So a couple of times since Legacy came out, my loading between sectors has dumped me in random places! I would enter regulus from Eta Eridani and when the screen loads, I am at the border between Regulus and Alpha Centauri. Another time I tried to get to Pi Canis from Tau Dewa and ended up in Eta Eridani.
At first I was all "wait, what, how did I... hmmm, guess I am losing it". But now I am thinking I am not 'totally' bonkers. Is this happening to anyone else? I mostly play solo so no one else has been with me to see it. Has anyone else reported this?
I just started playing a few days ago and realized that this was a bit strange, but wasn't sure if it was working as intended. Apparently not. Anyway, I have this issue sometimes as well.
Just another broken piece of the puzzle, I guess.