It wasn't a hoax, it was just broken and didn't get a fix before it ended.
Rather telling of STO as a whole isn't it?
I kid, mostly... I don't really want to be 'that guy'. But then, on the other hand, I've only been in a working Dewa red alert 3 times since S7 started, and not for lack of trying...
I ran some events in the PvE queue on Saturday and the only time I seemed to get bonus marks was during the normal 3 hour bonus mark event in the event rotation.
Was it a hoax? I doubt it. Was it bugged? Apparently so, and it seemed they couldn't fix it in time before the event ended, which is why I only did it on Saturday.
Hopefully they can find a fix for it and rerun the event sometime in the near future. But then again they are "hoping" to get the Cold Storage Lobi fixed this Thursday when the Featured Series Rerun event ends on Friday. It's fixed on Tribble server already but PWEbranflakes (I think it was that responded about it) wasn't sure if the fix would be put out this Thursday. Players have asked for that event to be extended due to the event running for almost a month with no fix, but it seems unlikely that will happen. Which means, like the bonus marks event, it's possible this problem won't be fixed before the event is over. Giving players only 1 or 2 days to get the final accolade and Lobi Crystal (if it is fixed in time) doesn't seem fair to me when it has been reported and asked about for weeks.
I'd really love if double EDC days came back in this type of fashion. If cryptic could implement "Double Rewards weekends" or something similar that would be really cool. Select missions could have twice the amount of rewards (Dil/Marks) and it would make it so people would want to play on these days, making the game feel busier to outsiders.
it would be nice if they ran another one fairly soon for the mistake.
I made a phonetic inference. It read like a cockney accent or something close.
Sorry about that... I am not englsih native speaker... I stand corrected.
Rather telling of STO as a whole isn't it?
I kid, mostly... I don't really want to be 'that guy'. But then, on the other hand, I've only been in a working Dewa red alert 3 times since S7 started, and not for lack of trying...
I ran some events in the PvE queue on Saturday and the only time I seemed to get bonus marks was during the normal 3 hour bonus mark event in the event rotation.
Was it a hoax? I doubt it. Was it bugged? Apparently so, and it seemed they couldn't fix it in time before the event ended, which is why I only did it on Saturday.
Hopefully they can find a fix for it and rerun the event sometime in the near future. But then again they are "hoping" to get the Cold Storage Lobi fixed this Thursday when the Featured Series Rerun event ends on Friday. It's fixed on Tribble server already but PWEbranflakes (I think it was that responded about it) wasn't sure if the fix would be put out this Thursday. Players have asked for that event to be extended due to the event running for almost a month with no fix, but it seems unlikely that will happen. Which means, like the bonus marks event, it's possible this problem won't be fixed before the event is over. Giving players only 1 or 2 days to get the final accolade and Lobi Crystal (if it is fixed in time) doesn't seem fair to me when it has been reported and asked about for weeks.