to see if there is a reply. When is the developers going to fix the UI's off the fighter pets? Ever since the update, my fighters on the fed side have become even more stupid then they were before the update. You guys say that the update was to keep them from being killed from an Anti-mater explosion from an enemy ship, but if anything, they all huddle around the ship when it is about to explode. And they will at random go off and do things I didnt tell them to do.

    Also.... When are they going to ACTUALLY fix the invsi-torp issue. I have a high end graphics card and still die from them in STFs
    C&C of the Federation Outsiders
  • milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ask Cryptic was a good move, stepping back is a bad move. The forum is not a problem, the problem lies in the hollow answers. It seems that someone in Cryptic thought that Ask Cryptic would be all rosy and stick to topics that weren't meaningful or seek answer to the questions avoided. The fan base for this game seems to be older, not simpletons or kids and this game is not living up to our expectations in substance.

    I will agree that Ask Cryptic should be discontinued if the commitment isn't there for genuine conversation, just don't mask it with Dev blogs will be better. The blogs are just more appropriate for your public relations style.
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
  • murcraymurcray Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I actually liked reading the Ask Cryptic posts. Yes, we got a lot of vague answers, but I liked the idea of asking general questions and seeing they would get answered. At least I knew they were being read.
    Which is why I'm here now. Been gathering questions from my fleet and thought I would post them and see what happens. They are a wide range of questions so I have no idea which Dev would be best to ask.
    So I am posting them here:
    When it comes to adding things to Star Trek Online I'm aware of the fact that you have to get permission from CBS Studios and all that. I'm also aware that you can't have too many items as your servers would probably crash trying to keep up. But in case things change and you are able to upload a whole bunch of cool stuff to the C-Store/Lock Boxes/Episode Rewards...here are some ideas that I have read about and have come up with myself, along with a few questions I have.
    Feel free to use any of these ideas to help improve STO...
    FYI all of this is dependent on you getting a whole warehouse full of servers to handle the load as I'm sure more and more players will be joining up once many of these ideas come available. Just saying.
    Here they are:

    1. Is it possible to add a set-bonus for Fleet Equipment? Now that we have access to all the different consoles, weapons, engines, shields, deflectors, and warp cores...what about adding in a set bonus for them? Something that will boost a particular skill set based on the set. Like Tetryon weapons, Shield boosting deflector, engines that operate at low power, regenerative shields, tetryon mag tac console, shield regen science console, and a matching engineering console as boost a science skill.

    2. I agree with the idea to turn off the Skill Cap. Once my character hits Vice Admiral I don't stop earning Skill points but I am stopped from using them! i know we use those points in the Reputation system, but I would like to be able to max out my character and make it the best I can! Any chance of this happening?

    3. One new item I would like to see either as a dedicated console on a c-store ship, or as a Universal Console from a lockbox, would be the Phased Cloaking Device. A console that allows a ship to phase through another vessel and have torpedos do no damage to the ship, but beam weapons will do damage to shields, not to hull. This will have an activation timer of about 3 seconds, and a 5 or 10 second use timer before it phases the ship back into solidity. Then it has a 4 minute cooldown. However the tactical reason for having this is that it causes power distribution dampening in the target ship. Like a -10 or -15 to all power levels.

    4. Will you be having any missions where I, the Captain, control the outcome of the mission based on the decisions and choices I make during the mission? Make some missions like a Choose-Your-Own Adventure book where every chapter had a choice that determined where you went next.

    5. Will you be making some missions for on-board my own ship! Intruder Alert Simulation, or make it available to communicate with Bridge Officers to build relationships?

    6. When it comes to Alien races we are still only able to choose humanoid shapes. What about multiple arms, eyes, legs, etc.? What about no legs and a tail? Or even adding a tail of different types and lengths? Horns, fangs, fur, cat paws, backward jointed legs, tentacles instead of arms or legs?

    7. Speaking of costume choices. I have a cross faction Bridge Officer but my only choices for costume is their faction costumes. Is it possible that we can soon dress our Boffs in our faction costumes? This way we don't have a Red Shirt wearing officer among our KDF crew or leather wearing Gorn on my Federation ship.

    8. What about more choices for customizing ships? Rainbow of color, being able to change type of metal used for hull, having an "ultimate" module selection available so we can customize our ships using any "module" from any other type of ship. What about adding options to our customizations of our ships or uniforms like adding glowing strips in the Patterns available now? Something like having the Orion Pattern be glowing, making it look a little like Tron or even the Delorean from Back to the Future. Same with our standard uniforms. Allow us to add a GLOW color to the striping on our uniforms?

    9. Another item I think would be a great sell is a grenade launcher. Not everyone is a tac toon. So not everyone has a tactical kit that supplies grenades. Some people don't even have tactical bridge officers on their away teams! So what about having a Grenade Launcher that has a faster reload (like a High-Intensity Beam Rifle) and it fires photon grenades? Maybe you can turn it in under the Omega Reputation to get it upgraded to a different type of grenade (ex: Smoke, Plasma, Cryo, etc.).

    10. I know this is a long shot but what about adding a conversion console near the exchange or bank that allows conversion from Dilithium to Energy Credits and Energy Credits to Dilithium? Maybe even add a Zen Point exchange that allows you to not only exchange Zen for Dilithium but also exchange Zen for Energy Credits and Energy Credits for Zen?

    11. Is there a chance that in the future you will allow players to purchase dedicated weapon and console slots for our ships with a limit of only being able to have 5 slots for each section? EX. Buy a Heavy Dual Cannon slot for our Science Vessel which only has 3 Fore Weapon Slots, thus bringing it to 4 Fore Weapons Slots. Or being able to buy a Universal Weapon Slot that can be placed Fore or Aft and can be used for ALL types of weapons (except Mines which are Aft only). Along this same idea is some restrictions. Like being able to buy a dedicated weapon slot but not to exceed 5 Fore and 4 Aft. Or 4 Fore and 5 Aft.

    12. Are you going to bring more ships to the KDF? In order to bring more players to the KDF side what about adding a new ship and/or maybe new "slots" that can be purchased in the C-Store or through an upcoming lock box? A ship like a true warrior vessel that has 4 Fore and 4 Aft weapon slots, but with one of each (Fore/Aft) slot being dedicated to port/starboard flanks. This will allow a Klingon to equip Cannons-only in those special slots and thereby make this ship a TRUE Warrior-like vessel!
    On the other hand if you don't want to design one specific ship, what about allowing the KDF side (to start then allow Feds later) to buy a specific extra slot that can be placed (on purchase) into any area of their ship?

    13. Here is an idea: being able to purchase from the C-Store an extra Console slot. The idea is that you cannot have more than 5 Console slots for each type (ie: Engineering, Science, Tactical), so the idea that someone could purchase a Department Specific Console Slot (they choose the department upon opening the box). This gets installed in the ship and now that person has one extra slot in that department. However if they already have 5 slots in that department then that console won't go there and now they must place that extra slot on a different ship.
    If this idea sparks the idea of people overpowering their ships then put a restriction on it. One slot per department allowed. People can only buy one extra slot per player per department (ie: I can't buy two science console slots, only one of each department).

    14. When will it be available for us to place our Fleet Emblem on our Fleet Starbase exterior or even the floor of the Ops area?

    15. I read earlier someone else had a really good question about: When will we be able to take older items and Craft upgrades for them? Like turning our Phased Tetryon Beam Array Mk X into Mk XII's? Or adding [Crit] or [Reg] to items? I know in one of the lockboxs there is that opportunity to do this with the Jem'Hadar set, but what about the rest?

    16. The Founders sent out 100 babies into the galaxy to explore and come back. Only Odo and Laas were ever recovered. Yes, there is that New Link out there, but what about the eventuality of adding an expensive new Playable Character or Bridge Officer that is a Changeling? In honor of Constable Odo I would suggest that if it is a Bridge Officer it is a Tactical Officer.

    17. I also agree with others that you should work on making an entire upcoming Season be all about fixing, updating, expanding/simplifying current issues, problems, questions, and concerns that have been slowly piling up on you. Is this something that is in the works?

    18. What are your thoughts on upgrading Boarding Parties that survive and return to being able to TAKE from the ship they boarded? For instance: My Boarding Party goes aboard a Borg ship and manages to damage them and return, with Borg Neural Processors or a Borg Device or maybe even some Omega Marks...thoughts on this? And if I'm in a PvP with another player and my Boarding Party returns, they come back with a Consumable item that is either on the ship or in the players Inventory.

    19. Along with the Console purchase idea, what about being able to purchase a Console retrait token? Something like calling it a Ship Refit Token. This token allows you to move your existing console slots around. For instance my Wells Temporal Science Vessel has 3 Engineering, 4 Science, and 3 Tactical console slots. I purchase this Refit Token and now I can move them around. Now I have 4 Engineering, 4 Science, and 2 Tactical. This doesn't allow for a player having more than 5 console slots in each department.

    20. We have a dilithium mine now. Which is supposed to be producing dilithium. Yet it costs dilithium to build it. This doesn't make sense. Okay, we are getting a reduction in dilithium cost, but even that isn't significant. If we have a dilithium mine it should be giving us dilithium and not taking it. Maybe, instead, it should be costing Energy Credits. my suggestion is that the mine actually produces dilithium. For a fleet of 500 it comes to about 50 Ore per day. For a fleet of 100 each member gets 250 Ore per day. Otherwise, why have the Mine?
  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I think we have seen in the recent Geko interview that the same old "evasive manuevers" spirit that was the hallmark of "Ask Cryptic" is still alive and well.

    Or maybe it's not so much evasive manuevers, as it is a case of the Devs just dont know enough about the game, to understand the game. The way they dismiss the feedback from players suggests that they really don't understand the playerbase, much less the complex issues this game faces.

    I had hoped that this attempt to redefine "Ask Cryptic" would start getting some real answers on the topics of importance out to the players. I should have known better. :rolleyes:

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
This discussion has been closed.