1) The Klingon community. They're supposed to be die-hard warriors who care about nothing but honour and blood. Bloodthirsty vicious soldiers.
What are they? Whiny crybabies who think Cryptic is taking advantage of and neglecting them. All of the klink-rage is so incredibly irritating and un-klingon.
2) Exploration. Exploration sucks in STO - but there's a very good reason for that. Exploration content is hard to write, time consuming, and stupidly difficult to make entertaining when you re-play it. I don't blame Cryptic for defaulting to killing stuff instead, but it's a bit of a shame.
3) GPL. Seriously under-used currency. Do something, anything, with it. I don't care about "energy credits" which is a silly term, when we have GPL in the IP as a pretty universal currency.
4) More realistic long-lasting damage effects. This will never happen, but there's no real death penalty in this game and it takes away the apprehension from battles.
5) Remove dilithium from crafting, up the limit to purple XII and make it so you can choose your own modifiers.
Counter everyone picking [acc]x3 or [CrtH]x3 by making the second and third modifiers of the same type much more expensive. Something like 1x for the first, 7.5x for the second and 50x for the third modifiers. I'd get me some [CrtH]x2[acc] weapons for 9.5x for sure.
1) kill the undeletable mail bug
2) kill the warp to sector after entering STF bug
3) kill any other bug under the sun
5) toss current crafting system (memory alpha, qo'nos, and new romulus) and revamp or replace.
1- Sack whoever is coming up and whoever approved the purposeful uber-ing of all things escort and the nerfing of all things science.
2- Remove shield autobalance from tac team. Replace with shield hardening to incoming damage type (max 10% resist gain.. tac team 1 =4% max, tac team 2 = 6% gain, tac team 3 = 10% gain).
3- Fix all things sci. This means returning sci stats to the potency of pre-F2P levels.
4- Remove all rank-based bonuses. Every time you rank up your ship receives a performance boost that is simply too much. There should be NO.. I repeat, NO bonuses granted for ranking up. Let the ships and captains gain their performance from ship gear, skills and items.
5- Re-design tactical skill boxes. Currently a minimal skill point amount is needed to fully max out all weapon damage types.
Tactical skillset should look like this:
column 1:
Energy Weapons = increases 'floor' damage on energy weapons
Projectile Weapons= increases projectile secondary effect duration.
Starship Maneuvers= Def bonus
column 2:
Stealth = self explanatory
Attack Patterns= Increases damage boosting elements of attack patterns only.
Defensive Patterns= Increases defense rating bonus elements of attack patterns only.
Column 3
Advanced Energy Weapons = raises 'roof' damage of energy weapons.
Advanced Projectile Weapons = increases projectile secondary effect debuff/damage.
Threat Control= self explanatory.
Column 4
Targeting Systems = accuracy boost for all weapons.
Advanced Attack Patterns = Increases turn rate and speed bonus elements of attack patterns
Advanced Defensive Patterns= increases damage resistance bonus elements of attack patterns.
Column 5
Energy Weapon Specialization = increases secondary effect and duration of energy weapons.
Projectile Weapon Specialization = increases projectile speed and shortens global timer to 0.5 seconds.
Advanced Targeting Systems= increases subsystem attack effect duration (50% of points spent act as if they were subspace decompiler skill) and increases crit hit chance by 1% per point spent.
With this change, escort/tactical ship captains wanting to max out their damage would need to spend as much skillpoints as a sci or engineer must spend on their craft. It also permits sci and engineers to select the tactical skills that would benefit them the most given their ship/build.
1. More realistic and functional ship interior
2. Missions on your own ship with crew interaction
3. More class specific missions and content
4. More exploration and diplomatic investigations
5. Better balance between the playable classes
1) Lockbox ships: They aren't as rare as they make it out to be.
2) Player Ships: Game is too easily cookiecutter, be better if ships were more customizable like in SFC3 where equipment very much is a factor. You have to make a choice, either be weighted-down with weapons and up being slow, or having a light ship that's fast and manuverable.
3) Crafting: Way underutilized for Star Trek. In the shows and movies, they were always tinkering with something. But not in STO.
4) Exploration Clusters: Nothing exploration about it, it should've been called Random Mission Generator.
5) Deep Space Encouters: Useless. Have no function except an Instant Action to try out builds.
Boost Escort DPS by giving the ship an inherant Escorts Are Awesome And You Know It Boost!
Force Sci Ships to mount their powers in weapons slots so they have to choose weapons or powers and not automatically get both AND 4 Tac Beam Target powers.
Make all Sci powers have a 50% chance of backfiring like all magic spells should.
Enforce laws of physics on tractor beams meaning a larger ship will rip the emitter out of a smaller ship trying to hold it causing an immediate explosion of the ship, wait for respawn.
Any ships trying to use invasive powers on a ship with Assimilated parts should be suddenly assimilated by the Borg and warp out of the instance/ mission.
1: allow us the set the uniform on the whole ship, not just Boff's
2: missions in ship interiors
3: more missions using small craft
4: a small craft STF, and a small craft PvP
5: More cowbell
1. Fix all the damn bugs, descriptions. This is hugest flaw in this game, I have found out that descriptions never tell truth, NEVER trust descriptions, fixing these is priority.
2. fix any content, in future also make sure your content is clean, bugless, and in balance, either if it was console, new boff power, mission or a ship.
3. Account widen everything, all items, all currencies, reputation, bank, doffs, CPL, LOBIs, EC, DIL, boffs, make your character slots increase your bank/boff/doff/dil size and make all your banks available to every toon thru pages. (this could be simply explained as a wingman feature) also increasing CXP cap to 1 million would be nice.
4. Either make all factions unique or make all factions the same, simply said, fullfill them, klingons spend ton of time in trying to get humans, which are essential to combat performance, feds generally want orions due to beauty, give feds/kdf romulan boffs so they can access each trait. share aceton assim with feds, give kdf more ships in sake of balance.
5. introduce console where you can access you cstore items, or put it into legacy unlocks, in new tab of zen store. allow us to pick up our wide arc torps, acetons, isos, leeches, phaser inverter consoles, bioneurals without needing to assign those new stupid ships. also put all lockbox ship consoles to dilithium store so those than already have the ships, can buy second or third copy of the console for small fee, 20k dil for example, so we can finally control our console cooldowns beter and make some of the lockbox consoles wiable due to out of combat switching. we paid for the ship but we are not gonna buy another 2 tal shiar destroyers just to reduce cooldown of our sphannel torpedo console when we are out of combat.
Say the word, it saves the world. CUUCUUMBEER!"-With slight partigen with it." Proud member or DPS-800"-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
1. Fix as many bugs as humanly possible, if not all of them
2. Remove lobi and lockboxes
3. Faction/class balance
4. Complete PvP overhaul and dedicated expansion
5. Complete Crafting overhaul and dedicated expansion
1. Fix all the damn bugs, descriptions. This is hugest flaw in this game, I have found out that descriptions never tell truth, NEVER trust descriptions, fixing these is priority.
2. fix any content, in future also make sure your content is clean, bugless, and in balance, either if it was console, new boff power, mission or a ship.
3. Account widen everything, all items, all currencies, reputation, bank, doffs, CPL, LOBIs, EC, DIL, boffs, make your character slots increase your bank/boff/doff/dil size and make all your banks available to every toon thru pages. (this could be simply explained as a wingman feature) also increasing CXP cap to 1 million would be nice.
Place lock boxes ships on zen store after a year. its extra money that way
Custom ship interiors i mean real custom and have our bridge off move about make your ship more real
Add crafting and parts installing to your ship interior (in the show they never said " we need a new phase coil, quick to Memory alpha")
make cruisers real tankers
Real exploration, the constant combat works for Romies and Klingons and hell even tact feds but star trek isnt "its ongoing mission, to blow up strange new worlds, to kill new life and new civilizations"
"It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
1) Factions ~ If we're changing the game from launch, STO should have launched with three distinct factions. The Federation (initially consisting of Andorian, Human, Tellarite & Vulcan), the Klingon Empire (initially consisting of the Klingons) and the Romulans (whether that be a splinter group or the Tal Shiar) consisting of at the very least Romulans and Remans.
Any additional factions (namely Cardassians) would be implemented in the same way that the Romulans currently are; more as a sub-faction that is needed to choose an alliance.
If we're changing the game from now, then simply promote the Romulan Republic to their own full faction, and remove the connection with the Federation and Klingon factions.
2) Customizable Ship Interiors, in addition, more use for them. Poker in the Mess Hall, Target Practice in the Holodeck (etc). I would include selective NPCs here too (inc their attire).
3) Fleet Restructure. We've currently got the Fleet Support Cruiser (an Ambassador Class) that has a stronger hull, and stronger shields that the Fleet Assault Cruiser (Sovereign). That's a big no. A dated design being able to outclass a next-to-top of the range cruiser? I think not. This is just one such example. In addition to this, the variations between TAC/ENG & SCI should be noteworthy. If a TAC is flying a TAC ship, there should be a clear and visible bonus than a TAC flying in a SCI ship.
4) Account Wide Resources ~ This would include Energy Credits, Dilithium, Latinium and Lobi Crystals. Whilst I'm here talking about resources being account bound, 1000zen for an account bank is extortion. We should get the first slot free.
5) Fix the damn servers.
...I could extend the list, but the limit is five.
1. Change the fact that PUGs have no control over voting to remove problem players.
2. Change the rank system so that we are all captains and those who want to be more/less can do so via titles (and be addressed as such by npcs and missions).
3. Change the character movement animation so that we no longer pull a spiderman stance for five seconds after every single movement.
4. Change the kit system to be a tricorder system with configurable powers (like the new trait system).
5. Change all missions to allow the player to disable enemies instead of killing them (should they not want to be a mass murderer).
Implement actual bridge combat (players can be part of a one ship and not just a fleet and have roles to play)
Point to point beaming on large maps (with a cool down of course)
More in depth ship configuration and upgrade system so you can make things like a 'Dual Heavy Disruptor Cannon VI.1 - VI.9 ect. (each weapon bank or system has sub systems that you can buy to level them up)
1. Fix the exchange (400 items max cap... doff/boff trait search)
2. More endgame content (elite stfs and a reason to do them.
3. Higher difficulty for everything. Elite stfs are to easy atm and other stuff like azure nebula bores me to death... a bot can do this while asleep.
4. Endgame content (elite stfs) should need Roles. So that a tank and debuff/control maybe even a healer is needed or at least makes it alot easier/more rewarding.
5. Overall the return (well return...) of the class roles.. tank, healer, debuff, control etc.
6. Less "all energie to weapons" to win everything (would also make playin a tank/healer solo less time consuming/boring.
7. More/any new bridge officer powers (less powers wasted on consoles)
8. A way to erase mail and get the items out of a mail... ^^
3. Be a nuetral character like a Ferengi merchant .
4. More Bridge and NPC interaction , do ship battles from your Bridge even have romances with one of your officer . ( Picard and Beverly Crusher , Janeway and Chakotay , Worf and Troi.... etc ... )
5. Create your own Sandbox planet with freeroaming area and able to drive vehicles , similiar to GTA .
2 - implement ideas from other ST games about exploration and random combat into STO
3 - implement full 3D combat
4 - make so everything in this game will award some dilithium based on time played, if only to change STFs and contraband from being the only source ever of dil, althrough still keeping them as the prime source of dil.
5 - separate PvE gameplay from PvP gameplay, and balance every class and ship once and for all.
1) When shooting a guy or ship, that he not die/blow up. Seems like a waste or resources.
2) Update the 2409 timeline to include the new changes. I am confused.
3) Sector Space
4) The ability to buy lockbox ships for other characters on the same account that you already have. I mean, I have the ship, why do i have to go through all that to give it to another character? Why can't that character buy it with Zen afterwards?
5) Resolution to some storylines.
1. Full remaster on essentially all pre-Legacy of Romulus story content. Start with either fully rewriting or deleting Divide Et Impera (the worst mission in the game), then do the top-level non-Featured Episode shared content. A fair bit of the early Federation stuff has been remastered once already and can wait until near the end, about the same time the Featured Episodes get redone. Legacy of Romulus's story content is, minus a few speedbumps, actually really good, and the rest of the game really needs to be brought up to that level.
2. Dilithium rewards for story content. Before F2P, you had to grind a bit in exploration sectors as you levelled up; this wasn't fun but it did give Marks of Exploration for spending on equipment and whatnot. I'm finding that my new characters post-F2P are generally rather seriously undergeared starting around Tier III, and it gets worse until level cap holds me at a level long enough for my gear to catch up. Plus, dilithium rewards for story content would let new players/characters contribute to fleet holdings without slowing their own progress through the game. Finally, it would render every single story mission in the game repeatable content, increasing the amount of variety in a level-capped character's life quite significantly, and giving them stuff to do solo as well as with groups.
3. Cardassian-inspired weapons, especially for the Romulan faction. The Republic is essentially a resistance movement turned new nation, and, while a lot of their technology will be Romulan, a fair bit will be scavenged or bought from arms traders. As we saw in DS9, the Cardassian phaser rifle is essentially the AK-47 of the Trek universe - not as advanced as those used by the Federation or the Romulans, but cheap, reliable, and easy to use and maintain. My money's on a fair bit of the Republic's military opting for these over Republic plasma and Star Empire disruptor weapons, and it ought to be reflected in the look of the faction if the player wants it to be.
4. More ships! We have a T5 Steamrunner, Excelsior, and Ambassador. The Constitution really ought to be up there as well - some of the Connie variants in the game are gorgeous, and I'd love to see them flying around in STFs and fleet actions with me, even if I don't plan to use them myself. At this point, given what's already available (even the Odyssey ought to pale in comparison with the 29th-century timeships in the game!), fluff isn't a reason to keep a player from using their favorite ship.
5. Balance work. This is a big one - I primarily fly escorts, and I'm very aware of the problems with the other ship types. Escorts were the strongest type of ship even before F2P, and numerous changes since then have made escorts more powerful while weakening cruisers, carriers, and especially science vessels. I love escorts - my MVAM Prommie is wonderful and makes me smile, and I'm seriously looking forward to level-capping my Romulan and getting her into a Fleet T'varo - but any ship type being that much more powerful than the others is bad for the overall health of the game.
That's pretty much what I've got. I'd also like to second Chalpen on the thing with resolving storylines - we've been building to the arrival of the Iconians for more than three years now. I'm starting to think we've been stood up.
Number 5. Give all beam weapons a chance to proc a stackable shield resistance drain.
Number 4. Remove the bonus and penalty to defense based on movement.
Number 3. Remove the auto shield distribution from tactical team. Buff the shield distribution amount for manually activating it.
Number 2. All hull heals add resist only. Passive regeneration is the only way to heals damage.
Number 1. Make hull regeneration work very slowly. Make random 'heroic' bonuses/weaknesses buff/debuff damaged ships. The debuff portion can be removed by the appropriate team skill.
1) Remove any non-faction ships from the game including lockbox ships so the Federation, Klingon and Romulans all fly their OWN ships and not Cardassian, Jem'hadar and whatever.
2) Take the Borg out of STF's and missions and reintroduce them in 25 player hard mode raids and make them seriously difficult to bring back the scare factor to the Borg. Redo their visuals to make them scary with the ability to assimilate your ship or adapt to your weapons in space and force you to re-modulate your shields to prevent them from cutting through them.
3) Make the Romulan Star Empire the faction so the Romulans had their own playerbase, ships and interests that are seperate from the Federation and Klingons.
4) More ship customisation, with weapons based on size rather then Mark. For example, you could not put a Galaxy Class phaser array (Mark X - in canon) on a Defiant Class because the ship would not have the power to support it. Make equipment and weaponry non-specific on each ship so you can put more weapons on it but at the cost of other systems performance.
5) Reclassify all the Federation ships to their correct CANON designations... for example;
Get rid of this stupid "Holy trinity" of ships and bring in aspects of EACH ship to make them unique depending on what role you want to play. For example, if you wanted to coordinate Fleet tactics, a Galaxy class would be an ideal "Command Ship" due to its presence and heavy armor on the battlefield. Make each ship unique and more generalized so people can fly the SHIPS THEY WANT, NOT WHAT YOU TELL THEM TO FLY CRYPTIC... *Cough* JHAS *Cough* Excelsior *Cough*
1) Remove any non-faction ships from the game including lockbox ships so the Federation, Klingon and Romulans all fly their OWN ships and not Cardassian, Jem'hadar and whatever.
2) Take the Borg out of STF's and missions and reintroduce them in 25 player hard mode raids and make them seriously difficult to bring back the scare factor to the Borg. Redo their visuals to make them scary with the ability to assimilate your ship or adapt to your weapons in space and force you to re-modulate your shields to prevent them from cutting through them.
3) Make the Romulan Star Empire the faction so the Romulans had their own playerbase, ships and interests that are seperate from the Federation and Klingons.
4) More ship customisation, with weapons based on size rather then Mark. For example, you could not put a Galaxy Class phaser array (Mark X - in canon) on a Defiant Class because the ship would not have the power to support it. Make equipment and weaponry non-specific on each ship so you can put more weapons on it but at the cost of other systems performance.
5) Reclassify all the Federation ships to their correct CANON designations... for example;
Get rid of this stupid "Holy trinity" of ships and bring in aspects of EACH ship to make them unique depending on what role you want to play. For example, if you wanted to coordinate Fleet tactics, a Galaxy class would be an ideal "Command Ship" due to its presence and heavy armor on the battlefield. Make each ship unique and more generalized so people can fly the SHIPS THEY WANT, NOT WHAT YOU TELL THEM TO FLY CRYPTIC... *Cough* JHAS *Cough* Excelsior *Cough*
wow this about covers me so + 1 this
also the ship weapons size bit ppl could have their connie and not be on par with Galaxys and what not so that be a win win all over
imo cryptic needed some one like you when making ship classes maybe even captain to
What are they? Whiny crybabies who think Cryptic is taking advantage of and neglecting them. All of the klink-rage is so incredibly irritating and un-klingon.
2) Exploration. Exploration sucks in STO - but there's a very good reason for that. Exploration content is hard to write, time consuming, and stupidly difficult to make entertaining when you re-play it. I don't blame Cryptic for defaulting to killing stuff instead, but it's a bit of a shame.
3) GPL. Seriously under-used currency. Do something, anything, with it. I don't care about "energy credits" which is a silly term, when we have GPL in the IP as a pretty universal currency.
4) More realistic long-lasting damage effects. This will never happen, but there's no real death penalty in this game and it takes away the apprehension from battles.
5) Remove dilithium from crafting, up the limit to purple XII and make it so you can choose your own modifiers.
Counter everyone picking [acc]x3 or [CrtH]x3 by making the second and third modifiers of the same type much more expensive. Something like 1x for the first, 7.5x for the second and 50x for the third modifiers. I'd get me some [CrtH]x2[acc] weapons for 9.5x for sure.
Kirk's Protege.
Remove all holds, debuffs and cheats.
Remove playable monster races and increase game AI.
"Unify" Star Fleet uniforms and equipment.
Remove all griefing items.
(Show everyone who doesn't like it the door)
LOL. You want to remove tractor beams from Star Trek? SHAME ON YOU SIR!
Kirk's Protege.
2) kill the warp to sector after entering STF bug
3) kill any other bug under the sun
5) toss current crafting system (memory alpha, qo'nos, and new romulus) and revamp or replace.
Why are you not rejoicing?
2- Remove shield autobalance from tac team. Replace with shield hardening to incoming damage type (max 10% resist gain.. tac team 1 =4% max, tac team 2 = 6% gain, tac team 3 = 10% gain).
3- Fix all things sci. This means returning sci stats to the potency of pre-F2P levels.
4- Remove all rank-based bonuses. Every time you rank up your ship receives a performance boost that is simply too much. There should be NO.. I repeat, NO bonuses granted for ranking up. Let the ships and captains gain their performance from ship gear, skills and items.
5- Re-design tactical skill boxes. Currently a minimal skill point amount is needed to fully max out all weapon damage types.
Tactical skillset should look like this:
column 1:
Energy Weapons = increases 'floor' damage on energy weapons
Projectile Weapons= increases projectile secondary effect duration.
Starship Maneuvers= Def bonus
column 2:
Stealth = self explanatory
Attack Patterns= Increases damage boosting elements of attack patterns only.
Defensive Patterns= Increases defense rating bonus elements of attack patterns only.
Column 3
Advanced Energy Weapons = raises 'roof' damage of energy weapons.
Advanced Projectile Weapons = increases projectile secondary effect debuff/damage.
Threat Control= self explanatory.
Column 4
Targeting Systems = accuracy boost for all weapons.
Advanced Attack Patterns = Increases turn rate and speed bonus elements of attack patterns
Advanced Defensive Patterns= increases damage resistance bonus elements of attack patterns.
Column 5
Energy Weapon Specialization = increases secondary effect and duration of energy weapons.
Projectile Weapon Specialization = increases projectile speed and shortens global timer to 0.5 seconds.
Advanced Targeting Systems= increases subsystem attack effect duration (50% of points spent act as if they were subspace decompiler skill) and increases crit hit chance by 1% per point spent.
With this change, escort/tactical ship captains wanting to max out their damage would need to spend as much skillpoints as a sci or engineer must spend on their craft. It also permits sci and engineers to select the tactical skills that would benefit them the most given their ship/build.
2. Missions on your own ship with crew interaction
3. More class specific missions and content
4. More exploration and diplomatic investigations
5. Better balance between the playable classes
2) Player Ships: Game is too easily cookiecutter, be better if ships were more customizable like in SFC3 where equipment very much is a factor. You have to make a choice, either be weighted-down with weapons and up being slow, or having a light ship that's fast and manuverable.
3) Crafting: Way underutilized for Star Trek. In the shows and movies, they were always tinkering with something. But not in STO.
4) Exploration Clusters: Nothing exploration about it, it should've been called Random Mission Generator.
5) Deep Space Encouters: Useless. Have no function except an Instant Action to try out builds.
Force Sci Ships to mount their powers in weapons slots so they have to choose weapons or powers and not automatically get both AND 4 Tac Beam Target powers.
Make all Sci powers have a 50% chance of backfiring like all magic spells should.
Enforce laws of physics on tractor beams meaning a larger ship will rip the emitter out of a smaller ship trying to hold it causing an immediate explosion of the ship, wait for respawn.
Any ships trying to use invasive powers on a ship with Assimilated parts should be suddenly assimilated by the Borg and warp out of the instance/ mission.
2: missions in ship interiors
3: more missions using small craft
4: a small craft STF, and a small craft PvP
5: More cowbell
Me playing UT2k4 (red guy) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wz0DnP7wXnU
2. fix any content, in future also make sure your content is clean, bugless, and in balance, either if it was console, new boff power, mission or a ship.
3. Account widen everything, all items, all currencies, reputation, bank, doffs, CPL, LOBIs, EC, DIL, boffs, make your character slots increase your bank/boff/doff/dil size and make all your banks available to every toon thru pages. (this could be simply explained as a wingman feature) also increasing CXP cap to 1 million would be nice.
4. Either make all factions unique or make all factions the same, simply said, fullfill them, klingons spend ton of time in trying to get humans, which are essential to combat performance, feds generally want orions due to beauty, give feds/kdf romulan boffs so they can access each trait. share aceton assim with feds, give kdf more ships in sake of balance.
5. introduce console where you can access you cstore items, or put it into legacy unlocks, in new tab of zen store. allow us to pick up our wide arc torps, acetons, isos, leeches, phaser inverter consoles, bioneurals without needing to assign those new stupid ships. also put all lockbox ship consoles to dilithium store so those than already have the ships, can buy second or third copy of the console for small fee, 20k dil for example, so we can finally control our console cooldowns beter and make some of the lockbox consoles wiable due to out of combat switching. we paid for the ship but we are not gonna buy another 2 tal shiar destroyers just to reduce cooldown of our sphannel torpedo console when we are out of combat.
CUUCUUMBEER! "-With slight partigen with it."
Proud member or DPS-800 "-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
2. Remove lobi and lockboxes
3. Faction/class balance
4. Complete PvP overhaul and dedicated expansion
5. Complete Crafting overhaul and dedicated expansion
2.Revamp combat system to make it more enjoyable
3.Make minor tweeks to new UI to improve it again including more sounds.
4.Add depth to LOR mission and give players the ability to side with the Tal Shiar!
5.Add the ability to choose when your ship goes to Grey/Blue/Green/Yellow/Red Alert.
Nuff said. :cool:
You seem awfully keen on forcing people to play your way. Perhaps you should reconsider why you play games with other people.
Shutup Wesley: First In Everything
2 Landing capable shuttles and an option to pilot them to planets rather than beam down
3 universally smaller bust sizes (minimum reduced maximum halved)
4 nicer boots for female klingons (a friend of mine hates hers)
5 the end of the borg
"It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
1) Factions ~ If we're changing the game from launch, STO should have launched with three distinct factions. The Federation (initially consisting of Andorian, Human, Tellarite & Vulcan), the Klingon Empire (initially consisting of the Klingons) and the Romulans (whether that be a splinter group or the Tal Shiar) consisting of at the very least Romulans and Remans.
Any additional factions (namely Cardassians) would be implemented in the same way that the Romulans currently are; more as a sub-faction that is needed to choose an alliance.
If we're changing the game from now, then simply promote the Romulan Republic to their own full faction, and remove the connection with the Federation and Klingon factions.
2) Customizable Ship Interiors, in addition, more use for them. Poker in the Mess Hall, Target Practice in the Holodeck (etc). I would include selective NPCs here too (inc their attire).
3) Fleet Restructure. We've currently got the Fleet Support Cruiser (an Ambassador Class) that has a stronger hull, and stronger shields that the Fleet Assault Cruiser (Sovereign). That's a big no. A dated design being able to outclass a next-to-top of the range cruiser? I think not. This is just one such example. In addition to this, the variations between TAC/ENG & SCI should be noteworthy. If a TAC is flying a TAC ship, there should be a clear and visible bonus than a TAC flying in a SCI ship.
4) Account Wide Resources ~ This would include Energy Credits, Dilithium, Latinium and Lobi Crystals. Whilst I'm here talking about resources being account bound, 1000zen for an account bank is extortion. We should get the first slot free.
5) Fix the damn servers.
...I could extend the list, but the limit is five.
1. Change the fact that PUGs have no control over voting to remove problem players.
2. Change the rank system so that we are all captains and those who want to be more/less can do so via titles (and be addressed as such by npcs and missions).
3. Change the character movement animation so that we no longer pull a spiderman stance for five seconds after every single movement.
4. Change the kit system to be a tricorder system with configurable powers (like the new trait system).
5. Change all missions to allow the player to disable enemies instead of killing them (should they not want to be a mass murderer).
The Torpedos in Star Trek were the main weapons (what a wonder). So buff them again to a hulbraking damage output!
2. More endgame content (elite stfs and a reason to do them.
3. Higher difficulty for everything. Elite stfs are to easy atm and other stuff like azure nebula bores me to death... a bot can do this while asleep.
4. Endgame content (elite stfs) should need Roles. So that a tank and debuff/control maybe even a healer is needed or at least makes it alot easier/more rewarding.
5. Overall the return (well return...) of the class roles.. tank, healer, debuff, control etc.
6. Less "all energie to weapons" to win everything (would also make playin a tank/healer solo less time consuming/boring.
7. More/any new bridge officer powers (less powers wasted on consoles)
8. A way to erase mail and get the items out of a mail... ^^
1. Able to delete mail .
2. Borg playable as a faction
3. Be a nuetral character like a Ferengi merchant .
4. More Bridge and NPC interaction , do ship battles from your Bridge even have romances with one of your officer . ( Picard and Beverly Crusher , Janeway and Chakotay , Worf and Troi.... etc ... )
5. Create your own Sandbox planet with freeroaming area and able to drive vehicles , similiar to GTA .
2 - implement ideas from other ST games about exploration and random combat into STO
3 - implement full 3D combat
4 - make so everything in this game will award some dilithium based on time played, if only to change STFs and contraband from being the only source ever of dil, althrough still keeping them as the prime source of dil.
5 - separate PvE gameplay from PvP gameplay, and balance every class and ship once and for all.
2) Update the 2409 timeline to include the new changes. I am confused.
3) Sector Space
4) The ability to buy lockbox ships for other characters on the same account that you already have. I mean, I have the ship, why do i have to go through all that to give it to another character? Why can't that character buy it with Zen afterwards?
5) Resolution to some storylines.
2. Dilithium rewards for story content. Before F2P, you had to grind a bit in exploration sectors as you levelled up; this wasn't fun but it did give Marks of Exploration for spending on equipment and whatnot. I'm finding that my new characters post-F2P are generally rather seriously undergeared starting around Tier III, and it gets worse until level cap holds me at a level long enough for my gear to catch up. Plus, dilithium rewards for story content would let new players/characters contribute to fleet holdings without slowing their own progress through the game. Finally, it would render every single story mission in the game repeatable content, increasing the amount of variety in a level-capped character's life quite significantly, and giving them stuff to do solo as well as with groups.
3. Cardassian-inspired weapons, especially for the Romulan faction. The Republic is essentially a resistance movement turned new nation, and, while a lot of their technology will be Romulan, a fair bit will be scavenged or bought from arms traders. As we saw in DS9, the Cardassian phaser rifle is essentially the AK-47 of the Trek universe - not as advanced as those used by the Federation or the Romulans, but cheap, reliable, and easy to use and maintain. My money's on a fair bit of the Republic's military opting for these over Republic plasma and Star Empire disruptor weapons, and it ought to be reflected in the look of the faction if the player wants it to be.
4. More ships! We have a T5 Steamrunner, Excelsior, and Ambassador. The Constitution really ought to be up there as well - some of the Connie variants in the game are gorgeous, and I'd love to see them flying around in STFs and fleet actions with me, even if I don't plan to use them myself. At this point, given what's already available (even the Odyssey ought to pale in comparison with the 29th-century timeships in the game!), fluff isn't a reason to keep a player from using their favorite ship.
5. Balance work. This is a big one - I primarily fly escorts, and I'm very aware of the problems with the other ship types. Escorts were the strongest type of ship even before F2P, and numerous changes since then have made escorts more powerful while weakening cruisers, carriers, and especially science vessels. I love escorts - my MVAM Prommie is wonderful and makes me smile, and I'm seriously looking forward to level-capping my Romulan and getting her into a Fleet T'varo - but any ship type being that much more powerful than the others is bad for the overall health of the game.
That's pretty much what I've got. I'd also like to second Chalpen on the thing with resolving storylines - we've been building to the arrival of the Iconians for more than three years now. I'm starting to think we've been stood up.
Well, off the top of my head.
Number 5. Give all beam weapons a chance to proc a stackable shield resistance drain.
Number 4. Remove the bonus and penalty to defense based on movement.
Number 3. Remove the auto shield distribution from tactical team. Buff the shield distribution amount for manually activating it.
Number 2. All hull heals add resist only. Passive regeneration is the only way to heals damage.
Number 1. Make hull regeneration work very slowly. Make random 'heroic' bonuses/weaknesses buff/debuff damaged ships. The debuff portion can be removed by the appropriate team skill.
2) Take the Borg out of STF's and missions and reintroduce them in 25 player hard mode raids and make them seriously difficult to bring back the scare factor to the Borg. Redo their visuals to make them scary with the ability to assimilate your ship or adapt to your weapons in space and force you to re-modulate your shields to prevent them from cutting through them.
3) Make the Romulan Star Empire the faction so the Romulans had their own playerbase, ships and interests that are seperate from the Federation and Klingons.
4) More ship customisation, with weapons based on size rather then Mark. For example, you could not put a Galaxy Class phaser array (Mark X - in canon) on a Defiant Class because the ship would not have the power to support it. Make equipment and weaponry non-specific on each ship so you can put more weapons on it but at the cost of other systems performance.
5) Reclassify all the Federation ships to their correct CANON designations... for example;
Akira - Heavy Cruiser
Saber - Patrol/Light Cruiser
Steamrunner - Light Cruiser
Intrepid - Light Cruiser
Get rid of this stupid "Holy trinity" of ships and bring in aspects of EACH ship to make them unique depending on what role you want to play. For example, if you wanted to coordinate Fleet tactics, a Galaxy class would be an ideal "Command Ship" due to its presence and heavy armor on the battlefield. Make each ship unique and more generalized so people can fly the SHIPS THEY WANT, NOT WHAT YOU TELL THEM TO FLY CRYPTIC... *Cough* JHAS *Cough* Excelsior *Cough*
wow this about covers me so + 1 this
also the ship weapons size bit ppl could have their connie and not be on par with Galaxys and what not so that be a win win all over
imo cryptic needed some one like you when making ship classes maybe even captain to
system Lord Baal is dead