it appears some NPC's adapted infamous borg invisible torpedoes aka borg invisible deathray
fist time I suddenly died I thought I was sloppy and or some of my abilities "misfired" again like they lately do, but then during encounter with starbase 234 my ship exploded being over 13km away outrunning torpedo spread which wasn't even near my ship
second time (or rather times) it was during cardassian struggle, where we face many Keldon Class, which love to use photon torpedo spread, I played in team so I wasn't the only one to notice it, ships where randomly blowing up whenever photon torpedo spread was 'in water' usually it took place on impact (with shields up), but several of such 'kills' occurred when 'spread cloud' was ~2s to impact
second thing it's wasn't always deadly I took several spreads on my shields with the usual effect - which is close to none, and took it at least once on unshielded hull and took regular damage instead of 'instant death'
but bottom line is - it's a bug please fix it
PS i play on advanced difficulty, if it helps in any way