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T'varo Vs B'rel

retrosragesretrosrages Member Posts: 235 Arc User
edited June 2013 in Klingon Discussion
come on Cryptic you give the t'varo 32k hull and a better shield mod than the brel and a good turn rate. think its about time you updated the brel now we have a new faction of cloaking ships, the top t'varo is just about a jem attack ship that can cloak, do you guys ever think 2 steps ahead
Post edited by retrosrages on


  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited May 2013
    come on Cryptic you give the t'varo 32k hull and a better shield mod than the brel and a good turn rate. think its about time you updated the brel now we have a new faction of cloaking ships, the top t'varo is just about a jem attack ship that can cloak, do you guys ever think 2 steps ahead

    I fly a fleet T'Varo on my new Reman- it is much more powerful than the fleet B'rel(which I have as well) with 4 tac console slots - large hull Uni lt cmd and cmd tac slot - the B'rel is now obsolete.

    personally though I love the retro Look of the B'rel more than most other ships - sadly as a torp bomber it can't compete with 4 tac slots of the T'Varo
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The B'Rel is simply one of many examples of older ships from early in the game that have greatly lost out to the increasingly powerful ships that came later. The stats were fine early on, but now, with the advent of these newer ships over time, it's lost alot of spark.

    Perfect example: KDF Escorts and Destroyers. They cannot hold a candle to the sheer variety and potency of the Fleet Fed Escorts. Before the Shipyard system was put in place, the Guramba was a pure killer in PVP. And Raptors were endangered even before the Shipyard system. Now? Sighting a Guramba is like a Bigfoot story. Raptors are still endangered with the occasional Fleet Sommraw.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited May 2013
    The B'Rel is simply one of many examples of older ships from early in the game that have greatly lost out to the increasingly powerful ships that came later. The stats were fine early on, but now, with the advent of these newer ships over time, it's lost alot of spark.

    Perfect example: KDF Escorts and Destroyers. They cannot hold a candle to the sheer variety and potency of the Fleet Fed Escorts. Before the Shipyard system was put in place, the Guramba was a pure killer in PVP. And Raptors were endangered even before the Shipyard system. Now? Sighting a Guramba is like a Bigfoot story. Raptors are still endangered with the occasional Fleet Sommraw.

    Off topic a bit - but PvP is going the way of the dodo bird - only some old timers will be left soon - with the more and more power ships stacked on with more traits added + 3 rep systems worth of passives+ fleet elite gear

    the cost and learning curve + the shear firepower and knowledge you need is moving vertically straight up - this is goig to scare almost all newcomers away and cause the casuals to avoid it.

    I mean the new traits + the rep make it super OP - anyone without being around for a while and being hardcore will be lost - been in some matches in the last 2 days with my fleet T'varo and man things have really stepped up a notch = death to a game aspect already on life support.

    The FvK ques have been jammed like I have not seen before - but a lot of the new Fed/rommies are getting smoked in seconds as I have noticed tons of KDF have respec'd into decloaking and debuff + grouping with a few exposed with hunters staying cloaked waiting for the rommies to uncloak.

    Fast paced and fun for a bit - but like I said soon it will drive most novices and newbies running back to PvE
  • starsvoidstarsvoid Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sighting a Guramba is like a Bigfoot story.

    Hey, we're not that rare! I PvP'd a Guramba just last week! It was kind of fun watching all the Defiants whoosh by and dust me with their DHC's.

    Pity the four BoPs on my team and the four Defiants on the other team couldn't have just gone off and had their spinny swift battles somewhere while the Recluse and I duked it out...
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The B'rel would have retained its role had they given it a USEFUL console like a Science console or Tac console instead of a TRIBBLE Eng console. Since an Eng console doesn't do anything except give you a place to cram a cheese console in, the B'rel's fleet upgrade thus failed to improve on the basic model. With a Sci console it would have held a much-needed niche in the KDF's lineup and out-competed the T'Varo in the Sci role...with an Eng console, it doesn't do anything special.
  • rahmkota19rahmkota19 Member Posts: 1,929 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The B'rel Retrofit is actually fine as it is. Agreed: more hull would be great, even at the cost of shielding since in the B'rel, you will tend to cloak much and take a few torpedoes to the hull. But I can understand the 3/3/3 console devision, because of the B'rel being a complete universal ship.

    But for the fleet version, it still confuses me why they ever gave us another engineering slot. The B'rel isnt build to tank, so more engineering slots will do absolutely nothing. As a raider, the B'rel should be a ship focussed on an Alpha strike. That is the entire point of raider gameplay. And I know the Klingons aren't the best engineers in the universe, but they are not the microbrains Q thinks of them and they would be smart enough to add a console for more pew pew.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The B'Rel is simply one of many examples of older ships from early in the game that have greatly lost out to the increasingly powerful ships that came later. The stats were fine early on, but now, with the advent of these newer ships over time, it's lost alot of spark.

    Perfect example: KDF Escorts and Destroyers. They cannot hold a candle to the sheer variety and potency of the Fleet Fed Escorts. Before the Shipyard system was put in place, the Guramba was a pure killer in PVP. And Raptors were endangered even before the Shipyard system. Now? Sighting a Guramba is like a Bigfoot story. Raptors are still endangered with the occasional Fleet Somraw.

    Tis true. Many vessels in the game have fallen off the end due to new vessel power creep.
    I do wish that Cryptic would do a once-twice over on all the older vessel ingame and balance them accordingly to the latest PC bar.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    ...But for the fleet version, it still confuses me why they ever gave us another engineering slot. The B'rel isnt build to tank, so more engineering slots will do absolutely nothing. As a raider......

    Granted its been a while since I flew my B'rel and may not be up to date on recent events that may have changed the basics but I was of the belief that an extra Eng slot would help its hull based tanking/ damage mitigation for surviving recloaking after an attack.

    What are the B'rel/Fl. B'rel defensive measures now?
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • starsvoidstarsvoid Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    What are the B'rel/Fl. B'rel defensive measures now?

    Destroy the enemy first. Then cloak. ;)
  • szioulszioul Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ok, so the fleet B'rel has all universal BOff slots, while the fleet T'varo has a universal Lt.Cdr slot, but it also has an Ensign Tac slot, for a 5th BOff slot, while the B'rel has 4.

    Both have Enhanced Battle Cloaks, except the T'varo has an Enchanced Romulan Battle Cloak, which is slightly better, but not important of a difference.

    The T'varo has 20% more hull, than the B'rel (29700 vs. 24750) and 12.5% more shields (0.99 vs. 0.88 shield modifier). The T'varo also has an extra aft weapon slot.
    The B'rel has a turnrate of 23, while the T'varo "only" has 18. The T'varo also comes with a special console, on top of the Enhanced Battle Cloak, which was supposed to be the B'rel's special trick.

    The only things the B'rel beats the T'varo, is that it has universal BOff seating, although still has 1 BOff less. And better turnrate.

    Yeah, talk about power creep.
  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The T'varo does look very appealing, when I do eventually roll a Romulan Tactical the T'varo is the ship she will be flying. The B'rel does need a boost as do a lot of other older ships. Plus the dilithium description needs rewording as you can no longer get the best ships using dilithium, that honour goes to fleet and lock box ships. Even c-store ships are no longer considered the best.

    newromulan1 made a good point about PvP, will all the rep, fleet and other stuff it's just scaring people off. You need a decent sized fleet and a lot of resources and time developed to a character to be competitive.
    To be totally honest PvP should be scaled so it disables reputation bonuses, scale all ship stats and fleet gear to c-store or free ship stats (that or only allow free ships to enter PvP arenas) so PvP will be based on skill rather than shinies. A level playing field is what will make the good players shine and the bad players learn and improve.

    As it currently stands, PvP is simply not worth all the time and effort especially though of us in small fleets that have only just hit tier 2 and don't have all the fancy fleet stuff and ships to compete with.
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
  • naeviusnaevius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Another point - the TVaro (T1) comes with a surprisingly good console, which then combines with the T5 TVaro console for extra benefits. Plus, the T5 console is a free weapon. (A bad one in PvP, but still.)
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  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There is a thread in the general discussion area about this also.


    Someone made the point that the B'rel has all the universal slots and that if all federation ships or at least some could get them, then the BOP's could get a buff. Not surprised.

    However I must point out that the Universal BOFF stations on the B'rel I think was done as it was on all KDF BOPs to allow for the lack any any decent science ships, but it still isn't a very viable science ship due to the lack of hull and shield points.

    While the Universal slots can allow for a lot, the sacrifices the ships have for it doesn't make it all that much of an advantage at all. It's only really a viable PvP ship and what 90% (?) of the STO community doesn't play PvP due to all the shines and expense you need to stay competitive today.

    The BOP class in general needs a buff, none of are are saying turning them into fully fledged escorts just beef them up a bit with some more hull a more destroyer like shield modifier and perhaps an addition aft (or fore to spice things up a bit) weapon slot. The Raptor and destroyer class would still be a harder ship in terms of durability, it would just allow the ship to be a more viable choice for players in the PvE environment.
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Tis true. Many vessels in the game have fallen off the end due to new vessel power creep.
    I do wish that Cryptic would do a once-twice over on all the older vessel ingame and balance them accordingly to the latest PC bar.

    Roach, it will take more than a once-twice to fix the problems, but a total re-commitment of Cryptic towards PvP.
  • trhrangerxmltrhrangerxml Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    naevius wrote: »
    Another point - the TVaro (T1) comes with a surprisingly good console, which then combines with the T5 TVaro console for extra benefits. Plus, the T5 console is a free weapon. (A bad one in PvP, but still.)

    LOL, you're forgetting that pretty much everything in the Rom Rep buff and make the torpedo more powerful (+Defense, +Damage, -CD and +Speed).
    Hi, my name is: Elim Garak, Former Cardassian Oppressor

    LTS, here since...when did this game launch again? :D
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the t'varo is able to rapidly respond to problems, has the dps with dhc, dc and turret build and is small enough and very agile that most stuff can miss it especially with elusive trait and skills to higher defense values. love the destabilized heavy plasma torpedo it's easily one of the more interesting things that can be fired off into a mob with the enhanced battle cloak. and before it hits its target you can swing around and do several hard scatter volleys and various buffs. bye bye mob :D.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • sethketasethketa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    patrickngo wrote: »
    The T'Varo is just a Defiant with EBC, something that Feds have been agitating for for years. Right now on the PvP threads, the Feds are QQ'ing because now, they have to face it in the FvF ques.

    Let us NOT follow their example.

    The problem may not be the fact that the T'varo is a superior ship than the B'rel with an Enhanced Battle Cloak, or that the T'varo is a superior Defiant Retrofit. The problem is that the T'varo is just the latest example of unrestricted power creep.

    Star Trek Online will eventually reach a point where it will be unplayable with the ships that players have come to know and love. I know that my interest in the game is waning at a considerably faster pace than it did last year due to the unwillingness to properly balance the game.

    Star Trek Online is quickly becoming a game that sacrifices gameplay, and actual sense, in the name of profit. Is that something we should be supporting? Or should we try to convince Cryptic that they're making a mistake before they bleed out more and more casual players that simply cannot keep up with purchasing more and more ships, while having their old purchases become obsolete and worthless?

    EDIT: Also ask yourself a very important question. How long has Star Trek Online been out? Has Cryptic ever done a balance pass? Have they ever altered the stats on a ship to bring it in line with other ships? Or have they simply released new ships that are superior to the older ships? Is this a healthy business model? Is this a business model you want to support?
  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sethketa wrote: »
    The problem may not be the fact that the T'varo is a superior ship than the B'rel with an Enhanced Battle Cloak, or that the T'varo is a superior Defiant Retrofit. The problem is that the T'varo is just the latest example of unrestricted power creep.

    Star Trek Online will eventually reach a point where it will be unplayable with the ships that players have come to know and love. I know that my interest in the game is waning at a considerably faster pace than it did last year due to the unwillingness to properly balance the game.

    Star Trek Online is quickly becoming a game that sacrifices gameplay, and actual sense, in the name of profit. Is that something we should be supporting? Or should we try to convince Cryptic that they're making a mistake before they bleed out more and more casual players that simply cannot keep up with purchasing more and more ships, while having their old purchases become obsolete and worthless?

    EDIT: Also ask yourself a very important question. How long has Star Trek Online been out? Has Cryptic ever done a balance pass? Have they ever altered the stats on a ship to bring it in line with other ships? Or have they simply released new ships that are superior to the older ships? Is this a healthy business model? Is this a business model you want to support?

    Well said, I am in the same boat where I am now just settling on a ship and running with it. I too have found it an endless battle to try and get the best out of a character due to this method that Cryptic has adopted. The game has really started to go downhill since season 6, some nice features have be added but only to benefit this greed tactic they have adopted making it harder and harder for casual and even serious gamers.

    I have even decided not to do any more rep grind because of this. It's becoming too much of a job and a lot of the fun with this game is quickly disappearing because how Cryptic/PWE have turned this into a profit only game. No wonder they released the Romulans, it may work in the short-term but in the overall unless they change and return to their roots I can see it only prolonging the inevitable.
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    patrickngo wrote: »
    The T'Varo is just a Defiant with EBC, something that Feds have been agitating for for years. Right now on the PvP threads, the Feds are QQ'ing because now, they have to face it in the FvF ques.

    Let us NOT follow their example.

    defiant doesnt have battle cloak so its not as able as the t'varo to sneak in attack with the buff from the cloak. the other side of the issue is the reman playable trait which makes it all the much more easier as a t'varo captain :P
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • captainforfuncaptainforfun Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    szioul wrote: »
    Ok, so the fleet B'rel has all universal BOff slots, while the fleet T'varo has a universal Lt.Cdr slot, but it also has an Ensign Tac slot, for a 5th BOff slot, while the B'rel has 4.

    Both have Enhanced Battle Cloaks, except the T'varo has an Enchanced Romulan Battle Cloak, which is slightly better, but not important of a difference.

    The T'varo has 20% more hull, than the B'rel (29700 vs. 24750) and 12.5% more shields (0.99 vs. 0.88 shield modifier). The T'varo also has an extra aft weapon slot.
    The B'rel has a turnrate of 23, while the T'varo "only" has 18. The T'varo also comes with a special console, on top of the Enhanced Battle Cloak, which was supposed to be the B'rel's special trick.

    The only things the B'rel beats the T'varo, is that it has universal BOff seating, although still has 1 BOff less. And better turnrate.

    Yeah, talk about power creep.

    You kinda forgot the the -10 Power to all Subsystems that Romulan ships have.
    In add you only get the full Powerbonus from the Singularity core when it is fully charged. Not to mention that the other passives from the Warpcores looking way more appealing to me then the ones from the Singularity cores.

    And the singularity powers are not a even compensation.

    And jsut for the record, i have a Romulan char to, and i kinda like to play it, but i would still prefer a Warpcore and better powerlvls.
    Reynolds / Thokal

    U.S.S. Helios -Vesta Class / R.R.W. Dark Science - Dyson Surveillance Science Destroyer
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  • bain4bain4 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'v been having some fun in the T'varo in PvE it just destroys mobs, when I get to within 4k from a mob I let loose with over charged torp fly into the middle of them hit the singularty power that teleports u 5k away and leaves a gravwell behind turn around and hit with a scatter volley and torp spread 3, I have found that u only need to charge the singularty power to lvl1 for this to pull in the mobs , if u have the console that resets the singulary charge u can do this twice fairly fast.

    I really think that the B'rel need some sort of buff, I bought mine when they firt came out and have have great fun with it but would not spend zen to buy one now when the T'varo seem to do everthing much better.
  • sethketasethketa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    skollulfr wrote: »
    indeed, and its a shame given the visuals this game has, especially since this latest expansion.
    but its not like a 'balance pass'(wat?) is going to fix it.
    i just got my mogai, completely nothing to do with what is on-screen kilometer across ship that turns so fast one wing goes in reverse...

    doesnt effect me so much, since i done pvp in cheese, but its still anoying as hell seeing so many functions be so out of whack.

    problem is though, if they did actually fix the game, as is fundamentally needed...
    the forum would get a biblical flood of tears from all the crying about "nerfs" to people who had invested time and effort in the current interlaced mess of cheese to make builds that are cheese, because, thats just what you do to play this game.

    was going to throw 30 or 40 bucks on my rom toon... then saw the stats & decided the money i spent on my first two is more than enough.

    A balance pass, as in going through all of the ships and ensuring they're all roughly equal in terms of balance.

    Anyway, there will always be a flood of tears when a change occurs. Look at League of Legends. That game has 30 million players (or more), and the champions get rebalanced every 2-4 weeks. There are constant buffs, constant nerfs, and constant tears. And yet, because of those balance changes the game continues to remain healthy and draw in new players. No matter what champion you decide to play in League of Legends, you will not feel as if you're "doing it wrong" and made a bad choice. (There are some exceptions, but those require a rework, which they're actively doing. Imagine that, a company investing time and energy into old content)

    Cryptic would inevitably TRIBBLE some players off once the new changes hit live. A lot of their favorite ships would have been rebalanced, that's more than enough to upset people, considering they've spent money on it. But if Cryptic has done their balancing properly, that money will not have been wasted UNLESS that purchase was made under a "Pay 2 Win" mentality. Right now the T'varo is effectively a "Pay 2 Win" ship because of how much better it is than any other ship that fulfills its role.
    You kinda forgot the the -10 Power to all Subsystems that Romulan ships have.
    In add you only get the full Powerbonus from the Singularity core when it is fully charged. Not to mention that the other passives from the Warpcores looking way more appealing to me then the ones from the Singularity cores.

    And the singularity powers are not a even compensation.

    And jsut for the record, i have a Romulan char to, and i kinda like to play it, but i would still prefer a Warpcore and better powerlvls.

    And just so you know, the lower power that Romulan ships have balances out at the higher levels. People have already calculated it to be just 17-20 power lower than other ships, which isn't all that much. You have to take into account the power of some of those singularity abilities as well. Most people ignore them, but they are free abilities.
  • ussberlinussberlin Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I fly a fleet T'Varo on my new Reman- it is much more powerful than the fleet B'rel(which I have as well) with 4 tac console slots - large hull Uni lt cmd and cmd tac slot - the B'rel is now obsolete.

    personally though I love the retro Look of the B'rel more than most other ships - sadly as a torp bomber it can't compete with 4 tac slots of the T'Varo

    Thats right and like the T'Varo Fleet Version is now should be the Defiant and of course with a feature to make the hull stronger for 1 min with 5min cooldown!
    And of course Klingons need some work there Ships suck ... for me !
    18 Cpt on the way to 60: 14 of them are already 50 or over 50, one is 60 and 3 almost 43
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  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sethketa wrote: »
    And just so you know, the lower power that Romulan ships have balances out at the higher levels. People have already calculated it to be just 17-20 power lower than other ships, which isn't all that much. You have to take into account the power of some of those singularity abilities as well. Most people ignore them, but they are free abilities.

    Not to mention the Maco shield and Plasmonic Leech both now available to all can offset a lot of that power loss. Plus several engineering bridge officer powers can help as well. So it's really not that much of a disadvantage. Especially for the T'varo which with it's EBC performs the role of a torpedo bomber and torpedos don't take weapon power away. So the system power it has by default would be dedicated to engines and auxiliary if performing the bomber role.

    I got the starter pack so I got the T'varo by default while I only started a Romulan character last night I have looked into the stats and it's obviously a far superior vessel.

    The Bird of Prey line does need a good buff, most of us can agree we don't want them turning into Raptors but for such an iconic ship it's surprisingly how lacking they are. If they were done right, on my tactical I would just fly BOP's but they aren't really viable in PvE anymore especially with the buff and difficulty increase all the NPC's really got especially the Borg. Borg encounters are now a joke as you need a pre-made team or get lucky and get a group who actually are veterans and experienced players to defeat it. I used to be able to do it on my KDF main with one other reasonable player and now that's not possible with a team of half reasonable players.
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
  • sethketasethketa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    skollulfr wrote: »
    then the first thing to go would be the crazy turn & speed multipliers.

    All of the ships, as in every single ship in the game, not just the Birds of Prey. That is what I meant, though.
  • trhrangerxmltrhrangerxml Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Anyone that is worried about power in the T'Varo needs to take Subterfuge and Efficiency BOFFs into account. People who have the Borg Engi and the Borg Tac have 2 efficiency BOFFs and the rest (3) can be Subterfuge. Not to mention there is a 3rd Lobi Sci and 4th STF Sci Borg Boffs, but balance between Subterfuge and Efficiency would be better.
    Hi, my name is: Elim Garak, Former Cardassian Oppressor

    LTS, here since...when did this game launch again? :D
  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    These ships would be useless now in PvP at the moment as stealth torpedo ships, as long alot of players in pvp using Emergency Power to Aux in PvP to detect any cloaked ship even if ur stealth is max Stealth Skills/Aux/Boff Subterfuge skill... since it's now bugged.

    I just tested EPtA I on one of my characters which have no sensors skill at all and i set the Aux powers level's on the lowest to test it on some of my Fleet mates which have very good stealth setups just to find out i can detect them every single time i use EPtA I and i can see them as far as 30 to 50 km away depending if they're using a B'rel, T'varo or a D'deridex cloaked.

    all i can say is that Cryptic better fix their bugs.
  • shookyangshookyang Member Posts: 1,122
    edited May 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Granted its been a while since I flew my B'rel and may not be up to date on recent events that may have changed the basics but I was of the belief that an extra Eng slot would help its hull based tanking/ damage mitigation for surviving recloaking after an attack.
    Or you can add more universal consoles!
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited May 2013
    A great buff for the BoPs would be to boost their speed modifier. The Hegh'ta to .21, and the Fleet BoPs to .23 (beyond what the JHAS has). At the same time, give them a special speed tank boost, gaining extra defensive value from their speed than an escort might.

    This alone would help keep BoPs competitive. They're supposed to be fast, nimble, and normally light on heals/tanking. They rely on hitting fast, disabling/destroying the enemy, and getting back into cloak. Having two types of ships capable of outrunning the things, and having the rest of the Federation escort be the same speed. . .is a problem.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • logicalspocklogicalspock Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I do not feel the B'rel is dead. I just started a Romulan tactical character and I intend to eventually make him into a torpedo boat captain for use in PvP. Clearly the Romulans have some advantage over the Klingons in a tactical-oriented enhanced battle cloak torpedo boat.

    However, I really like the way my Klingon B'rel science captain performs in PvP. Loading out nine science powers and still doing respectable damage with torpedoes is something the Romulans cannot do. The science torpedo boat might not generate as much DPS, but if you load the right powers it can be very effective in team PvP.

    The B'rel also has the advantage of being able to swap out bridge officers at will. For instance, if the enemy is keeping a tight formation and extending shields, the aft torpedos can easily be swapped for mines and the commander-level bridge officer can be switched from a science officers to a tactical officer trained in dispersal patterns.

    That is something the Romulans cannot do with their current warbirds.

    So, I disagree that the T'varo makes the B'rel obsolete. It just narrows its niche even further.
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