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The Risian Corvette



  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    anyone cash in lobi and get one yet? anyone seen one in action?

    I saw one in orbit over Risa this morning. Tiny little thing, if he hadnt been neon green I'd have missed it. He warped out almost immediately so I only got a glimpse.
  • blairmarshallblairmarshall Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I look at it this way. I'ts a free ship. You don't have to buy a Duty officers pack to try to win one. Like the Jem Harder attack ship. Wich I never got........
  • dirtyharib0dirtyharib0 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I saw one in orbit over Risa this morning. Tiny little thing, if he hadnt been neon green I'd have missed it. He warped out almost immediately so I only got a glimpse.

    If its tiny and an escort I must get this for my Tac-slave, new toys for my pixel puppet. Also speed tanking is the best, bring on the STO wipeout month.
  • magniacapramagniacapra Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Apparently starting threads with titles such as this is considered trolling... :confused:
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Has anybody witnessed how it takes a hit yet? Or better yet, how it hits?
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • boltfacelogoboltfacelogo Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just got mine - Registry #8!

    Yeah it's FAST and can turn, better than my Klink BoPs. IMO maybe too fast for cannons, so I'm going to try out a torp boat build.

    It seems to be more sturdy than a BoP, but It'll need some more testing to be sure ;)
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Has anybody witnessed how it takes a hit yet? Or better yet, how it hits?

    I've only seen one...period...and that was a Sci Corvette in a CCE/CEE. I didn't really pay much attention to it...I tend just to fly around in a circle around the entity while reading the forums or whatever is going on in OPvP. Was on my team though, and I don't remember it blowing up - while the other three folks did...often. That could just be the player though and doesn't really offer any info on the ship...
  • shockwave85shockwave85 Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    One of my fleet mates cashed in and had it within a couple days of the event going live. He plays a lot but doesn't play at a high level or really PvP, so I wouldn't call it a thorough test. He was able to get it up to some ridiculous speeds without even making any special effort to do so. None of us could catch him in a flat out race even running 100 engine power and an engine battery. I was the only real PvP player among the group we were goofing around with, so I was able to pop him pretty much at will. People more on his skill level though, it was clear it was giving him an advantage he otherwise wouldn't have had. He tanked a guy's Fleet Regent for like half an hour.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    A question/clarification in regard to the Corvette that I have...

    The up to 15% +Def based on speed - is that a replacement or in addition to the +10% +Def for being an Escort?
  • burstorionburstorion Member Posts: 1,750 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm pretty sure its in addition... it'd make no sense otherwise (yeah..so aegis engine 2pc would let it get 35 bonus def) all in all, I'm seeing the risian corvette as a ship that will go toe to toe versus a bug without looking like a sacrificial goat by sheer speed tankiness

    ..and yes, I plan to epte, aux2sif and use any other speed boost just see how close I can get to evasive speed constantly - not for pvp most likely...but just for cruising the space around Qo'nos :)

    In the red hull design of course as 'red wunz goez fasta!'
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I was wondering, because of the changes to EM with +Def being based on speed - how APO's +Def works - and just wondering if they were looking at changing how the Escort's +Def worked in a similar fashion...starting with the Corvette.

    Along the lines of whether they were potentially looking at adjusting the Escort's +10% into being +10% based on speed...with the Corvette and its scaling +15% being the testbed for that kind of change.
  • burstorionburstorion Member Posts: 1,750 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I was wondering, because of the changes to EM with +Def being based on speed - how APO's +Def works - and just wondering if they were looking at changing how the Escort's +Def worked in a similar fashion...starting with the Corvette.

    Along the lines of whether they were potentially looking at adjusting the Escort's +10% into being +10% based on speed...with the Corvette and its scaling +15% being the testbed for that kind of change.

    I doubt it ..can you imagine the uproar that would happen if the best selling class of ships got a nerf? Cryptics not stupid, they would never kill the golden goose as it'd sound like escorteers were 'losing' it - it'd be on the same magnitude as if they woke up one morning to find dhcs had been nerfed :p

    I was surprised though to find out kdf bops do not get the bonus defence yet romulan bops have it...
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    burstorion wrote: »
    I doubt it ..can you imagine the uproar that would happen if the best selling class of ships got a nerf? Cryptics not stupid, they would never kill the golden goose as it'd sound like escorteers were 'losing' it - it'd be on the same magnitude as if they woke up one morning to find dhcs had been nerfed :p

    Scaling +Def wouldn't be in the same ballpark as what Geko wanted to do with DHCs...and the uproar that ensued.

    Besides, they already changed EM to work in that fashion...

    ...it would be a logical step for them to take. Much of +Def works that way. The scaling +45% based on speed up to 24 impulse, the +10% Escort only if moving, the 2pc Aegis +5% only if moving, the APO +Def is based on that scaling +45% (a .45/.55 modifier applied to the tooltip bonus dependent on speed/Escort)...etc, etc, etc.
    burstorion wrote: »
    I was surprised though to find out kdf bops do not get the bonus defence yet romulan bops have it...

    KDF BoPs do.

    Rom Warbirds don't.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So based on conversations on the forums and in chat...

    The Risian Trollvette w/ Alien Sci

    Traits - Accurate, Astrophysicist, Conservation of Energy, Efficient, Elusive, Helmsman, Photonic Capacitor, Techie, Warp Theorist

    New Rom - Precision, Sensor Targeting Assault, Quantum Singularity Manipulation
    Nukara - Fortified Hull, Auxiliary Power Configuration - Offense, Refracting Tetryon Cascade
    Omega - Omega Weapon Training, Omega Graviton Amplifier

    TT1, TS2, APO1, APO3
    THY1, DPA1

    EPtE1, EPtS2, EWP1
    TSS1, HE2

    DOFFs - 3x DCE (EPtX), WCE(Cleanse), MAS(EWP)

    Deflector - Borg Mk XII
    Impulse - Borg Mk XII
    Warp - Elite Fleet Reinforced Warp Core Mk XII [EPS][E->S][SCap][AMP][SSS]
    Shields - Omega Mk XII

    Fore - Chron DBA, 3x Chroniton Torpedo Mk XII [Acc]x3
    Aft - Temporal Device, Chroniton Mine Mk XII [CrtH]x3, Nukara Web Mine

    Tac - Wake, GPG, Jumper, Imp Cap Cell
    Eng - Tachyo, E-RCS Mk XII [+AllRes], E-Neut Mk XII [+Turn]
    Sci - 2x Romulan Grav Gen Mk XII [-Th][HuH], Romulan Grav Gen Mk XII [-Th][ShH]

    Devices - SFM, RMC

    edit: Was half asleep when posting this joke build...meh, thanks to illcadia for pointing out the glaring issue of the LCmdr Tac that doesn't exist. :)
  • thelastlegatethelastlegate Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Really looking forward to mine
  • poeddudepoeddude Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    A question/clarification in regard to the Corvette that I have...

    The up to 15% +Def based on speed - is that a replacement or in addition to the +10% +Def for being an Escort?

  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    poeddude wrote: »

    Thank you for the clarification...I've been dragging my feet on it. I'm glad that I saw the post from Friday by Bran saying it had been extended through the 4th (since the game shows it running through the 15th)...I've got to stop dragging my feet, and I can still get it done. Some folks are going to be...perturbed though.
  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,415 Bug Hunter
    edited July 2013
    So based on conversations on the forums and in chat...

    The Risian Trollvette w/ Alien Sci

    Traits - Accurate, Astrophysicist, Conservation of Energy, Efficient, Elusive, Helmsman, Photonic Capacitor, Techie, Warp Theorist

    New Rom - Precision, Sensor Targeting Assault, Quantum Singularity Manipulation
    Nukara - Fortified Hull, Auxiliary Power Configuration - Offense, Refracting Tetryon Cascade
    Omega - Omega Weapon Training, Omega Graviton Amplifier

    TT1, TS2, APO1, DPB3
    THY1, DPA1, APO1

    EPtE1, EPtS2, EWP1
    TSS1, HE2

    DOFFs - 3x DCE (EPtX), WCE(Cleanse), MAS(EWP)

    Deflector - Borg Mk XII
    Impulse - Borg Mk XII
    Warp - Elite Fleet Reinforced Warp Core Mk XII [EPS][E->S][SCap][AMP][SSS]
    Shields - Omega Mk XII

    Fore - Chron DBA, 3x Chroniton Torpedo Mk XII [Acc]x3
    Aft - Temporal Device, Chroniton Mine Mk XII [CrtH]x3, Nukara Web Mine

    Tac - Wake, GPG, Jumper, Imp Cap Cell
    Eng - Tachyo, E-RCS Mk XII [+AllRes], E-Neut Mk XII [+Turn]
    Sci - 2x Romulan Grav Gen Mk XII [-Th][HuH], Romulan Grav Gen Mk XII [-Th][ShH]

    Devices - SFM, RMC

    Hey dudes, it doesn't have an LTC tactical slot. It's commander tac, LIEUTENANT tac. Not LTC.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    illcadia wrote: »
    Hey dudes, it doesn't have an LTC tactical slot. It's commander tac, LIEUTENANT tac. Not LTC.

    Thanks, I'll fix that...I was half asleep when I posted it and more focused on all the wheeeee/broken stuff than the actual build. It was meant to be a joke post - Trollvette and all that. I complain about how TIF causes me to desync, lol, I'd never put it in an actual build that would cause me problems like that...heh.

    edit: Damn typos, guess I'm not really awake yet either...lol.
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    There was a little debate on whether the newest addition to STO is good or not on OPvP. Some say it can't tanked and way too squishy, others beg to differ. I maintain that with the right spec, the Risian Corvette can tank very well. So we put the theory to a test against a very good Bug player, Stormshadow, in a private 1 vs. 1

    Here is the result :


    Some additional info on the equipment. Storm was using Borg 2 sets + Elite Fleet Shield. He countered my speed with Graviton Pulse and Plasmonic Leech. I was using Adapted MACO 2 pieces + a hyper engine, 2 field generator MK XII and all passive consoles (no AMS, Graviton pulse, theta radiation, none of these, just passive) + Risian Wake console. I believe he said his weapon is Polaron based, can't recall exactly.

    - There was close calls on both sides during a match that lasted about 15-20 minutes
    - The Corvette can definitely outrun the Bug to safety though not obviously, if the bug knows what he is doing
    - Good bug like Storm can manage to keep the Corvette in his firing arc but at much reduced effectiveness
    - At first, Storm was doing decent damages but the Corvette adapted and as the match prolonged, his weapon failed to pierce shields as he struggled to maintain his firing arc
    - Corvette can shield & speed tank against very heavy fire power even with just one shield heal, albeit a very good on
    - Corvette's hull strength is more than sufficient to dog fight but you need to have back up in case you get ganked
    - Tractor beam was very effective against the bug when its APO expire as the bug will lose its firing arc struggling to break free and allow plasma torps and mines to catch the bug
    - At such high speed chase, the difference between fore and aft arc become meaningless, you are exposed to all firing arc at all time against the corvette. As such, Corvette should not spec turret in the rear but slow yet powerful weapons that can do real damages as the arc is no issue

    Conclusion : There is not one ship that is better than the other. Despite the result, the match was essentially a tie. In a team context, they will both excel at doing attack runs in different ways. Corvette is a little more survivable because in crunch, it can get away zoom past anything and everything at 3 times more than the average full impulse speed of most other ships. Bug can achieve higher dps in theory but the Corvette's console space is more balanced and allowed more than one Field Generator to be used while the Bug cannot.

    Special thanks to Stormshadow for taking part in the test, a very respectable player.
  • jaegernljaegernl Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Did he die to web mines? :P
    Isaac the Adequate - Level 70 Oath of Devotion Paladin
  • highlethighlet Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So a 1v1 proves what again?
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    jaegernl wrote: »
    Did he die to web mines? :P

    All I can say is : DADT ;)
  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    highlet wrote: »
    So a 1v1 proves what again?

    :P /10char
  • edited July 2013
    This content has been removed.
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