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New Romulus can burn for all I care!

edwardianededwardianed Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Okay, so I've read a lot of people complain that "Devil's Choice" (specifically the segment "Defense of New Romulus") is too hard. I thought that it was probably just some folks had kitted themselves out badly or weren't using decent tactics; in short I was willing to put it down to casual players not putting in the time and/or effort to succeed at the game.

I was wrong.

"Defense of New Romulus" is a nightmare! It's not so much that the enemies are particularly strong or that I'm particularly weak (Commander 35, D'Deridex, tetryon beam setup), the problem is the spam... just so much damn spam.

I'll fly up to the periphery of the battle and start chipping away at a convenient, tactically advantageous target, only to be confronted by infinite viral matrices and tractor beam mines and boarding shuttles, rendering my Warbird about as strategically threatening as an asthmatic ant carrying some heavy shopping (bonus points if you get the reference ;) ).

Combine this with my AI reinforcements being as effective as trying to topple the Great Wall of China by throwing jelly at it, and you have a recipe for frustration and failure.

Something needs to be done, either nerf the spam or buff one's allies, because watching the Kirk and the Kang derp their way into fifty tractor beams before I explode is a poor example of having fun.

Also, I may have used too many analogies...
Post edited by edwardianed on


  • jstewart55jstewart55 Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Fun fact: I died more on this mission than the first time I did an Elite STF.
  • equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jstewart55 wrote: »
    Fun fact: I died more on this mission than the first time I did an Elite STF.

    I just kept re spawning and heading straight at the command ship with guns blazing and using ram whenever I could.

    It took about 20 mins but since command ship regenerates pretty slowy I did it in the end. The trick is to ignore everyone else.
  • ixandelixandel Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah this is a joke at level..

    I just stayed back and took out small shipes on the edges and after like 20 or 30 minutes the mission ended.. i guess one of the AIs took out the big ship..

    Before that I must have died like 20 times..
  • kregorkregor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's not the mission. Yeah, it is tuned a bit strangely, but it's far from being "hard".

    I completely smoked it with a D'deridex (3x plasma DBBs and a torp fore, 3x plasma turrets and BA rear. All of which were green/blue quality of varying MKs). Only hull damage I took was from shield bleedthrough.

    I'd say the problem is with your build and/or your playstyle.

    Of course, my Romulan is an Engineer. That might have helped a bit, but that just contributes to the build aspect of it.
  • alnoranalnoran Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The mission truly was a pain, but yes the trick is to aim for the Command Ship, which I did not do when I was doing it. I can't remember what level I was, but I know I at least died 20-30+ times. Because I wanted to thin everything out, because it was more XP, but I was unaware that the Command Ship going down first would give the result it does. I did it again later with a full team of 50s when I got to like 48 or so, went straight for that command ship. I loved my Ha'feh more than I did my D'Deridex at that point, and I am a sucker for the D'Deridex.
  • edwardianededwardianed Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I should probably point out I did complete the mission, it was just a terrible mission to have to complete. I also used the tactic of beating on the command ship no matter how much I died, but the whole thing was just so... drawn out I think best describes it.

    And I doubt it's my build that's the problem, I have a very successful Gal-R on my Fed and a Kar-Fi on my Klingon; I've reached the stage where I'm very confident in my ability to build a good ship (please don't mistake that over confidence, I accept I may have a bad build, I just don't think I do).
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • lnbladelnblade Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'll fly up to the periphery of the battle and start chipping away at a convenient, tactically advantageous target, only to be confronted by infinite viral matrices and tractor beam mines and boarding shuttles, rendering my Warbird about as strategically threatening as an asthmatic ant carrying some heavy shopping (bonus points if you get the reference ;) ).
    Trying to move D'tan's drinks cabinet a foot closer to Rator III were we?
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    First challenging PvE mission in the game and suddenly everyone cries out for a nerf, which it will probably get. Such a shame!

    Here's a hint: Don't just fly into the middle and pewpewpew yourself to death. Cloak, flank, and think strategically.

    I died a few times during it but it really wasn't that hard.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • conundrumnsaconundrumnsa Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    topset wrote: »
    First challenging PvE mission in the game and suddenly everyone cries out for a nerf, which it will probably get. Such a shame!

    Here's a hint: Don't just fly into the middle and pewpewpew yourself to death. Cloak, flank, and think strategically.

    I died a few times during it but it really wasn't that hard.

    We're all impressed with how uber you are...really..:rolleyes:
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    topset wrote: »
    First challenging PvE mission in the game and suddenly everyone cries out for a nerf, which it will probably get. Such a shame!

    Here's a hint: Don't just fly into the middle and pewpewpew yourself to death. Cloak, flank, and think strategically.

    I died a few times during it but it really wasn't that hard.

    As many have pointed out, if you want more challenge dial up to elite. Normal difficulty is not for those who want a challenge. At normal it should be easier.

    In my opinion, if they remove the infinite respawns of the elachi the mission would be fine. If they gave the allies the infinite 1hp mechanic instead of repair it would be just about perfect.
  • edwardianededwardianed Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    topset wrote: »
    Here's a hint: Don't just fly into the middle and pewpewpew yourself to death. Cloak, flank, and think strategically.

    Perhaps you didn't see the line:
    "I'll fly up to the periphery of the battle and start chipping away at a convenient, tactically advantageous target"

    Also, I didn't say it shouldn't still be a challenge, it just has to be a little easier to accomplish. When something is needlessly difficult or at the least does not present a reason for it's difficulty, it often ceases to become fun: winning at Poker is a challenge; so is repeatedly stabbing yourself in the thigh with something sharp, only one of those is a game.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    We're all impressed with how uber you are...really..:rolleyes:

    I'm not claiming to be uber or better than anyone else, simply stating that it feels like people are getting lazy and forgetting what challenging content feels like given that most of the PvE content from the story missions could be done with your eyes shut mashing the "1" key and the spacebar.

    Something comes up that bucks the trend and everyone screams nerf, just want to throw the opposing view that not everyone thinks the mission is too hard. I didn't struggle, and neither did most of my friends or fleetmates. A couple did but once you give them some advice they're fine.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • claransaclaransa Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I completely agree that this is a nightmare quest and wouldn't mind at all if it did someday get nerfed. It is a PITA

    Never the less I've replayed this episode 6-8 times for the singularity core it rewards, as you advance in levels so do the rewards.

    Yeah its doable, and yeah its not everyone's flavor of fun.
  • darkelfofficerdarkelfofficer Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    topset wrote: »
    First challenging PvE mission in the game and suddenly everyone cries out for a nerf, which it will probably get. Such a shame!

    Here's a hint: Don't just fly into the middle and pewpewpew yourself to death. Cloak, flank, and think strategically.

    I died a few times during it but it really wasn't that hard.

    It's not hard, it's just horribly designed and probably was never internally tested. "Die and respawn a bunch of times until you win" is not compelling gameplay. It's just annoying.
  • warchunwarchun Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Rom Tac lvl 35 D'deridex 3 caustic beam arrays, 1 white, grean plasma mine, no deaths alhough mission took a loot of time, used a simple tactic just agroed some enemy ships and kite them from the group untill i found an openning to pull the command ship. Loved the mission now i'm waiting for my guild mates to drag their behinds to 50 so we can have 5 x the fun :)
  • zenn3kzenn3k Member Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jstewart55 wrote: »
    Fun fact: I died more on this mission than the first time I did an Elite STF.

    I died more on Defense of New Romulus than I did during my entire Fed toon's career.
  • zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i've also spend some time on that mission...

    i REALLY should have listened to that one voice over telling me to focus fire on the big ships...
    because i didn't i kept shooting the small ships -> usual logic, shoot down the small ones, fast and easy, and then you aren't getting hammered when taking on the big ones.

    i think after 45 minutes i noticed that small ships kept warping in after i destroyed one...

    then i went for the big ones and a few respawns later i got them killed and it was done.

    you know what? THIS would be super fun if it was a PvE queue event instead of a single player mission, where you actually had to take down all of it.

    Also i can't shake the feeling that whoever made the mission had a player at level 50 in his head when balancing it and only later it was pushed down to lvl 30 - 40 in the mission progression.
  • manileraimanilerai Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My biggest complaint is that it's just that last wave that turns the difficulty up to 11, the waves previous lull you into a false sense of security... Every time they said "fall back to the next line" I was like, 'really? there's just a few more! fine, guess I'm mopping them up on my own. Jerks.'

    That last wave, however? yeesh... I can stand toe-to-toe with most dreadnaughts without blinking (Heck, I went against the Orion one from the Nimbus III arc without rescuing those pirates - I cleared the syndicate fleet from around them, but didn't repair them as requested). But 6(+?)? Plus a smattering of other ship types?

    "they give you allies" no. just no. all the Romulan ships were destroyed outright before we could scratch the paint on a single dread. So when the fed/klingon reinforcements came, they were alone and didn't fare much better.

    Thoughts: the "repairing" that the allied ships do is enough to keep them alive throughout any beatings they may take from a non-dreadnaght wave - but is not quick enough to deal with the punishment that the mass of dreads dish out. While perhaps the old standard of them being invincible, never going below 1 hp is a bit dated, how about something like the allies around Japori from the new romulus patrols? When 'defeated' they sit there smoking for a minute or two, then repair to full health and re-enter the fray.
  • ilys65ilys65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    As a few people have already pointed out, both in this thread and many others on the subject, the mission doesn't need a nerf, but your allies really need a buff.

    Within the first couple of minutes of the last wave, all of your romulan ally ships are destroyed, and I managed to do the first couple of waves without losing any of them. They are just too weak to fight that many dreadnoughts and (multi-vector...) battleships.
    Add that to the infinite respawns of frigates and escorts, and the three "immortal" ally ships are too swamped to be helpful.

    I died half a dozen times just trying to pull the command ship away from the other ships, without pulling too many dreadnoughts and battleships with it. Once I managed to pull it away, it only took 10-15 mins to whittle its health down to zero in a D'ridthau beam-boat.

    So yeah, buffing the ally ships to be more useful as a distraction (especially the romulans) and limit the number of enemy respawns to something that isn't infinite would make this mission a lot less annoying.
  • sarovensaroven Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Okay, so I've read a lot of people complain that "Devil's Choice" (specifically the segment "Defense of New Romulus") is too hard. I thought that it was probably just some folks had kitted themselves out badly or weren't using decent tactics; in short I was willing to put it down to casual players not putting in the time and/or effort to succeed at the game.

    I was wrong.

    "Defense of New Romulus" is a nightmare! It's not so much that the enemies are particularly strong or that I'm particularly weak (Commander 35, D'Deridex, tetryon beam setup), the problem is the spam... just so much damn spam.

    I'll fly up to the periphery of the battle and start chipping away at a convenient, tactically advantageous target, only to be confronted by infinite viral matrices and tractor beam mines and boarding shuttles, rendering my Warbird about as strategically threatening as an asthmatic ant carrying some heavy shopping (bonus points if you get the reference ;) ).

    Combine this with my AI reinforcements being as effective as trying to topple the Great Wall of China by throwing jelly at it, and you have a recipe for frustration and failure.

    Something needs to be done, either nerf the spam or buff one's allies, because watching the Kirk and the Kang derp their way into fifty tractor beams before I explode is a poor example of having fun.

    Also, I may have used too many analogies...

    This was the toughest mission I can remember doing solo in this game. I was lvl 37 in a DD and managed to complete it albeit it took forever and I died more times than I want to count.

    The secret is not to go straight for the command ship. You have to take out the smaller ships first, then lure the two dreadnoughts away and kill them. You can then ignore the rest of the ships and go for the command ship. You have to battle cloak like crazy or you'll never complete it.
  • mirai222mirai222 Member Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hello, D'Tan? Communications are down right now, so I'm sending a recorded message. We managed to stall them for a couple waves. I hope that was long enough to get your evacuation plans underway. The enemy fleet is monstrous, and I can no longer justify risking my crew against such overwhelming forces. I could have sworn that reinforcements were coming, but if they did, they must have warped right into the middle of the enemy forces, resulting in instant destruction.

    I'm hitting the transwarp to Sol. Well, good luck.
  • gilineagilinea Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Until and unless the Elachi as a whole get a balance pass, my solution will probably be to skip the entire arc on any future characters. On the ground, Elachi are equally cheap, since every single unit can hold, stun, disable, or knockback. Several of them can do more than one of those.

    Frankly, I consider putting a mission like "Defense of New Romulus" into the middle of the PVE storyline to be nearly game breaking. And at least two people in one of the global channel I watch sometimes *did* consider it gamebreaking. After attempting it several times, both of them annouced they were fed up entirely, and quit. I haven't seen either of them since then.

    And for the people defending it: Just because it isn't a problem TO YOU doesn't mean there isn't a problem.
  • aurigas7aurigas7 Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The mission isn't that difficult. I have to say I didn't fly a D'Deridex, since I just hate spacewhales. I kept my Mogai. Alpha strike setup. Kill one target, cloak up repeat.
    Did work for me.
    Got killed a few times, but not as bad as some Hive elite runs.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,905 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I didn't have any problems with it, I died two maybe three times. Used a DD Refit with crappy gear because I'm not gonna blow multi millions on gear that will soon be obsolete.

    Once or twice I was hot dogging and wasn't watching what I was doing but it wasn't that hard. Gotta know when to use your battle cloak and singularity abilities.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • painkillerjaynepainkillerjayne Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I do agree that the mission isn't too hard, but I don't agree that nothing is wrong with it.

    Once you pull the command ship away from the main battle it's not that hard to tank it even with mediocre gear. The problem is the sheer amount of time it takes to chop away at it.

    It's just plain silly, and there are enough people stating as much that Cryptic should take it as an indication they need to reevaluate the Defense of New Romulus mission.

    Notwithstanding the Kamikaze/Zerg strategy, it should not take 1-2 hours to defeat just. one. ship. :rolleyes:
    Command Officers of the USS Wyvern (from left to right):
    Aurellia Eshkah (Tactical); Indigo Shae (Engineering); Nysiay Chysiayki (VA, Ship Captain)
    Jeclia Sek (Science); Vally Mantivour (Security)
  • edwardianededwardianed Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I do agree that the mission isn't too hard, but I don't agree that nothing is wrong with it.

    Yeah, that.
  • wolfpacknzwolfpacknz Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    equinox976 wrote: »
    I just kept re spawning and heading straight at the command ship with guns blazing and using ram whenever I could.

    It took about 20 mins but since command ship regenerates pretty slowy I did it in the end. The trick is to ignore everyone else.

    Bingo. This is the trick. Don't take on the whole fleet.

    Yes you are going to die, A LOT but FINALLY there is a mission that has hell on earth written on it and not "Made for 5 years or under". Too much pampering to the "Oh it's too hard" crowd. This fight is fantastic. Don't change a thing!!!

    Try to remember you;re defending a planet from an invading force who's HQ you just blew into space dust. It's not going to be one or two ships that come after you...
    Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
  • lordcorrinolordcorrino Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just remember rule #2 of a gunfight: "Bring all your friends with guns." Seriously, just grab a couple of fleet mates and pound the enemy.
  • lordfuzunlordfuzun Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    topset wrote: »
    First challenging PvE mission in the game and suddenly everyone cries out for a nerf, which it will probably get. Such a shame!

    Here's a hint: Don't just fly into the middle and pewpewpew yourself to death. Cloak, flank, and think strategically.

    I died a few times during it but it really wasn't that hard.

    When experienced, veteran players call the mission hard on Normal Difficulty, tt's all but impossible for a beginning player.

    I've been playing STO since closed beta. The mission is too @#$@#$ hard.
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