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Tovan Khev Needs to Be Dismissable



  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jadz3 wrote: »
    Seriously, wtf are you talking about? He's a TOP OF THE LINE Boff. He's purple quality, Comes with Rapid fire 3 AND torpedo spread 3... Great traits for a boff, there's really nothing you could replace him with to be honest. So the question remains... WTF are you talking about? Do you even know that he's purple quality? I'm guessing you're trying to be a hipster and ditch him but seriously you sound stupid.
    You DO know that some of us do things in games for fun, rather than optimize things for competition... right?

    Besides, even if this were a solely competitive-based issue, there are still very valid complaints in this thread.
  • atomictikiatomictiki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'd rather have the BOFF slot for a real Romulan. Tovan might as well be another simpering Federation tool for all the whining he does. He has no place on my Imperial Warbird.
    Leave nerfing to the professionals.
  • donutsmasherdonutsmasher Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I never go anywhere without my Towel!
    Sig by my better half.
  • trixiefantrixiefan Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Leave Tovan alone!
  • darkelfofficerdarkelfofficer Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The fact is, even if Tovan were the single best Bridge Officer in the game (which he is not, not even close), people should still have the option to discharge him for whatever reason they see fit. It doesn't matter if it's because they found a better officer, or just want to turn their ship into space Hooters, or don't like the way he looks. Or if people want to keep him, that's their prerogative too.

    But at this point, for me, Cryptic is essentially holding that bridge officer slot hostage.

    And by the way, "Spectres" is far better story-telling than anything involving Tovan, and Cryptic managed to do that without limiting my crew customization options.
  • erraberrab Member Posts: 1,434 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    I don't get the hate. Sure, it'd be nice if I could rename him - I'm using Diane Duane's Rihannsu conventions in naming my crew, and "Tovan Khev" doesn't really fit - but he's good on the ground, and I really like his torpedo abilities and Fire At Will. It was a little disappointing when I got my D'Deridex, and his Tac slot didn't let him use the second torpedo ability, but hey, such is life.

    And it's kind of cool that as I venture into this new thing, this "Romulan Republic", and this new alliance with outsiders, I've got my buddy from Virinat watching my six...

    I agree with your views on Tovan.

    He's nice to have around for his continuing story and the fact that he was with your Character from day one helps kind of bond him to your Character.

    I think that the 2 major problems that a lot of us have with Tovan is the fact that he does not come with the Subterfuge Trait (Huge for space combat) and he's a purple quality Romulan Bridge Officer that only has the standard (better than basic) level of the Romulan Operative Trait that can be found on uncommon level Romulan Bridge Officers.

    It's strange because during closed beta on Tribble Tovan had the Subterfuge Trait and not the Romulan Operative Trait.

    I wonder if his Traits are just bugged and the Subterfuge Trait is just not showing up.

    I'm a min maxer at heart and right now I can get a bit more bang for my buck out of other Romulan Tactical Officers than I can Tovan.

    Talking story wise and Character development and because I have the slots; I would not delete Tovan even if I could.
  • jc89123jc89123 Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have to agree. Any BO should be flushable if you don't want it. Not being able to airlock a particular BO just plain sucks!
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm happy to leave him alone ... on an uninhabited moon ... nowhere near my ship and crew. :P

    best post ever!!!!!!!!
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The fact is, even if Tovan were the single best Bridge Officer in the game (which he is not, not even close), people should still have the option to discharge him for whatever reason they see fit. It doesn't matter if it's because they found a better officer, or just want to turn their ship into space Hooters, or don't like the way he looks. Or if people want to keep him, that's their prerogative too.

    all of this^^^^^^^^^^ more so the Hooters part!!!!
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jadz3 wrote: »
    So that leave the fact that he's the only boff outside of pure luck that you can have TS III on.
    Tac captain just trains it themselves.
    jadz3 wrote: »
    And Torvan is certainly no exception. The cost isn't worth it.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
  • urniv821urniv821 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Tac captain just trains it themselves.

    Nope, only High Yield III, not spread III.. ( last I checked anyway )
    Your Javelin deals 125417 (89066) Disruptor Damage(Critical) to Tholian Recluse. > lol
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think the problem is with players treating Tovan like a BO and Cryptic presenting him as one.

    He's more like the Kingdom Hearts allies. He's an NPC you can use in a BO's place.

    If the slot were labeled differently and didn't count towards the BO limit, I think you'd have a lot less cause for people being upset.
  • blafiblafi Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    urniv821 wrote: »
    Nope, only High Yield III, not spread III.. ( last I checked anyway )

    That's right.

    Easiest way (imho) to get TS3 is by getting the Jem'Hadar BO from the 2800 episodes. Usually faster, and cheaper, then sifting through exchange or hoping for a random drop from recruiting.

    moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"
  • kain9primekain9prime Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Man, nobody likes this guy. :<

    That's a shame, because he's just so damn pretty.
    I'm fine with him too, but I changed his appearance. I do wish he sounded a lil more "Romulan", but beggars can't be choosers...
    The artist formally known as Romulus_Prime
  • hasukurobihasukurobi Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I do not have any problem with this guy in the storyline or in general but he should be dismissible after the story arc. Let him head out and join another colony, work on New Romulus, or have a ship of his own (seems to try to run mine as it is).
  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Okay, first of all nothing was taken from you.

    Okay, gonna stop you right there son. You've posted, what, 8 times on this thread, and each time whatever you post can be boiled down into three arguments, pretty bad ones too. I'm going to boil away all the childish, stupid bull from your arguments and address them here.

    Argument 1. You're whining and self entitled because you are expressing opinions that disagree with me.

    Well, this argument is about the most childish thing I've seen on the forums lately, and sadly it makes up the majority of your posts. This is pure, childish trolling, plain and simple. The only response here is that Cryptic wants player feedback, what you consider "whining" is usually politely phrased criticism welcome by everyone except you. Work on that, it's the thing mostly getting you dismissed as a light weight.

    I'd provide examples but, really, just look at ANY of your posts.

    Argument 2. Tovan Khev is awesome, if your preference is for a station set-up that does not include him, then you are stupid.

    You're objectively wrong about that. But even if you were right, even if Tovan Khev was the best thing since sliced bread, it doesn't matter. YOU don't get to make that choice for the players, YOUR opinion on a build without Tovan Khev is exactly meaningless to the other player, just as their opinion about your Tovan Khev using build should be meaningless to you.

    So, the next time you feel like criticizing a player who wants to have a fully Reman crew, a fully female crew, a crew entirely composed of alien midgets, a crew where every character has two space traits, or any other composition that has no room for Tovan Khev, ask yourself "Why should this player care about MY opinion?" And when you realize the answer is, "He shouldn't, my opinion is worthless to this total stranger." Then you'll know why you should save yourself the trouble of responding.

    Argument 3. Just spend money to get what Klingons and the Federation get for free!

    This is a stupid argument and a Romulan player has every right to feel short changed when they see that the other two factions receive 5 fully customizable boff slots, assuming silver membership, and 11 assuming gold membership but they are asked to make due with 4 fully customizable boff slots and Tuvan.

    Examples of this argument can be found when you tell me that a player who spends money on a lockbox ship should then spend even MORE money to unlock the boff slots he needs to effectively use it. Or when you tell a guy who's already supported Cryptic by buying a Z-Store Boff that he should spend even more money to unlock slots.

    Now, it's possible that you think you may have a fourth argument somewhere on you that will blow my mind. I doubt it as the majority of your posts so far have been overladen with emoticons and underladen with relevant arguments. But if you think so, go ahead and give me a shot, at worst I'll point out which of the three arguments you've already made it is and simply requote my response, at best you'll actually say something intelligent!
  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    squishkin wrote: »
    So...yeah, I see all of the objections to Khev as being "wah, I don't want a story".

    Then you're acting like a moron.

    Seriously, if you're just going to go into a thread, straw man the hell out of everyone in it, then be as insulting as possible, why not just hangout on reddit?
  • stealthriderstealthrider Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hate him. Needs to go. Should never have happened in the first place.
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kalani2 wrote: »
    Or they could just give us an extra BOff slot if they haven't already to account for the ways having him can limit us.
    Tovan is part of the story, and it could lead to plot hole/bug if he was removed and you try to replay some mission.
    Now, they should add a free extra BOFF slot for rom, so Tovan doesn't take any slot.
  • assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jermbot wrote: »
    Okay, gonna stop you right there son.

    I'm pretty sure I'm not your son. Maybe you should reconsider your tone. You are rude and condescending. Also you are unable to stop me, I already wrote my post. That you try to ignore it doesn't change that.:rolleyes:
    jermbot wrote: »
    Argument 1. You're whining and self entitled because you are expressing opinions that disagree with me.

    Nice strawman. You are whining and self-entitled because you got free stuff and demand more.
    jermbot wrote: »
    [...] what you consider "whining" is usually politely phrased criticism welcome by everyone except you. Work on that, it's the thing mostly getting you dismissed as a light weight.

    That you consider anything you write to be "polite" is hard too believe, that you accuse me of trolling is outright funny. No one should be able to be that oblivious, and I'm sure the devs appreciate all the nice suggestions how to wreck the work they put into Legacy of Romulus.:rolleyes:
    jermbot wrote: »
    Argument 2. Tovan Khev is awesome, if your preference is for a station set-up that does not include him, then you are stupid.

    And another strawman. Tovan is a good tactical BO. If you'd want to make a ship without tactical BOs you would indeed be stupid (unless it's a shuttle, just in case you try to claim that I think that all people who use a Tal'kyr who try to survive in one are stupid).
    jermbot wrote: »
    YOU don't get to make that choice for the players, YOUR opinion on a build without Tovan Khev is exactly meaningless to the other player, just as their opinion about your Tovan Khev using build should be meaningless to you.

    I never claimed I do. For all I care everyone can fly around with a crew of efficient purple Saurians. However, the devs decided to give us ONE BO who belongs to the story of the addon and, since dismissing him, would wreck much of the addon deleted his delete button. In exchange they made him the best quality and gave him decent traits. That's enough. If you want more pay up. Also, I bet you would be one of the first in line to complain when one of your female BOs suddenly has Tovan's voice overs.:rolleyes:
    jermbot wrote: »
    So, the next time you feel like criticizing a player who wants to have a fully Reman crew, a fully female crew, a crew entirely composed of alien midgets, a crew where every character has two space traits, or any other composition that has no room for Tovan Khev, ask yourself "Why should this player care about MY opinion?" And when you realize the answer is, "He shouldn't, my opinion is worthless to this total stranger." Then you'll know why you should save yourself the trouble of responding.

    For someone my opinion allegedly means nothing to you write incredibly long and angry posts.:cool: Again, if you don't want Tovan Khev tough luck. If you want a build without him 2 BO slots are 250 Zen.
    jermbot wrote: »
    This is a stupid argument and a Romulan player has every right to feel short changed when they see that the other two factions receive 5 fully customizable boff slots, assuming silver membership, and 11 assuming gold membership but they are asked to make due with 4 fully customizable boff slots and Tuvan.

    Nope, the Klingon players had a right to be angry when the game was not free to play and all they got was two sector blocks a few ships and a few PvP missions. The whole Romulan expansion is FREE. You don't pay anything for it. So if you don't like it don't play it. You have the same number of free BOs as everyone else. Cryptic just decided who gets put into one of the slots. A special BO with voice over.
    jermbot wrote: »
    Examples of this argument can be found when you tell me that a player who spends money on a lockbox ship should then spend even MORE money to unlock the boff slots he needs to effectively use it. Or when you tell a guy who's already supported Cryptic by buying a Z-Store Boff that he should spend even more money to unlock slots.

    You can't use a ship “effectively“ that doesn't have a shield or an impulse engine. You can put Tovan Khev on any ship, train him in any tactical bridge officer skill and he will fire and enhance whatever weapons you put on your ship and enhance their crit chance and severity. If you think that Tovan Khev is a big handicap you really should learn to play the game.....
    jermbot wrote: »
    Now, it's possible that you think you may have a fourth argument somewhere on you that will blow my mind.

    Oh, I already made a few tons of arguments but you are either ignoring them or (more likely) unable to understand them.
    jermbot wrote: »
    I doubt it as the majority of your posts so far have been overladen with emoticons and underladen with relevant arguments.

    Aww, I prefer emoticons to impotently raging insults. Everyone needs a hobby.
    jermbot wrote: »
    But if you think so, go ahead and give me a shot, at worst I'll point out which of the three arguments you've already made it is and simply requote my response, at best you'll actually say something intelligent!

    You mean you are going to strawman again and requote old insults. I guess you are by now unable to come up with new ones.
    jermbot wrote: »
    Then you're acting like a moron.

    Seriously, if you're just going to go into a thread, straw man the hell out of everyone in it, then be as insulting as possible, why not just hangout on reddit?

    So that's where you learned to post?
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    As promised here goes, each one of your following "arguments" will be catalogued into one of the three categories I mentioned before.
    I'm pretty sure I'm not your son. Maybe you should
    reconsider your tone. You are rude and condescending. Also you are unable to stop me, I already wrote my post. That you try to ignore it doesn't change that.:rolleyes:

    Insulting but not calling me ignorant. But also not an argument. This will be ignored as simply irrelevant.
    Nice strawman. You are whining and self-entitled because you got free stuff and demand more.

    Argument the first, "you are whiny and self entitled because you disagree with me."

    Bear in mind, at no point did I ever say I wanted "more." In the case of Tovan Khev, I'm going to hang onto him because he's a passable ground officer. The players that want to dismiss him WANT TO DISMISS HIM. They don't want more, they want different. How you miss that when its the title of the thread is beyond me.
    That you consider anything you write to be "polite" is hard too believe, that you accuse me of trolling is outright funny. No one should be able to be that oblivious, and I'm sure the devs appreciate all the nice suggestions how to wreck the work they put into Legacy of Romulus.:rolleyes:

    Another blatant insult, but not an argument. And I wasn't referring to me, you've called many people whiners in this thread.
    And another strawman. Tovan is a good tactical BO. If you'd want to make a ship without tactical BOs you would indeed be stupid (unless it's a shuttle, just in case you try to claim that I think that all people who use a Tal'kyr who try to survive in one are stupid).

    Argument #2 rears his ugly head. "Tovan is awesome, if your build does not use him you are stupid." Kindly refer to the point responded to below in that very thread. YOUR opinion on Tovan is irrelevant to how I play this game.

    Your opinion is also ignorant and wrong. In a cloaking ship Tovan is noticeably inferior to a Romulan officer with both the Superior Romulan Operative and Superior Subterfuge traits. In a noncloaking ship he is noticeably inferior to ANY purple quality BOFF.

    Misuse of the word Strawman, you have "eye roll emoticoned" at the idea of an all Reman crew despite it being well supported in STO, you have accused another poster of sexism at the thought of an all female crew, you have accused people wanting two space traits as being 'obsessed with space traits.' I use the word "stupid" to sum up your clear views of others as short hand for the many things you have said that make your beliefs very transparent.
    I never claimed I do. For all I care everyone can fly around with a crew of efficient purple Saurians. However, the devs decided to give us ONE BO who belongs to the story of the addon and, since dismissing him, would wreck much of the addon deleted his delete button. In exchange they made him the best quality and gave him decent traits. That's enough. If you want more pay up. Also, I bet you would be one of the first in line to complain when one of your female BOs suddenly has Tovan's voice overs.:rolleyes:

    Wait.... might this be the fabled fourth argument. "dismissing him, would wreck much of the addon deleted his delete button." It's certainly not one of the three you've made already, on the other hand it's also completely incomprehensible. You appear to be arguing that you, who clearly knows nothing about coding beyond making emoticons, believe removing Tovan would break the game.

    Maybe you're right, I don't believe you are, in fact, given that every one of Tovan's lines got said by Veril when I ran through, I know your wrong, but this is why a DEV needs to make the change, so they can make it properly.

    And kudos by the way, you are up to four arguments, which means you've made half as many arguments as emoticons.
    For someone my opinion allegedly means nothing to you write incredibly long and angry posts.:cool: Again, if you don't want Tovan Khev tough luck. If you want a build without him 2 BO slots are 250 Zen.

    Argument #3. If you want the same number of customizable slots on the Romulan side of the game as you get for free elsewhere, PAY CRYPTIC!

    Also you entirely missed the point of that paragraph, so full marks for reading comprehension.
    Nope, the Klingon players had a right to be angry when the game was not free to play and all they got was two sector blocks a few ships and a few PvP missions. The whole Romulan expansion is FREE. You don't pay anything for it. So if you don't like it don't play it. You have the same number of free BOs as everyone else. Cryptic just decided who gets put into one of the slots. A special BO with voice over.

    Argument 1 with hints of Argument 2. You're not entitled to the same number of cutomizable boff slots you freaking moocher, and Tovan Khev is "special" and has a voice over!

    Not sure if you noticed son, but the entire game is free right now, so I'm not sure why you should expect the Romulan play experience to be less than the Klingon play experience.
    You can't use a ship ?effectively? that doesn't have a shield or an impulse engine. You can put Tovan Khev on any ship, train him in any tactical bridge officer skill and he will fire and enhance whatever weapons you put on your ship and enhance their crit chance and severity. If you think that Tovan Khev is a big handicap you really should learn to play the game.....

    Argument #2 Tovan Khev is so awesome he can be mediocre in a ship that can't use his one space trait!
    Oh, I already made a few tons of arguments but you are either ignoring them or (more likely) unable to understand them.

    Not an argument, just the assertion that you made an argument. And I agree you have made arguments, FOUR now. For you, that probably feels like "tons."
    Aww, I prefer emoticons to impotently raging insults. Everyone needs a hobby.

    Between your emoticons and your insults, I'm glad to know you derive more pleasure from the former.
    You mean you are going to strawman again and requote old insults. I guess you are by now unable to come up with new ones.

    Well, I leave it up to you to decide whether I've "strawmaned" you. I would recommend you look up that term first though.
    So that's where you learned to post?

    Should I take this to mean that you agree, not wanting Tavon Khev is the same as not wanting story? Or are you just looking to score a cheap point because I'm the last person paying attention to you?
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well he shouldn't be dismissable as a lot of epsiodes would have to be reworked and I would rather have devs time spent on developing new content instead of rewriting content that is already good.

    He is a fairly decent space boff for new characters and an excellent ground boff that makes ground content easier so its not really so much of a problem being forced to keep him.

    Boff slots are cheap though, and most of you have Fed mains with dil saved up on them that you aren't using since you are playing your Romulan now, get some of that dil and buy zen, it is only a few days worth of dil.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • captpeacemakercaptpeacemaker Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I wish we could dismiss Captain James Kurland...
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Thowchum
    Legendary Starfleet Captain
    Fleet Leader, The Abductors
    STO Forum Member since December 2010
    Welcome to Star Trek Online, where our motto is 'Peace through Superior Firepower.'
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,149 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    marc8219 wrote: »
    Well he shouldn't be dismissable as a lot of epsiodes would have to be reworked and I would rather have devs time spent on developing new content instead of rewriting content that is already good.

    He is a fairly decent space boff for new characters and an excellent ground boff that makes ground content easier so its not really so much of a problem being forced to keep him.

    Boff slots are cheap though, and most of you have Fed mains with dil saved up on them that you aren't using since you are playing your Romulan now, get some of that dil and buy zen, it is only a few days worth of dil.

    whenever tovan isnt on a mission the tactical officer takes over. Though if im honest I just spam f through the missions if i ever go to replay them for some insane reason.
    Typhoon Class please!
  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    marc8219 wrote: »
    Well he shouldn't be dismissable as a lot of epsiodes would have to be reworked and I would rather have devs time spent on developing new content instead of rewriting content that is already good.

    He is a fairly decent space boff for new characters and an excellent ground boff that makes ground content easier so its not really so much of a problem being forced to keep him.

    Boff slots are cheap though, and most of you have Fed mains with dil saved up on them that you aren't using since you are playing your Romulan now, get some of that dil and buy zen, it is only a few days worth of dil.

    Yeah, I'm not saying the killing of Tovan Khev should be a top priority goal for Cryptic but, the strength of Cryptic games has always been their customization and Tovan Khev is a step away from that ideal in the worst possible way. So yeah, I think him being permanent is an oversight that should be corrected.

    I can think of half a dozen ways Cryptic can correct this without having to work too hard. It can be as simple as removing the Tovan Khev voiceovers from the mission replays when he is not in your crew.
  • captpeacemakercaptpeacemaker Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I guess he is just another one of those items that you pick up along the way that will just sit there forever. Like the ground stuff you pick up on new Romulus that just sits in your inventory.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Thowchum
    Legendary Starfleet Captain
    Fleet Leader, The Abductors
    STO Forum Member since December 2010
    Welcome to Star Trek Online, where our motto is 'Peace through Superior Firepower.'
  • fernandojimenezfernandojimenez Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    marc8219 wrote: »
    Well he shouldn't be dismissable as a lot of epsiodes would have to be reworked and I would rather have devs time spent on developing new content instead of rewriting content that is already good.

    He is a fairly decent space boff for new characters and an excellent ground boff that makes ground content easier so its not really so much of a problem being forced to keep him.

    Boff slots are cheap though, and most of you have Fed mains with dil saved up on them that you aren't using since you are playing your Romulan now, get some of that dil and buy zen, it is only a few days worth of dil.

    This, deal with it or leave.
  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This, deal with it or leave.

    Really? Those are our only two choices? I'd thought a politely petitioning Cryptic for a change of the game based on our requests would be an option...
  • darkelfofficerdarkelfofficer Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    marc8219 wrote: »
    Well he shouldn't be dismissable as a lot of epsiodes would have to be reworked and I would rather have devs time spent on developing new content instead of rewriting content that is already good.

    He is a fairly decent space boff for new characters and an excellent ground boff that makes ground content easier so its not really so much of a problem being forced to keep him.

    Boff slots are cheap though, and most of you have Fed mains with dil saved up on them that you aren't using since you are playing your Romulan now, get some of that dil and buy zen, it is only a few days worth of dil.

    No. I will not be blackmailed into buying more officer slots because Cryptic took one away from me for playing a Romulan.

    As for story, his contributions to the story are virtually negligible. He exposits on the evilness of the Tal Shiar, tells us his ex-girlfriend used to be a good person, and his sister has gone missing. That's all he does. The first one is unnecessary, and the second and third ones can be fulfilled from the Flotilla, not that the thing about his sister actually has any bearing on anything or goes anywhere.

    So the only useful thing he does story-wise, and the only thing that can't reasonably be accomplished through any other bridge officer, is tell the player a Tal Shiar agent used to be trustworthy. Pretty sure that's not an insurmountable hurdle to making him dismissable.
  • fernandojimenezfernandojimenez Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jermbot wrote: »
    Really? Those are our only two choices? I'd thought a politely petitioning Cryptic for a change of the game based on our requests would be an option...

    It's a game desing, if you don't like it, don't play it or take an alternative to complain, buy an extra Boff slot but cry for a change is cheap and free, you know.
This discussion has been closed.