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When will you fix the things you broke?

pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
edited June 2013 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
PVE Que - You will be Removed from the match in 5 seconds

PVE Que - Unable to get map from map manager

System - Can not delete emails

PVE - Can not turn in Borg Red Alerts

PVP - Can not play as my KDF Bird of Prey bcause people are using EptAux to see me through cloak 25 km away

I have read the Eula, I know you can take the game awy at any time, but I had faith with the enthusiasm of the upcomming content that there were no plans to shut the game down. Now I have a pile of ships and toys I have paid for (and I really have paid a lot) - and I cant do most of the things I log in the game to enjoy, so I cant play the game.

I feel like I have been scammed.

When will you fix these things?
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