5. Redesign ship interior! Give us missions, crew interaction, more detailed ship environment etc.
That would be nice. Let us customize our own color palette to be seen throughout the ship... maybe even be able to re-design the layout some (tall order I know, but the color palette/texturing should be doable)
Oh! And, my peeve. Every time I'm on a ship or a station, let us see what is outside the ship/station. We all know it is crowded outside of DS9, so, lets see the ships through the windows in the places they are sitting when in local space view. (yeah, I know the instance problem, but the 'ground' instance could match the 'impulse space' instance numbers for that.
And speaking of DS9... when in impulse space, we see it opening and closing from time to time, but from DS9, it is always open.
Giving different planets their own day/night cycle would be nice too. Doesn't have to be complicated. Say, for example, Bajor has a 26 hour day (don't know if it does or not), so you divide the time by 26*60*60 = 93600 earth seconds in Bajor's day cycle. Take the remainder, and you have a floating point between 0 and 0.99999999 which can easily be used for the sun position, with 0=midnight and 1=midnight, and everything in between is a percentage of how far into its day/night cycle it is.
1) Take away the trinity of eng,tac or sci from the game. Allow players to choose from all powers and create their own type of characters.
2) All four quadrants...and all canon playable races.
3) More mission threads....I am an old COH player and it helped with the alt game when you didnt have to play the same missions over and over again.....give us various mission threads to play....imagine at level 10 you have to chose either to play a cardassian thread, ferengi thread or vulcan thread
4) more iconic places and more to do their...give me a reason to go to Vulcan or Andoria.
5) player designed ships....i mean my character can make a ship from scratch to fly
Your pain runs deep.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Oh! And, my peeve. Every time I'm on a ship or a station, let us see what is outside the ship/station. We all know it is crowded outside of DS9, so, lets see the ships through the windows in the places they are sitting when in local space view. (yeah, I know the instance problem, but the 'ground' instance could match the 'impulse space' instance numbers for that.
And speaking of DS9... when in impulse space, we see it opening and closing from time to time, but from DS9, it is always open.
Giving different planets their own day/night cycle would be nice too. Doesn't have to be complicated. Say, for example, Bajor has a 26 hour day (don't know if it does or not), so you divide the time by 26*60*60 = 93600 earth seconds in Bajor's day cycle. Take the remainder, and you have a floating point between 0 and 0.99999999 which can easily be used for the sun position, with 0=midnight and 1=midnight, and everything in between is a percentage of how far into its day/night cycle it is.
(went a little overboard in my answer
-- Smoov
2) All four quadrants...and all canon playable races.
3) More mission threads....I am an old COH player and it helped with the alt game when you didnt have to play the same missions over and over again.....give us various mission threads to play....imagine at level 10 you have to chose either to play a cardassian thread, ferengi thread or vulcan thread
4) more iconic places and more to do their...give me a reason to go to Vulcan or Andoria.
5) player designed ships....i mean my character can make a ship from scratch to fly
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.