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Consolidated LOR Bug List #2

voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2013 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
Because of overwhelming response to this thread I've had to / decided to recreate it in a new thread because I'm simply running out of room to put everything in a list in a single post.

Just like with the original thread the purpose of this isn't to complain about bugs, but to simply compile a list of them, both so players can easily see it is a known bug and to hopefully be of some assistance to the devs as they try to sort through all of the bug report data since the LOR launch.

I'd Really like to thank everyone for all of your help in creating this list by posting bugs you've come across, alerting us to work-a-rounds when they exist, and confirming when a specific bug is eliminated.


Core Systems:

Scam website auto-banning feature not working as intended

Stuck on loading screen when transitioning maps.

Launcher crash when starting patch.

Map Transfer errors: Intermittent disconnects trying to transfer maps. NOT "Server not responding" but unable to transfer maps.

Romulan Characters and allies: Romulan characters are often referred to being in allied Faction and not Romulan Republic.

Message appears while trying to 'take/take all': Inventory Full. Both inventory and Boff non-commissioned lists are empty

When opening status window Bridge officers will occasionally appear as ships, the status window will appear as an empty ship status with an "Invalididentityname". After a few seconds it will correct itself.

From stargazerjmb : 2 of my characters are unable to beam to ship or leave the First City or visit the bridge as these options are ALWAYS ghosted. After repeated GM requests I have been told basically to just report it as a bug and put up with it (which I have for 2years). This is on characters that I have paid extra to have. <--- Not a LOR bug, but because of the seriousness of it I'm adding it.

Skill system:

When retraining points, "an error occurred while retraining skills".

Warrior trait does not show update to CritD in character paper doll after selecting.
Exchange System:

Exchange some items aren't showing up for search, sometimes they are. Like Tal Shiar command codes. Some items that are usable by character are being marked as not usable and are therefore being mistakenly removed from exchange list when using "only show usable items" option in exchange.

Boff System:

Department heads are bugged, it won't allow you to select them until you re-select one that is already slotted, and then any selections made aren't retained after the first map change.

Department heads reset on login.

Sometimes on the menu for ship stations (Lt com sci, Lt com tac etc etc), only one boff is listed, the other tabs are blank.

Buying a Reman/Romulan bridge officer on non Romulan characters will often result in it being stuck in the overflow bag and there is no way to get them out.

Double Boff slots bug is back.

Allied Boff trainers cannot train allied boffs.

jem'hadar boff (facility 4028 reward) can't train rom boffs nor kdf aligned.

Bridge officers of all factions now mostly replaced by generics on the Bridge.

Romulan/Reman boffs with Subterfuge, Subterfuge +20% damage bonus is broken and does not apply.

Doff System:

Not receiving computer fragments from Defense Contract daily in Eta Eridani. Francis Drake is not offering the mission Salvage Dispute even if you already have the required 10 computer core fragments.

"Research Advanced Warp Core" Engineering Doff mission requires 4 doffs w/ the final 2 being Sci. However, Success is granted by Matter-Antimatter Specs (which are Eng doffs and can't be selected).

New Romulus Junior Officer Cadre. Bound to character when STF and KDF packs aren't. This mean you can't put them on the exchange or even in your account bank.

Fleet base System:

The "history of the enterprise" starbase special project reward is glitched. The text in the pictures of the various Enterprises is doubled, making it nearly unreadable.

Tailor System / Ship Tailor:

cross faction parts appearing on exchange purchased Boffs

Color changing on one part is changing another part.

Missing costume pieces.

Can not load saved outfits nor save a characters settings.

Liberated Borg character can not access the Romulan helmet mission reward in the tailor.

KDF Marauding faction boff customize bug (can't change body type, face, skin color, height, stance on human/ferengi/andorian boff's, etc)

Unable to create Off-Duty uniforms. I am able to modify an already existing Off-Duty uniform with an existing character, but the drop-down box to change from 'Uniform' to any other option is grayed out and cannot be selected when creating a new outfit unless you select an already existing Off-Duty outfit before hitting 'create'. This is obviously not possible for any new characters you create, as they don't have an Off-Duty outfit.

There are many items with extra color-selecting squares that have no apparent affect and/or pallets with too few colors.

Infected ears not available to Liberated Romulans.

The cross-faction eye-patch from the Klingon Academy costume pack is not available to Romulans.

Romulans can't wear Romulan Embassy or Fleet Odyssey clothes (though they can buy them)

Unable to properly change the color of the 22th Romulan pants

When equipping Satra with the 22th century scarf/shirt/belt .. the scarf color can be changed, and is displayed on the backside, and under the belt, but not in the front-top.

Can't change the registry numbers on Federation starships Captained by a Romulan/Reman.

When you get a new ship at new romulus command and select rename immediately, the game pops a warning saying you do not own a ship of that name. You have to hit okay without renaming, and then go back in from the proper npc to do so.
Post edited by voicesdark on


  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    Successfully managed to claim Fleet Tribble on a Reman, but, according to the game, do not meet the requirements for this item, when I try to actually equip it. However, I can equip and use any other Tribble fine, including my Radan Tribble, my Fluidic Space Tribble and my Tribble of Borg.

    Warp core descriptions on dilithium store are incorrect.

    All Federation type 1 windows require ownership of C-store Cruiser Refit (Exeter)

    Senate robes not available to Remans but still purchasable.

    Odyssey/Bortas uniforms not available to RRF players but still purchasable.

    Graphics and Sound:

    Although not injured on the captain or the ship, many of my character avatars now have large black scars on their faces and heads. I cannot see a costume option or any other option to remove this.

    Cross-factional Boffs beam in/out w/ the color and effect of those factions, not that of your own crew/faction. It's very annoying my Reman Sci from the FE and Rom Tac from the Embassy beam w/ green Rommie effect and my Orion from earning T4 Ambassador in Doff system beams w/ KDF red

    Orbital Strike impact circle missing for federation.

    Valdore wings glow bright white when viewed from a certain distance (possibly only type 1 material).

    Dhael warbird hull piece tilted, results in bugged movement and warp-out animation.

    TOS Romulan robes clip through body in numerous ways.

    Need/greed window description often blacked out.

    Aquarius launched from Odyssey is now huge.

    No sound on shipboard engineering.

    Sometimes Tovan's lines are not spoken.

    Sometimes Tovan's lines are heard for Federation or Klingon characters!

    Audio "Popping" sound.

    No Romulan beam up sound on login.

    Mogai/Valdore has odd torpedo hard-points.

    DX11 Performance dropped compared to using DX9 with a High-end card, I've tried a varied range of driver versions and other things and the problem still persists. Since LoR.

    "Unsupported video card" error on 6900 series AMD video cards

    Sometimes on the menu for ship stations (Lt com sci, Lt com tac etc etc), only one boff is listed, the other tabs are blank, you click on a blank tab and the whole table graphic distorts and stretches. It then rights itself with all the Boffs in the right places.

    Mogai/valdore clips through Asynchronous Warp Field

    General Gameplay:

    Occasionally a Boff that is not apart of your crew will show in the dialog boxes when preparing to warp out of a system and several other instances. Seem to be completely random Boffs so can't give exact ones.

    Selecting players by clicking their icon in the team area no longer works.

    Players (apparently just Romulans) are able to kill other players near DS9 sector space with Plasma Torps.

    Numerous Embassy NPCs missing.

    Orion slavers no longer generating loot.

    An issue with the tracking. The camera automatically deselects my target and centers and follows my pets/torpedoes instead of the target I am attacking.

    Grammar for NPC's on Drozana Station. Not sure who it is talking but it's not 'There' it's 'Their' when referring in the third person.

    Romulan available skill icons do not match those in the available skill list, e.g. Tac Team

    Mission tracker often goes crazy flashing on and off

    Player ship pushed wildly downwards if another player warps in above, can drop vertically down a long way

    Captain's Table confirmed to be accessible by Romulans, not limited to LTS/Vet.

    Viewing Players Profiles no longer works as intended, instead most of the info if blank.
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    New Romulus Command, beaming to: When you reach level 50 it intermittently stops allowing you to beam directly to command.

    Sector maps - certain ones don't allow you to zoom out, forcing excessive manual panning.

    B'tran is missing from the tuffli transwarp options.

    Transwarp to New Romulus does not work for kdf/fed players with Romulan Reputation T5. Temporarily slotting a Romulan reputation project does not fix this.

    Well traveled trait is nowhere to be found on the stats screens or accolade lists. It does reduce Transwarp Cooldown, so it is a display error.

    When zoning to some maps, the ship is facing the wrong direction.
    From Iota Pavonis to Alpha Centauri, the ship is facing towards the map-edge.

    Quantum slipstream ending early when warping between sector blocks.
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    PVE / PVP / STF / Fleet:

    The space/ground filter for PVE queues is not working. If i select space and not ground, both still show up in the listing.

    Romulan Federation players cannot invite Klingons to private fleet actions, no message is given.

    Private PVE,PVP,STF, Fleet queues intermittently overwrite the public queues.

    Numerous events not rewarding Nukara marks.

    Romulan drapery shows through whilst wearing environmental hazard suit. If wearing this suit on Nukara the player will die unless he switches on visibility for armor.

    Borg ships new found fondness of EptEngines

    Hive onslaught: lances killing players at spawn point, passing through the queens octahedron and themselves, spammage of regen, tractor, probes, and plasma bolts, the last doesn't happen often, but when it does it becomes no win. and by spammage i don't mean 3, 6, or 10...the entire so called 'safe' zone has a fleet. 4 each regen, 4 each tractor, 4 each probes, and constant plasma bolts one after another. this was on normal. Lances also firing too often.

    Also there is an issue that you can't select a nanite generator on KASE, instead it selects the gate despite the amount of times I click on it. Having to manually tab through to select it.

    Infected Space: Nanite Spheres constantly get caught in the gateway. Stuck in it. This is due to the EptE change, but they need to change the pathing of these mobs so they aren't trying to fly between the rings of the gateway. They don't fit.

    Obisek is heard speaking in the final part of The Vault Ensnared.

    Khitomer Accord Ground Elite run with a toon who'd never done it before. I jumped in the Isolinear Molecular Reconverter and died, but I did not receive the Assimilated accolade.

    In the Deferi Invasion Zone mission Higher Ground, each turret deployment location is now only usable once. If you try to re-use one, it just disappears and no turret appears.

    Can't enter Ker'rat as RomFed.

    Market Building 4 in Mine Trap is still bugged; Building materials are consumed but building does not update repair status; can not repair.


    Saving the Sh'mar ... after the mission is finished, your bridge officer pops up to tell u that it is done, the text button displays contUIne instead of continue.

    Liberated Reman or other tactical officers regularly take the place of Tovan Khev in scripted scenes.

    Player can be stuck during mission "Neutral No More" by claiming the Dhelan before this objective is given.

    Walls can be jumped over in "Memory Lane", trapping the player.

    Galor in "Bigger Picture" is often unkillable, requires restarting client.

    Turret stuck in wall in "The Vault".

    Crystalline entity generally unbeatable on elite.

    Stuck on tutorial by picking up pistol before talking to Tovan.

    "Cloak and Dagger" must be completed again after warping out.

    In the bar in "The Undying", invincible arena fighters can glitch through the energy shield and attack the player. If the player dies here before talking to Hassan, they will respawn inside the arena with no means of leaving.

    The Lobi Crystal in the Cold Storage mission is covered by a Mountain and is unattainable. So, the accolade cannot be rewarded.

    Sometimes completing Tour of the Galaxy will generate a "Inventory Full" message, even if you have slots open. (You'll get the error every time you change maps.) The temporary solution is to manually drop the mission.

    Second Wave, cut scene for Dominion fleet arrives just as you are about to question delegates and then again at the correct point.

    Mine Enemy had several double duplicate dialogs during the mission, also Admiral T'nae throughout the series for Romulans has severe issues with the voice over, she sounds like someone used Microsoft Natural Speaking, the robotic voice aside the volume is not consistent for her or Obisek.

    On seeds of dissent, when i hail the cardassian ship, he refers to my character as a klingon, even though I'm allied with the federation, and a romulan.

    Once in awhile the Orion Contraband mission on Nimbus III will not give you the item for the quest when you click on the glowing item and you can't click on it again once you've clicked on it the first time. This results in an unavoidable failure of the mission and when you go to restart the mission it goes on a 20 hour cool down so you miss out on Dilithium.

    Diplomatic Investigation missions no longer appear in the available missions list. <edit> You can still get them, but you have to talk to Jiro Sugihara through the Info tab.

    Mission: Asset Recovery- occasionally the damaged borg drones turn invisible after taking damage.
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    Photonic Capacitor not working properly.

    Some space powers not performing when activated, or operating at drastically reduced efficiency (e.g. Aux2SIF, Aux2Damp).

    Multi vector mode no longer grants impulse bonus.

    torp spread, and transphasic cluster both are calcing crits as if a single entity not individually (sometimes, server being lazy?). noticed it on transphasics first...then torp spreads, heat of a fight never really payed much attention...that's what the killer is from enemies who throw out spreads, one crits, they all crit. works both ways. tonight in an stf was watching when several torp spreads all crit on everything they hit...the odds of every torp in a spread critting is pretty high.

    Personal armour mods broken.

    Stats on some space gear keep fluctuating (not showing the right stats)

    The new romulan EC-store ground weapons can bug out the sound if used by all of your crew.

    Photonic displacement console (universal console that came with one of the science ships purchased from the c store) no longer works.

    Adapted Destroyer Shrapnel Torpedo is almost invisible and appears to have little effect.

    Sensor Scan has drastically reduced range.

    Mogai has different hull stats on different chars while all skills are equal.. also it has much more hull than it should be.

    leech and maco shield have problems working together. The Maco/Adapted KHG shield proc (Power Conduit Link) will overwrite the plasmonic leech buff.

    Paratrinic Shield Array at Sub-admiral rank shows as X! instead of XI in the tooltip. This is a reward from the tradecraft mission.

    Ground combat pets vanishing before time. After red alert passes, but with time still available, ground pets (all three types of combat Hortas, including c-store) vanish early. This /severely/ diminishes their value and utility to almost nothing, especially in situations such as the Starbase Incursion where you have a short break in the third stage between defeating out-of-forcefield guards and the captain. That short of a break can be enough to do it. This has happened consistently across several missions, confirmed across four characters. Normal behavior was that they remained for 60 seconds, regardless of red alert status
  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    voicesdark wrote: »
    Liberated Borg character cannot access the Romulan helmet mission reward in the tailor.

    Romulan Helmet Mission Reward - you mean the "Battered Centurion Helmet" from Memory Lane?

    You know, that's a Captain's Cabin item, not an Outfit Item.

    Additionally, new characters do not appear to be recieving LTS/Veteran rewards.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    johngazman wrote: »
    Romulan Helmet Mission Reward - you mean the "Battered Centurion Helmet" from Memory Lane?

    You know, that's a Captain's Cabin item, not an Outfit Item.

    Additionally, new characters do not appear to be recieving LTS/Veteran rewards.

    I'm not sure which helmet they were referring to. As far as I know the only Rom helmet you can actually wear is the one from the 23rd century costume so I'll have to try and find out.

    I'll add your lts/vet reward bug once the forums get a little more stable.
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,249 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Nice to see you're expanding. Sad to say, but you should have reserved a post or two after what you've already filled, to have more room for later. :rolleyes:

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
  • neok182neok182 Member Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    2 more bugs for you:

    -Mogai/valdore clips through Asynchronous Warp Field
    -Romulan/Reman boffs with Subterfuge, Subterfuge +20% damage bonus is broken and does not apply.
  • corgatagcorgatag Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Crystalline Entity Event - Tholian and Shard adds intermittently gaining extremely high hull resistance (only taking 1 damage per shot). Hypothesis: Is this the buff that the CE was supposed to have during the absorption phase?
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Nice to see you're expanding. Sad to say, but you should have reserved a post or two after what you've already filled, to have more room for later. :rolleyes:

    That's one of the reasons why I split it up into only a couple of sections per post so that there would be plenty of room in each post for expansion. It'll also make it much easier for people to search through the list to see if the one they were going to add is already on there or not.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Mission: Asset Recovery- occasionally the damaged borg drones turn invisible after taking damage.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • smidgysmidgy Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    voicesdark wrote: »
    Scam website auto-banning feature not working as intended

    Actually, the last response from anyone at Cryptic in the thread about this was that this IS working as intended. The only thing that has been said is that they're 'considering adjusting the way the warning is displayed', but that's all. There's been no response to the posts about perfectly innocuous things that have nothing to do with discussions about gold-selling sites, but trigger the system anyway, or, indeed, anything else, other than a very general message of 'I will pass along your feedback':



    Of course, it's always possible the feedback has made them change their minds about it being working as intended, but, if so, that hasn't been passed on to us.
  • red01999red01999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Bug #1,737,757 - Ground combat pets vanishing before time

    After red alert passes, but with time still available, ground pets (all three types of combat Hortas, including c-store) vanish early. This /severely/ diminishes their value and utility to almost nothing, especially in situations such as the Starbase Incursion where you have a short break in the third stage between defeating out-of-forcefield guards and the captain. That short of a break can be enough to do it. This has happened consistently across several missions, confirmed across four characters.

    (Note #1 - I have amended the text for this bug report for this post for greater clarity and detail)

    (Note #2 - Normal behavior was that they remained for 60 seconds, regardless of red alert status)
  • kaiserkactokaiserkacto Member Posts: 482 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I think i might found a workaround for the 'Generic boffs on the brigde' bug.

    Yesterday, for roleplaying purposes, I change the uniform and appearance of some my brigde officers on the tailor, when i went to my bridge, those bridge officers appeared on my bridge. When i logged today they still where on my bridge, so i'm guessing if you edit your boff in the tailor, they should be on your bridge again.
    Can anybody confirm this workaround?

    Also I found a bug with the satus window, when i open the status window, half of my bridge officers are displayed as a Ships :eek:

    http://imageshack.us/a/img28/9830/2013060300001c.jpg (Only the 'Fenris' and the 'U.S.S. Bruhild' are actually ships)

    When clicked on my bugged bridge officers, the window shows an empty ship status window with an "Invalidentityname"

    http://imageshack.us/a/img543/6657/2013060300002.jpg (I use steam to play so i take the screenshots with 'F12' which sometimes also makes the rearranging mode appear)

    After 1 or 2 seconds, the window resets and shows my bridge officers normally
    "In every age,
    In every place,
    The deeds of men remain the same..."
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Anything prior to this post has been added to the list. Keep em coming if there's more. Hell now that I've got it organized so much better I can keep up with them better and even had a chance for a nap, thanks for that I really needed one. lol
  • thepopeofbeersthepopeofbeers Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    johngazman wrote: »
    Romulan Helmet Mission Reward - you mean the "Battered Centurion Helmet" from Memory Lane?

    You know, that's a Captain's Cabin item, not an Outfit Item.

    I thought this too, but you can actually wear it. Check under Head - Category.
  • ironchefbbqironchefbbq Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    A.) Name field in PVE Queue dialog can display the wrong string. Open the PVE Queue dialog and on the Quick Play / Join Existing / Create Private tabs the Name field can display the wrong string. Most of the time the string displays as 'AUSMO KDF", but a couple times it has been just garbled text. I only ever really queue on the KDF side. It doesn't happen all the time and it can affect a couple STFs or all of them.

    B.) I get teleported from the planet to deep space after completing "Federation Minefield". This has happened to me twice, but only since LoR released. I was at the Academy on Q'onos, the queue for Federation Minefield popped and I join. Only three players appear in the zone, but we finish without any problems and I leave the map. After zoning I appear at the Yov'bot System in the B'moth sector of the Omega Leonis block in my ship. The other time that this happened I was flying my ship in the Omega Leonis block and I don't know where I zoned out from but I appeared at Yov'bot after completing the STF.

    C.) PVE mission reward packages dump into your inventory about five seconds after the Leave Map Now button appears at mission completion. This is not a new bug, but it is frustrating none the less. It is possible to click on the Leave map Now button before you get your rewards and if you do, you get nothing for completing the STF.

    D.) People tend to get disoriented or displaced while playing the Mine Trap STF, making it harder for people on your team to successfully defend the civilians of your sector. When people die and respawn they appear in a random quadrant. You first have to realize that you are out of position, then navigate/fight your way back to your team. If you are not extremely familiar with the map, you may not know where to go without popping open the big map to figure out where your teammates are located (no guarantee that they are in the correct sector). IIRC there used to be a color coded sector border on the minimap (and main), now it is all just the same color. Maybe add a "Take me to my sector" button in the low priority area of the screen to bring you to your initial position when you joined the map.
  • doomiciledoomicile Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    Space Hotbar Tray does not properly save designated abilities and scrambles them whenever player changes ships or beams to ship from ground.


    The 'type to chat' field does not scale with scrolling text window, making it difficult to read what player is typing. Alternately, resizing chat window also has no effect on the size of the 'type to chat' field. Prior to LOR, fonts in all chat fields scaled in size accordingly.
  • mikenight00mikenight00 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My fleetmate informed me of a workaround for fed aligned romulans who want to train their rom boffs with fed boffs off the exchange.

    -First buy a cheap common white fed boff in the career path you wish to train in. For example if the rom boff you want to train is in tac you'll need to commission a fed tac boff onto your crew.

    -Once you've done that you'll be able to bring in the purple fed boff you wish to train your rom boff with and the Train button should be visible on the purple boff.

    -After he's trained you can either keep the white common boff on your crew in case you have to train another department specific boffs or let the white boff go.

    -a fed boff in the department you wish to train in always has to be present on your crew before you can use another department specific fed boff to train your romulan.
    Never Forget 5/21
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,249 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Not sure if this is a new RoL bug, or when it started, but I've noticed when playing against so many Tholians of late (for the new Rep) that the Red Matter Capacitor no longer "repairs all disabled systems" as it used to (and it's tooltip describes).

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
  • lykumlykum Member Posts: 382
    edited June 2013
    warp trails are 3 seperate colors (rommie character, klink faction ship, jem'hadar set) I kind of woul just like to see green? also nacelle lights on D7 are broken? Can't do random PvE if team leader disables his team settings casuing players to get kicked.

    also the valdore skin glitches white at medium range on both sector space and Peer maps. works fine at distance and close up, but turns almost white except for the nacelles and beak about .70 LY away in sector space.
    Lyndon Brewer: 20% chance to capture enemy ship for 60 seconds on successful use of boarding party.

    cause sometimes its party time!
  • nicha0nicha0 Member Posts: 1,456 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Not receiving computer fragments from Defense Contract daily in Eta Eridani. Francis Drake is not offering the mission Salvage Dispute even if you already have the required 10 computer core fragments. - Why is this under Doff system?

    Tailor: You can colour one side of the Maco gauntlet a full colour range while the other side is limited to standard Maco

    The plasma flamethrower effect is not acceptable. It drops FPS down and chews through memory resulting in problems later on.

    When the game client memory starts reaching it's cap, audio disappears. The symptom not so much the problem, but what effects aren't releasing memory properly? Search early level Romulan missions, it doesn't happen in older episodes at all.

    Your reman boff will use romulan transporter effects, your whole crew should be using the effects of your allegiance, not their own personal transporter.

    Viewing Players Profiles no longer works as intended, instead most of the info if blank. - Soimewhat inaccurate, it will display, but can take 3+ minutes. This started when the gateway was launched.

    Player ship pushed wildly downwards if another player warps in above, can drop vertically down a long way - This is just the ridiculous size of all romulan ships, but they start chain reactions, your ship's standard jump aside distance isn't large enough to compensate for the monstrosity that romulan ships are.

    The NPCs in Task force omega still talk about marks of valor.

    Borg ships new found fondness of EptEngines - Is this a bug or bad design? They always have used EPtE, you see them for a few secs before S8 move quick, but now it lasts 30s and its a little nuts

    Willpower no longer works, roots in KAGE are nuts

    Khitomer Accord Ground Elite run with a toon who'd never done it before. I jumped in the Isolinear Molecular Reconverter and died, but I did not receive the Assimilated accolade. It works, you need to jump in before the timer is activated.

    Defera - Where to start? Probe completes for the whole instance. Probe's console gets bugged and only fixed by maintenance, it will spawn enemies but you don't get credit, you need to find another console. City hard, the borg in the side alcoves don't respawn right, usually the whole instance is a waste of broken Hards. If you start it, it will time out each phase in 5 mins or so. Temple easy higher ground completes for whole instance, temple hard occasionally gets teleporting borg. Temple hard also gets bugged up if outside enemies enter the temple radius. Powerplant med engineers are bugged because the shields disappeared, the hard bugs very often requiring instance changing. The heavy drones don't turn from friendly to enemy often, the boss will complete soon as phase 3 starts sometimes. Once I've seen regular drones (in phase 1) not turning to enemy.

    Colony Invasion - The diplomats are still bugged. In S6 they would transport away and not count if you got interrupted, shot, or they moved before the timer. In S7 it became totally random if it counted or not.

    In the bar in "The Undying", invincible arena fighters can glitch through the energy shield and attack the player. If the player dies here before talking to Hassan, they will respawn inside the arena with no means of leaving. - This is part of a bigger problem. You'll notice a lot of things being stuck in other things. Walls are no long solid, they have invsible holes you and npcs can see througgh, sometimes shoot through. Stray fire in The Undying is an effect. Spheres trying to fly through ISE gate, likely the same thing. It causes all kinda of problems, especially in the borg episodes later on.
    On nukara ground you can see technology targets through solid walls. In early rom missions Boffs will see (and refuse to move with you because they try to engage) elachi through corridor walls. In the later borg missions they can slip through a solid wall and shield to an area filled with borg, and they'll die. Enemies can also see you through these and make it through the walls, often getting stuff inside the walls. The borg jump over the walls to come shoot you. In ISE the spheres get stuck in the game, at Empok nor all the ships got stuck on the pylons, it is a lot of bugs created by one issue. Pretty sure NPCs don't have the ability to judge the size of the hole and their size.

    Chat bugs
    When you manually select another channel to talk in with the mouse, you lose most channels in your chat. You need to right click and hit refresh every single time. Since S7

    When you change characters you can still see the fleet chat of the other character. Since S7

    If you have a partial team and join a queue, when finished you don't leave team, or voice chat. As a result you can see the team chat of anyone else that was on your team until you relog. The voice chat icons start to build up and up and up until the game is unplayable. Happening.. forever
    Delirium Tremens
    Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
    Nothing to do anymore.
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  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Well looks like I'll get to strike some from the list today which will be a nice change.
  • lordgabelordgabe Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Glanced over the list forgive me if i missed it but DS9 zen store bundle pack for any new Klingon gives you the 3 Doffs and 2 guns but none of the Doffs are useable in any missions.

    Have reclaimed it once to no avail - hope this fixed as i cross the lvl21 mark as maybe its a bug todo with being leveled from 1 rather than auto leveled to 21. Will update if i find out.

    They appear in the general list and missions know there there as at one point i couldn't do the mission without them but when i went to do it i was seemingly allowed untill i tried to actually assign Doffs and none appeared in the selection window.
    But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet, Tread softly because you tread on my dreams
    W.B. Yeats

    Lifer since beta its never been so good! So now can everyone chill this game is going in the right direction :P
  • kurumimorishitakurumimorishita Member Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Posted this in other threads, too but well - it can't be mentioned often enough until it's fixed ;) ..


    1.) The shoes from the "Original Motion Picture" pack can't be used with skirts or the 7 of 9 suit anymore (it was possible to use them like that before Season 3!).

    2.) You can't change the BO that you get from achieving level 4 in "Marauding" (KDF).

    3.) For a short time on Tribble, it was possible for vulcan females to wear the "Romulan Hair 2" and you can see a vulcan female wearing it on the promo pic of the "TOS Medical Uniform" pack and the "The Original Series" Bundle - so why is it not available for vulcans? Bug? Intentional? (if so then why?).
    "We might get pretty singed at that range, but not as singed as they're going to get. Engage."
    - Captain Six of Nine aka Ashley "Don't Call Me Ash" Campbell
  • thegreathibikithegreathibiki Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    All three of my Romulan characters suffer from a glitch/bug that is causing an issue any time I try and join a PVE even. I was kicked from a Mirror event about four days ago on a toon that just got to level 20 and when I tried to rejoin it said I was already in said event. Trying other PVEs have produced the same issue even if it is a recently added pve that said character has just unlocked. It has spread to all of my romulan characters and given one is a level 50 where 75% of the content is PVE I find this unacceptable.
  • thehellnbackthehellnback Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    my account bank disappeared after the LOR release and I can't get a response even tho I bought it ... and yes I went through EVERY SINGLE ONE of the places to send in a report.
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Can anyone confirm that the ship tailor requiring zen to change normal parts is completely fixed. There were several of you saying it was happening with Federation window type 1 so just want to make sure that was corrected as well with this latest patch before I remove it from the list.
  • genrldestructiongenrldestruction Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I thought this too, but you can actually wear it. Check under Head - Category.

    Looks like only male characters can wear it. I could get Tovan to wear it, but not Satra (there was no "Head Category"). The Tal Shiar chest gear needs a female version too (and a male version of the belt...).

    Edited to add a few more:
    * D'Deridex, D'Dridthau, and maybe the Ha'apax bounding boxes are too large, making it impossible to fly closely over or under. (Makes using Eject Warp Plasma more difficult/painful). Seems to be about 1-2 km above and below them that you can't fly around/through.
    * Molecular Phase Inverter - Should be able to fly through things like "Barrier Field" and the Tholian web walls. (might be able to do latter, couldn't do former...) If I can fly through a ship, I should be able to fly through energy barriers. Can't fly through planets either, but I don't want to get stuck in solid rock so I'm not complaining there...
    * Did an exploration mission for "Strange New Worlds" in Afehiir Nebula. Mission contact said, "Salutations, !". Missing text. Should have read "Salutations, {PlayerRank}!"
    * Character Creation: the "Random" button for the ship name still reads "Ran..." Don't have an empty slot on live, but is still an issue on Tribble.
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